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14217413 No.14217413 [Reply] [Original]

If the Son is eternal and has been with the Father since the beginning of time why, then, did Jesus need to born from a womb? The Son could've easily incarnated in the blink of an eye. And if the answer is: to acquire his human nature, then you musn't forget that Adam a.k.a. the first man was 100% human, too, despite not having been birthed by a mother.

>> No.14217433

Because god thinks people are special and sometimes chooses one to interact with directly like Moses. Only God knows why these particular people are chosen. Mary is the same, God wanted to have a true matriarchal relationship with Mary

>> No.14217445

so it's a jewish thing?

>> No.14217476

Adam was formed from the dust of the earth.
To be fully human, Jesus was born from an earthly mother. (minus the naughty bits)

>> No.14217501


>> No.14217508

Jesus never said he was God. It was a heretical idea/rumor that turned canon decades after his death

>> No.14217513

It's brain/psychology symbolism, on an esoteric level.

>> No.14217530

Also Mary shared ancestry with king David, and it was told that the messiah would be one of David's descendants.

>> No.14217534
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Does everything that God does have to follow from necessity? The Christian God doesn't follow necessity. The Christian God isn't some Platonic monad. He is free and creative. If God chooses to make Adam out of dust and Jesus in the womb, that is no contradiction on God's part--he can do whatever he wants. Does there have to be a reason? No. But there is a reason: love. And does love have it's reasons? Yes, itself. God does what he does because Love. That's the answer. "Truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it"

>> No.14217566

Check out 6:15 in this.


>> No.14217640

the chosen people and matriarchal lineage thing

>> No.14217692

If God had simply created Jesus a Body from the dirt it would have Contradicted genesis 3:14-15 " I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel" the promise of a savior was to be an offspring of woman.

>> No.14217715

Why couldn't Jesus be formed from the dust of the earth?

>> No.14217723

Oh, in a sense, yes. Though it's not completely exclusive to Judaism. In Christianity, God loves everyone of course, but everyone also has a unique relationship to God, which is why Catholics believe that saints are capable of moving God in different ways than they can.

>> No.14218241
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>> No.14218260

based and /thread

It's a story you big ape.

>> No.14218271

>humanity has been restored to its pristine honor
This is false, though. Death came to Adam not from physical necessity but through sin. That sin allegedly was redeemed by Christ. If humanity truly was restored to the pristine condition from before Adam's trangression then why do people still suffer all the evils (death, illness etc,) that were brought about by this original sin?

>> No.14218296

Because Yahweh wanted to bang some fresh jewish pussy.

>> No.14218302

>Death came to Adam not from physical necessity but through sin.
actually bro it came from the fall, a consequence of sin. not sin itself. expulsion from the garden, the judgment of the father. led out by a flaming sword you know.

>why do people still suffer
we have a problem of evil thread every damn day here. pay attention. they suffer because they can't read the mind of God. they don't know to what good end all suffering belongs.

>inb4 but what about babies dying of radiation or the impending nuclear holocaust
what about them

>> No.14218316

You seem to have dodged the question about "pristine restoration". You're grasping at straws.

>> No.14218328

you seem to have misunderstood the text. he refers to "pristine honor." that is, God's preference and favor. which is what happens after you go to Confession and are absolved a priest acting in persona Christi.

>> No.14218334

*absolved of sin

>> No.14218346
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>> No.14218355
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>> No.14218375

there's no fucking plothole, your question was answered then you got all butthurt about muh suffering.

>> No.14218391

>If humanity truly was restored to the pristine condition from before Adam's trangression then why do people still suffer all the evils (death, illness etc,) that were brought about by this original sin?
Because this restoration is an on-going process, Christ's cross being only the source of the effort. We are currently the Church Militant, fighting to enact what Christ achieved.

>> No.14218441

it wasn't questioned at all; just typical christian pussyfooting around the hot-button issue

>> No.14218456


>> No.14218474

This is the only correct answer
This guy is also right though that doesn’t answer OPs question

>> No.14218529

it was very clearly answered. Christ came to save the human race, so He took the matter of His body from the human race. He is the son of Adam, Abraham, and David. He is a genuine human and a member of the human family. His perfection as a man in our family is like a drop of iodine in tainted water, which purifies the entire substrate.

>> No.14218530

Wasn't it Joseph that shared the lineage, not Mary?

>> No.14218563
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This question has been asked and answered literally hundreds of years before you were born.
Fuck off and die you mongoloid.

