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14217127 No.14217127 [Reply] [Original]

Found this book at a dollar store for a buck, so I decided to give it a go. I lean fairly left, but I wanted to give Shapiro's fiction an honest chance. Holy fucking shit was it bad. Like, reeeaaalllly bad. The style, the plot, the characters, everything. Even on a sentence by sentence basis, it is just absolute shit.

>> No.14217137

He was a bear of a man.

>> No.14217146

I doubt Ben Shapiro has read more than 10 books in his life that could be considered 'great' fiction, so I am not surprised. There's more to fiction than ideologues and themes, and I doubt he even realized that. Even if looking at themes alone, they were probably childish and unfulfilling Neo-conservative dogma. Then if you say any of this to him, he will freak-out in his stupid Yamika and call you a marxist liberal or some bullshit. "facts don't care about your feelings," what an autistic and hackneyed way to view life.

>> No.14217186

No shit, he's an astroturfed kike with family connections that got him every job he has ever had. There's no reason to expect him to be minimally coherent or good at what he does.

>> No.14217289

>with family connections that got him every job he has ever had.
That's how 80% of people get their jobs

>> No.14217324

>I lean fairly left, but I wanted to give Shapiro's fiction an honest chance.
I really doubt there's any fundamental political disagreement between you and him.
I'm pretty sure you're both liberals and anti-nationalists.

>> No.14217340

Not worth giving the time of day to. Lacking in mind and in character. This was on display in that interview he did on BBC.

>> No.14217349

>That's how 80% of people get their jobs
maybe in the California orthodox jewish community Ben

>> No.14217365

>astroturfed kike with family connections
isn't that saying one thing thrice?

>> No.14217381

Ben Shapiro liberal and anti nationalist? Are you fucking high?

>> No.14217396

>Ben Shapiro liberal and anti nationalist?
Last I checked he's a conservative/Republican, so yeah.
Their agenda is parading gay people (to show how tolerant they are) and continuing with mass immigration.

>> No.14217405

Jew detected.

>> No.14217426

And the last I checked, he was against same sex marriage (and homosexuality for that matter) and against immigration

>> No.14217449

Why didn't you network during college? That's literally 90% of why people go there.

>> No.14217450

Different anon here; you're right that Ben shouldn't be called liberal, but the anti-nationalist tag makes sense. When he can use nationalists to his advantage, he'll claim he loves America and that it should look out for itself, but he's a typical neo-con who doesn't actually want America to do what's best for it. He fully supports mass immigration, destabilizing the middle east, corporate oligarchy, and sending as much money as possible to Israel. His one nationalistic opinion is that America should deport illegal aliens. That's it.

>> No.14217454
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>True Allegiance
it's about muh israel, isn't it

>> No.14217466

He told Dave Rubin (a gay republican) to his face that he doesn't support homosexuality.

>> No.14217480

>against immigration
That's where you're dead wrong. Benny boy wants illegal immigrants to be kicked out, but he's totally fine with America letting in hordes of legal immigrants.

>> No.14217481

>and against immigration
illegal immigration*
he probably wouldn't mind an arab, spic or jewish america as long as they all adopted "western values"

>> No.14217489

>against immigration
Nope. And he says nationalists are racists (in a negative sense).

>> No.14217497

Ben Shapiro is a fucking Zionist; he has made it abundantly clear that he doesn't give a fuck if America burns as long as Israel continues to exist. He would happily see this entire country be blacked if it meant Israel got more aid from us.

>> No.14217503

Second this, him and other neo-cons don't take American self-determination/america first to the point of infringing on corporate and Israeli interests. He obviously wouldn't adopt a race-centered political framework since that would make him the first on the boat back to a broken Israel left to fall apart without American aid.

>> No.14217526

>not being an anti-semitic Zionist
It's almost like you don't want them to fuck off to Israel.

>> No.14217573

Where is the lie

>> No.14217594

Well, racism isn't bad, if you don't intentionally harm people.
People should be free to associate with whoever they want.

