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/lit/ - Literature

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14223922 No.14223922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any book to permanently drive away incellic thoughts about how women are inherently inferior than men, which are crippling my interactions with them? Help me anons. I'm desperate. I don't want to be that guy.

>> No.14223938

Hit So Hard by the drummer from Hole

>> No.14223942

Anon, women are mostly awful. Especially western women. If it makes you feel better about it, they've been programmed so much it's barely their fault anymore. The culture surrounding women and presented to women is so jarringly different than that of men's that its borderline impossible to wrap your head around.
Find a girl you like to talk to and joke with. Someone who's company you enjoy. And just take care of her, because whether you want to or not, you'll have to.
Grow up. Men are the protectors. Accept it and move on

>> No.14223952

It's simple, just don't be an asshole.

>> No.14223967

epic self-cuck. kys.

>> No.14223977

Just accept we're based and they smell like caca

>> No.14223991

No we're not. If we were there wouldn't have been no patriarchy

>> No.14224014
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Hemingway, “The Sun Also Rises”
Brontë, “Wuthering Heights”

>> No.14224025

Read some Jane Austin. You can peer into the mind of a woman, and it's actually funny

>> No.14224093

OK. Any other suggestions that'll make me increase my appreciate for women in general

>> No.14224126

What do you value in people or what do you believe women lack? I'm not super literate but maybe someone can help.
Pride and prejudice is really funny though, imho. I felt like I understood women better once I read it as a young man

>> No.14224190

Women do not lack anything, I just have involuntary thoughts popping up in my mind randomly. For example, I was learning about the career of Elon Musk today, the important things he have founded, and at one point I involuntarily started to think 'imagine a woman having this sort of vision.'

I was also reading an article about women CEOs of important companies that day, and I started to think 'none of these were founded by them. A man built them, and now they're hoarding on them.'
This happens with everything. A good book that I'm reading, a good film I'm watching.

I just need something, a cleansing of mentality, that would make me appreciate women for the way they are. So I was hoping if a book could do that.

>> No.14224207

i don't know whether you're shitposting or being genuine, either way, you sound like you're beyond help. stick your head in a blender and turn it on.

>> No.14224314

I think the problem in your thinking is actually a sort of feminism... You are holding women to male standards. Women have a different biological role, different brains, different evolutionary behaviors. Expecting there to be an equal number of impressive female CEOs is missing the point. Also, men and women need eachother, and function better as a pair in most normal situations

>> No.14224351

name ONE blender that a head could fit inside of

>> No.14224487

>Anon, women are mostly awful. Especially western women.
I think you're specifically the type of person the OP wants to avoid. Also this thread is off-topic horseshit and belongs in /r9k/

>> No.14224500

Not easy but get off the internet and live in the real world, talk to more women

>> No.14224501

thanks. I really don't want to be bitter.

>> No.14224523

Semi-related, how do I stop having intrusive thoughts about my female friend doing horrible things and being mean to me? It's gotten a little obsessive and I am really bothered by the thoughts, especially the idea that she like secretly hates me and only pretends to enjoy hanging out.

>> No.14224524

You're not wrong, but if the thought is depressing you try watching an actual good romance movie. A classic one.

>> No.14224614

This post is GREAT -- textbook example of how /pol/ rots somebody's mind beyond repair

>> No.14224631

This, if you stick with that kind of mindset you're destined to become a homo.

>> No.14224636

>women inferior to men
>lives in a matriarchy
Shoo shoo delusional incel

>> No.14224645

Hemingway "Snows of Kirimanjaro"

>> No.14224648

>beyond repair
is it?

>> No.14224862

You won't be forever especially if you're currently worried about the way you see things and how you talk to people. But being on a site like this, or just being on the internet as a whole, will make things worse

>> No.14224872

1. Seek out a novel or story collection by a female writer that sounds appealing to you.
2. Go to a cafe or library and spend some time reading it. Preferably, bring a notebook and write about parts that strike you. If nothing strikes you, either finish the book or find something else.
3. Have more honest conversations with your male friends about relationships. If you don't have any male friends, then you need to look up shit that's happening in your city and make it a point to talk to people male or female.

I have no idea what you mean by "none of these things were founded by them...now they're hoarding them" when it comes to literature considering there have been so many excellent novels by women in the past one hundred years alone. Who is hoarding what? What are you even talking about? Get off the internet for a week and try to talk to at least one new person a day, not a real conversation even, just make small talk or a stupid joke.

>> No.14225045

I went back to that post and saw some misuse of words. I meant 'riding' not hoarding. Like men built each of those companies which they're riding on.

>> No.14225067

Not OP, but this is a good post. Thanks anon.

