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14215966 No.14215966 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on flat earth?

>> No.14216010

Eric Dubay - 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball
The Flat Earth Conspiracy

>> No.14216155

my diary

>> No.14216210

Based reverse psyops

>> No.14216228
File: 17 KB, 500x508, 1572018059884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been fascinated by the flat Earth conspiracy in particular.
As opposed to the conspiracy theories like chemtrails, UFOs or floridated water, where the conspirators have something to gain be it control, power or money. It seems like the "They" in flat earth theories don't have any tangible motive.
Like, what could you possibly gain by a mass coordination of government agencies to trick people into thinking the world is round when it wasn't? Do they just think it's funny? Would the social order collapse if people found out you could walk to the actual edge of the Earth? Iasked a flat earth guy in person and he just kept insisting it was a way to keep us weak and ignorant.
Is the lure of getting to 'know' something others don't alone enough to keep a conspiracy theory alive even in the absence of any discernible practical motive or benefit to the supposed other?

>> No.14216237

supposedly there's something behind the ice sheet they don't want us knowing about, like free real estate

>> No.14216244
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pic related and the Bible

>> No.14216257

the most common argument i see is that it's supposed to trap humanity in this sort of materialism where "the earth is just a tiny speck of dust in a infinitely large cosmos", as opposed to the "truth" where the earth is at the center of the universe.

>> No.14216274

The government is hiding something behind the ice walls. I'm sympathetic to flat earth; but I am an agnostic when it comes to round-earth v. flat earth debate. Flat earth is definitely the more common sense view.

>> No.14216281

the earth IS the center of the universe though
read wolfgang smith

>> No.14216305
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When did flat earth start gaining traction? I read some flat earthers claim it was a common view point in medieval times, but was it really?

>> No.14216319

What is the impetus behind believing in flat Earth? I get the first impression that it's the illusion of "enlightenment"; like, "I know the real truth". This seems to be intertwined with anti-government/anti-shadow government (conspiracies inside conspiracies) sentiment. Is flat Earth belief just a desire to be different, to hold the truest truth, to feel vindication after a lifetime of personal dismissal? Or is it just retardation? A belief in this must fly in the face of overwhelming evidence, testimony, science, and relies upon mass conspiracy. Is the desire to be unique really so strong?

>> No.14216339

>A belief in this must fly in the face of overwhelming evidence, testimony, science, and relies upon mass conspiracy.
No, flat earth is supported by fact and empirical observation

>> No.14216350

bruh, watch the flat earth videos. i doubt there's a single person here (or in the general population) who isn't into physics that can debunk their arguments. it's not that self evident at all if you hold some skepticism against mainstream science.

>> No.14216357
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, _85487130_citizensmith_bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read wolfgang smith

>> No.14216371

i guess this thread goes well with the climate change deniers and intelligent design believers on here today. this board is really shit at the moment

>> No.14216388
File: 200 KB, 785x731, 1574033035345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry all you want, faggot. hold your materialistic, unrepeatable, not empirically observable views if it conforts you.

>> No.14216394

Unironically, The Bible

>> No.14216437

A good chunk, if not all, flat earthers are fundamentalist Christians who take the bible too seriously. "They" to them is just the government making it ok and allowing satanic gay homosexual agenda post-fema alkalin preventing and force vaxing your children. The flat earthers think that what "they" wish to gain from this cover up is that people/sheeple/goyim don't see da troof (the bible mainly genesis 1).

>> No.14216450 [DELETED] 


>> No.14216504

>>>14216319 (You)
>>A belief in this must fly in the face of overwhelming evidence, testimony, science, and relies upon mass conspiracy.
>No, flat earth is supported by fact and empirical observation

>>>14216319 (You)
>bruh, watch the flat earth videos. i doubt there's a single person here (or in the general population) who isn't into physics that can debunk their arguments. it's not that self evident at all if you hold some skepticism against mainstream science.

Is it finally time to leave /lit/ for good? This board is rapidly gaining extra chromosomes.

>> No.14216529
File: 260 KB, 785x823, 1574074180340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like truth seekers on your board Shlomo?

>> No.14216533

do you have a GPS in your car or in your phone? congratulations, you've proved the earth is round.

>> No.14216556

Just because you seek truth doesn't mean you haven't overlooked it. I think you guys are overzealous.

>> No.14216560

>Muh GPS
How many times do we have to tell you? NASA scientists have already admitted that GPS doesn't work in Antarctica because the world is flat.

