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14209421 No.14209421 [Reply] [Original]

wtf this how women actually think?

>> No.14209426
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>> No.14209429



>> No.14209436
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>vagene book cover
>last name "Nutting"

>> No.14209453

If one of her staff members got a kid, it would literally be "nutting personnel kid".

>> No.14209614

Haha I like this thread

>> No.14209660
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>Nutting at the 2017 Texas Book festival

>> No.14209667


Thousand cock stare

>> No.14209720

Has anyone actually read the book and know what OP is talking about?

>> No.14209811

I have. OP missed that it's supposed to be a female Humbert and the author is creating basically a different deranged personality. It's an intentionally distorted and false personality. That's why it's mediocre desu.

>> No.14209846
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if she got married to one of the family members of olivia goodenough, who wrote the book the sacred depths of nature
nutting would be goodenough

>> No.14209875

>Alisa Nutting

>> No.14210205

Does Nutting place the blame of female sexual predators on patriarchy?

>> No.14211822


>> No.14211836

how big her weiner?

>> No.14212092

Obvious to anyone not afflicted with a high measure of autism, any "cool wine aunt" will have earned a gnarled and gruesome snatch so scarified and prolapsed that her drooping leathered labia appear as the glistening russet or tawny or ruddy colored heads of turtles or large-lipped freshwater fish or like the strange proboscis of an eyeless subterranean mammal adapted to gulping silt or high-sand ratio marsh mud in either its search for tiny arthopod-derived calories or else burrowing some sort of nesting cavern to rest its cock-weary scabbard flapped face. Make no mistake, any cool wine aunt has been dicked-down and split apart and dermatologically pulverized open by long prying motions from exceptionally lengthy and pharmaceutically enhanced erections, slickly and snappily pistoning in and out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper, their veiny and thick tumescences disappearing into the given cool wine aunt with the metronomic cadence born solely of great cardio-pulmonary conditioning, slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt and cloaca with great steady vigors. Simultaneous penetrations, public perversions, emictions and eliminations upon the sweaty faces of paying wide-mouthed "clients," the cool wine aunt acquires worldly knowledge of all high and low slut stuff, cruising correctional facilities' public parking lots for recently incarcerated males receptive to receiving the rippling petals of her gaping beef flower as a welcome-back-to-society gift, or, failing that, then descending into chemsex-fueled benders of nut butter-aided beastiality, emptying kennels of yet-tainted pup after predictable pup, using, abusing then hurling the not long ago unclean creatures tumbling tail over snout over the sides of bridges, overpasses, there relinquishing to nature the canine abominations that had so scandalously tasted the cool wine aunt's vaginal victuals, lapping and schlopping the high calorie treat all the while the writhing cool wine aunt's brapper and snapper are each firing their climactic flatus like tolling bells, thanking the pup, urging the pup on, loosing stools at climax as every women aches to do during their deepest orgasmic blisses, no skittish boyfriends to curtail their pleasure, the pup even gobbles up their kegel-launched logs and goes back to riveting clit work.

>> No.14212121

I know you probably copypasta'd but imagine writing this

>> No.14212146


>> No.14212309
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I call this Tinderlit and I like it.

>> No.14212318
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Holy... I want more

>> No.14212439
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>> No.14212450

>expect feminist bullsh#t
I guess i got it

>> No.14212488

I think you ought to see a specialist.

>> No.14212507

Seems like a goddamn nightmare. The nadir of literature.

>> No.14212515
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Straight women.

>> No.14212520
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The book is critical of the behavior?
I think she can blame her name a little.

What’s this like?

>> No.14212536

I do like the title.

>> No.14212555

Dating, especially the modern version with itinerant throuples, jetsetting redditor bulls, boomer sugar daddies, empathogenic orgy piles, puts women authors engaged in the above dating ecologies witnessing first hand the sexual reactions melting social tapestries, cultural institutions, even economic patterns. If you expected Project Blue Beam to be lanklet Greys waving you to the future pods, unfortunately, the savior deity that enraptures us all is simply the dopaminergic stimuli discovered and developed in MKULTRA: sex. Keeping the smoothbrained end users of modernity in a slightly sexualized state permits a greater emotional payback for marketing technologies, whether state or private. Some males have written about the forms of alienation present in these situations, Nutting and Roupenian try to demystify the glowing stimulatory monoliths bleating us to click and swipe and buy and contemplate all manner of radical consents and new experimental extents required to make the investors' investments better, doting as an ideal peasant might prune his Lord's topiaries, needing only a spot of sex, whether cyber or the rare real thing, to balance out all the work done to please our child-fucker masters.

>> No.14212590

huh, friendo, that's interesting. You might have just convinced me to read it. Though I suspect it's foremost sociological in purpose. I recall 'cat person' being fucking awful, though I was looking at it like a literal journal text.

