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14210806 No.14210806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reading Culture of Critique now, are there any other references on this level?
Looking for a book that describes the international finance manipulation that causes outsourcing, inflation, and poverty of European peoples and points out the jewish demons responsible.

The jews are really not very smart, they rely on their stolen wealth to do everything and cover up for their many terrible mistakes and failures in their planning. Literally just a parasite that can make nothing of its own and can't survive without its host.
Jews operate by bribing and coercing the fringe elements of a society to create an opening into that society and keep bribing and coercing until they work their way to the heart
Their true rise to power began after they bribed a bunch of leftist retards in England and the Netherlands to start a civil war, which they won, then Cromwell the jewish stooge unbanned them from England and saw the first nation central bank chartered in Europe (besides sweden's kind-of version).
Then they used the bank and their retarded leftist stooged in parliament to suck up the wealth of the country and dispossess vast numbers of families, centralizing wealth and power to fuel the 'industrial revolution', and used all the dispossessed people as factory slaves.


The moral of the story is very simple: slaughter all criminals and degenerates, shun anyone outside your race, and have absolutely no mercy.
Objective perception and reasoning and law are the only values that matter.
A good motto: If it doesn't have a purpose aligned with your own, kill it as soon as you get the chance.

kill the mods, they are literally intelligence agency jews, the internet is completely and totally jewed, chaos is the streets is the only answer.
They will be in this thread, shilling, and then delete it once they have their say (especially after they're refuted)

>> No.14210833

>it's the Jews fault I'm a loser

take some responsibility in your life, for once.

>> No.14210837

>it can't be the jews because that's not socially acceptable to think and I have zero self esteem and if I lose much more social validation i'll commit suicide
go on, do it you animal, kill yourself

>> No.14211576

my diary desu

>> No.14212550

>sorry I only read or think what my masters order me to read or think

>> No.14212585

this board is quite really retarded and illiterate
almost no discussion ever happens, let alone explanation of any ideas

it's all narrative driven by emotion or just mechanical compulsion

>> No.14212641

If you're looking for something economic-based, just open up The Creature From Jekyll Island and anytime a Jewish person is referenced, highlight the name in blue. Or just read theough leaked documents via Wikileaks, the The Panama Papers, etc.

>> No.14212681


>> No.14212735

>this much projection

>> No.14212792

>anyone who doesn't conform is wrong
>i can't be projecting if i accuse some one else of projecting
NPCs, gotta kill em all

>> No.14213159

How was the bullying at school today?

>> No.14213182

The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code, an excellent and well-organized reader edited by George Annas and Michael Grodin, is about the "Doctors' Trial," convened to examine the gross abuses in human experimentation in Nazi Germany.
From this trial emerged the Nuremberg Code, intended to establish the boundaries of research ethics and to set the agenda for future discussions of the ethical and legal issues involved in the conduct of human experimentation.
The essays in this volume, by historians, philosophers, lawyers, and medical researchers, address the meaning of the Code and its impact—on American and international law, on current medical research practices and policies, and on ethical perspectives.
The authors vary in their interpretations, reflecting continued disagreement over the actual influence of this Code, the meaning of such principles as informed consent, and the relevance of its guidelines in the context of current medical research and the urgency of problems

>> No.14213190

Anti-semitism is such a cope. You're no better than the people who hate whites because of white privilege.

>> No.14213201

OP you are naive, this is not "anti-semitism". Anti-Semitism is a word that is used by Jews to negate any and all rational argument against certain aspects of their behavior. When you deliver a serious inquiry into their activties, is this really an aspect of "anti-semitism" which really just translates into blind hatred? Of course not, and nobody worth their salt is going to suggest that either. Your inquiry already has me nervous because this is not the purpose of CoC or any legitimate case into Jewish behavior, particularly among their organized portions and group mentality. This is not "anti-semitic", for example Jews also claim (in perfect harmony with my earlier statements regarding inquiry in their activity) that criticizing their actions in the Gaza Strip is a form of anti-semitism. It is simply a nonsense term used to try and stifle debate. Jews do not even like being named and naming them (Jews will often change their names, etc) is also a form of "anti-semitism". Can you think of any other racial group that gets these kinds of passes? It is more than enough to raise suspicion when their rants of "anti-semitism" get taken for granted by the general public as something like fact. But this has more to do with Holocaust Activism than it does reality.

