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/lit/ - Literature

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14219121 No.14219121 [Reply] [Original]

give your honest opinions about this board

>> No.14219133

dubs and OP is a sperging retard

>> No.14219134

Fun. Great book recommendations. Occasionally annoyance from ignorant posters, but overall fun.

>> No.14219135

I like it but if I'm still here in two years I'll probably hate it

>> No.14219137

the best of any of the big media boards.

>> No.14219139
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>> No.14219142


>> No.14219148

I like /lit/. I liked 2018 /lit/ more, but it's still good. Got great recs. I still don't understand how does people on this board find and read such great books considering that each one of them seems like a basement dweller in posts

>> No.14219185

heres the cherry on top
as a virgin autist that was refreshing /lit on a Friday night, i spotted a similar thread a while ago with the same exact image saying
>if lit hates women, why do they keep talking about women?
it must have gotten janitored, hence this new shit thread

>> No.14219209
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>Opens window

>> No.14219233

Unironically the most intelligent and articulate board on the site, and the only media board that does elitism correctly.

>> No.14219240
File: 30 KB, 448x960, BC8017AD-B670-4E1D-9B22-053D649A7983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m new as fuck here, from /fit/ but unironically as I’m an English major who actually cares. Board seems slow so I’m posting whenever I have something to say to keep things moving. Good discussions from what I’ve seen. Needs more memes and humor though.

>> No.14219241

Guenonfag is my favorite person here

>> No.14219272

A very sharply curated goodreads

>> No.14219310
File: 999 KB, 1125x2001, 1D2078BE-45D9-41E6-831C-512E102061A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list that I compiled from browsing here.
/=read, the others aren’t in the order I’m gonna read them

Lot of good discussions on this board with a healthy amount of shitposting

>> No.14219318

not saying much

>> No.14219341

/lit/ is the intellectual avant garde of the internet, as well as the world, and it's denizens far exceed the collective mental processing capabilities of the establishment literati. /lit/ is home to the most prolific and technically able writers alive today. one is never left in want of profound discussion when posting on /lit/.

>> No.14219352

I want to murder butterfly
My favorite threads are the threads not about books
/lit/'s info gathering threads are my favorite info gathering threads
Book rec threads are cringe and bluepilled. Book chart theads are based and redpilled
I want to rape butterfly

Disclaimer: I do not read books

>> No.14219432


>> No.14219454
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Terrible but better than reddit. Where do you go when you surpass lit-core and want more substantial discussion and better knowledge of literature?

Luckily we're past the 10 Jordan Peterson threads at time period.

>> No.14219468

What retard recommended The subtle art of not giving a fuck? It's unironically normie tier trash.

>> No.14219476

>most intelligent...board on the site
Wrong, people come to us over at /out/ for all manner of issues regardless of relation to board subject because we collectively know everything in need of being known and we solve their shit. Between a goodly handful of us we serve as surrogate fathers to untold legions of (You). Articulation, however, is subjective and according to taste, and thus was discarded from the proclamation.

>> No.14219482
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Everyone got redpilled by /pol/ and can no longer enjoy the hobby but they pretend to

>> No.14219552

Based and sadpilled

>> No.14219556

It’s a cool place for the most part, the autistic groupthink is obnoxious as hell, but you see that kind of thing on every board here.

>> No.14219557

Got meme’d into reading it as my first book as part of a self-improvement spree... was trash indeed..

>> No.14219558

>by /pol/
/pol/ is bluepilled

>> No.14219561

This board should go back to being obsessed with Infinite Jest, Pynchon, Nick Land, and Catholicism. I consider myself right wing but the pol element on this board is fucking unbearable.

>> No.14219591
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IJ fell out of favor around the time when people saw a well-loved copy on Ocasio-Cortez's bookshelf, I think. People stopped using DFW reactions for some reason. Nick Land got stale, Fanged Noumena deserves a second look though. Agreed on Pinecone. And Catholicism is rampant on this board these days it seems.

>> No.14219599

It's pretty good. I've gotten some excellent recommendations when I asked for them. The cult of butterfly is annoying, but whatever. Wish we had some comfier threads sometimes. Write what's on your mind and so on are always such downers.


>> No.14219613
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Helped change my life for the better and guided my inner self into fruition.
Reading books I never thought I'd read. Examining things I never thought I'd glance at. Forming opinions against things I once held dearly on. However, wades of shit must be drenched in and toppled on you before finding gold - a theory I'm not convinced is the best way to learn but just so happens to be the way I learned.