>> No.14212645

I think serial dating is a tunnel into the self. The break-ups, the re-inventions, the empowerment, the self-care regimes, the support networks, dating lives of women include a great deal more than the person they are presently paired. I can understand why someone doesn't like the characters portrayed in these stories, but I feel they're real and well-rendered, that you can think about them and wonder about a real person and a real situation. Hope that helps make sense of the appeal I find in their work, completely conceding that if one is too repulsed by the sadness or myopia or whatever, I get it. I think I feel that repulsion too, but I figure it's the ugliness of some greater truths none of us have grasped yet.

>> No.14212738

reading roastielit is like fishing for blackpills in a septic tank

>> No.14212750

She has a nice tiddy

>> No.14212778

>but I figure it's the ugliness of some greater truths none of us have grasped yet.
Hordes of young women have no self-direction and are witlessly seeking a "good man" without any clear or consistent notion of what that would constitute for them? I dunno, I haven't read any roastielit, but if that's anywhere near the mark then I don't see any "greater truths", just the vapid and obvious.

>> No.14212782

I would nut in Nutting.

>> No.14212937

>Hordes of young women have no self-direction and are witlessly seeking a "good man" without any clear or consistent notion of what that would constitute for them
I think this is more or less what's happening. A great deal of love is witless until it's not. But something is undermining people's faith in a committed relationships of equal partners so they never make that leap and gain the developments entailed, why we also see the absence of direction you mention or even a clear idea of a prescribed mate endorsed by society as being wise and fruitful. Reading "roastielit" can be illuminating when the author is emotionally intelligent and can help document the personal wreckages that I think scare people away from those life critical leaps of faith

>> No.14212944


>> No.14212972
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why have you done this

>> No.14212985

well written and engaging; schizo/10

>> No.14213008

Is this you

>> No.14213022

>something is undermining people's faith in a committed relationships
Yes, they're illegal.

>equal partners
doesn't exist

>gain the developments entailed
the telos of intersexual relationships is reproduction and companionship. Not empowerment or furthering your career or whatever.

>> No.14213061

Who are you to speak of romantic telos? What are you, a male?

>> No.14213075


>> No.14213082


>> No.14213206

>But something is undermining people's faith in a committed relationships of equal partners so they never make that leap and gain the developments entailed
That something is feminism, plain and simple. You can be a civic equal who is held to the same accountability as men, or you can enjoy the feminine mystique and be put on an infantilizing pedestal, but not both. A sickening portion of modern women don't want to be judged, controlled, or make homes, but they still want to be provided for. Unless you fulfill every emotional, physical, and aesthetic need of a man, only those men with little to no self-respect will pony up for that bargain. And since few people want to tether themselves to someone with no self-respect, women are, in one way or another, unhappy with their partners. After decades of indoctrination, most women can't even tell that they're hoping to fulfill utterly contradictory desires, so they become ever more emotionally unstable with each failed relationship. There's no mystery as to what's going on.

>> No.14213239

>A sickening portion of modern women don't want to be judged, controlled, or make homes, but they still want to be provided for. Unless you fulfill every emotional, physical, and aesthetic need of a man, only those men with little to no self-respect will pony up for that bargain.

Patently false. Every girl I know who is as you describe has an endless line of tinder and match.com suitors, most of whom are perfectly average men. Of course, the women, who are in high demand, get their pick of the litter. Your post reeks of resentment and insularity.

>> No.14213257

Knock knock
Who's there
Nutting who?
Alissa Nutting in a book cover instead of your socks

>> No.14213261

good take

>> No.14213266

If the entire novel is this good, I'll buy it

>> No.14213267


>> No.14213276

an AI trained on the written archives of chateau heartiste and the mind of jayman079

>> No.14213286

read his post more carefully, midwit

>> No.14213298

>Every girl I know who is as you describe has an endless line of tinder and match.com suitors
Talking about long term relationships, bro. Most marriages end in divorce, and the vast majority of divorces are the product of women wanting out despite the fact that they handle being single worse than men and have far worse relationship prospects after a divorce. Getting fucked regularly by tinder matches doesn't mean they're drowning in marriage proposals from men they want to marry.
>Your post reeks of resentment and insularity.
That's a bizarre projection.

>> No.14213336

I read that few years ago it was a fun ride despite the haram things hapening in there

>> No.14213718

Choose one

>> No.14213760

>Every girl I know who is as you describe has an endless line of tinder and match.com suitors, most of whom are perfectly average men.
Not a contradiction, "perfectly average men" have absolutely no self-respect.

>> No.14213855


>> No.14213867

Beyond based

>> No.14213881
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>slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt and cloaca with great steady vigors.

>> No.14213885

>Of course, the women, who are in high demand, get their pick of the litter
maybe in the short-term, since their gateway is sex, but not in the long-term, since the gateway of a high quality man is his commitment.