>> No.14225068
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the truth is women are, generally speaking, less than men. not to say they aren't important but they make up for what men lack and vice versa. on average if you were to take 100 men and 100 women and pit them in contest in a multitude of challenges, men would come out on top almost every time. there are always exceptions but in this case we must generalize. it's the truth; don't get butthurt about it /leftylit/

>> No.14225131

There are female CEOs, bosses, whatever. American women couldn’t even vote until one hundred years ago. But really, who cares about the career of a CEO, especially on a lit board? Women have been writing for centuries, not as prolifically as men, but with equal vision. Again, go find a book that sounds interesting by a woman. Ask a bookseller or librarian if you can’t think of anything. Doesn’t have to be fiction. But seeing the figure of the CEO as some kind of gatekeeper is silly.

>> No.14225134
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There isn't a SINGLE book rec yet on this thread. Has /lit/ stopped reading or what

>> No.14225153

The best cure is to just meet a great woman. But they’re rare and it might never happen for you. Until then you can think your incel thoughts, who cares

>> No.14225178

I understand that my thinking is completely ridiculous. That's why I want to change it, and the best way, I think, will be, as I said earlier, is reading a woman appreciation type book that'll work as a leverage to get out of the state.

>> No.14225182

>Has /lit/ stopped reading or what
/lit/ ever started?

>> No.14225238

Literally just go talk to women. Not for sex, just talk to them. Be frank and honest and tell them you're trying to improve this, people in general like to help each other and women more than men. Don't be pushy and come on too strong, don't tell them you need them to help, the ones that will will do it without telling you. Listen to them and try to learn. Eventually you'll find a woman that you like and that will like you back. Stop posting on 4chan unless you want a book recommended and be careful because incels will try to shove their awful shit down your throat. Don't be gullible, but don't be paranoid either.

As far as books, Woolf, Bronte, Ahmatova, Yourcenar and Le Guin are all exceptional.

>> No.14225263

Also, don't refer to women as females. They're not a different species and you're automatically creating a barrier between you and them. Words have power, force yourself to be a better man.

>> No.14225294

Give yourself permission to temporarily think of the occasional chick as your equal. Give one the benefit of the doubt and if you were mistaken, just drop her and keep trying.

>> No.14225295
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It’s because you are holding women to the standard of men.
Women can be extremely cunning and intelligent, just not always in the same manner as men.
The greatest philosophers, mathematicians, astronomers, are all men. But they were all birthed by women. Women who were unforgivably eugenic in nature.
Femininity is respectable. Think about the dualism in life. Black is not the same as white, white is not the same as black, but both play a role.

>> No.14225296

Do you mean how /pol/ makes one see reality and there is no turning back afterwards?

>> No.14225299

Take your mental ilness back there schizoid twat

>> No.14225319


>> No.14225326

You're not very convincing

>> No.14225334



Sounds like you don't go outside much

>> No.14225338


but they are.

>> No.14225339
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I'm a straight up /pol/ style misogynist asshole with a pos radical feminist terf girlfriend who I'm about to kick to the curb, but I'll give you best recommendation here that even the most hateful roasties will appreciate.
Go read The Clan of the Cave Bear and other books in the series. Ayla is fucking based.

>> No.14225359

Why not stay with your gf for the sex while you can monkey branch to a better girl? That's been my strategy. You're probably with her exclusively for the sex anyways since you must disagree with all her feminist trash views.

>> No.14225362

Why do you feel the need to larp on an Albanian Shoe Throwing Forum?

>> No.14225366

Mostly yes, after a certain point it's too late to see anything without the lens of /pol/ clouding your brain at least to some extent

>> No.14225383


the quran

>> No.14225392

>/pol/ style misogynist asshole with a pos radical feminist terf girlfriend
How do you work out?

>> No.14225397

She's smart, creative, funny, but a massive control freak with a huge chip on her shoulder. She's robbed me of a good deal of agency in my life and alienated me from friends and family. She's also rude and condescending to everyone, burned all the bridges at her old job at an art center and tells me I'm not allowed to go there anymore despite having scheduled studio time already set up. It's all absurd and it kills me because she can be sweet, but the sour side has gotten over the top.

>> No.14225398


>> No.14225416

OP, you can see from opinions like >>14225359 that men are infected with the same garbage programming that women in the west have been. If at all possible, spend some time living in a third-world or non-westernized country. You'll meet a girl that will restore your faith in the female sex. Then try not to break her heart because you probably arent much better than the women around you. But you can become better

>> No.14225427

Read through the thread muh man and see what needs filtering. Once you have that down you're set and ready to go. You'll see /pol/tards telling you it's fine, just be a cringey bigotted miserable fuck for the rest of your life. If you can't tell they don't want you to leave the herd and don't give a flying fuck about your well being, I'm sorry, you're beyond help

>> No.14225436
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Because luckily I'm only a borderline autist and can check my political beliefs and philosophies at the door and appreciate people more for their character than whatever ideology they ascribe too. From a libertarian point of view the basic tenants of feminism isn't repulsive to me and seems ethical, but all man hating stuff is absurd and the more I've learned from her the more I realized that there is difficulty reconciling her inability to comprehend the male condition, or wrap her mind around it.