>> No.14219644
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>> No.14219889

90% meaningless, bullshit, effortless, worthless, shitposting
9% hilarious shitposting
1% valuable content

>> No.14219899
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Makes me want to personally hunt down pseudointellectuals

>> No.14219911

kill pseuds
kill tripfags
kill polcels
quite simple really

>> No.14219939

>on every board
I think you mean the entirety of the internet.

>> No.14219949

Best board on here, what that means for you may vary, some would say it's not saying much

>> No.14219951

>Write what's on your mind.

>> No.14219968

funny sometimes, but usually terrible. lots of pseuds, few actual knowledgable people

>> No.14219972

This. Without question.

>> No.14220006
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high shitposting to quality content ratio, but this doesn't matter because as an elitist myself with certain areas of specialization i have confidence in the individual wisdom of this collective to provide answers to genuinely niche enquiries when required, and i am as guilty as anyone else in the shit-posting department, probably because it is comfier than actually reading books at this point. as a western canon stalwart revolting against the modern world, finding a reason to read works written post-1950 was something that had eluded me prior to /lit/, but i have been memed into a certain acceptance of post-modernism and accelerationism which i had previously disregarded due to an assumption that the pseudery of these fields was all-encompassing. in addition to literature this is a good board for exploring matters philosophical, temporal and spiritual, where group-think is thought-provoking but not necessarily persuasive, and the leftypol residue which valiantly try to resurrect their ideology here make for an entertaining punching bag for the simple reason that they can't moderate counter-arguments and are also autistic enough to keep the conversation alive. i think on balance this is one of the more depressed boards out there and i am okay with that

>> No.14220007

discord trannies, reddit tourist faggots and /leftypol/ refugees

>> No.14220048

which are you, then?

>> No.14220214

a based /tv/ poster

>> No.14220364

The only board that doesn't call me a newfag

>> No.14220479

I read solely for entertainment. I no longer delude myself that I can learn things from books. I treat this board respectively.

>> No.14220506


>> No.14220524

The quality has always been circumspect, but /lit/ took a nose dive in 2016 from which its never really recovered.


>> No.14220534

It would be good if the mods put more effort into deleting off-topic threads

>> No.14220539

a lot of shit but when there's a good thread going on it's the best board

>> No.14220575
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Never too late to start

>> No.14220578

Always a serious discussion about literature taking place.

Take this post and this thread for example

>> No.14220581

misusing circumspect

>> No.14220584


>> No.14220591


>> No.14220678

Most people here are pretentious pricks. But other than that it's nice to have a place to discuss and recommend books.

>> No.14220696


>> No.14220704
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too many of these memes

>> No.14220713
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>Why yes I do use Gigachad memes to win arguments. How could you tell?

>> No.14220715
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>> No.14220727

Why do I come here anymore.
There's nothing even remotely worth the time.
The most reddit adjacent board after mu.
Fuck it, I'm out of here you homos

>> No.14220761

See you tomorrow.

>> No.14220767
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Completely inundated by bourgeois mediocrity, somewhere in the past few years there's been a total capture by reddit faggots.

>> No.14220847

Podran morir las personas, pero jamas sus ideas.

>> No.14220860

nothing more than a platform for trannies and communists to shit their aids into the wind

>> No.14220867

People who don’t want to accept the face that I’ve converted a lesbian with my cock :3

>> No.14220892

Why aren't you using goodreads

>> No.14220906

This is an American-speaking board, Joao

>> No.14220913

Good except for the /v/ crossboarders. Even /tv/ and /co/ doesn't shit the board up half as much.

>> No.14220917

What differences do you see from 2016? I feel like the nosedive happened from 2019. It was great last year too.

>> No.14220978

read theory, Peter Barry has a great introductory book on it

>> No.14220995

This board has nothing to offer if you have no desire to look into the five meme writers that get spammed at any given time.

>> No.14221035

Anyone who likes it is a newfag.

>> No.14221049
File: 52 KB, 1642x333, one of the few good posts on lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good when smart people are online. Vapid pseudo-intellectual garbage any other time.

>> No.14221056
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Ok, but I was asking about a website that is better at discussing literature than /lit/. I like this board for recommendations but that's about it.

>> No.14221060

Probably some boomer forum with all due honesty.

>> No.14221063
File: 10 KB, 250x291, rene_guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It dosent have enough Rene Guenon Threads

>> No.14221068

frenches are vastly shunned except for houellebecq, guenon and foucault

>> No.14221076

The best board but there are some certain tripfags that need to take a beating.