>> No.14216564

>noooooo don't look into flat earth!!!! don't look for tru- i mean, conspiracies! it's all for retards really don't look there
you got BTFO, retard. eric dubay alone can expose pretty much any astrologer - i mean - astronomer of this earth

>> No.14216566

>muh antarctica
but does it work where you live anon?

>> No.14216576

no retard, gps is done by using under the sea cables, dumbass

>> No.14216578

I don't live on Antarctica

>> No.14216580

The remaining 44% are larpers. At least 40% are at least. The remaining 4% who actually do believe it's flat are probably retarded.

>> No.14216582

>NASA scientists have already admitted that GPS doesn't work in Antarctica because the world is flat.

I really do wish the flat earth theory was real. The idea of an icewall and then oceans and islands beyond, an endless plane, is just very based.

>> No.14216599

Read about seismic shadow zones and try to describe them on a flat earth model.

>> No.14216607

you never looked at the clouds after the sun has set and wondered why the clouds are still illuminated?

>> No.14216608

It's true. There evidence is mounting. It's already moved past the "first they ignore you stage" to the "next the ridiculed you" stage. They can't disprove our evidence, so they get authority figures and public intellectuals to mock flat earth. Now, we begin the long period of acceptance. The establishment will eventually have to accept flat earth because you can't hide the truth forever.

>> No.14216612

what about instead of using "models" and other nonsensical trash, just use your fuckin eyes, retard? yeah, common sense, you abssolute idiot. look at the fucking horizon, it's right there, it's flat, it's all it needs to tell you, and you still manage to fuck it up. or better yet, grab a go pro and use baloons to go up really high in the skin, i'm talking above aeroplane high, and see no curvature, retard. now do that and tell me if you still believe in retarded "models" lmfao, dumbass

>> No.14216627

Considering that earth being flat would be a very good argument for existence of God, why don't religions finance a trip to the edge or something like that which would prove it once and for all?

>> No.14216634

it's really scary there, you can fall into the abyss if you climb the ice walls

>> No.14216637


It is just retarded boomer american fundamental christians misunderstanding the bible and hating obama

>> No.14216647

We don't even have a proper explanation of how earthquakes travel as it is. Stop being disingenuous.

>> No.14216649

>>>14216504 (You)
>>noooooo don't look into flat earth!!!! don't look for tru- i mean, conspiracies! it's all for retards really don't look there
>you got BTFO, retard. eric dubay alone can expose pretty much any astrologer - i mean - astronomer of this earth

I got BTFO without any proof of having been so. But you guys are used to not needing evidence to prove your beliefs, so what's new?
And why do flat Earthers always resort to namecalling? It doesn't legitimise your argument.

>> No.14216668

LOL. You're saying we have weak arguments, but your top arguments are appealing to the supposed scientific consensus and muh pictures of earth.

>> No.14216695
File: 223 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20191123_054933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat earth
Wrong. Doesn't explain the nature of Antarctica or the evidence supporting hollow Earth. See pic related for a more robust theory.

>> No.14216697

bruh, you're the one who needs arguments. all globetards can say is "newton this", "eistein that", "gravity this", "nasa that", anyway it's all stupidity, and mere belief in fake cgi LOL

>> No.14216720

Why can't you just talk like a normal person instead of putting words in my mouth. Using "muh" to refer to something you disagree with predisposes a reader to a biased interpretation, instead of relying on evidence and logic to disprove a contrary position. It's the coward's way out. You don't need evidence if you don't need to put any effort in.
Also, you are projecting your own fears and biases onto me. Read the thread: I never mentioned scientific consensus or pictures of Earth.

>> No.14216729
File: 56 KB, 788x873, earthchan-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unbelievable that there are actually spherecucks on this board. this is literally the best argument they can muster. a chinese cartoon character

>> No.14216731

Again, you are projecting. I never said any of this. Is this all you have to fall back on?

>> No.14216757

I've already disproven globe earth. I don't debate globers anymore because all of your arguments are Incorrect.

>> No.14216781

How did you prove it?

>> No.14216787
File: 798 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191123-080339_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The typical flat Earther. C'mon everyone, tell us how you FEEL. Let it all out.

>> No.14216792

all major religious institutions were infiltrated by masons/jesuits/kikes forever ago, they'd either be in on it or anyway not interested in the truth. Also the Christian church has always taught ball earth.

>> No.14216804

The flat earth movement is perpetrated by individuals of average intelligence taking advantage of the skepticism (haphazard analysis) of lower intelligence individuals. Mostly it appeals to beliefs, like Christianity in the states, but there is many other versions designed for any variant of the bugger.

>> No.14216820

I can appreciate this one, but for me it's hollow earth.
The sun is about the size of a football

>> No.14216824
