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14222581 No.14222581 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cried when reading a book? If so, what book?

>> No.14222593
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>> No.14222608

Anna Karenina
War and Peace
Unconditional Surrender

>> No.14222615

Kind of. I've cried while praying and the words of scripture "burn in my heart" so to speak. But not while actually reading the Bible.

>> No.14222618
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>> No.14222654

lmfao what is this pic

>> No.14222662
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Gonna out myself as a fucking faggot but the first book to make me cry was “The Amber Spyglass” during a particular scene near the trilogy’s climax. Just rocked my innocent pubescent world. It started a whole spring awakening of sorts in my life.

>> No.14222664

Simone Weil - The greek fountain

>> No.14222674

A Canticle for Leibowitz had me close a couple times. The Poet Sirrah! trying to save the pilgrims, the priest with the woman and her son suffering from radiation, and the ending sequence.

>> No.14222675
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Virgil's ghost appearing before Dante gets me every time.

>> No.14222677

Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.14222682

Beasts of No Nation, it's about child soldiers in Africa

>> No.14222691

Some thot got arrested in a drug bust in South America

>> No.14222696

When Frankenstein's creature appears before De Lacey. I was seriously invested in this scene.

>> No.14222711
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>> No.14222713

Atonement during the scene with Luc

>> No.14222714

Where the red fern grows. I was 10.

>> No.14222718

Quite a few parts of IJ were so emotionally loaded that I couldn't read them without tearing up, esp. the very short passage about (in)existence of angels (from the part about things you could learn through rehab). But also the very moment when you find out why The Samizdat was even made.

Same goes for Never Let Me Go: many people despise that novel, but I can't imagine a sensitive person reading it all the way through without crying (there are at least two passages in there with incredible emotional weight).

I absolutely didn't expect to cry while reading TSP, but the part about accepting your eternal loneliness instead of fearing it hit me very hard.

>> No.14222861

Elementary Particles, the last poem made me cry really badly. It was all just too much.

>> No.14222881

I read IJ a few years ago and now I cannot remember why it was made. Wasn't it because the man himself was losing his mind or something so he created a warm salt bath of motherly love to drown in? Or am I totally wrong I cannot remember.

>> No.14222904

>Anna Karenina
fucking this

>> No.14222908
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My diary desu

>> No.14222937


>> No.14223082 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14223110
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Based Weil

>> No.14223134

she's gonna enjoy her time in a south american prison

>> No.14223163

Venus in Furs

>> No.14223226

Himself believed it could fix Hal's communication issues with that very salt bath, iirc he didn't suspect it could have any effect on normal people

>> No.14223244

C+p last chapter
Bros K when the dad and boy are conversing in boys deathbed

>> No.14223256
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thanks to OP, i just realized ive never cried from reading a book
ive cried from watching film, ive cried from listening to a song
but never from a book. at least not yet.

>checks last book ive read
>its pic related
>"that explains it"

>> No.14223300


>> No.14223311

I cried when Holden cried at the end of Catcher in the rye

>> No.14223319

I remember that, I love Wilbur Smith!

>> No.14223333
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('Abecedary' is the title of the English version)

>> No.14223358
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*blocks my path*
The death of Rebekkah was very touching, only exceeded in emotional magnitude by Jacob's reuniting with Joseph in Egypt.

>> No.14223405
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Stoner and Book of Disquiet, and almost cried to The Magic Mountain, The Red and The Black, Kokoro, War and Peace and Siddharta.

>> No.14223411

Are you a fat tumblr whale with pink hair?

>> No.14223416

Me too, about the same age

>> No.14223455

The Sunset Limited and Suttree at numerous points

Weirdly enough, Mason and Dixon near the end. I had a typical experience with it to a lot of others whose experience of the book I've read, where the first third or so has an awkward stretch of getting used to the structure and language, but then by the last 200 pages, I didn't want it to end and there's some real sad shit in the closing pages where old friends start dying and the protagonists kind of have to reconcile with the fact that this massive task they've undertaken and finally completed after many years, the Mason-Dixon Line is going to form the basis of the split between northern and southern states, effectively paving the way for indescribable bloodshed and the reign of slave enterprises once thought would exist everywhere in this world except for this new land of the free, funded by the very kings and tyrants they want nothing to do with. It's all very sentimental after having spent so much time on such a long ass book, and I don't think the gravity of it would have been nearly as impactful were it a quicker read.

>> No.14223481

Tao Te Jing

>> No.14223498


>> No.14223502

The Road, Never Let Me Go and a kid's book I read to my son called Tom's Tree

>> No.14223509

Mah nigga. Read it three times now.
Fuck slaves tho. I ain't shed a tear or gib a fuk.

>> No.14223532
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>the Magic Mountain
>mfw it becomes subconsciously almost evident to Hans that despite living in fairly good health far away from the mountains, Joachim will eventually become ill, come back and probably die

>> No.14223675

Mason & Dixon made me openly weep toward the end. After all that time of the relationship between them building but always sort of keeping you at a distance form it and then He was your mate dad. How important they were to each other as shown by the St. Helena's section. Fuck dude no other Tommy P. book hit me as hard as the ending of Mason & Dixon did.

>> No.14223822
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>when Joachim comes back as a ghost but Hans can't handle the pressure and ends the ritual midway
I really need to read this book again holy shit.