>> No.14225463

This. I actually have the same problem, i've been raised to expect maleness from women and they just don't stack up.

>> No.14225476

I mean you do have discussion about these stuff with her right?

>> No.14225494

Well yeah, of course, even though sometimes I have to reign in my inner poltard a bit. She dragged me to this Midwestern Women Artists and the Environment Symposium thing at this private university near me, and we were both expecting there to be more artists building things from natural materials but we ended up laughing about how many of the women on the panel just took pictures of themselves naked in the woods and talked about their personal journeys. We kind of came to the same joking conclusion that it was ironic that they can't help but insert their own bodies into their art in a narcissistic fashion and it was kind of shallow that they'd still resort to using their bodies and claim it was liberating. We ended up both being unsure if they just ended up exploiting themselves.

>> No.14225513

>>14223922 (OP)
>inherently inferior
shut the fuck up /pol/tard, read feminist lit

>> No.14225527

>just read this inferior lit it will convince you

>> No.14225540

ok retard read cixous

>> No.14225554


It's exactly the other way around. You have arrived at the basic, requisite contempt/disregard for women. You can use this to fuck them.

>> No.14225562

>Jewish penis envy
Every time

>> No.14225574

Do you think Elon Musk works alone? That all the tech in his company is made by him? Look up Tesla's employee numbers, the company employs thousands and thousands of employees.

While Elon shitposts on Twitter and has the time to fly in a private jet around the world, smokes weed in public (his employees have regular drug tests, so he's a hypocrite), his employees are the ones who actually do all the hard work.

You must be supremely stupid if you think innovation at such a huge scale is a one man thing, it takes the efforts of thousands of men and women.

Also, if you don't start cleaning up your act and start looking at women like any other human being on this planet, you'll die alone and miserable and a virgin with no progeny of your own and you'll regret it. You'll regret your inceldom and your narrow mindedness when you have rectal cancer and have no woman to hold your hand through it, no children to call your own.

Stop falling for medias bullshit. Stop falling for generalizations about 3.5 billion of the world's population.

>> No.14225583
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I've traveled around the world and dated women of almost all types, with a specific preference for intelligent and creative kinds. In my experience, now pushing 40, I have less respect for women then ever. The more I learn about them and the way they think, the more I give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to them, the more I grow to hate them. I beginning to believe that whatever benefits we gain from harnessing the intelligence of women in the form of doctors and engineers and tradespeople is far outweighed by the damage they are inflicting on many facets of society.

>> No.14225593

Do you feel the same way about men? Or has every man you've ever met gone beyond your expectations? I'm sure you've met countless of shitty men in your life. But still you don't generalize and hate on them as a group. If we accept the fact that humans in general are shitty, it'll save us from a lot of heartache.

Men and women are both human. And humans have more flaws than good. But there's no way that men are better than women, just like women aren't better than men.

>> No.14225613
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No, I don't feel the same way about men, because men don't give birth to children.

>> No.14225636
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men are not better than women because men have no standards for women: men keep competing for awful women and women know that no matter how awful they are, there will be some men eager to provide for them

>> No.14225639

>humans in general are shitty
>don't generalise
Choose one retard

>> No.14225650

Faggot this generalization is the one that's actually true. Wars, rapes, genocide throughout history, if u like humans so much why don't you sleep at night with your doors unlocked, you'll get robbed raped and skinned in a day gay slut

>> No.14225657

>robbed rapped and skinned by men driven to provide for and impress their fickle girlfriends/babymommas

>> No.14225659

Agreed. I hate the pussy is pussy thing. Used up pussy is gross as fuck. You gonna put your dick and mouth on a pussy that has the sperm of 20 guys. Yuck. Get some standards and hold women accountable.

>> No.14225670

Still raped n killed by a man who was dumb enough to put pussy on a pedestal. Men make the majority of murder victims. But we're all killed by other men??? It's male on male violence. Why u bringing pussy here

>> No.14225686
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Women find it much easier to derive comfort from beta providers or the state and less apt to be driven to desperation to survive. They can also sate their blood lust with an unlimited number of abortions and receive validation, praise, and even gifts after the fact.

