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File: 274 KB, 600x418, AE6E02C4-8EA3-46B8-AA81-AA652D9805B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14203903 No.14203903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would Martin Luther, who’s burning in Hell, feel about this?

>> No.14203911

Cathocucks have been dabbed and nae naed just as hard if not harder.

>> No.14203932

I don't speak ebonics, retard.

>> No.14203940

Someone should walk in wearing a nazi uniform.

>> No.14203946

>who's burning in Hell
No such thing.
>feel about this
Nothing because he doesn't exist

>> No.14203950

He'd recognize the rainbow as a covenant symbol and be heartened that all are welcome.

>> No.14203971


>> No.14204418

He really was the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity. Not that the corrupt priests didn´t need a few bitch slaps here and there. But no need to burn down the whole fucking house, Martin, you fucking retard.

>> No.14204422

He would be proud of people overcoming their tribalistic hatred and following the word of Jesus

>> No.14204454


>> No.14204458

Your confusing Luther with Calvin, Luther didn't try to burn down anything, he didn't want to leave the Catholic Church, he was kicked out, in fact tried to stop other reformers from abandoning Catholic traditions for no reason.

>> No.14204498
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he was a straight up heretic

>> No.14204501

Well, Yes, but he was less of a heretic than the others is what I'm saying.

>> No.14204519

Being gay ain't bad.

>> No.14204525

The obligatory fedorafag in every christcuck thread saying the same shit hope people will see how special he is because of his hot take

>> No.14204532

Catholicism is heresy!
They ruined what the church was shaping up to be, you ninny.
Now you make fun of “Gnosticism” as some funny little heresy from the past that doesn’t count. Whore of Babylon, please.

All this idiocy over a pack of lies.

>> No.14204535
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It would probably feel like I do watching the pope attend and defend the worship of pagan idols on Vatican ground. Something akin to a feeling of betrayal and the realization that Christianity is false.

>> No.14204542

Butterfly being based again. Too bad others haven’t peeled back the curtain of Euro history

>> No.14204546
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hey protestants, look, you're on the same side as this raving tranny. congratulations.

>> No.14204554
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Hell is apocryphal. A propagandistic farce that does not take into account that the eternal life the church grants is that you have dedicated yourself to becoming part of an organization that persists well beyond your personal demise. Heaven is the memory of you growing rosier over time.

>> No.14204563

>Welcome, murderers, rapists, thieves, adulterers, drug addicts, liars, etc. our doors are always open! You can always repent!
>You're gay? Ew. Sorry buddy you're going to Hell by default :^)

Why is every Abrahamic religion like this? I think you people should rewrite your books, to make it more clear that being gay is worse than worshiping Satan.

>> No.14204571

Name any Church that doesn't welcome gays.

>> No.14204583
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>le heaven and hell was just a metaphor!!!

>> No.14204585

He's like Gorbachev then. Maybe Yeltsin was worse but it was his naive bumbling that made Yeltsin possible.

>> No.14204588

All of them outside of New York and California? Sure some may 'welcome' them as a formality, but they are treated like subhumans

>> No.14204594
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you love sticking your cock in male shitholes more than you love God. your opinion does not matter.

>> No.14204610

I'm not gay. I just find it funny is all, the mental gymnastics you all go through to deny that humans have a hard-coded repulsion against gay people that predated made up religions. The reaction against gay people is just another aspect of the all too human nature of "divinity" which puts the feelings of men into a character called "God"

>> No.14204642
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ok faggot

>> No.14204657

He would put up a sign that says "Delux seating for our special LGBTQ+ guests upstairs" which leads into a gas chamber.

>> No.14204683

probably the only correct post itt
there were no pride flags

>> No.14204746
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Prove they aren't a cope.

>> No.14204755

A vision of the future would have made him drop to his knees and beg the Pope for forgiveness. Maybe even pick up a few indulgences just to be safe.

>> No.14204768

Burning in Hell? He's sitting next to God in heaven for having saved Christianity.

>> No.14204777

its a pharisee style trap.
they make it vague enough that they're not 100% saying that shithole fuckers are healthy and good, and should be around children, and should probably even be raising adopted children, but thats still obviously exactly what they're saying. they hide it behind this vague banner which isn't inherently wrong, but the heretical and satanic subtext is still there. so when the catholic opposes this sign, and what it truly stands for, the heretics shrink back and say "its just the covenant rainbow!!! are you saying that God doesn't love us all???!!! we never said putting cocks into your shithole wuz a good thing!!! look at these catholic, they're filled with hate for gay pepul!!!"
the answer is to just ignore it and pray for God's wrath to fall upon them.