>> No.14213895

What makes you believe woman think at all?
The only woman who think are the ones who work in science, specifically writing articles for scientific journals, because there is no room for their bullshit there.

>> No.14213926

when will society ever admit its shit tier men letting this happen
the majority of males are nothing but losers who will drop all of their morals the moment a girl gives them a chance at sex.
spot on brother

>> No.14213937

Based cute lesbo tranny patrolling filthy heterosexual thots, I adore you Butters

>> No.14213938

What does her husband do for NoNutNovember?

>> No.14213981

>writing articles for scientific journals, because there is no room for their bullshit there.

lol you've got to be shilling me

>> No.14214042

Book is solid, she is one of those teachers who have relationships with boys, but steps it up because she wants boys to fight over her.

>> No.14214083
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>gaping beef flower


>> No.14214099

He's not talking about hookups you dumb bitch

>> No.14214101

is no one gonna actually pretend to read this thing and report back with their (un)biased take on it?

>> No.14214114

its a really good book, utterly middlebrow in prose, but the alternating response of massive erection towards the erotica and disgust for her mental illness and cuckolding shows some degree of talent in the author

>> No.14214119

There are a lot of anime in the favorite playlist. Transgenders like to project themselves into those things, so probably it is.

>> No.14214144

Reading about it and listening to a Nutting lecture, I get the impression she cops out and takes a really cowardly approach claiming that actually it's the fault of patriarchy not allowing people to think of women as beings with agency which is why people overlook female sexual abuse. Isn't she contradicting herself? At the exact moment when women ought to take responsibility, she's saying "Well, this wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for those patriarchal men always telling us that women are weak."

>> No.14214149

>That something is feminism
>or you can enjoy the feminine mystique and be put on an infantilizing pedestal
>A sickening portion of modern women ... want to be provided for.
>After decades of indoctrination
I'd argue capitalism has pushed women out of their natural roles and into the temporary social situations you describe. I don't think "feminism" is coherent enough to explain what women and men are doing wrong in this day and age. It is an easy target, but I don't think its nearly as powerful or persuasive or all-encompassing as the marketing makes it out to be. What we see first and foremost with "feminism" is that it is primarily a market, a genre. The genre pretends its sorta a philosophy, sorta a social movement, maybe even a radical clique, but that's also in the selling. The same as a survivalist gets to be a hyper-Americanized super saintly frontiersman, including any and all absurdities, the modern woman is asked and tempted and obliged and coerced and ground down the same as the rest of us. How do you think women could escape? Those embracing "feminism" have no more memetic advantage than Egyptians embracing anachronistic Islam and by focusing on the slickly marketed ideologies, I think we miss the economics forcing us into these predicaments.
>ever more emotionally unstable with each failed relationship
That's love in the Precarity. The one you're with is the worst and society wants you to feel doubt in your bones.

>> No.14214203

>equal partners don't exist
Maybe not in the American civic sense of "equality," no, but your spouse gets a vote, whether its anal or drapes. People naturally don't want to be unequal, even if they're delegating, serving or somehow doing something the internet might think at a glance is foreplay to attending an Interracial Breeding Grounds festival. I think a theme returned to in Tinderlit or Roastielit is how incomplete everyone who has dated remains, that nothing really makes you whole, that you don't date and date and somehow reach a mountaintop. Exiting the dating game into Marriage is the only climb of note, unless you're stomping off into the wooded hills, and this doesn't make you whole so much as partnered with another human being, which you'll realize is much better. I'm speaking in really dumb generalities, but I feel Roastielit or Tinderlit permits the reader to sift through the wreckage, the better ones even having flight logs, live conversations between the people who, according to crude internet metrics, are totally OK because they just had sex or are nearly about to have sex. But we realize through the authors, who do not accidentally come to this point, that there are expanses of emotional ruin that may be mysterious and pathological and maybe completely new and caused by our phones or water or invisible planetary nimbi, that many, maybe most of us are forsaken wrecks, only accidentally saved and unable to prescribe paths, as if the routes of egress snap shut behind each escapee and the remainder must scramble anew, back into the dating pool. Maybe you could reduce Tinderlit as the literature of women who flee from reproductive modes and so discard some essential femininity, and the men conditioned to dating these women also never graft to themselves the feminine fixes to their beastliness.

>> No.14214225 [DELETED] 
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Silly OP, Women don't think.

>> No.14214235

I've never ever encountered this, save for the Internet. Women want sex too.

>> No.14214241

Do you think she would be susceptible to a passionate physical affair with an anonymous /lit/ poster fueled entirely by contempt on his end and resentment on hers?

Asking for a friend

>> No.14214246

>developed in MKULTRA
That is like the Super Saiyan 3 of redpills.

