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14224541 No.14224541 [Reply] [Original]

What books can help me decide between Christianity and Islam?

>> No.14224554

Any work of discernible talent that will get you to throw both of them in the garbage.

>> No.14224641
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>> No.14224644

Literally just study both the Bible and the Quran for yourself. I can come up with a dozen arguments in favour of Christianity and ones in favour of Islam, but it comes down to what you believe.

Obviously, Sufi Islam is the one true world religion however.

>> No.14224681
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catholicism is the only non-gay choice.

>> No.14224686

In the end you must realize that Christianity is the only religion which requires only faith. Every single other religion on earth is based around rituals or actions, often times both. Islam requires you to pray 5 times a day, go to mecca at least once in your life, donate to the poor, and fast during Ramadan. All you need to be saved by Christ is to have faith in him.

>> No.14224695

>All you need to be saved by Christ is to have faith in him.
[citation needed]

>> No.14224696

Which is why Christianity is the shittest religion

>> No.14224706

Only protestants believe in "Sola Fide".

>> No.14224718
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but the shittest religion is objectively hinduism

>> No.14224727

Brahminism isnt real Hinduism

>> No.14224787

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

>> No.14224802

Amida Buddhism would disagree

>> No.14224812
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yes, the only line in the entire bible...
i've been btfo forever.... now what shall i do....
guess i'll go fuck a bunch of barnyard animals... since i have faith in Christ and can do whatever i want...

>> No.14224819
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Great Heresies by Hilaire Belloc
Not Peace but a Sword by Robert Spencer
Francis of Assisi y Michael De La Bedoyere
Lepanto by G.K. Chesterton
On Islam by James V. Schall
The Global War On Christians By John L. Allen

Other good books
Everyman Today Call Rome by Charles A. Coulombe
The Star-Spangled Heresy: Americanism by Solange Herz
Liberalism Is a Sin by Felix Sarda y Salvany
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within by Taylor Marshall
The Popes Against Modern Errors published by TAN books

>> No.14224837

>Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they Said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved. —Acts 16:30-31

>> No.14224842

>John 6:37: All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

Those who god chooses to save are henceforth free from sin.

>> No.14224864

>this is your brain on heresy
by your theological line of argument the Devil is saved and without punishment because he believes in Jesus for he knows the truth. Ergo by your own argument the Devil and his demons are saved without any act of contrition or recompense for their sins.

>> No.14224876

>implying Satan is a human

>> No.14224895

>this is your brain on """tradition"""
In chapter 6 of the Gospel of John, people literally come to Jesus and ask, "what might we do that we be saved?"
Jesus responds:
>Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” - John 6:29

>> No.14224898

And the muslim who enslaves a Christian woman, rapes and beats her every night is saved solely through belief that Jesus? He does not have to treat that women correctly, nor partake of the sacraments nor the body and blood of Christ?

>> No.14224899

And only protestants go to heaven

>> No.14224904
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you really want to bring up John 6...?

>> No.14224905

see >>14224842
God did not save you if you continue to sin. By belief in Christ all his previous sins are forgiven.

>> No.14224910

so Christ's church wasn't established for 1500 years aft His death? weird.

>> No.14224916

Christ is mighty to save. His sacrifice is sufficient to cover all sins.

There is the condition that you become a "new creature." This is the context of James' famous "faith without works is dead" passage.

Salvation is by and through Jesus and Jesus alone. We didn't climb up on the Calvary's Cross. Christ paid the full penalty for sin. There isn't going to be some cosmic weighing of the scales of "good deeds vs bad deeds" in regards to salvation. If that were the case, the apostle Paul who previously had Christians persecuted and murdered would go to Hell because "b..b..but he wuz murderer!!!"

>> No.14224919

The "Church" is only those on earth who believe in Christ. I'm certain god chose to save most early, and many non idolatrous medieval Christians.

>> No.14224924

Christ didn't come to earth to bring a church of brick and stone, He brought his body and his blood. A church didn't die for you, Jesus did.

>> No.14224926

>Protestants go to heaven
>People who protest against the church of Christ as founded by the apostles and carried forth through time by their successors
>those protestors go to heaven

>Non Idolatrous Medieval Christians
In other words "Catholics" as there were no other medieval Christians.

>> No.14224933

Those who had faith in Christ, and knew that glory went to god alone went to heaven regardless of how they labelled themselves.