>> No.14204784

Jesus said they were real.

>> No.14204791

probably like he's on fire

>> No.14204825
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>> No.14204837
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Which verses? I'll admit I'm a touch unread. The Sermon on the Vine seems fairly fine with the idea that certain verses can be discarded in the future though.

>> No.14204898

>and if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather rather than that thy whole body should go into hell.

>> No.14204930

Does that preclude hell from being oblivion though, rather than a physical endless burning pit? The way that's phrased makes it sound like he's advocating excluding a small group of people from society so that they die rather than the whole civilization collapse.

Otherwise, the rather than thy part implies your right hand can go to hell.

>> No.14204984

Don't say we didn't warn you, anon.

>> No.14205009
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>> No.14205116

He's referring to the individual as well as the group, but the point is that you do it to avoid hell. if you don't think hell is a pit of fire and just oblivion and nothingness:
Matthew 3: 10-12
>For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire. I indeed baptize you in the water unto penance, but he that shall come after me, is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire. Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.
Matthew 5: 22
> But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Matthew 7: 19
>Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.
Matthew 13: 41-42
>The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 13: 49-50
> So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall go out, and shall separate the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 18: 8-9
>And if thy hand, or thy foot scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee to go into life maimed or lame, than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thy eye scandalize thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee having one eye to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
Matthew 25: 41
>Then he shall say to them also that shall be on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.

>> No.14205121

rent free

>> No.14205126

Mark 9: 42-48
>And if thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into unquenchable fire: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not extinguished. And if thy foot scandalize thee, cut it off. It is better for thee to enter lame into life everlasting, than having two feet, to be cast into the hell of unquenchable fire: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not extinguished. For every one shall be salted with fire: and every victim shall be salted with salt.
Luke 3: 9
>For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down and cast into the fire.
Luke 3: 16-17
>John answered, saying unto all: I indeed baptize you with water; but there shall come one mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to loose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.
Jude 7:
>As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.

>> No.14205202

thats not how the meme works you retard.

>> No.14205489

There are about a thousand different rules from the bible that get ignored. Having sodomy isn't any different

>> No.14205495

This is why the Church is useful. You don't have to scrupulously research this or that element of the Mosaic Law to determine which laws are still relevant and which are not. Just follow what the Church says and you'll be fine. I think even Luther would agree with this, he certainly believed in the Church's authority.

>> No.14205530
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Martin Coomer.
Martin Coomer King.

>> No.14205544

As a matter of fact, when Luther finally, completely broke away from the Catholic Church, he renounced his priestly vows and married an ex-nun. So he was, in fact, a coomer.

>> No.14205546

Homosexuality is worse than all of those because those things are rooted in nature and can be done for good or just cause. Homosexuality is completely unjustifiable.

>> No.14205609
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When protestants base their whole belief system off of someone who left the Church because he wanted to break his celibacy vows and coom

>> No.14205669
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>Luther said, “to put it crudely but honestly, if it doesn't go into a woman, it goes into your shirt.”
When you realize he never even took it seriously in the first place and just was a slave to his passions like stuffing his face and masturbating, you really see how true this actually is. He never cared about anything other than justifying how he can eat and fap, and later fuck.

>> No.14205825

>thou shalt not lie with a man as a woman
How is it that fundies in Murrica can understand this concept but mainline Protestants can't? I'm Catholic and a lot is made of Sola Scriptura etc. but this one seems pretty cut and dry... you need some impressive mental gymnastics to argue that "actually, lying with a man as a woman is okay!"

>> No.14205874

prots don't actually read the whole bible, they just read john 3:16 on repeat and tell themselves they're saved.

>> No.14205882

Yeah but the types you mentioned are more likely to align with proper (Catholic) doctrine on homosexual activity than Lutherans or Anglicans for example.

>> No.14205885

Many of them will talk about how that's in the Old Testament and doesn't apply to Christians. Never mind the fact that homosexual acts are also condemned by St. Paul in his epistles.

Also, don't forget that Jesus himself in the Gospels defines marriage as between a man and a woman.

>> No.14205888

It's hilarious how they claim "Sola Scriptura" then forget the part about reading what Scriptura says

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

>> No.14205919

don't forget about the effeminate men.

>> No.14205938

Ironically the mainline Protestant types seem to have devolved into autonomy worship and fear of being seen of intolerant (as in, condemning homosexual activities is Not Very Nice), whereas the "Me and My Bible" types can say:
>Look, it says here thou shalt not lie with a man as a woman. That's it.

