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14222379 No.14222379 [Reply] [Original]

English is the language of science and engineering, however I feel romance languages are the language of emotions and love.

dunno about the others, germans sounds like the language of war and agression.

maybe arabic is the language of religion.
japanese is the language of cute waifus and traditional wifes.

chinese is the language of music.

>> No.14222387

Italian is the language of music, idiot.

Chinese is the language of Ancient wisdom.

>> No.14222392

chinese songs sound more musical than italian.

Italian sound like a medieval bard seeking his muse.

>> No.14222526


>> No.14222530

t. low IQ brainlet who can't appreciate eastern languages

>> No.14222549
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>> No.14222557

nice try chang, you will never be Japanese

>> No.14222560
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1520543750463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every language should use latin letters
>too retarded to learn cyrilic kanas and hanzis and arabic script

>> No.14222573

Okay, Chang

>> No.14222751

are there non-ballad chinese songs? what do popfags listen when they want to be happy

>> No.14222814



philosophy and science:

West African pidgin

>> No.14222838

Isn't German the language ofscience and engineering?

English is a language for commerce and ((merchants))

>> No.14222853

I love the occasionally browsing through BBC's pidgin articles section. I always get a good chuckle because the titles and the article all look like some five-year-olds wrote them. I like trying to guess which language some of the non-English words are from as well.

>> No.14223126

Vietnamese is the language of making americans cry at night in remembrance of their shameful defeat

>> No.14223250
File: 481 KB, 400x503, Goethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>germans sounds like the language of war and agression
This is your mind on American propaganda.

>> No.14223297
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>Italian sound like a medieval bard seeking his muse
This is such a beautiful and correct way to describe Italian

>> No.14224324
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>> No.14224335

based ancient cave painting meme

>> No.14224639

german sounds like speaking with a mouthful of shit

>> No.14225352

>schmetterling sounds better than butterfly

>> No.14225355

Sounds worst*
Fucked up my statement

>> No.14225361

Mathematics is the language of science
Universal forms are the metalanguage of languahe

>> No.14226434

What do you think about romanian?

>> No.14226503

you must have never heard a Dane speak

>> No.14226538


the language of pickpocketing

>> No.14226560
File: 417 KB, 1369x1897, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German is quite literally the language of everything save perhaps architecture, science and engineering.

>> No.14226583

>English is the language of science and engineering

lol no. Just no.

>> No.14227793

maybe philosophy and autism.

german is dogshit for expressing love.

>> No.14227795


>> No.14227813

No tonal language can be melodious. Chinese is trash for singing unless you sing "flat" on purpose but then no one understands you. Maybe ancient Chinese was good since it was non-tonal.

>> No.14227817
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>has never listened anime covers sang in chinese by cute idols

>> No.14227865

Ich liebe dich Anon

>> No.14227873

chupame la pija boludo malparido alemano de mierda.

entchuldigung heil hitler tu puta madre gonorea.

>> No.14227875

After learning a lot of Spanish I don't understand "language of love" at all. It's totally robotic. Maybe it's just how my brain processes it?

>> No.14227884

listen don quixote read by a spaniard.

spanish isn't the best romance language for love, maybe is the best to talk to God.

italian and french are better for love.

>> No.14227905

Honestly, when German is spoken in a relaxed manner it's quite soothing. It's dynamic.

>> No.14228127
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>every language should use latin letters

>> No.14228139
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Danke Schön,Anon

>> No.14228246

Bump. Portuguese is a sweet sounding Romance tongue

>> No.14228312

only the brazilian one, pt-pt sounds like russian or polish

>> No.14228481

I just don’t understand why you choose Chinese as the language of music. Ignore the brain dead woman bait posters. I could understand Chinese being the language of poetry or maxims or something, but music? First of all, due to maderan and related languages tonal nature, natural speaking doesnt sound melodious at all, as tone indicates meaning. Also, the musical culture of China is so much less influential than the literary, culinary etc parts of Chinese culture that is so impactful.

Also if you have heard modern Chinese music, it is sterile as fuck. More formulaic than even modern western music. Both of which being a reduction from earlier western, specifically Italian styles.