>> No.14217621
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>against immigration
only in israel

>> No.14217635
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>> No.14217642

Oy vey!

>> No.14217669

Racism is stupid because I've learned from countless races that weren't my own. If I was a real racist, I wouldn't even take their thoughts into consideration.

>> No.14217675

Based Facebook mom retard

>> No.14217686

Not an argument. Try again

>> No.14217767

>If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist
What if I don't?

>> No.14217779

You can read a book written by someone without letting their feral children go to school with yours.

>> No.14217792

Then I'm not really a racist but a baboon brained insecure beta

>> No.14218023
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>> No.14218063

There was a jewish state in Auschwitz once.
Fucking commies shut it down.

>> No.14218103

There's a huge difference between friends helping each other out and a spoiled little shit being born into a rich family that hands him everything on a silver platter.

>> No.14218115
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>Jennifer glanced
>Jennifer looked
>and sighed
>and sighed
Please tell me this shit is from Ben's book.

>> No.14218116

networking isn't friends helping each other out, moron.

>> No.14218145

Some of it is; some of it is kissing the right asses. The point is, Ben never did any networking. He was born into a family that could give him everything, so he never had to sacrifice anything, not even a little dignity. Tell me; if you aren't a Jew, then why the hell are you defending Ben?

>> No.14218159

ben shapiro was born into the right circles because he was meant to go places. it was just god networking him into the right hands to make sure the little guy makes it.

>> No.14218163

How do you network in business? Assume someone has a small service business. How do you network with others? Do you call them or what? Asking for a friend, he has 'tism.

>> No.14218167


>> No.14218173

The first page

>> No.14218179

How embarrassing. I've seen better prose from YA hacks like J. K. Rowling and John Green.

>> No.14218186

>boomers and neo-cons think this guy is an intellectual

>> No.14218189
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>> No.14218199
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>> No.14218211

New York City

By the time Jennifer Collier hit the George Washington Bridge, it was already almost 9:00 a.m. Rush hour. The bridge had turned into an enormous parking lot.

Jennifer looked out at the sea of red lights before her, stretching all the way into New York, and sighed. There had to be thirty thousand cars on this bridge, all of them moving two miles an hour.

Jennifer glanced at her watch and sighed.

She was on the west side of the bridge, and she could see its two enormous steel-encased towers looming before her. In the passenger seat, her daughter, Julie, breathed softly, sleeping.

Jennifer glanced at her watch again. 9:03. “Come on,” she muttered.

Which is when she heard it.

The bridge groaned.

It was a loud, low groan that made the car vibrate.

Julie woke up. “What was that?” she asked drowsily.

The groan died away.

“Nothing,” said Jennifer. “Probably just a plane overhead. Go back to sleep.”


The bridge groaned again. This time, it was longer, more drawn out. Jennifer felt the brake pedal vibrate beneath her foot.

“Mommy, that’s not a plane,” said Julie, wide awake now.

The groaning continued, booming from beneath them.

The bridge was undulating slightly up and down now. Jennifer could see the cables of the suspension bridge oscillating like the strings of a guitar.

“Mommy, what’s going on?” Julie cried.

Cars ahead were honking now, urgently pleading for those at the front of the bridge to hurry up. A few cars were trying to ram their way through the traffic, pushing other cars toward the edge of the bridge. The honking and crashing, combined with the burgeoning low roar, made Jennifer’s head ache, pound, the driving rhythm of her blood surging through her temples.

Then the bridge’s roar stopped again. The people ahead of Jennifer kept honking, panicking, trying to get off the bridge. After about thirty seconds, the honking seemed to die down a little bit. Julie’s wide eyes grew wider. She was staring at a crash on the other side of the divider, the flames leaping from the engine of a smashed Toyota. Jennifer could see a man’s arm hanging, lifeless, out the window.

Jennifer reached out and gripped Julie’s arm. “It’s okay, baby,” she whispered, wetting her lips.

