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File: 89 KB, 333x500, 7cc33f32acb15b3dc62e880c2009a817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14229521 No.14229521 [Reply] [Original]

Books about modern Chinese politics and philosophy? Something like pic related.

>> No.14229532
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In before Chairman Pooh

>> No.14229852

Check out the journal Chuang. Some of their stuff is online but they also have two (more complete) print editions.

>> No.14230013

There is no "modern philosophy" in China, only action.

>> No.14230018
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>> No.14230033

Philosophy is for those who love wisdom, and to love is to pursue. China is no longer pursuing wisdom, it has married it and is currently happily married to it. This has been the case for around 60 years, they have no need for "modern philosophy", they have settled.

>> No.14230039

oh boy

>> No.14230160

Chinks are subtly taking over internetional trade to spread their bugman Borg ideology across the world. The Han need to be wiped from the face of the Earth at all costs.

>> No.14230182

>Chinese are going to remove burgerpunk
You're just butthurt they're going to surpass America.

>> No.14230188

America is doing the same thing except with a handshake and a smile. At least the Chinese are upfront about it.

>> No.14230201

China is actually better than America at this point and it makes burgers seethe. How many countries has China bombed and attempted regime change in? They're trying to achieve global power via trade and diplomacy, not saber rattling like the burgers do. Fuck Americans. It's not a surprise the entire world is turning against you and finding new relationships in China.

>> No.14230207

They'll never surpass America. They're a relic of mankind's early history and their rising power signals an evolutionary regression to an older more impulsive and easily controlled populace, exactly what those who orchestrate the coming age are wanting. Jews and chinks are serendipitous bedfellows and both must be eradicated. America was a nation founded on the ideal that man overcomes his nature by appealing to principles above his own biological imperitive; that there can exist in all of us a way of living which counters the mortal and animalistic nature of the beast man and help propel us into man as a higher form. The birth of America was a turning point in humanities evolution, and that evolution is now threatened those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. To that end all nations and people's who stand in the way of America must be eradicated.

>> No.14230213
File: 99 KB, 539x417, samuel_johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of nonsense.

>> No.14230214

>blah blah blah

>> No.14230225

Lesser beings who can't grasp the truth of my post. This is why mankind cannot suffer your autonomy. This is why only America is fit to rule the world.

>> No.14230230
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>> No.14230239

>This is why only America is fit to rule the world.
>is losing its global power by the day
what did he mean by this?

>> No.14230241
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>> No.14230243

is this gonna increase my leadership skills for my middle management job

>> No.14230272

He meant:
>I'm dying and it hurts, please stop laughing. Please care.

>> No.14230291

Because we allow it, victory defeated us and we grew weak. But that apathy won't last. When the Pax Americana is truly threatened we will commit to total war and no one will defeat us. You know deep down that's the truth. We fight for an ideal worth more than a flag and a name and we fight with the vigor of a thing greater than a man.

Our nation has existed for a faction of the lifetime of yours, and in that time we have introduced more progress and amassed more power and wealth than any empire in human history. Yet you, in your grandiose delusion, imagine it a matter of happenstance; never consider why or how it was that a people dropped off into a continent of continuous forest surrounded by savages managed to build a super power in two short centuries. We carry within us an idea that transforms the very heart of mankind, and no self congratulatory eurocuck, hivemind chink of kniving Jew is going to extinguish that flame. We'll take this whole planet with us before we let that happen.

>> No.14230306


>> No.14230321

>America was a nation founded on the ideal that man overcomes his nature by appealing to principles above his own biological imperitive

That America has been dead for a 100 years. Go eat a burger.

>> No.14230323

Sorry, I forgot niggers like you have a hard time reading.

>> No.14230327

>We fight for an ideal worth more than a flag and a name and we fight with the vigor of a thing greater than a man.

lol masterful bait. Imagine believing America's god today is anything but $$$

>> No.14230333

>Because we allow it
Because your elites are beholden to interests that have nothing to do with America.

