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14222644 No.14222644 [Reply] [Original]

This is most likely a very bad place to ask this but what are some very good "self-improvement" books or self-discipline books or even some philsophy or psychology book that gave you a realisation which in turn improved your life

>> No.14222658

the bible

>> No.14222685
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The type of people that ask this question tend to like the stoics, so look up Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus. Personally, I would suggest you dig into existentialism, so Nietszche and Kierkegaard for theory or Dostoevsky and Kafka for fiction are a good start. You can skip Camus and Sartre for now.

Unironically this above everything I said though.

>> No.14222689

The Master Game by De Ropp

>> No.14222726

Any good stoic critiques and no i don't think I want the bible i went to catholic school i know the meme it's not the type of book i'm looking for

>> No.14222730

Best criticism of the Stoics (and all philosophical movements) is in Unger's Religion Of The Future

>> No.14222731

more like self-incringement

>> No.14222742

So do you view stoicism as a meme?
incorrect and i mostly meant how to stop being so pathetic and depressed and anything to get out of depression is not cringe because depression and people with it are cringe

>> No.14222781

Stoicism is an "Overcoming of the World" it's saying you can't do anything about life except control your attitude toward it.
And that's functional and useful, but deeply flawed and life-denying.

Then you have humanizing the world, like Confucianism or Social Democracy. You try to manage the world so it hurts people less. Like Political Correctness, it's soul-deadening.

That leaves Struggle With The World, realizing logic is not the end of wisdom, but the beginning, and that emotions should be mastered but not suppressed. That the fuller possession of life right now should be the focus of endeavor.
Which is actually a very Christian mindset, but is equally good without God, as in agnosticism and atheism. It works for both.

Like Pragmatism (no, not Compromise Politics, real philosophical Pragmatism like James &c)

>> No.14222790

we need a self-help and yootoober board.

>> No.14222795

What are some good books for this?

>> No.14222805

I literally gave you a summary of the first half of Roberto Unger's Religion Of The Future.
It's actually a sequel to his book The Self Awakened: Pragmatism Unbound

(These are on libgen and b-ok btw)

>> No.14222811

I'll read both then I suppose

>> No.14222884

It says that the left alternative is some sort of prequel to the self awakened have u read it?

>> No.14222903

It's much more programmatic and politics oriented.
I'd stick with The Self Awakened or just RotF if I were you.

>> No.14223065

>This is most likely a very bad place to ask this

Holy Bible, specifically Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Proverbs, Psalms

Enchiridion of Epictetus

Plato's Euthyphro, and trial and death of Socrates

>Any good stoic critiques and no i don't think I want the bible
Look up the cardinal virtues: Justice, Temperance, Fortitude (aka Courage), and Prudence. Christians call them the cardinal virtues because they are essential to living a good life. You'll notice they are the same virtues of a good man praised by stoics. I think you'll appreciate Epictetus.

>> No.14223194

I enjoy Apophthegmata Patrum very very much, you might as well

>> No.14223433
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Stop looking for one single realization to fix your life anon. I’ve been there before. If you hold every book you read to that impossibly high standard then you will always be disappointed. Also the fact that you ask for a critique of stoicism immediately after it was recommended is indicative of a general cultural malaise that will keep you in midwitdom. You don’t want to actually understand these topics, you just want a surface level understanding of them so that you can have an opinion on them.

Accept that you’re probably going to be a wageslave like the rest of us. Throw out the /sig/ pill, all it does is keep you in perpetual discontent because it’s attempting to make modern life bearable when in reality men are incompatible with our society.

If you really want to escape then get in touch with your will. Do you really think Tim Ferriss types want to have a 2 hour morning routine where they prepare for their soul-crushing office jobs? No, they’re men and they want to conquer and murder, but we are all conditioned to constantly question our own will by the forces of modern civilization.

>> No.14223702

Haven't read them yet, I'll check it out thanks.

>> No.14223726

The Victorious Attitude, Orisen Marden

Self-Reliance, Ralph Emerson

and New Thought books in general, you can find these online for free

>> No.14225282

Stop making all my fetishes into memes. As if the /v/ stuff wasn't enough.

>> No.14225738

>Also the fact that you ask for a critique of stoicism immediately after it was recommended is indicative of a general cultural malaise that will keep you in midwitdom. You don’t want to actually understand these topics, you just want a surface level understanding of them so that you can have an opinion on them.

bad reasoning and also a lie, be gone pseud and also i am not really looking for /sig/ i mostly meant something to stop being a depressed retard

>> No.14225758

12 Rules for Life by Peterson

>> No.14225796

i actually saw it in a shop a month ago and laughed because i forgot it existed