>> No.14223826

Are you guys gay? Not being a dick, legitimately interested.

>> No.14223855

I'm gay but I'm not attracted to guys

>> No.14223862

I'm attracted to guys but I'm not gay

>> No.14223864

>hurr durr having feelings makes you gay
Imagine this

>> No.14223867

im attracted to dicks on females but im not gay

>> No.14223870

I'm attracted to gays but I'm not a guy

>> No.14223873
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I'll suck a dick if I have to, daddy

>> No.14223878


>> No.14223885

When marys mother dies in the princes story from the idiot, and the whole town treats her like shit

>> No.14223893

Crime and Punishment

>> No.14223896

>when Hans gets interested in music and spends his time listening Der Lindenbaum and feeling deeply moved by it
I live through art, I have no emotions for reality

>> No.14223915

Hyperion - Scholar's and Consul's tales.

>> No.14224058

Only based answers

>> No.14224064
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>The "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" chapter in "The Wind in the Willows"
>The end of "The Selfish Giant"
>Yeats' "To a Young Girl"
>Larkin's "An Arundel Tomb"
>C.S. Lewis' description of salvation at the end of "The Screwtape Letters": “All the delights of sense, or heart, or intellect, with which you could once have tempted him, even the delights of virtue itself, now seem to him in comparison but as the half nauseous attractions of a raddled harlot would seem to a man who hears that his true beloved whom he has loved all his life and whom he had believed to be dead is alive and even now at his door.”

>> No.14224123

I cried in lolita when he gets the letter from his stepdaughter and she ends it I miss you and I love you dad. Like jesus fucking christ humbert was horrible and he raped this little girl, but he was all she ever fucking had. im crying just remembering it jfc

>> No.14224336
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The Brothers Karamazov
pic related

>> No.14224345

Can I get her name?

>> No.14224703

The part with Grushenka telling the story about the old woman and the onion, then breaking down and crying really got to me.

>> No.14224724

U. G. Liho

>> No.14224750

notes from underground is the only book thats made me cry i think.

>> No.14224759
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Actually wept for a minute or so about 20 minutes after finishing this one, and it's stayed with me ever since.

Don't think I've ever cried after reading any other book though.

>> No.14224793

I cried in Crime and Punishment when Marmeladov is talking about God forgiving his daughter for going into prostitution.

>> No.14224807

I cried reading the trial and execution of Socrates.

>> No.14224817

go to bed plato

>> No.14224826

too many to count

>> No.14224844

be my gf

>> No.14224848

you first xenophon

>> No.14224856
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I cry at almost every book I read, nearly daily. Even shit you can’t imagine crying at- Finnegans wake, phenomenology of spirit I cried a lot at the phrenology/ physiognomy chapter, Adornos aesthetic theory a lot, hell I even cried in Kants third critique at one of the excursus(es?)

>> No.14224888

One Anon recommended Platero and I, he said it would be a comfy read, it was simple and beautifully written but I cried halfway through the book because I knew how it was going to end.

>> No.14224890

i want to breed you

>> No.14225193

>Have you ever cried when reading a book?
Never. My emotional responses are shallow, i read to try to compensate for my spiritual deficiency with knowledge.

>> No.14225201

I think some stories by Salinger made me cry once or something.

>> No.14225244

I cried looking at OP's pic because that poor cute girl is probably going to have her head cut off and she knows it

>> No.14225607

The wonderful journey of Nils Holgren

>> No.14225693

>Women shouldn't face consequences for criminal behavior if they're cute :3
Cumbrain retard

>> No.14225981

Valeria Franseska Hoode Duck

>> No.14226026

She knew what life she was getting into. She's earned her punishment.

>> No.14226033

Why? Who is she?

>> No.14227205

see >>14222691

>> No.14227233

I cried reading of Mice and Men, I have a weak spot for mentally handicapped people getting hurt/disappointed, of all movie scenes that got me I first think of the scene in What's Eating Gilbert Grape where he forgets his younger brother in the tub.

Anyway. I think part of the reason the ending hit me so hard is that my dad had a copy that contained both of Mice and Men and Cannery Road, and I expected the story to go on for much longer which is why I figured there would be no dramatic conclusion yet.

I can't remember ever crying over a different novel despite being touched by many, not sure why. Steinbeck is not in my top five or something of favorite authors either. Emotions work in mysterious ways.

I also easily cry reading "real life" confessions of people even though it will cut much less deep than a good tragic scene.

One notable exception is the story of the stillbirth in Maeve Brennan's the Springs of Affection. It only made me feel tears more than actually crying but it was the saddest thing I remember reading. I thought she was a very talented writer but I shudder just thinking of the novel. Such a profound, bleak sadness coming from every page.

>> No.14227440

Inb4 edgy teen faggot lmao but I legitimately cried two times, once each time I read through The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.14228044

>you should get your head cut off because Nixon doesn't like what your private actions
Boootlicking retards

>> No.14228101

When reading the sorrows of young werther, on one of his entries before he kills himself

>> No.14228128

what kind of south american name is that?

>> No.14228756


>mfw the end of The Mysterious Stranger

>mfw I have no face

>> No.14228879

The Catcher in the Rye hit me pretty hard. Perhaps because I read it during a tough time of my life.