>We fight for an ideal worth more than a flag and a name and we fight with the vigor of a thing greater than a man.

Americans glorified kikes. Your founding fathers loved Jews. Didn't the Puritans want to adopt Hebrew as the official language instead of English? WASPs are nothing but diet Jews. Your God is mammon and your history is one big joke. The reason you amassed so much wealth and "progress" is nothing more than a mistake, pure happenstance. Your country will burn and out of the ashes something new and more glorious will rise, something that has fuck all to do with worshiping the constitution.

>> No.14230338

It's not dead, it lives within all of us. It will come back, I swear it.

>> No.14230354

>I swear it.

>> No.14230357

The American experiment failed the instant Jewish interests killed Jefferson's dream of an agrarian republic. Read a history book, burger

>> No.14230419

The next Hitler is going to be an American and unlike WWII you'll have no chance of stopping us.

This is a good thing. Your children will be happy we won and grow to despise you all and what you stood for. The Earth and the stars will belong to the overman and a new age of humanity will commence. Savor your time shotposting on a literature board while you have the chance, niggers.

>> No.14230427

dam this is redpilled... fellas how do i go deeper?

>> No.14230428

>The next Hitler is going to be an American and unlike WWII you'll have no chance of stopping us.
I'd love for Cowboy Hitler to bomb Europe so shitskins would finally stop coming here expecting handouts.

>> No.14230435

nigga drink some wine

>> No.14230444

ha, sure.

>> No.14230447

LOL ! nice post anon
+1 my good man
dude totally not cool

>> No.14230462

in a similar vain ... any1 got reccos for cybernihilist vietnamese or cambodian authors? already read le quang and dao phuong hong

>> No.14230469
File: 1.92 MB, 576x1246, 1561428925735.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liu Xiaofeng and Gan Yang are prominent followers of Strauss’s political thought, and they have succeeded in making him one of the most popular Western political theorists in Chinese academia. Strauss’ idea is that the philosopher, instead of aspiring to enlighten the entire population, should respect existing traditions, religions, social conventions, and political authorities. This inspires Chinese Straussians to argue that intellectuals should stop disseminating liberal and Enlightenment ideals in China and that Confucian ethics as the ultimate “nomos” of the Chinese nation should be upheld by the extant political authority, the CCP, which is itself a reincarnation of Confucian elites.


This is NOT ok.

>> No.14230505

very based

>> No.14230527

A nation lucky enough to have a culture that produced confucianism should do everything it can to ensure that they never stray from it. I'm happy that the intellectuals of China are only interested in keeping their culture's greatest creation alive instead of picking at it constantly until it's very matter is ridiculed with slander and juvenile disbelief. May the Chinese succeed in their just reign.

>> No.14230568

Stop, you're going to make the tranny loving burgers seethe.

>> No.14230570

>At first glance, it’s very easy to interpret this Confucian revival as a hyper-nationalistic project in contemporary China, but there is another side of this ideological movement. Despite their frequent emphasis on “Chinese characteristics,” these Confucians repeatedly argue that Confucianism is a universal value that can provide novel solutions to political and social problems humanity at large is facing. In their view, liberalism, democracy, and even modernity itself, are irredeemable because they generate nihilism, value relativism, hedonism, consumerism, and collective mediocrity.

>> No.14230585

ugh i wish china was the cool kind of fascist with like nice statues and nominal hatred for the jews. such good aesthetics wasted on like harvesting ppls organs and destroying chvrches

>> No.14230613

They're still transitioning. The good aesthetics will come when they go full Confucian.

>> No.14230615

>destroying chvrches
The destruction of non-Chinese religions is a good thing for a fascist China to do, fascism is about keeping one's culture supreme and there is no reason for China to spare any faith that goes against the spirit of China.