>> No.14225687

The fact that I like eating pussy has paradoxically saved me from some undignified cucklike decisions regarding women throughout my life, because I probably would have fucked them, if all I cared about was sex itself. Somehow I had to turn them down, simply because the idea of putting my mouth on their used-up hole was just embarrassing and disgusting. So it's not that I had intrinsic dignity or standards, it's just that eating a girl out is a sine qua non for me, and if that wasn't an option, hooking up with them and hanging out with them wasn't either.

Men really do picture a loose woman as something disgusting, like a mixture of disease and worn-outness. It's gross. The idea that a girl has been with many men is something like imagining that an apple has been passed around a huge group of men, and now you have to take a bite out of it. A few guys already have, there are clear bruises where people manhandled it or dropped it, there are a few things you can't even identify and that scares you even more than the bruises, it's vaguely warm from all the touching and prodding, and you can't help but imagine all the germs and hand-musk from all the unwashed retards who were just picking their noses or scratching their balls before touching the apple. And now you have to eat it. Great.

With a woman it's even worse because you have to LOVE her. As a man when I really love a woman, I practically want to worship her, I want to let out all that natural desire I always have to keep pent up. I want her to be the mother of my children, I want her to be the most important thing in my life, something I'm willing to die for. And I'm somehow supposed to do that when she "let" me settle down with her, after fucking any guy she wanted so long as it got her a free meal, for years. No thanks.

>> No.14225690

I don't live in a shithole so I could. I literally do not see what your point is.

>> No.14225701
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A key that opens many doors VS a door that opens for any key.

>> No.14225709

What's the threshold for generalising a population of a certain trait/characteristic?
50%? We don't have 3 billion criminals walking the streets.
40%? We don't have that many.
10%? Not that many either.
5%? If you live in a shithole.
1%? If 1% of a population needs to share a trait in order to be able to say that the population "has this trait in general", then I guess all women must be virgins.

>> No.14225714

I love eating pussy bro. I've never ever ever hooked up with a slut, even if they wanted to. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't want a girl who has been passed around and used up by men.

There's something inherently wrong with sluts. They're not right in the head. They seek validation through sex. The current girl I'm with was a virgin before me and I want her pussy in my face 24 7. Virgin pussy is everything.

>> No.14225720

It's called the book of life, go out, meet women, be a good person, have sex and your mind will change

>> No.14225730

There are more criminals than u think. You think all criminals have been caught?? There are criminals roaming around the streets who haven't been caught. There are also people who would do something criminal if the chance presents itself and the opportunity exists.

If you're given a bowl of M&Ms but 3 M&Ms are poisoned, would you eat one? Same goes for people.. a few bad apples can ruin everything

>> No.14225746

If you loathe women, why bother?
Just don't be a turbosperg when you have to deal with them, avoid them otherwise, then fuck dudes instead.

>> No.14225751

So then a couple of whores can ruin the entire female population for OP?

>> No.14225752

Actually interacting with women is only going to exacerbate those feelings. Have girlfriend, had many girlfriends, had plenty of sex, hate women more than ever.

>> No.14225756

You're literally not making any sound logical argument which fit with both your defence of women and your hatred for mankind. You're contradicting yourself with every post. Just stop.

>> No.14225827

The M&Ms argument is exactly the same one used by feminists to justify their paranoia.
Nice bait.

>> No.14226216

I cringed so hard at this post. Concerntranny, leave.

>> No.14226230

I want r*ddit to leave.

>> No.14226236

When I was a virgin I had an idealized image of women and would scoff at muhsoggykneests. It was after I got /fit/ and started to actually have sex when I grew to hate them and see them for what they really are. OP is either a troll or a massive faggot that's going to get divorce-raped by an Asian chick. Either way, he can't be helped.

>> No.14226494

Let those men fail. Society is going though a phase in which a lot of people will be tested for their beliefs, specifically who will believe in the most lies. The lie that women are just like men and aren't inherently different from men, the lie that it's a coincidence that a certain kind of people originating from the Levant region control mass media and many other societal institutions, the lie that sodomy isn't wrong and sinful, the lie that God isn't real.
The people who don't see these issues for what they are, means to control masses of people, are doomed to a truly cringe and bluepilled existence anyways and deserve nothing. Receive no counsel or guidance from them. They're dead inside, if not in the flesh then certainly in the spirit.

>> No.14226709

Go back to /pol/ you retard

>> No.14226737

This is fucking retarded

>> No.14226772
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Here's the thing, not all women are like that. Most are, especially in Western countries. I emigrated from my Western home to a new country with a non Western mentality, and let me tell you many women here are the same. Modern culture has warped their minds, women are natural herd beings, they follow trends and are intimately in tune with social perception, even if society pushes actively harmful trends they will usually follow.

