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/lit/ - Literature

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14214435 No.14214435 [Reply] [Original]

In all seriousness, why is the book subreddit so much worse than /lit/?

>> No.14214437 [DELETED] 

Because most book readers are retarded.
Did you try comparing this board to r/literature yet?

>> No.14214444 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, I think I just found my new home on the internet. Thanks!

>> No.14214447 [DELETED] 

Nice quads, bro.

You have to go back.

>> No.14214456

well. it looks like he is

>> No.14214464

Because they're mostly Americans. Europeans (who are less addicted to the internet btw) come here to discuss literature.

>> No.14214484

Why are you obsessed with Americans?

>> No.14214489


>socially concious young adult fiction

>Philosophy and classic literature

>> No.14214501

he's right tho

>> No.14214574

r/literature isn't bad at all. The reddit hate is so forced sometimes.

>> No.14214605

>The reddit hate is so forced sometimes.
It's not, I hate reddit so fucking much

>> No.14214615

Hello R*ddit

>> No.14214626

Not really. Reddit is an echo chamber for niggers

>> No.14214673
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>the retardd hate is forced
if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.14214677


It's more of a hive-mind than an echo chamber.

>> No.14214689

>just finished
Because redditors actually finish books and this disturbs the chanobyte who only buys philosophy books to read 20 pages of

>> No.14214692

>worse than /lit/
not sure that's even possible

>> No.14214724

Suffers from the same problems lit has but worse. Namely, people recommending or bashing shit they haven't read for e-cred. On 4chan you can just call people out on their bullshit without having to worry about karma points or getting banned.

>> No.14214779

How many times have you read this description on reddit? Have you ever had an original thought?

>> No.14214781

But that's correct.

>> No.14214787

/r/books is at least on topic

>> No.14214790

Because there is no elitism at all. If nobody is there to make fun of people posting about Harry Potter or "I just read the back of a cereal box after not reading anything since kindergarten, it's so cool man you can make a movie in your mind, also have you heard of 1984 dude it seems cool but a bit intimidating" faggots then don't be surprised when that's all you ever have.

>> No.14214791

To be honest it is quite obvious how /lit/ is seeping into r/literature and some other small literary subs, shitting them up with "which translation of Homer should I read" diarrhea threads.

Reddit used to be for mild, inoffensive nerds, and more recently basically safe for everyone in the world. Stuff like Ready Player One, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc are standard fare for such people. 4chan on the other hand used to have a distinctly edgy and contrarian mindset (still somewhat present even today), which in the case of /lit/ has crystallized into adoration of highbrow literature. Similarly, on /mu/ there's a lot of wanking about "weird" music such as post-rock, shoegaze, krautrock, etc. It's mainly edginess and a concealed elitist desire to be superior (the ideals for most /lit/izens and /mu/tants are Bloom and Scaruffi), not miraculously good taste, that formed the discourse on here.

>> No.14214792

Nah, that's bullshit, reddit is full of Eurofags

>> No.14214795

Nah Reddit is trash

>> No.14214808

>muh Europeons

>> No.14214830

why do we live in your head rent free, Muhammad?

>> No.14214843

I wouldn’t know because I don’t use reddit
Go back
You as well

>> No.14214844

Because REDDIT is much worse. Put enough people in any discussion there and it by default turns into spouting acceptable opinions and farming upvotes. Here people are free to call others idiots.

>> No.14214867
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>r/literature isn't bad at all

>> No.14214963

Just went on to it to see what the problem is specifically
Cringe except some of the comments like https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/dzwd9c/psa_youre_allowed_to_read_whatever_you_want_but/ and especially https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/dzruj8/psa_youre_allowed_to_read_whatever_you_like_dont/f8a3umf/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/dzruj8/psa_youre_allowed_to_read_whatever_you_like_dont/f8a06yd/
Based except some of the comments

>> No.14214986

American literature is for children, from Melville to Pynchon and beyond, and without exception.