>> No.14230670

nigga first of all jesus was chinese, second of all tell chinese christians that their culture isnt chinese

>> No.14230686

>first of all jesus was chinese
>tell chinese christians that their culture isnt chinese

>> No.14230694

>chinese christians

kind of like anglo muslims

>> No.14230733

read submission or gtfo.

written in symbolic logic:

q=read submission
s= get the fuck out

q v s

>> No.14230743

interestingly enough this proposition allows you to read submission and still gtfo, which u should consider doing to

>> No.14230756

>CIA niggers
No thanks

>> No.14230766

This is why everyone else laughs at gay New World delusions

>> No.14230789
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I really hope you China lovers ITT aren't defending their shitty systems.

>> No.14230790

The blood of my people is the only reason your nation isn't laughed out of the room when it calls itself '''white'''

>> No.14230810

Reddit mutt

>> No.14230820

Not modern but My Country and My People by Lin Yutang teach me a lot the chinese

>> No.14230843

China obviously has it's flaws to those of us who aren't Chinese, but it is important to understand that what are flaws to us are necessary parts of Chinese life. Their need for the social credit system to help them satisfy their urge to be morally excellent is something that I am in full support of their pursuit as I agree that moral excellence is something people should aspire for, and any people fortunate enough to live under a government that stresses this virtue should be applauded.

>> No.14230850

>t. Italian

>> No.14230864

freedom > everything
dumb bugman

>> No.14230867
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the worst part of this post is that anon might or might not be serious

>> No.14230873

Contemporary Chinese Philosophy by Chung-Ying Cheng. Also check out the edx course "Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Traits for the New Era", obvious propaganda but it's free and interesting

>> No.14230875

Nice attempt. But not even close.

>> No.14230883

a concussion should do the trick

>> No.14230890
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go to bed Grand Inquisitor you're drunk

>> No.14230898

filthy liberals

>> No.14230900

>China is actually better than America at this point
is that why they're constantly lying about their GDP and being called out by analysts and economists across the globe as secretly bankrupt?

>> No.14230935

>analysts and economists
You mean Atlanticist stooges? Keep on coping burger. China will collapse a-any day now!

>> No.14230952

>China is doing well...
>...They must be manipulating the facts REE!
The Chinese flag will be the flag that your grandchildren either marvel at or pee their pants at the sight of.

>> No.14230988

I am an unapologetic Dengist. But could you please try and write less homosexually?

>> No.14230996


>> No.14231004

USA has the most debt in the world. What's your point?

>> No.14231014

t. Dengist PSL automaton

>> No.14231026

USA doesn't lie about it, and they have the biggest military in the world. USA isn't going anywhere any time soon

>> No.14231033

Cry more, Jew

>> No.14231035


>> No.14231056

USA is going to implode.

>> No.14231070

keep dreaming Ching Chong, 3 points have been added to your credit score. While you're at it leave this site, it was made by an american

>> No.14231102

>it was made by an american
that copied it from a Japanese site and is now in possession of a japanese man...

>> No.14231124

>that copied it from a Japanese site and is now in possession of a japanese man...
that doesn't change a thing. This is still an american website, and you're using a technology made by americans to reply to my posts, very likely on an american computer. Cope

>> No.14231141
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>> No.14231143

Oops you’re Falun Data, my mistake

>> No.14231189

Super amazing responses considering there are, at the time of my post, only 15 IPs in this thread. You can't tell me at least one of these posters is not the same as the other. We really are being shilled by pro-China posters. It's obvious now.

>> No.14231208
File: 9 KB, 1471x142, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried.

>> No.14231224
File: 38 KB, 1494x135, Paranoid Loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint!

>> No.14231281


Implying they won't be Burgerpunk 2.0

>How Israel and its hi-tech industry are winning the US-China trade war

>In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’

>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?

>US warns Israel against Chinese investment, pushes ‘can’t be friends’ with China line

>U.S. Senate Warns Israel Over Deepening Ties With China, Citing 'Serious Security Concerns'

>Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel

>Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties

>Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some

>How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China

>China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology

>China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes

>> No.14231330

I wonder how long it'll take for Shapiro to start waxing poetic about Judeo-Confuciuan values?

>> No.14231331

They're just using the Jews. The Jews can't play the Chinese like they played us.