>> No.14218604

>Fuck off and die you mongoloid.
very christian

>> No.14218606


>> No.14218622
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>> No.14218681

they both did

>> No.14218689

Not that it mattered what Joseph's lineage was, *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*

>> No.14218694

>Christlarper doesn't understand his religion
Where is this on the /lit/ bingo sheet?

>> No.14218700

it didn't, and, in fact, joseph was descended of jeconiah, who was cursed to never have a son sit on the thrown of David.

>> No.14218707

Imagine being cucked by God.
>can't complain or you go to hell

>> No.14218715

God cucking the jews is a central theme, and its basically why they worship satan, because they were so butthurt about it.

>> No.14218834

My thoughts, Mary the mother of God is the link between the created and uncreated eternal. God's relationship with mankind is through Mary, a created human who becomes the mother of God eternal and gives him her dna. The Incarnation is very important to Christianity and salvation

>> No.14220142


Neither Original Sin nor Atonement (of any kind) are in either Testament. Inferring one from the other is one of many Pauline abominations. Your question is exemplary of the black on black confusion he causes.

>> No.14220824

>Pauline abominations
So now we have another episode of Paul was muh evil man huh? Ironic that no man who accuses Paul is a tenth of the man who he was nor is willing to undergo a hundredth of the sufferings that he went through for God and Christ's sake. See Paul speaking as a fool in 2 Cornithians 11, I'm referring you to them because, as is often the case, Paul's accusers like you often haven't read the Pauline Letters to begin with.

>> No.14220835

>For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.
>gets beheaded by nero


>> No.14220849

Christ was born a man to make us god, not to become human.

>> No.14220895

Weak retort by a small man.
>his body shall not remain overnight on the tree, but you shall surely bury him that day, so that you do not defile the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance; for he who is hanged is accursed of God.

Will you blaspheme against Christ now because of this verse?

>> No.14220976


No, why would I? My point being Paul is ridden with ironies and contradictions, culminating in that excerpt. Neither does Moses get executed, nor does Christ affirm the rulers that executed him. In a case of four-dimensional irony, you would probably claim the latter is formally accursed in accordance with the former.

>> No.14220980

Because then he wouldn't be of the line of King David or of the line of Adam and Eve and this was required for his purpose.

>> No.14221031

Your interpretation of that verse is so shallow that I don't think it's worth addressing. Paul was persecuted by the Jews and yet continued teaching the same principles. Earthly power is bestowed by God. Figure the rest out yourself.
>Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
>you would probably claim the latter is formally accursed in accordance with the former.
Yes. Paul claims the same, if you don't know.

>> No.14221044
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Here is recommendation for you

>> No.14221059

The womb was sufficient but not necessary. Jesus could've just popped onto earth, but the rhetoric wouldn't have been as pleasant and God is nothing if not a drama queen.

>> No.14221090


I KNOW, that's why I said it, and said it was tremendously ironic.

>will you blaspheme against christ now because of this verse?
>but I WOULD! HA!

Well done. Also, the context of "render unto Caesar" is taxes, specifically money, which Jesus views rather poorly all throughout the Gospels, so it would be a further rebuke of rulers, I think.

>> No.14221203

Everything you don't like about Jews would've been magnified tenfold if their own God didn't keep them in check. The entire old testament is filled with Jews outjewing the law

>> No.14221336

Empty words piled upon more empty words. You don’t know what a curse is nor what it implies nor why it had to be done. I understand the current fad among braindead academics is too undermine the sincerity of Paul, but unless you have anything more critical to say other than bringing up a single verse that you have poorly understood and using it against him, I’m afraid your point is moot. Paul was accepted by the other apostles of Christ, who have greater authority to speak for Christ than you do. It remains that Paul was a man who dedicated his life and limb to Christ and sacrificed all his social status and earthly freedom to that end, a true fool for Christ. You, on the other hand, are a limp-wristed copycat who only knows how to regurgitate laughably poor arguments against good men. You have no qualms in gossiping falsely for your version of Christ, while others such as Paul live and die for their Christ. Morally, you are bankrupt. Therefore, your words have no weight.

>> No.14221385


Either rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil, therefore Paul's works are evil because he was executed by Nero, or Paul is categorically lying, therefore Paul's works are evil.

>> No.14221578

Christ was executed by rulers. Do you really think Paul did not think this through? Do you think that you are the only one who noticed this gap in 2000 years? Have you bothered to read ANY interpretations? I'm sure you have not.

>> No.14221605

>Christ was executed by rulers.

Exactly, all the more reason to rebuke Paul.