>> No.14228618

>based Land beyond the Forest
language of mysticism, sacred geography and organized crime anon

>> No.14228648

dunno bro, but chinese is really musical.


I think arabic and hindi is also very musical.

>> No.14228699

These are all absurd and show you have no fucking depth in any of these languages, or know any. The most normie shit you can do is say hurr durr german sounds like shouting hurr durr russian is such an aggressive language. Listen to schuberts lieder if you think that german is ugly. Chinese have a shit musical tradition also i dont know wtf your going on about. Theres only one fucking religious text in arabic. Also the shit in this thread talking about how all languages can be musical. Of course, languages that are natural lend themselves to lyricism, poetry, and music. If they didn't people would just stop speaking them, or they would change. Learn a language anon and stop being a brainlet

>> No.14228736

t. butthurt kraut.

>> No.14228819

fuck off literally all languages are beautiful stop pigeonholing them dammit

>> No.14228831

t. retard who takes seriously 4chan

>doens't know I'm learning like 10 languages on memrise right now

>> No.14228854

youre going to fail at all of the retard two is too many and thats what im doing to adverse results.

>> No.14228868

>memorizing 800 words in a bunch of languages during a year is too hard

nigga, that's like 10 minutes per day per language.

>> No.14229034

he is singing in a very much western measure and forgoes most tones. I do agree with Hindi mostly too.

>> No.14229095

You do realize "Romance" in "Romance Languages" uses the definition of "from the Romans" and not the common everyday definition right?

>> No.14229100

yes, I speak nativelly a romance language.

>> No.14229118

The chinese (traditional) character for love is formed from the characters of "suffer" and "heart", which honestly is both more descriptive and emotional than the Latin root of "amo" in Romance Languages imo

>> No.14229133

sure, dunno a lot about chinese but I consider it a beautiful language.

Like I said, english seems more like a technical language, it feels like a rule.

Spanish feels bucolic and feels like taking a nap in a sunny day on a small town.

>> No.14229138

Two concept to explain one. Or just have one concept period. Both have their advantages.

>> No.14229141

but don quixote is objectively the best novel of all time, so spanish should be the language of literature

>> No.14229148

Chinese is not the language of music. In fact just a few days ago I was having a conversation with my friend about how bad Chinese music is.

>> No.14229159

my issue with spanish is that maybe I'm too used to it, maybe spaniards speak better spanish than me.

One funny thing is that japanese girls love spanish for some reason, there's a video about them being wet over some spaniard accent.


spanish is the most popular foreign language in japan after english.

>> No.14229179

chinese is one of the funnier languages in that the writing doesn't specify how to say it, so the way modern Chinese is said is very different from how it used to be. We actually know this because many poems in the past that used to rhyme don't anymore in the Mandarin dialect, although more of them rhyme in the Cantonese dialect. Also from the fact that a lot of Japanese hanji is pronounced closer to Cantonese than Mandarin.

>> No.14229195

You would think Japs would like Portuguese more, considering that the 2nd largest number of people of Japanese ancestry live in Brazil.

>> No.14229202

I think is because spanish and japanese are very similar in terms of pronunciation, so it may be easier for them to speak.

>> No.14229408

JJAJjajaJa xdxdXd

Lutsch wieder an deinem Daumen du x-beinige Chromosomenlusche

>> No.14229780

> german is the language of war and aggression
Spanish is way more aggressive than german.

>> No.14230250

philosophy is Ancient Greek

>> No.14231043

Reminder that English is the ultimate language for all purposes and is only getting better.

>> No.14231076

Link Chinese songs pls

>> No.14231084


>> No.14231193


>> No.14231204

>facility with a language is memorizing vocab

>> No.14231228

>Also from the fact that a lot of Japanese hanji is pronounced closer to Cantonese than Mandarin.

Source? I'm Cantonese and have never heard of this before.

>> No.14231231

Very influenced by Western classical tradition, from a music theory perspective. Just swap the instrumentation and get a German proletarian as lead singer and this could be a Rammstein Song. Know what i mean? I was asking for more autochthonous stuff.

>> No.14231297


>> No.14231313


>> No.14231349
