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14223719 No.14223719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Atheism is a cope. What are some books that espouse this view?

>> No.14223955

>Atheism is a cope.
No one who thinks this is smart enough to fill an entire book. Maybe you can find a pamphlet?

>> No.14224001
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The bible

>> No.14224022

my cock is huge

>> No.14224023


Paul Tillich, “The Courage to Be”

>> No.14224029

Cope to what?

>> No.14224032

>everything is a cope except for what I practice

>> No.14224043
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good thing we don't measure intelligence by how long books you've written are

it is a very good indicator of how long you can write books though

>> No.14224053

>everything is a cope except for what I practice
>even though I'm not an atheist
kill yourself

>> No.14224071

>talking to an atheist
>they claim god is evil because he flooded earth and killed everyone
>I ask them how they know god did that
>they said it says he did in the bible
>I thought you didn't believe anything the bible said?

>> No.14224108

The Brothers Karamazov
Fear and Trembling
The Screwtape Letters
The entirety of Nietzsche
>responds to the thread with literal cope

>> No.14224476

you're not allowed to use the word cope if you've fallen for literally the biggest cope mankind has ever created

>> No.14224765

says who

>> No.14224774

says who tho

>> No.14226133

Cope to the idea of consequences, the idea of eternal suffering, the idea of an all powerful all present force monitoring your every action. All of these things are scary, religion is a cope that says “god loves us”, atheism is a cope that says “there is no god”, both are copes to the very uncomfortable possibility that we will suffer eternally.

>> No.14226137

Cope harder

>> No.14226138

All religions are a cope, including atheism.

>> No.14227517

based and redpilled

>> No.14227540

>Atheism is a cope
>But a literal coping mechanism, a.k.a Christianity, isn't.

Kys immediately. Abominate your existence. Vanish.

>> No.14227543
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>nothing matters
>everything fades into blissful oblivion
>all it’s followers smoke, drink, have casual sex, and do drugs
>everything matters
>every decision you make has endless consequences both in your life and after and it is necessary to suffer to attain wisdom
>live a life of forgoing pleasure and being ascetic
Gee I wonder which of these is a bigger cope.

>> No.14227548

>all it’s followers smoke, drink, have casual sex, and do drugs
Cringe as fuck that you think someone's belief, a thing that to most atheists doesn't matter in the slightest, is indicative of a hedonistic world view. To more non-fedora atheists, being an atheist is literally the least important part of their identity... Who cares? Who actually fucking cares? Not all atheists are hedonists and no all religionists are aesthetes...Just fucking grow up lellel.

>> No.14227551

to most*

>> No.14227586

You are either a hedonist or a r*ddit tier crypto-Christian who believes in Human rights or a crypto-Pagan who believes in environmentalism. No rational atheist can possibly give a shit about anything beyond their lifespan. To do so is to be in a state of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.14227595

Atheism is just the temper tantrum of the child who resent his parents so much he pretends his parents don't exist and so can't scold him

>> No.14227599

You have a very strange mind. Step outside for a while. Labelling has poisoned you. Seriously, seek help. The world is more fluid and dynamic than you think. Not everyone is out to get you. Calm down.

>> No.14227600

atheist btfo kek

>> No.14227605

Right... So an atheist can't care about what happens to the planet. Yeah, that makes sense. Tell that to the 99.9% scientists working in environmental science. Fuck me.

>> No.14227614

>literally can't comprehend caring about the well-being of others if there's no God
stay far away from these sorts of people, folks

>> No.14227620


>> No.14227627

Couldn't agree more. It's a mental illness to think that you need the construct of a god to be good. Fucking terrifying that this delusion is considered normal in the world. Also, if you even so much as criticise this idea you're a parent-hating, fedora atheist cringe freak.

>> No.14227636
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Explain, in rational terms, why an atheist could possibly care about anything that will happen after they cease to exist? If things are worse when you leave this earth, you won’t know they are worse. Atheism is an absence of all consequence. An absence is actually a very comforting state of being. To know, to be positively certain, you can get away with anything, is a powerful sensation. The problem is everyone has doubt, they doubt if they will be punished or rewarded for their actions, or if they are a morally good person (atheists can’t be moral and if you think they can you NEED to go back) etc
So any set of ideas that eliminates doubt is a form of cope, since the most painful aspect of existence is having to make decisions. Atheism, is an abdication of the will, as is any religion. However because most religions have gods with personalities, Muslims must still ask themselves “am I interpreting the words of Allah correctly”, however an atheist doesn’t need to ask that question. An atheist is immediately free to become a vegetable and simply respond to his or her environment.

>> No.14227649

>Explain, in rational terms, why an atheist could possibly care about anything that will happen after they cease to exist?
because some atheists or agnostics are not selfish retards waiting their entire lifetime to probably get a sweet "afterlife"

>> No.14227654

Books by presuppositional apologists like Cornelius Van Til and Greg Bahnsen.

>> No.14227655

>Explain, in rational terms, why an atheist could possibly care about anything that will happen after they cease to exist?
Not him, but you might be confusing atheism with solipsism.

But yeah, most atheists are still religious. It's hard to participate in a society without sharing some common unscientific beliefs.

>> No.14227661

Heaven is of happiness. Is it not hedonistic to have the desire to go to heaven?

>> No.14227668

What 649 said... Are you deranged? Just because I think I'll die and go into oblivion doesn't mean that it's stupid to care about what happens to the planet while I'm alive. You think that because I don't believe in an afterlife it means I should literally just lay down in a ditch and cease to exist because nothing matters? That's bleak beyond belief. It's truly saddening that you need a constructed deity to validate your existence on this planet. When I die I won't know or see or hear anything, true, but that doesn't mean in any way that I shouldn't care about life NOW or take an interest in matters of the future... So you basically think every atheist in the world who has a position of power and can influence the world is monumentally stupid and irrational? Christ. Fucking hell. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.14227672

I asked you to explain in rational terms. Instead you just parades out the same tired argument “because we are not selfish” yes but explain WHY you’re not selfish? As in what reason you have? Or are you an animal who acts without reason?

>> No.14227685

> but explain WHY you’re not selfish?
Because...humans can be inherently good? It's literally that simple. We value humanity for its own sake. We don't need a god to be nice to people. Sick fuck. You actually need a father figure in the sky to shake his finger at you to know it's not alright to hurt people? Please seek mental help.

>> No.14227699

Any *rational* atheist cannot be morally motivated beyond the event horizon of their lives. Yes. I have yet to see a rational argument that wasn’t just “I enjoy being a good person” or “I am not a psycho” or “you are a brainwashed etc” not one (1) single explanation for the basis of altruistic or long sighted goals in the case of atheism. Even Dawkins et al with his “evolutionary ethics” the brain is a cognitive tool for biological survival ergo if the brain realises it’s ethics are predicated on arbitrary strings of genetic code it becomes morally justifiable to ignore those arbitrary rules for your own self benefit since the brain is literally evolved to steer the body.
Just accept that atheism and morality are incoherent without an appeal to pseudo sacraments and crypto religious ideas like “Human rights”

>> No.14227705

Ladies and gentleman, this is the “highly esteemed logic” of the materialist.
We are good because...we are good.

>> No.14227715


>> No.14227725

And your logic is... man in sky say bad things bad.

>> No.14227756
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>> No.14227757

Furthermore, which one, I ask, requires more detail and evidence?

>> No.14227789

>I’m not an atheist!
>doesn’t say what he is

>> No.14227895

what is this TOME

>> No.14227919

unironically my diary