Then time seemed to stop.

The noise of the traffic went silent.

Jennifer’s eyes opened in horror.

The bridge before Jennifer tilted sideways. The 604-foot tower before her began to lean, almost gracefully, to her right.

Jennifer screamed, but it was drowned out in the ear-splitting cracking noise, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel twisting and bending and grating on each other, the sound of a million airplanes all crashing at once. Jennifer looked to her left as she heard the steel cables shriek, stretch on the other side of the bridge. She locked eyes with an elderly man driving a silver Lincoln Continental.

How did this get published?

>> No.14218213
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>Kendrick Malone

>> No.14218219

Become member of clubs, go to recruiting events, kiss ass, donate, exchange contacts.

>> No.14218228
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>Big Jim
>Kendrick Malone

>> No.14218242

That cover looks corny as hell

>> No.14218243

Do you seriously think Ben Shapiro did any of that? Life works differently when your parents are a couple of rich Hollywood Jews.

>> No.14218251

Hold on, there's a liberal black character in the book? Is he a villain, or does he become a neo-con?

>> No.14218333

Lol! The black character is like a manipulative liberal. It's so funny how bad his writing and his characters are

>> No.14218412

Looks so bad

>> No.14218438

This is the guy who feels threatened by 'antisemetic moon landing conspiracy podcasts'

>> No.14218589
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I dare someone to rewrite this so it's less retarded

>> No.14218672

No thank you. Fuck, is it dumb

>> No.14218683


>> No.14218687

Not an argument

>> No.14218698

well no shit. Nobody expected Ben Shapiro to be a great writer.
>New York Times bestselling author
Fuck the new york times.
And I'm far right politically and even agree with Ben Shapiro on almost everything. But I wouldn't read some shitty book he puts out.

>> No.14218704

>agree with Ben Shapiro on almost everything.
Then you're not far right.
But yea, just because someone is a political pundit doesn't mean they can write good fiction regardless of how smart they are.
The nyt bestseller was probably one of his nonfiction books.

>> No.14218718

True Allegiance?

they have the wrong flag on the cover.

>> No.14218773
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This can't be real

>> No.14218829

Oh, it is.

>> No.14218889


>> No.14218999

Where would you even start. This would be like asking us to rewrite a 3rd graders report on the history of corn.

>> No.14219114

It means you're not really racist but you're discriminatory because if someone of a different race "benefits" you, like in my example of knowledge, you'll let them slide. So you're not a true racist. You're overgeneralizing people due to short circuits in your brain that unable you to grasp irrational ideas.
Tldr you're a brainlet who larps as a racist because of irrational thoughts

>> No.14219120

It's dull and mediocre, but it doesn't seem much worse than the typical Fabio-on-the-cover romance novel. I don't know why /lit/ is acting like this is the most offensively bad stuff they've ever seen.

>> No.14219138

This part isn't that bad, chill out.

>> No.14219193

Yeah, I mean on a sheer prose level, it just seems mediocre, but nothing spectacularly bad.

I think the thing is, is all those accolades and stuff are for Ben Shapiro's political analysis/non-fiction books, which is a very different thing than doing some potboiler thriller fiction.

>> No.14219516


>> No.14219521

Only people with 160+ IQs will appreciate this.

>> No.14221064
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>detroit was a shithole, but it was his shithole

>> No.14221077


Imagine being worse than a guy who writes try-hard Anne Frank fanfiction lmao

>> No.14221242
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>> No.14221372

It's about as bad as the sound of a million planes all crashing at once

>> No.14222140

What in particular is so bad about it on a writing level? Like the plot and dialogue is bad, otherwise it could just be any of the Clancy books or Clancy clones.

>> No.14222159

this is better than anything to come out of lit.

>> No.14222524

i love this video, i listen to it every few months. The Shakespeare bit kills me every time

>> No.14222750

this time it's actually not. this very passage is so horribly hopeless that it's actually even worse than just about anything that ever came out of /lit/.