>> No.14224934

many have died so that Christ's gospel could spread throughout the world. they didn't just "believe" then go sit on their asses all day drinking beer and shopping at walmart. fuck yourself blasphemer

>> No.14224941

Absolutely, many servants of the King have done far more than I. But what does that have to do with the false teaching of "one true church?"

>> No.14224944

If they spent their lives worshiping Mary and the Saints, regardless of what works they did in life, they burn in hell as we speak.

>> No.14224945

les amis

>> No.14224947

you spit on the graves of those who died so that you could know the Truth 2000 years later because "muh church be oprresive n sheeiiit." you make me sick.

>> No.14224949

You simply don't believe in the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Christ then. What "works" did the pentinent thief on the cross next to Jesus have to show for?

Yet, through his expressed faith, in one of the most tender moments in all of scripture, Jesus tells that thief "I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

>> No.14224951

>If they spent their lives worshiping Mary and the Saints,
except no one fucking does that, retard. you just got tricked by devils into thinking they do

>> No.14224955

Once again, you reveal your true heart and show you don't believe in the sufficiency of Christ.

You trust in your church, your traditions of man, fancy cathedrals, and Pope. As for me, I'll place all my trust in Jesus and Jesus alone.

>> No.14224957

>What "works" did the pentinent thief on the cross next to Jesus have to show for?

>> No.14224960

Of course, you venerate Mary and the Saints, like how the Israelites venerated the Golden Calf.

>> No.14224966

>I'll place all my trust in Jesus and Jesus alone.
you clearly won't though when Jesus Himself said:
>He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.

>> No.14224970

>comparing Mary to the golden calf

>> No.14224974

Penitence is not a "work," but grace from God.

>in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, (2 Timothy 2:25)
You give too much credit to man, and too little to God.

>> No.14224975

If you worship and pray to her knowing that she is not god, then you treat her like the Golden Calf.

>> No.14224983

still a work
again, no one worships her.

>> No.14224986

>He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.
And that has exactly what to do with the Catholic church? Silly Catholics and their poor exegesis of the Bible. Too much time praying with beads and not enough time spent in the word of God.

>> No.14224990

He was talking to the apostles.
also, its worth noting that penitence is an action which protestants don't even do.

>> No.14224998

You pray to her and ask her to curry favor for you with god, and ask her to act upon the physical world. The only difference between how you worship Christ and Mary is which word you use to describe it.

>> No.14225000

>Quran (2:62)
Christians and Jews are in heaven according to Islam. The choice is obvious.

>> No.14225012

>Don't Pray
>Read Book

>Comparing the holiest woman in existence to a pagan idol
You heretics deserve death.

>> No.14225016

>He was talking to the apostles
Yes...and? Protestants believe that the apostles were the original missionaries of the faith, if you will, but reject this notion of the papacy and misinterpretation behind "Peter is the rock of the church." (To which Peter responds that Jesus is the rock of the church btw).

The foundation of Christianity always has been and always will be Christ and Christ alone.
>"For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ," (1 Cor. 3:11).

>> No.14225018

>You pray to her and ask her to curry favor for you with god,
>and ask her to act upon the physical world.

>> No.14225026

>he who lays the foundation is the foundation
sound logic there

>> No.14225029

>Comparing the holiest woman in existence
Where does the Bible say that?

>> No.14225037

She IS a pagan idol. In ancient Judea female virginity held little spiritual value. But do you know where it did? Rome. The vestal virgins, and similar cults were fixtures of the Roman religion for centuries. As "Christians" tried to make Christianity more appealing to the pagan Romans they imbued the religion with pagan elements, like the worship of the Virgin Mary.

>> No.14225038

Not what that means.

>> No.14225041

>God Choses Mary to behold the incarnate of God
>Child begets truth and knowledge to the world and was always supported by his mother
>2019 years later some retard says "mother of Jesus not holy because book not say so"

>> No.14225049

She doesn’t have to be holy though. How was she holy? Was her mother also holy, to give birth to her? Ad infinitum

>> No.14225055

It clearly says Jesus IS the foundation bruh.

>> No.14225057

That doesn't prove that Mary is any holier and worthy of worship than any other human. God talked to plenty of people yet you don't "venerate" them.

>> No.14225064
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>Mary is not special despite being the only woman chosen by God to bear his mortal flesh.
Hmm gonna need to think some deep thoughts about this one.