That being said, I don't get why you are so worried. Just relax, women can be fun to be around/talk to. No need to color every interaction as something with potential. Now to sound super incely, women are a bad time investment. When you are young you should be focusing on hustling as much as you can and acquiring capital as quickly as possible to put into various investments that will appreciate as you grow older.

Stop stressing so much, treat them like people, where most people are vapid retards, men and women. Focusing on yourself, your physical and most importantly financial health, go fuck whores if you're horny once in a while AND CRITICALLY do not let yourself fall for the first cutie to give you attention when you are nearing 30. Don't build yourself up only to give yourself away.

>> No.14226781

sensible reply
its difficult to compare values and roles. something something apples and oranges.
the two sexes have different roles, and bring with them different values.

this is pretty true. standards for me are negatives:
>as long as she's not fat (note, its not hot/skinny)
>as long as she's not a cunt (note, its not 'fun to be with')
>as long as she's not retarded (note, its not smart)

>> No.14226791

*standards for men

>> No.14226810

Just busted a nut to this then lost all interest in this thread.

>> No.14226819

Try assessing people as individual entities rather than broad conspiratorial hivemind groups for a fraction of a second and maybe you won't even need a book.

>> No.14226829

My twisted world by eliot rodger

>> No.14226834

>Try assessing people as individual entities

This is retarded, individuals entities in a society are influenced by the same factors on a macro scale. You gain more from analyzing people as groups, individualism is a self defeating way of looking at the world. An intentional obfuscation pushed in order to disguise the influences that poison us.

>> No.14226838
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this but dont lose your virginity before marriage

>> No.14226842

Modern feminist criticism of men has been even less substantiable than the old 19th century anthropological studies on women which would find them nearly akin to apes. Food for thought.

>> No.14226847

>If you're given a bowl of M&Ms but 3 M&Ms are poisoned, would you eat one? Same goes for people.. a few bad apples can ruin everything
A dumb but brave person will eat from the bowl. A dumb but anxious person will reject the bowl. A smart person will pick up the M&Ms piece by piece and finds out which ones are poisoned, and eats the rest. A smart asshole will eat half of the unpoisoned ones and passes the bowl to you.

>> No.14226866

You know what's the biggest self defeatism of all? Not even trying. You spout all of your crap and not for a second stop to think that maybe, perhaps, the world might not work the way you think it works. Your worldview is inherited from 4chan, a long lineage of social rejects, losers, sociopaths, delusional psychos, racial supremacists, literal schizos and trannies - do you really think their view is the most likely to objectively reflect reality?

>> No.14226873

Honestly the best thing i can think of would be to spend time with women. Allow yourself to be understood by them. Find someone interesting. This can also happen in literature, which is why i suggest picking up one of the many canonical novels / non-fiction books (perhaps philosophy if you're into that) written by women. There are quite a bit of them after all.

Good luck my man. Some holes are difficult to climb out of.

>> No.14226892

Never female authors. Not even once.

>> No.14226896

>Grow up. Men are the protectors
Men protect what they have built or conquered, their property. If a man does not own a woman, he naturally has no desire to protect her. He who protects someone else's property either receives a salary for the nuissance or is a slave.
Novadays you can't even own your own daughter, that basically belongs 100% to the state, just lent to your wife for care. And so do you and your wife - all are enslaved by a small hereditary class, or better yet - herded. Men in the Third World are openly enslaved, men here are covertly herded like cattle, the slaughterhouse end is the same anyway.

Women understand that very well, if instinctively. They know they are property of a collective of men called The State, so long as they get all the bennies of mooching off alimony slaves they have no desire nor incentive to rebel. Eh, women@rebel. Yeah, right.

>> No.14226912

>Also, if you don't start cleaning up your act and start looking at women like any other human being on this planet, you'll die alone and miserable and a virgin with no progeny of your own and you'll regret it. You'll regret your inceldom and your narrow mindedness when you have rectal cancer and have no woman to hold your hand through it, no children to call your own.Stop falling for medias bullshit. Stop falling for generalizations about 3.5 billion of the world's population.

Ad hominem, not an argument little buddy

>> No.14226919

Though I agree with the first half about Elon. One caveat, yes you need the minions to do the work but without the visionary on top, it wouldn't amount to a lot.

>> No.14226925

>that would make me appreciate women for the way they are.
Then do. Respect feminine women. DO NOT hold them to male standards. They are inherently different from you and excel in things feminine. That's it. There is no more to it than that.

>> No.14226941

You need to learn non-posession.

>> No.14226981

This is what liberalism and the modern society does to your brain. You stop caring about communal life and you start thinking of people as isolated individuals (because the alternative is "identity politics" and reddit says that's bad).
Of course then you start to see women as inferior, because they didn't invent some stupid electric car.