>> No.14213202

>Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve
>Bannister - England under the Jews
>Luther - On the Jews and their Lies

>> No.14213219

It is not a "cope" to make inquiry into behavior of groups. When one can understand and study the behavior of those who are against them, is this really a "cope"? It's like suggesting that when Patton read Erwin Rommel's books (Infantry attacks, Achtung Panzer!) he was "coping" with Rommel's superiority. This is a childish and naive dismissal of an important part of existence - studying your enemy.

>But Jews are not MY enemy
I do not mean to infer that every Jew on the street is your enemy, but one cannot also simply dismiss that such a low population group with a low percentage of statistical numbers within the US have an over representation compared to every other ethnic group available. One could say this was simply due to achievement, and in many cases this is true but that is not the main thrust of this inquiry. Rather, it is aiming to analyze their motives and tactics, their objectives and outcomes. When we see just what the Jews have been too (e.g. psychoanalysis) and then how their actions have translated into society we can start forming the basis for our reasons why we should not tolerate this behavior.

>> No.14213227

nice, thanks

>> No.14213237

>just say some random hyperbolic shit and enjoy the sweet chemical reward your brainwashing affords you

>gets bullied at school
>its primary motivation for any decision is to avoid social ridicule
you are not human, you will commit suicide before you reach 30 years of age

>> No.14213255

very much this
understand this

>> No.14213319

It's kinda obvious that people actually feel comfort in believing Jews controlling everything so they can blame on and fantasize about stopping them and putting their lives and the world in right track

>> No.14213345

scientific racism -> scientific anti-semitism
why are you freaking out over semantics? you are obsessed with form over function I guess
you are ignoring the context associated with the word here and now and asserting an arbitrary context for absolutely no reason

>blind hatred
>letting the jew define the words coming out of your mouth negating any explanation that follows
i don't know what kind of retarded you are, but stop it
blind? hatred? what the fuck does this even mean in your world?
you're essentially saying that because I used some word that triggered your personal idiotic emotions that nothing else I say can possibly have logical value

>has me nervous
what the fuck are you even talking about, why are you narrating your emotions like a retarded woman? oh its because you're a retarded feminized bastard

some questions are 'legitimate' and others aren't then? what the fuck are you talking about, why would you use that word?

you're just another braindead idiot apologizing to the rest of the braindead idiots for asking questions they're programmed to suppress, as though what they think matters on any level, as if they have value

tl;dr your post is a pile of shit motivated by terror about 'optics'

>> No.14213348

>i can just tell, it's obvious, so I don't need a reason
pray tell, what is the right track and why?
braindead animal making grand blanket statements to reinforce its own bias masturbatorally

>> No.14213355

>books on scientific anti-semitism
>The jews are really not very smart
Well, I'd recommend The Bell Curve, but you might be disappointed.

>> No.14213359

>I don't wanna be called an anti-semite, muh optics!!! the girls at school will never have sex with me if I have that label, say it not, SAY IT NOT

>> No.14213364

That's a non-sequitur. Just because the accusation of anti-semitism might be used (and it does) to deflect criticism that targets Israel it doesn't follow that the term itself is illegitimate, as if it becomes impossible to be prejudiced against Jews. The Republicans accuse the Democrats of antisemitism all the time for pointing out the corrupting monetary influence of Israel to American politics, that doesn't mean that there aren't legitimate cases of antisemetic paranoia.

>> No.14213370

>IQ = intelligence
>let's just believe studies without investigating their methods, the experts in academia have a flawless track record of observing and relating object reality

>> No.14213384

>total lack of reading comprehension
>legitimate cases of antisemetic paranoia
its retarded, just a leftist mongrel

>> No.14213398

There are plenty of people who make it in life without help from the Jews. Whether or not the Jews run the world is probably irrelevant to 99.99% of people. Same goes for Illuminati or NWO or Reptilian shit too. Whether or not any of this shit is real, I'm not saying, but the only people it really seems to effect are people who go way out of their way to fight it (see Ruby Ridge, Waco, Gary Webb, D.C. Madam, Bill Cooper if you believe he was murdered, etc.). I'm not saying "give in" to it, just don't let it consume you. Be aware of it, by all means, but just try to live your life without worrying about it all the damn time.