>> No.14231350
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>The Jews can't play the Chinese like they played us

lel except they already did


>> No.14231362

>an american computer.
Made in China

>> No.14231496


>> No.14231558

false equivalence, you're not arguing that we should improve society, you're just sucking China's dick cause you have an irrational hateboner for USA

>> No.14231569


>> No.14231572

based butterfly?

>> No.14231899

an openly declared and systematized state run social credit system is preferable to the de-facto privatized social credit system developing on the western internet. China's system develops social your social capital by doing clearly stated desirable things, our system incentivizes being a sociopath so long as you don't get caught.

>> No.14231927

She's ugly af now and tattooed, that vid was from long time ago.

>> No.14232714
File: 92 KB, 624x416, jesus was a weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigga first of all jesus was chinese
nigga he was a jap

>> No.14232717

Since its boom in the 70's everyone said China would colapse
Economists only make noise

>> No.14232722
File: 105 KB, 719x1000, sugoi dekai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheating in online games

>> No.14233818

yeah i was dat boi writing in lower case the whole time just trollin thooooo :)

>> No.14233833

thats cool. also lmao these boys are wilding out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Xiuquan

>> No.14233862

fellas wjats tje best translation for the romance of the three kingdoms

>> No.14233873

Everything has been said about this complete garbage post, except this:

Fucking kys you dumb faggot

>> No.14233884


>> No.14233890


>> No.14233896


Everything about your entire existence is one huge cringe fest. You couldn't formulate a sentence without being a gay fucking memelord. Also, you haven't read Nietzsche you nigger pseud.

>> No.14233931

>The Earth and the stars will belong to the overman and a new age of humanity will commence.

lmao americans can't think without pop culture tropes. cringy 40k nigger.

>> No.14234004


>> No.14234220
File: 81 KB, 776x817, EuroPoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeth harder Eurotrash. Nothing I said was even wrong, you just hate to admit it, probably because you're a seething little frail mutt faggot. Meanwhile I could bench press your entire bodyweight as a morning workout and still have time to read philosophy and incorporate it's wisdom into my massive American ego.

By the way, I have read Nietzsche, and I'm confident you haven't. Surefire way to spot a pseud is when they scream about misinterpreting him at the slightest mention of his work.

>> No.14234271

Evola was right about America.

>> No.14234318

Belt and Road by Bruno Macaes

>> No.14234324

>American calling others mutt
nice bait half-caste

>> No.14234327
File: 174 KB, 1000x933, +_625d580e917db279de45078641759d25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"In a superior civilisation, as, for example, that of the Indo-Aryans, the being who is without a characteristic form or caste (in the original meaning of the word), not even that of servant or shudra, would emerge as a pariah. In this respect America is a society of pariahs. There is a role for pariahs. It is to be subjected to beings whose form and internal laws are precisely defined. Instead the modern pariahs seek to become dominant themselves and to exercise their dominion over all the world."

Euros seething is truly a sight to behold.

>> No.14234347

> Internet forum
> people unironically shilling a shit government
Are you retarded or ironically acting incredulous? The people praising China have vested interests.

>> No.14235316

Ok boomer

>> No.14235326

based and redpilled

>> No.14235603


irrational hateboners are what make 90% of any current thought, movement, ideology, discourse. embrace your century.

>> No.14236895

neo brainlet arrives from the future

>> No.14237580

>your century
it has always been this way

>> No.14238692

>116 posts
>34 posters

>> No.14238754


>Tu Weiming (works)
>The Tianxia System by Ziao Tingyang
>A Relational Theory of World Politics by Qin Yaqing

>> No.14238766

High domestic private debt means literally nothing at worst and high investment (good) at best.

>> No.14238866


>> No.14238883
File: 106 KB, 697x867, 1562240794228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are americans really this brainwashed?

>> No.14238888

>homeschooled murrican education everyone

>> No.14238907
File: 286 KB, 855x642, 1520610628_1443818724717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, eurotrash sympathizers will never understand the Anerican spirit, God bless America.