>> No.14226997

>and start looking at women like any other human being on this planet,
Treat them like moveable property and stone them to death for adultery? Or treat them like moveable property and burn them on their husband's funeral pyre? Or marry them off at the prime age of 14 to a shoemaker or coppersmith so she could give birth to 5 of your grandkids by age 25?

>> No.14227009
File: 106 KB, 634x922, 049d59dbb2b31685c452270265b511f38e1128f7_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does any of it matter?

>> No.14227021

>You need to learn slave labour
No. Me and my property, my family and our property. Women are always property. If the fathers and husbands don't own their daughters and wives, SOMEONE does, and you can learn immediately who exactly does bretty soon as far as I know. Just punish "your" property once, lol.

I'm happily married for many years, and so are my brothers. Third worlds like us might be ass poor compared to Westerners, but at least we are not property of our women. The Westerners though, ugh. Most pathetic creatures that growl before their inferiours, hence your women treat you like dirt before drinking themselves to premature aging and infertility out of spite.
The West has a great many marvels to learn and imitate. Family dynamics were never among them, ever since the Old French deviancy of a "lady" was born into this world.

>> No.14227029


>> No.14227036

trying to frighten somebody into following some prescribed morality by pointing out their own mortality is cowardly bullshit, no reason to be afraid of death, no reason to be afraid of no children, unless you're some 19th century aristocrat with a dynastic lineage to carry on. Bourgeois douchebag.

>> No.14227038

Ah yes, books. Arthur Schopenhauer, essays and aphorisms, on women, should be the closest thing you Westerners can have for a wake up call.

>> No.14227041

As opposed to /lgbt/, which is more your speed

>> No.14227044
File: 844 KB, 498x291, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boring and materialistic. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life with property in order to spread my line so I may please the selfish gene within me?

>> No.14227048

>no reason to be afraid of no children
Because some Ahmed will take can of you in old age better than your own beloved son, eh? Or because you have nothing to pass on but debts and regrets? In case you are wondering about the first option - no, you will not be taken care of by strangers.

t. Ahmed

>> No.14227056

Lol cope, your wife would probably leave you in a heartbeat if a western chad approached her and offered to take her to western Europe. Third worlders can't compete

>> No.14227074

>boring and materialistic
Is this opinion coming from the world citadel of atheistic hedonism that is the West?
>Why would I want to spend the rest of my life with property
If you don't want to, then do not. Your loss, who cares.
>so I may please the selfish gene within me
Did some old fart from an island of inbreds tell you so? And you just believed him? Because SCIENCE, amirite? The old fart is blessed with SCIENCE god, so his words are true, right?
You have nobody to please but yourself.

>> No.14227084

So are all the men that didn’t found the company?
You hold women as a group to extreme standards of the most accomplished men. Of course you’re going to look down on them. Men and women are different and fulfill different roles, that does not mean one is inferior, it simply means that there is difference.
You are also placing standards of men’s success onto women. I don’t want a woman who is strong in the same way a man is strong. Successful femininity is vastly different than successful masculinity.
Traditionally, a man’s measure of success is his capacity to be a provider while a woman’s measure of success is her capacity to be a wife and mother.
Being a good wife and mother is a vastly different skill set than running a business.

As far as lit goes? I really enjoy Anne of Green Gables. It’s a kids novel, but it’s solid. In the end of the book she has to make a decision, one would lead to a successful career while the other leads to fulfilling her role as a caretaker

>> No.14227085

> if a western chad approached her
He would be chopped to death on the spot. They know it, so our country isn't quite tourist-friendly and they dare not visit us. A local Natasha, though, that's another thing entirely.
>"Third worlders can't compete"
>Dies out and gets replaced by Ahmeds
Whatever. My grandchildren will inherit the earth you accidentally happen to live on.

t. Ahmed

>> No.14227090
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In order to accept women you need to understand women, and I mean really fully and completely understand, ontologically, platonically the “essence” of a woman.
Consider the sociologist, who will argue that womanhood is a cultural set of normative behaviours, those obviously stems from the biological basis of what a woman is, women were expected to do house work because they are too weak to hunt relative to men. Why is THAT a the case? Because women are population bottlenecks because they are the complex machinery that creates life, one man can impregnate hundreds of women, but each woman herself can only be impregnated ONCE per year. Why is THIS the case? Because complex life requires assembly, in order to assemble something you need a place and time to do it, thus when the very first simple animal evolved to be more than asexual cellular division, it made this deal. This intractable inescapable deal that a certain subset would forever have “innate” value and another subset would have “acquired” value. Understand your resentment is not towards any real quality of a woman, but the mathematical game theory that leads to all of these behaviours. In its most abstract sense a woman is a man who born with value. She is nature’s equivalent of a trust fund baby. Sure you may meet a rich kid who is a good poet, but deep down you know that for the rich kid there was always a plan B, they CHOSE to engage. Similarly all women are by nature dilettantes because they never have to go through the meat grinder of sexual selection. Understand this and let go of your anger, because what you are angry at is abstract, it’s like hating entropy.