>> No.14213410

I find IQ to be a poor method of intelligence too, but is there really a better one?

Also please inform me on how the fucking Bell Curve is a Jewish conspiracy, I'd love to hear that one.

>> No.14213427

>The jews are really not very smart,
That's where you're wrong, dumb goy.
Continue seething.

>> No.14213436
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>please perform to the standards of my strawman for my amusement, I will definitely argue with you honestly

anyway the jews have no working class, they are an incomplete race, they don't reproduce in numbers large enough to have an underclass like whites, they always just exploit the working classes of other races, renting them or enslaving them, so their average isn't effected the same way.
Compare IQs in similar societal roles (like occupation) for a meaningful comparison.

you dumbfuck nigger leftist retard

the entire paradigm of central banking is a jewish invention and its implementation is controlled by jews. It's automatic turbo-usury, you pay interest on the air you breath for fucks sake.
You literally have no idea how the currency system works, you're out of your element.
Try reading End the Fed by Ron Paul if you want to stop being so braindead.
tl;dr they just print cash and give it to whoever supports their agenda the best, the entire economy is just a contest to get good goy points

It's kind of hard to have conversations with actual mental retards who don't even care about any of the details of their governance, this is why violence is needed
talking is only for peace, the nature of man is belligerance

>> No.14213449

What lack of reading comprehension retard, you implicitlly endorsed my interpretation in the next sentance by making fun of my talk about antisemitic paranoia. You can't even make a coherent comeback.

>> No.14213452

>jews are not intelligent
just parasites with zero restraint that constantly get genocided because they're so fucking retarded and always take too much

>> No.14213459

deductive reasoning is not for you, braindead piece of shit

>> No.14213464

>the jews have no working class, they are an incomplete race, they don't reproduce in numbers large enough to have an underclass like whites, they always just exploit the working classes of other races, renting them or enslaving them, so their average isn't effected the same way.
drones always lose track of the objective dimensions and compare based on their emotions, so don't expect them to understand what makes a valid comparison

>> No.14213489

Look, I get how it works. If you're so worked up about it why don't you start that armed revolution?

>> No.14213490

Do you have an actual point to make you racist cuck so far you haven't made a single argument

>> No.14213492

Let him indulge in his ebin fantasies

>> No.14213496

Last time you left home?

>> No.14213509

(((Jesus Christ))) this board is retarded

>> No.14213562
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>There are plenty of people who make it in life without help from the Jews. Whether or not the Jews run the world is probably irrelevant to 99.99% of people. Same goes for Illuminati or NWO or Reptilian shit too. Whether or not any of this shit is real, I'm not saying, but the only people it really seems to effect are people who go way out of their way to fight it (see Ruby Ridge, Waco, Gary Webb, D.C. Madam, Bill Cooper if you believe he was murdered, etc.). I'm not saying "give in" to it, just don't let it consume you. Be aware of it, by all means, but just try to live your life without worrying about it all the damn time.

>> No.14213611

when the mods are kikes, as they are everywhere on the internet, the situation kind of selects for retardation

>> No.14213616

>The jews are really not very smart, they rely on their stolen wealth to do everything and cover up for their many terrible mistakes and failures in their planning.
You know that stealing so much wealth and keeping it without force of arms requires enourmous intelect?

>> No.14213633
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t. glownigger

>> No.14213641

>dumbfuck nigger frog poster implying civil war isn't the only solution

>> No.14213642

how? it doesn't.

>> No.14213648

You’re supposed to find the scientific evidence before reaching your conclusion.

>> No.14213687

Enourmous intelect relative to the population it was stolen from. Otherwise the population would punish thief's misbehaviour.

>> No.14213695

that doesn't make any sense, you're retarded

not to mention the hundreds of times jews have been exiled and massacred

>> No.14213719

>hundreds of times jews have been exiled and massacred
And yet they're still around, still in charge, and still have all the money.

Sounds pretty intelligent to me...

>> No.14213722

Are you a billionaire? If not, what is stoping you if it were so easy?
You really just hate Jews because you are jealous that they manage to be wealthy and disciplined both mentally and spiritually despite being persecuted by nearly everyone.

>> No.14213723