>> No.14214991

>protesting too much

>> No.14215002

Because reddit is for faggots.

>> No.14215044


>> No.14215066
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>Books organized by color
What the hell? Who would do this? Why would you do this? Of all the ways to organize books, this is probably the worst.
I genuinely hate whoever made that decision. Way to make it difficult to find what you're looking for. They're obscuring access to books for the purpose of aesthetics. Is there a bigger way to signal you don't value books beyond signaling to others that you read?

>> No.14215187

Because Reddit, due to its design, will cause any community to become nothing more than group of the world's dullest people fellating each other for having dull opinions. While this place could use some work (hell, even I know that l could be a much better poster) , you can at least find something interesting without having to dig around.

>> No.14215194

Stop trying to colonize

>> No.14215206

They're not, though. Anon, are you colorblind?

>> No.14215224

lmao I got banned from that for saying that Black Leopard, Red Wolf or whatever was a bastardized pastiche version of true African culture. Bunch of sissies who can't handle banter, unlike /lit/ (most of the time).

>> No.14215225
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>talk about book on reddit
>endless posts about how good, or at least acceptable it is, careful not to offend anyone lest you loose points.
>eventually ends in a circle jerk about how wonderful everyone and everything is

>talk about book on 4chan
>endless posts about how awful it was, how stupid the author was, suggestions about OP's sexual preferences and mental capacity, suggestions about OP's mother's moral rectitude
>eventually ends talking about some other subject completely,

As much as I hate it here, you're still allowed to criticize books without consequence. And if your stuff is criticized, you have to actually think about it if you want to defend it or change your opinion.

Reddit is an opium den of mediocrity.

>> No.14215233

this board is complete garbage, i dont know why anyone would be proud of discussing literature here

>> No.14215234

Euros don't have a better place to discuss literature than 4chan? jesus

>> No.14215244

>A shelf of green books
>A shelf of blue books
>A shelf of purple books
>A shelf of pink books
Are you? It's not all of them, but it's the most pants on head retarded way to make a display. Who walks into a store thinking "I'll read a red book today"?

>> No.14215246

name a better place

>> No.14215269

Here it's the opposite extreme which is no better. /lit/'s resident chimpanzees won't tolerate discussion of literature written by brown people.
G-guys I just think that Maya Angelou is a pretty good poe--
>nigger lover
If Amilcar Cabral were still alive then Africans would have--
>go back to tumblr

>> No.14215286

Probably nowhere that tolerates open discussion as it's tolerated here. But I've been posting here for 4 years and I've never had a single fulfilling conversation about literature, or anything for that matter. If I didn't consistently get good book recs I wouldn't stick around.
Sometimes I think if we gave philosophyfags a board of their own there'd be breathing space and a better culture.

>> No.14215294

>why is the book subreddit so much worse than /lit/?

is it?

>> No.14215295

>If I didn't consistently get good book recs I wouldn't stick around
That's already more than reddit has to offer desu.

>> No.14215325

>Black Leopard, Red Wolf

Can you tell me more about this? Been curious about the book. What's bastardised and pastische about it?

>> No.14215403
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>Reddit isnt bad

>> No.14215421

>The most complex thing they learn to argue is that taste is arbitrary. Armed with this 1 argument they can cease to learn things and lapse happily into hedonism. (Incidentally, reading YA books is one of the least fun ways to be a hedonist.)
r/books is truly awful but the occasional posts like this that call out the stupidity and immaturity of its users are always entertaining

>> No.14215465

That's an endcap for quick marketing you dipshit.

>> No.14215473

>G-guys I just think that Maya Angelou is a pretty good poe--
While the quality of responses may be disappointing, it doesn't help when the initial assertion is defending one of the 20th century's most notorious hacks.

>> No.14215493

Lol I saw this thread. Foundation is shit for plenty of reasons that have nothing to do with sexism. Namely the biggest plot twist being painfully telegraphed from when the clown dude gets introduced.