>> No.14227095

Hey, man. That is the way you are painting the world to me. Women aren't people they are property so the whole point of getting married is to pass on your line.

>> No.14227105

Better than trying to cure pandemic illnesses with the Quranic god.

>> No.14227113

Why play in nature's game?

>> No.14227137

Oh come on, women ARE inferior to men. Its a historical and biological fact. We are dominant and assertive, they are submissive. Makes total sense and why is this such a controversy?

Sure, women may parallel men in intelligence, but men have more drive, vision and are goal oriented whereas women are more compassionate and people oriented, so we yield different results.

>> No.14227139

These are not arbitrary properties of biology like the colour of chlorophyll. These are logical laws, they are metaphysical, a reality in which you do not participate is acceptable from a stoic point of view, but being angry at this is equivalent to being angry that the square root of 4 is 2. Anger at women stems from believing that women are equivalent to men and therefore seeing their behaviour as hypocritical. By what right does the snake curse the eagle for having wings? To hate women is as irrational as hating the sea.

>> No.14227152

he just said his current state of mentality IS preventing to treat them like people

>> No.14227157


>> No.14227164

>Women aren't people
Citation needed. I never stated that.
Women are certainly people of female sex, here's a statement to make it clear.
Oh, you seem to think people can't be property. While paying taxes to their owners and abiding to all the laws and regulations imposed on them without their consent. This is a known fallacy used by Western government to assuage their slave underclass. It works well enough. You are as much Govt property as a turkey is a property of its farmer.
> so the whole point of getting married is to pass on your line
I haven't stated just that. Rather I implied that and so much more. You seem to be a man who never felt feminine delicate tenderness, or faithful care when you are ill, or that look of adoration and borderline worship in her eyes when she feels safe in the family.
Eh. You seem to have zero clue on how much you have been robbed of, and how you can utilize your female property outside of incubating.

Your women are delusional and depressed because you fail to own them, and their current owner, the Govt, doesn't give a flying fuck about them. Your men are weak and depressed, because they were condition to be slaves and behave like them. And a property can't own property, that's ridiculous. Rather, the Govt forces their male property to tend to their female property under a threat of caging and shaming. How depressive indeed.

What does it even supposed to mean or retort to?


>> No.14227165

I accepted that fact a long time ago, but knowing that doesn't make me not angry. A lot of unfairness in life is easier to cope with once you realize that the game was never fair and was rigged from the start.

Only reasonable thing to do is find a way to subvert or level the playing field rather than scream impotently.

>> No.14227166

That's not an ad hominem anon. An ad hominem is basically insulting the person you are debating with by stating things that he/she may or may not have done in the past/present. It's just personal defamation.
The logical fallacy used by the poster you were replying too is probably much more closer to an appeal to emotion.
He's trying to make the Op focus on the fact that he won't get married and won't get a family to share the rest of his life with and by doing so the Op will have an emotional react instead of a rational one.

>> No.14227174

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "He is not of us who does not have mercy on young children, nor honor the elderly" (Al-Tirmidhi).

If Ahmed doesn't respect the elderly seems as though he's a bad Moslem, and if the world community at large is so selfish as to not care for the sick and infirm (which it is) what great loss is there in sparing a new soul the torments of existence within it? None. Having children to provide yourself with attendants so you can go to your deathbed with a little less fear? Pathetic my dude.

>> No.14227177

More cope. I don't see any shitskin troops stationed in USA and Europe. Meanwhile I see plenty of American and European troops patrolling whatever shitholes there are out there, yours probably included, and keeping shitskins in place. Third worlders are at our mercy since if we wanted, we could easily kill you and rape your wife as we have done in the past.
So yes, third worlders can't compete. The ones who move to Europe and America will eventually integrate or get deported back to their shitholes because Europeans are starting to wake up, right-wing parties are gaining more support and anti-immigration sentiment is rising. You just assume things will remain as they are which is a fallacy.

>> No.14227192

Fairness is a framework by which we evaluate human systems, nature cannot be unfair or unjust. Imagine if every single human looked the same, was equally gifted, each lived to 99 years old, and had the exact same experiences from birth until death. Only could such a universe be “fair”, when we say something is unjust we mean something is socially constructed not in accordance with an ideal, e.g it is unjust to punish a man for his beliefs. Because we collectively sanctify the right to have a belief. The preferential treatment of women is not unjust since it was given to them by nature. Similarly it is not unjust that some men are born smart and others dim. It is a natural consequence of random chance. Your sense of injustice stems from an irrational belief you allowed yourself to internalise, that men and women are equal. Once you realise that is no more the case then that any man can do any job you will no longer be angry. Are you angry that you weren’t born smart enough to be a rocket scientist? No you accept it as part of life. However it is fair to be angry at finding out a judge had received a bribe and commuted someone’s jail sentence.