>> No.14222800

I never read, why is this paragraph so awful? Because he wrote sigh twice? What is problem with using looked and glance? or am I missing something here
Genuinely curious

>> No.14222977

it's spelled yarmulke for some reason

>> No.14222984

>i listen to it every few months
and here i thought the alt-right are the losers with too much time on their hands

>> No.14223518

Care to say why?

Everyone here says its the worse thing ever, and then does absolutely nothing to support their claim.

Is it the grammar, the prose, what is it that makes it so horrendous?

>> No.14223540

Why would anyone give enough of a shit to precisely analyze and lay out why some random passage written by Ben Shapiro is badly written? It's a waste of time because anyone who has read a decent book in their life knows why it's trash at first glance. So rather than wasting said time, we skip straight to mocking it for fun.

>> No.14223560

It reads like it hasn't been redrafted, repetition is ridiculous, almost as if he wrote a few words, forgot about them, then used them agaim

>> No.14223570

This is not an argument either.

>> No.14223700

Ben is known for his political commentary, not writing fiction. No shit it’s bad, you fucking monkey.

>> No.14223712

Why don't you make your own opinion like I did, faggot.

>> No.14223734

I'm asking why you specifically think that is bad writing.
I'm not saying I even disagree. As someone who doesn't read, what about that paragraph made you dislike it?

>> No.14223745

>I can't tell you why it's bad, but you gotta believe me!

>> No.14223754


>> No.14223821

because it's not an english word anon

>> No.14223970
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>As someone who doesn't read

>> No.14223999

>ask a question
>responded nicely twice
>anon responds by calling me a faggot and using an NPC meme
Good thing you didnt give me your opinion actually

>> No.14224210


Notice these "the market will sort itself out" posters who go on and on for hours about meritocracy and hard work always drop these little blackpills about how things really work.

>> No.14224223

Libertarians only care about the almighty dollar. Not even joking, most would openly support setting up a totalitarian dictatorship that melts people for biomass if it reduced the average income tax by 3%.

>> No.14224236

I think you have a skewed perception of libertarians anon

>> No.14224240

>most would openly support setting up a totalitarian dictatorship that melts people for biomass if it reduced the average income tax by 3%.
Dude I would gladly pay MORE taxes to see that happening

>> No.14224360

>I think you have a skewed perception of libertarians anon
Not really. Multiple big name libertarians such as Hayek openly supported dictators such as Pinochet since they were "pro-market". Maybe 5% of libertarians actually care about freedoms and shit, the rest only cares about money.

>> No.14224381

accurate kek

>> No.14224389

Many big name socialists supported dictators like Stalin and Mao, but I wouldn't strawman all socialists with a ridiculous caricature that makes them seem like psychopaths

>> No.14224403

>I never read
I know this is a meme but come on. Why the fuck would you post here if you never read. Fuck you.

>> No.14224440

>fuck you
why are you so hostile anon

I come on here in hopes that it inspires me to read more. I know I should read more yet I don't

>> No.14224579

I dont follow Chapo Trap House, but I've listened to them shit on it several times. It's hysterical.
>fuck you, honkey, said the youth seeing the Mcmillan and Wife t shirt
>his faced wreathed in material

>> No.14224650



>> No.14224659

it's repetitive

>> No.14224665

lmao this nigga really wrote a novel to justify his worldview and political stance

>> No.14224666

Don't be ableist, just because they can't read doesn't mean their opinion doesn't matter. It's just as valid.

>> No.14224712

I mean, they say write what you know.

>> No.14224751
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>conservatives have gone from Chesterton and Borges to this

>> No.14224836

Holy shit this is great

>> No.14225599

Reading this. In all honesty, it feels like we're witnessing the biggest job in all of history

>> No.14225648

What a lot of vaguely left people don't get is that Ben Shapiro has nothing to do with you. He's there to gate-keep whites anxious about class and demographics away from illiberalism and anticapitalism.

>> No.14225871

that makes sense!