>> No.14215570

Because you can't call people a nigger on Reddit.

>> No.14215594

but you can call them incels :)

>> No.14215599

They are competing for internet points so it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
/lit/ competes for (you)s, so your goal is to upset the autists who'll then endlessly discuss it in a thread.

>> No.14215604

pair of dubs = truth

>> No.14215658
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As someone said to me reddit is a place dumb people go to pretend they're intelligent while 4chan is a place normal people go to pretend to be dumb for fun.

>> No.14215756
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Those cunts will ban you just for disagreeing with the herd opinion, you don't even have to break any official rules. Every sub has a little pack of commissars running the show who are just itching to exercise the authority they don't get to have working in the IT Department.

>> No.14215824

this is on par with the average religious conversation on /lit/

>> No.14215881

fuck off and go back.

>> No.14215916

Because we are supreme gentlemen

>> No.14216091

r/books is for people who read books, not literature. Make sense?

>> No.14216120

Canonically ;)

Harold Bloom would be proud!

>> No.14216170

I don't think Bloom would agree with my canon but we would agree on disagreeing with r/books canon absolutely.

>> No.14216187

That's pretty good. That would delicate attention paid to Literature and literature. Literati as a social construct, by proxy of r/books. What a concept!

>> No.14216188

holy f*cking shitballs batman!!!
i think i just found my new home


Christopher Walken + Morgan Freeman = epic

Level 102 Barbarian
Dark Stalkers Clan

Go Reds

>> No.14216194


only time I've ever seen /r/books being based

>> No.14216205

r/books... and the rest. This could work.

>> No.14216230

Canons are like moons around the "New York Times bestsellers" planet anyway. Probably best we just stick to Stephen Kings we can dig up alongside the potatoes.

>> No.14216363

good post

>> No.14217701

>obsessive Harry Potter fandom from grown-ass adults
>moaning about 'problematic' things in older books, when it's stuff that was totally normal at the time - i.e. no sense of history

>> No.14217710

The average /r/books poster probably reads significantly more than most /lit posters.

>> No.14217726

because it's on reddit, where you should return to you cretin

>> No.14217758

but it's all shit, so you might as well be watching Gordon Ramsey or some fucking drivel.

>> No.14217869

go back
>reading 20 YA novels a year is better than reading 5 serious works of literature
go back. I've read almost 100 books this year and fewer than 5 were genrefiction.
there are so many people like this on goodreads it's ridiculous. if a book doesn't cater to their own opinions (i would have liked this more but i'm a dog person not a cat person) (it was okay but i wanted to read about minority characters, so this book set in 1800s england didn't cut it for me, 2 stars) (this had a sad ending and i hate sad books so i docked two stars for that) they throw a tantrum. the internet on the whole is a dumpsterfire because the average person can post their opinions in safety and the average person is a fucking retard. on /lit/ they can't get past being constantly insulted and the badfeels chase them out.

>> No.14217923

Same reason their music sub is worse than MU which nowadays isn’t much better

>> No.14217993

>Same reason their music sub is worse than MU

how so? /mu/ is pretty bad

>> No.14218024


>> No.14218536

We don't need the ones of your kind around here.

>> No.14218555

Reddit is awful and you are awful. If you disagree you have to go back

>> No.14218577
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reddit is awful, lit is mediocre but has its moments. where else to go. where do people discuss contemporary stuff or serious criticism? here litfags only learn about a contemporary book if someone gets a nobel prize and only know harold bloom but never read him.

>> No.14218590

Fucking faggots like you keep coming here and shitting up this place. Have you considered that if you're unable to identify why this place is "so much better" than you shouldn't fucking be here because you will degrade it?

>> No.14218680

>only know harold bloom but never read him.
The similarities with /lit/ keep racking up.