>> No.14227209

High iq post

>> No.14227261

Are you my local imam? No? Guess what, I don't care about your opinion on the matter. I have highly specialized people for that kind of things, last time I heard him preach he pretty much derrided your lifestyle.
>and if the world community at large is so selfish as to not care for the sick and infirm
Why should I care for some infidel whose ancestors happily exploited my lands, and whose Govt bombs my peoples? I'm Ahmed, not Johnny the Catholic, take a guess.
>Having children to provide yourself with attendants so you can go to your deathbed with a little less fear?
Never have I used the word "fear" in my posts before. Take a good think why.

>I don't see any shitskin troops stationed in USA and Europe
Lol. This is good. Please do continue. Everything is under control, my friend, no worries.
>eanwhile I see plenty of American and European troops patrolling whatever shitholes there are out there
Yup. Patrolling is owning I guess. All hail the 53rd state of Iraq. Can I hab asylum?
Honestly the only reason I haven't moved to Minnesota already is because I so much loathe the USA as the centre of all that is bad in the West. Also the climate, I'd rather move to Southern France in 5 years or so, when my boys will be old enough.
>Third worlders are at our mercy since if we wanted
>, we could easily kill you and rape your wife
Maybe 200 years ago in some cases. Not anymore, not ever. Your religion is dead, and so is your society. You have nothing to fall back on nor derive strength from but vapid lies of SCIENCE priests and jerking off to some dictator who killed the largest number of Europeans since Genghis Khan. As if that wasn't screaming spiritual defeat.
Read Oswald Spengler. Read, nigger.
>The ones who move to Europe and America will eventually integrate or get deported back
Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city. You'd better get used to it. It will get worse, before it gets better for both of us.

Seriously, how do you plan on conquering and raping a people if you can't conquer a single woman without a SWAT squad arresting you ass for eye-contact harrasment? So much threat from somebody who doesn't own his woman nor his kids neither his house.

>> No.14227295

STEP 1: Realize men are as shit as women
STEP 2: Realize you are as shit as everyone else
STEP 3: Try to put these realizations into practice, but understand it takes time.

Don't worry too much about being that guy. Just focus on doing the things that guy doesn't. Literally just do something else, or something different, convince yourself that moving is the thing to do and you'll find yourself moving automatically

>> No.14227301

Nature isn't fair obviously. You're saying to be angry at the injustices wrought by men instead of by nature where they're ostensibly random and not controllable. But I'd argue that they can be controlled. If we continue to advance technology we can alleviate the inequality. foisted by nature. And so I feel that is what I should work for, doing whatever I can to make the dream a reality, where the social currency of being a woman or being a genius is moot. Presently, that path has me pursuing education to make hyper-real VR a thing.

>> No.14227325

Imitation of Christ.

I'm not trying to evangelize you, but this book will teach you humility.

>> No.14227329
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True. Humanity it self is cringe. Individuals are not.

inb4 women can't be indvidiauls.

>> No.14227342

this is legit, muchos gracias

i see where youre coming from
the smogs of 19th century london and the negative externalities of the industrial revolution werent so much "taken down a notch" by public laws regulating manufacturing, as they were by the technologies that allowed for cleaner factories (cleaner coal, better smoke stacks, etc)

i just personally find it inconceivable with the ways of human nature and how society has been for the past thousands of years
but then again, would anyone from 100 years ago be able to think things such as smartphones and the internet were possible?

>> No.14227353

>Especially western women.
Oh shut up, incel. Eastern European girls are much sluttier.
T. westerner dating a religious orthodox girl

>> No.14227360

>If we continue to advance technology we can alleviate the inequality
Never before in history were men as unequal in wealth as today. If anything, the advanced technology will make us even more unequal, up to a permanent split into a slave species and an owner species.

>The preferential treatment of women is not unjust since it was given to them by nature.
Young women had the preference of being always spared to be fucked by the winner (and the old ones killed for lulz or abandoned to die of hunger or wild beasts), but I don't think modern people would see it as preferential much. If we are talking about the most natural nature of hunter-gatherers in the wild.
Otherwise a very good post, sir, thank you for your contribution.

>> No.14227374

read Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.14227375

And how does someone else being viler absolves the crimes of another vile person? If a Western woman is insufferable, she is insufferable regardless of how more of a golddigger or a slut some random hoe from Bulgaria is.