>> No.14225066

I think it’s riskier to accept Catholic dogma than to accept Christ and simply follow Biblical teachings. I mean come on, Jesus said to call no man father, and to watch out for those who make their clothes fancy. The “pope” literally means father. You don’t need to be Catholic to go to Heaven, period

>> No.14225070

Jesus was tempted with sin. He bore that because of his human side. Mary wasn’t perfect, or else this would need an explanation, and her mother would also need to be perfect, etc.

>> No.14225075
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>Pontifex Maximus
>means father
not sure if you're serious here matey

>> No.14225078
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alright, this is the point where i disengage. we can argue about scripture all day, but if you're gonna talk shit about Christ's mom, i'm not going to justify that with my time or engagement, its too disgusting. you might as well just go full talmud and claim Jesus and Mary are both in hell.

>> No.14225081

>Pontifex Maximus
>Leader of a pagan religion
You're proving my point here.

>> No.14225082

>How was she holy?
She was born without original sin:
We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.

>> No.14225089

Literally find me a verse telling saying to venerate Mary.

>> No.14225098

Why does God need to make her free from sin? If he can make her without sin after she is born without making her mother free from sin, then God could do the same to Jesus. There is no worship of Mary in the Bible. Jesus himself did not worship her:

>46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”

>48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Mary had the Lord’s favor, but that does not mean she was perfect.

>> No.14225101

We're not bashing Mary. Most Protestants are certain she was a great woman, but just exactly that...another human being. I mean, why not venerate John the Baptist...he ushered in Christ and baptized Him?

Jesus literally says:
>“Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! - Matthew 11:11
Sounds like John the Baptist is therefore in higher esteem than Mary in Jesus' eyes

>> No.14225127


Luke 1:41-45

41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, 42 cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43 And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord 14 should come to me? 44 For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

>Most blessed are you among women
Most holy woman

>> No.14225257

I'm not arguing that she was perfect in life; only stating that she was born without original sin (immaculate conception).

>> No.14225318

True followers of christ are moved to do good works because that's what they were meant to do. They don't tally up charity for some implied reward.

>> No.14226067

Choose wisely, the wrong decision will result in an eternity spent in infernal damnation.

>> No.14226220

Simple, this is /lit/. Either read each faith's book, and/or read the great literary works by Christians i.e 'LotR', 'Narnia', 'Pilgrim's Progress' then read the great works by Muslims (i can't think any off the top of my head but sure you can find some.)

>> No.14226235


Learn about the development and origins of both and realize they are completely distorted, corrupted etc.

>> No.14226247

What does it mean?

>> No.14226260

fpbp. all Abrahamic religions are garbage.

>> No.14226403 [DELETED] 

>Jesus is part human
>God is part Jesus
>Therefore God is part human
Christian logic everyone

>> No.14226471


>> No.14226480

Everlasting Man

>> No.14226499

>faith without works
James 2:14-26

>> No.14226511
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In the end you must realize that Christianity is the only religion which requires no faith - only absolute friendship with all beings, expressed through acts.

>> No.14226565

>Decide between Christianity and Islam.
You are supposed to follow the cultural traditions of your forefathers. Religion is not supposed to be a salad bar where you pick and choose what you believe in. Anything else is extremely atomized and unnatural.

>> No.14226590

And why exactly should someone follow nature ?

>> No.14226649

>chooses the religion that touches little boys
>non gay

>> No.14226818

Christianism is older, why would you choose a later spin-off unless you're after some particular school like Sufism or don't really believe in it and just admire it for its societal benefits?

>> No.14226848

bruh. Because was is natural is beautiful, and was is beautiful is the mark of good, set upon it by God, or as the original thinker of this sentiment would have supposed, gods, or god, as in solely zeus.

>> No.14226880

>implying that's what the first Christians and Muslims did
>implying animists didn't switch their devotion to some other entity when the one they were worshipping appeared fickle

>> No.14227321
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>if you're gonna talk shit about Christ's mom, i'm not going to justify that with my time or engagement, its too disgusting.

>> No.14227399

The god delusion by Richard Dawkins

>> No.14227403

But that's not the first post.

>> No.14227453

Lmao wut? Adam and Eve were also tempted despite being in a glorified state, brainlet.

>> No.14227462


>> No.14227465

>great woman... just another human being
LMAO at this logic. Mary is far more human than you or I.

>> No.14227504

It is in my fanfiction version of this thread.

>> No.14227525

What about people who have both Christian and Muslim forefathers?

>> No.14228045

Most of them don't care about the respective boomer religion of their parents.