>> No.14218756


>> No.14218781
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>> No.14218831
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fuuuuucccck she got so old

>> No.14218910
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the best thing to come out of reddit/r/books


>> No.14219094

The top comments weren't what I was expecting. 4chan is a buzzword in most places so I expected immediate dismissal, yet there was good, legitimate commentary. Good post. Does this list ever get updated? or do I just happen to miss the polls?

>> No.14219115

In a perfect world there would be a perfectly well-balanced mountain of achievement to climb when it comes to getting invested in one's hobbies, so that middle-aged ladies and internet-addled dunderheads getting into reading for the first time could receive a sort of innately well-balanced "good for you, you're now a neophyte, but keep going! now that you have a bit of experience at this thing, you can pat yourself on the back for a moment, but you can now also see ever more clearly just how long the path is ahead of you, and how many tiers of distinction there are for people who really master it!" feedback.

Instead, you either go to some normie hellhole like Reddit and get drowned in shallow saccharine meaningless "acceptance" for showing up, the equivalent of a trophy for participation, or you go to a place like 4chan and get mocked nonstop until you manage to make it quite far down the path, at which point you are begrudgingly accepted.

The 4chan approach is nice if you're a man, since men like these competitive hierarchies and there's a natural male impulse to go "oh yeah?? I'll show these queers I belong in their clubhouse, in fact, I'll take it over!" on some level. But maybe there should be room for your aunt Betty to get some effeminate little back-patting ceremony when she does good for the first time, too.

>> No.14219192

>maybe there should be room for your aunt Betty to get some effeminate little back-patting ceremony when she does good for the first time,
that's what we have /sffg/ for you reddit leftover.

if you allow casuals you get dunning-krueger.

>> No.14219268

/lit/ is pretty awful these days. The whole board's been taken over by philosophy fags, religious posters, /pol/, and /r9k/ crossboarders--none of whom actually talk about literature. I only stay for the occasional thread about underrated writers in other countries.

>> No.14219292

>muh patriarchy
>muh seekret clubhouse
>aunt Betty
You have to go back.

>> No.14219332

How is a majority white website an echo chamber for colored people?

>> No.14219470

If you use reddit please stay there.

>> No.14219508
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>> No.14219523

That's true, I didn't say they should be on 4chan necessarily. I just found it interesting that there's a gap between the two levels. I guess I should have included that it's also interesting that the casuals will generally annihilate the elitists if the two are mixed, but I thought that was implicit in me saying that only in an ideal society would you have a perfectly gradated ascent from casual to elitist.

I've been on the site since 2007-8~, I'm just old so I increasingly write like a boomer now without realizing it. But you are a phoneposting newfag which is subtly more damaging in the long run. You only skimmed my post for things that offend you so you could reply with canned memeshit. You are more Reddit than me as a result, in the sense of all the 4chan spinoffs on that site which act as a launching point for underage post-2016 emigrants on their way to 4chan.

The other guy called me reddit because he misunderstood me, but at least he read my post. You called me reddit because you are scanning for posts that vaguely fit a certain profile so you can "fit in" by rebuking them. Be careful or you will be that guy greentexting in Youtube comments with a le 4chan meme avatar forever.

>> No.14219541

Women don't have any meaningful presence in the trilogy, except for the heroine who saves the day in book 3. What kind of retard gets upset at a lack of consistent diversity in a book written in the 50s? Men don't get upset at Jane Austen or the like, do they? I hate this need to feel offended at something that has absolutely no impact on you, or wasn't even maliciously created.

>> No.14219595




Have you read Brandon Sanderson?


>> No.14219725

How am I supposed to know if I don't browse Reddit? Go back.

>> No.14219733

4chan is reddit
this is the ultimate redpill
if you can't accept this you are lacking in brainpower
4chan is reddit for edgier people with slightly more individualism

>> No.14219770

It really isn’t. I didn’t even know what reddit was four years ago but I already had a mentally formed image of a certain type of poster I hated. Just their diction and syntax was so distinct, it was like the text equivalent of a dialect and I just assumed it was teenagers then I saw some reddit screen cap threads and it all clicked. I hate you, I actually hate you. And I don’t throw that word around carelessly.