>> No.14214269

It isn’t
Stop calling me tranny, fucko

>> No.14214609

What are some books with prose like this

>> No.14214734

the woman in the book is absolutely insane and driven by her sexuality, I dont find patriarchy to be the motivating factor at all. Her husband is kindof a douche chad but he always treats her well.

>> No.14214741

>im not a tranny, im a 47 year old cat woman who hangs out with electronic proxies of early 20s psychologically disturbed men!

>> No.14214815

>writing articles for scientific journals, because there is no room for their bullshit there.
Imagine falling so hard for the faux legitimacy of academia. Even you read websites where academics talk, especially anonymously they are well aware that journals are empty an meaningless, only given value to advance their careers.

>> No.14214949

then what did she mean by this?


>> No.14214953


>> No.14214987
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>> No.14215393

Well, without going in to glownigger conspiracy theories, I will say that the rush of women into the full-time working world coincided with the burgeoning of second wave feminism. Prior to that, all but the poorest families could readily get by on a single income despite this country being just as capitalist then as it is now. I don't see the spread of ideologies as being some inherently capitalist affair; it certainly doesn't make any sense when examining the USSR, for example.

>> No.14216458

good thread

>> No.14217181

unironically write a book.

>> No.14217207

is there a name for this style of prose?

>> No.14217295

yes, i liked it because older women are my fetish

>> No.14217314

Hey anon I just wanted to say that I thought your joke was clever. Good job.

>> No.14217320

i wanna fuck her nose

>> No.14217336
File: 8 KB, 250x200, F1BC674D-3D9E-454A-A462-E066B7895B57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cadence of this work is sublime... Meatclambic Pentameter, one might even say

>> No.14217357

the assorted writings of Francis E. Dec, Esq.

>> No.14218013

LMAO fuck this is a talented writer.

>> No.14218025

>snappily pistoning in and out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper,


>> No.14218031

does this guy do movies anymore

>> No.14218055

my sister is a wine aunt...

>> No.14218064

*teleports into your vaginal canal*

>> No.14218073

>Women intellectuals

>> No.14218077

sounds a bit like Cormac McCarthy, the use of words like cloaca, and the phrasing "with great steady vigors" is very mccarthian

>> No.14218080

There's also a hint of DFWesque prose in there

>> No.14218084

What the fuck are you doing here? Go write a book, you're wasting your time shitposting with the rest of us.

>> No.14218122

Hehe. They WISH their vaginas still looked like this.

>> No.14218137

The End of Alice is the superior lady Lolita. It also has the best lolidom in Western literature.

>> No.14218144

...is there more?

>> No.14218542

Looks already fucked.

>> No.14219778

>Maybe not in the American civic sense of "equality," no, but your spouse gets a vote, whether its anal or drapes. People naturally don't want to be unequal,
Two sentences in and you've already dug a hole for yourself.

Equality, not "in the American sense", but in the literal sense of identical nature, doesn't exist. It's nothing more than the statement that "everyone is different". This matters because this difference can always and now is systematically used to drive a wedge between any relationship more powerful than that of the individual with the State. A man and a woman live together. The man is stronger, tougher, smarter, better looking than the woman -- well, he is lording his patriarchal superiority over her. He's a schlub? A worthless layabout, boring, an impediment to her fulfillment. It doesn't matter how trivial the difference is, it will always be there.

>> No.14219791

>>the woman in the book is absolutely insane and driven by her sexuality,
like all women

>> No.14219793

>maybe in the short-term, since their gateway is sex, but not in the long-term, since the gateway of a high quality man is his commitment.
young and old men keep competing for giving sex to old and young sluts.

>> No.14219840

>kegel-launched logs
good one

>> No.14220038

I love how beta males, who only live to compete and be chosen by a woman to provide for her, get upset when the true nature of being disposable.

i love that all men dream to have the same power over roasties as the power of roasties over men. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to have the easy life of sluts and make roasties compete for them, then just pick the slut of the week, like women do. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to be loved just for existing

this is what makes me laff the most: all the power fantasies and their view that ''the lesser sex'' is childish and and braindead and it turns out women are superior to betas in a very single way

>> No.14220072

if you do not submit anything to the next issue of Lit Quarterly I'll find you and kill you, you are the incel equivalent of James Joyce anon cultivate the talent endowed to you by God

>> No.14220229

He's talking about marriage or any other form of long term commitment you idiot. No one denies even average women have hundreds of men who would want to fuck them. But of those only a very small percentage would want to commit to such a women.

Based post

>> No.14220416

A human like any other, despot.

>> No.14220626
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>> No.14220944

fucking based

>> No.14221191

This... This is art.

>> No.14221496

>Slap slap slap
My sides

>> No.14221518


>omaewa mu shinderu

>> No.14221564


my sound was off and I still watched like a minute of those.