>> No.14219780

I don't understand why you would post that picture.

>> No.14219792

4chan is simply Reddit with inverted opinions, and the subconscious awareness of this is why 4chan is obsessed with Reddit, while Reddit really doesn't think about 4chan at all.

>> No.14219796

Eh, not completely but we certainly attract that demographic. Good thing about that is that those people tend to be a lot more open minded and intelligent than most of Reddit. Helps avoid the stereotypical Reddit 'discourse'.

>> No.14219800

Individualism and 4chan really don't go together.

>> No.14219879 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14219895
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>> No.14219943

>all these redditfaggots
/lit/ is dead

>> No.14219954
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My hivemind echo chamber filled with awful, unfunny memes is better than your hivemind echo chamber filled with awful, unfunny memes.

>> No.14220469
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>about underrated writers in other countries.

say no more senpai

>> No.14221716

what about r/askphilosophy
why does that baby look like a fake

>> No.14221740
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this is what happens every time I go on reddit and make what should be a very obvious observation

>> No.14221770

Makes it easier to cope with the lack of an empire.

>> No.14221777

As with all of reddit the lack of anonymity makes people afraid to voice their real opinions which means that feminist and post-colonial literature get way more credit than they deserve. Also, yes, they are mostly americans (and probably canadians - the canadian meme is the truest on 4chan).

>> No.14221799

Reddit is almost entirely shaped by a herd mentality, and is generally plebby. The attempts at trying to be funny are often so fucking awkward and embarassing, too. What’s nice about Reddit is that they actually like the stuff they talk about.

On the other hand, lit autistically screaming how everything sucks, how much they hate women, and the fucking religious debates are almost as obnoxious. But then again, it’s generally way less plebby and does discuss some really interesting stuff sometimes.

It’s sort of a pick your poison kind of thing.

>> No.14221808

/lit/ doesnt really talk about hating women that much. I also dont see why people flip out about it in the first place, women talk about hating men all the time and no one cares

>> No.14221817

Good comment. At least bring up James Baldwin, Zora Neale Hurston or Ralph Ellison or anybody at least respectable.

>> No.14221844

Those have always been things here (except rampant /pol/ posting), especially philosophy fags.

>> No.14221887

>But maybe there should be room for your aunt Betty to get some effeminate little back-patting ceremony when she does good for the first time, too.
Isn't this what most book clubs are?

>> No.14221916

You are a fucking sperg and were in the wrong

>> No.14222994


>> No.14223013

Why would they? If 4chan is not a shithole like reddit (by a hair) it's only thanks to Europeans. They're literally civilizing americans through this platform.

>> No.14223050
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>4chan is reddit except for the parts that make reddit reddit

>> No.14223847

the thing I like about reddit is when you get into an interesting discussion, it's cleaner and more organized. the problem is the upvote system and how everyone subscribe to politically correctness. although, here everyone is kinda similar too. here the discussions are rarely deep, hard to find something useful. but when it's good it's the best.

>> No.14224806

Can confirm. Americans require outside influence otherwise there would be nothing but bell curve threads

>> No.14224831

Any discussion forum that allows up- and down-voting to determine which posts are valuable turns into a worthless pit of group-think. 4chan is actually walking a fine line with its (you)s, but hasn't gotten as bad as reddit.

>> No.14224849

So what is the solution? How does one fix the (you) issue?

>> No.14224860

Take off (you)s and don't link posts to their replies I guess. Though that does make it harder to follow conversations.

Older message boards and even usenet were better overall, but they lacked the sheer anonymity that 4chan has (excepting tripfags). It's a give and take.

>> No.14224893

if you think that you’re retarded. next to no one is getting more civilized by this platform. look at the thread catalog if you think I’m wrong. if there are civil people on here, they were already like that before coming here