>> No.14205944

perhaps they think that Jesus just overrides everything. to them, Jesus dying for our sins means we get to sin all we want and Jesus foots the bill. i also think that those types of prots treat Christianity as a social club, i.e. a cultural thing, so they automatically appeal to the prevalent culture to guide their participation in the "club."

>> No.14206012

Do you ever wonder how your prejudice against gays makes those individuals feel? Do you think it makes their lives any easier, or better? Do you not consider the inner life of such individuals, and the fact you are directly bringing them suffering? Shame on you for bringing more suffering into the world, and then claiming it to be done in the Divine's name.

>> No.14206032
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>suffering bad!!!!!
>penis in shithole good!!!!

>> No.14206033


>> No.14206183

I feel nothing for mere animals.

>> No.14206192


>> No.14206241

Homosexuality is gravely disordered, but those with same-sex attraction can and do exist as God-fearing Christians who practice chastity. (Chastity and celibacy are two different things, look it up.) Anyways, it's lifestyle that is the issue, not if someone is born with or gains something that is disordered.

>> No.14206249

>Martin Luther didn’t exist
Explain, this sounds like it could be a good schizo post

>> No.14206299

Your church is infested with homos but you think Martin Luther is the problem.

>> No.14206315
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>Hey anon, can i go to church with you this Sunday? I like going places with you...
what do, /lit/?

>> No.14206360

Catholicism survives and will survive only thanks to the third world, white Christians are dying out, the future of Christianity is in Africa and South America, hilariously enough, considering how hard these places have been fucked by the church.

>> No.14206369

They should be grateful for my scorn, for how else could they ever correct their ways and be redeemed in Christ? Serious question, do you not realize that discrimination is an important part of the natural processes, it absolutely serves a purpose. They feel bad? They're suppose to, they're living in sin.

>> No.14206467

As Augustine said, one of the worst sins is to boast about your sins. That is exactly what homosexuals do these days instead of repenting.

>> No.14206483

Depends, are you a cute catboy?

>> No.14206520

Noooooo there's no homossexuality in nature except when there is. Die brainlet

>> No.14206578

>can i borrow your rosary, anon?

>> No.14206648

Wearing a swimsuit underneath huh; do you wanna go to the pool or something afterwards?

>> No.14206726

Does Jesus even liked women?

>> No.14206781
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>muh 'they can't help it'

>> No.14206820
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>> No.14206828

How do you know??

>> No.14206858
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No, it is a natural reaction that evolved because it has survival value.

>> No.14206979
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Catholics STILL to this day are seething over how Based Luther actually wanted peasants to read the bible and not buy away sins

>> No.14206990


Obviously Martin Luther was a CIA double agent for the Vatican to create a false opposition against the Jews

>> No.14207043

An*l sex is practiced by many heterosexuals too. So why do only gays receive your rebuke? You should be actively campaigning against sodomy period, regardless of whether it's man-on-woman or man-on-man. Yet I only see homosexuals being attacked, likely because you have some undue prejudice against them.

>> No.14207058

tfw no /lit/ bf

>> No.14207075

because someone who identifies with the category 'homosexual' is certain to be a sodomite, and what's more, an unrepentant sodomite who actively pursues the normalization of sodomy. the LGBTQP political coalition literally declares this as its end. you're being intentionally obtuse if you're pretending this isn't obvious and prejudice against faggots is 'undue'.

>> No.14207104

>large group of organized sodomites who exclusively engage in sodomy when it comes to sex and are actively pushing for the normalization of sodomy and for the education of children in the ways of sodomy and how its "normal and okay," and who are completely open to the public about their sodomy is equal to some lone degenerate fucking a girl in her ass one time just to try it and never telling anyone about it
yeah, totally the same thing.

>> No.14207113

That still doesn't explain why you only attack homosexuals rather than all people who practise sodomy, and it also doesn't explain why sodomy is still necessary to prohibit while the remainder of the Levitical laws, that no Christian follows, have somehow been nullified.

>> No.14207136

>That still doesn't explain why you only attack homosexuals rather than all people who practise sodomy
yes it does, we are back where we started, so read my post again retard
>doesn't explain why sodomy is still necessary to prohibit while the remainder of the Levitical laws, that no Christian follows, have somehow been nullified.
wrong, you are a fucking idiot

>> No.14207137

tfw no christian /lit/ bf

>> No.14207146

First off, they're only normalizing same-sex romance. The sexual aspect is merely an extension of that, and not all gays engage in it. Secondly, sodomy is far more common among straights than most people realize:




Just type in "anal sex statistics", and see the numbers for yourself. And it's far from an irregularity, if the data is accurate. And remember, those couples will raise children who will not be given a stigma against the practise, and may go on to raise their children feeling similarly. And so on.

So perhaps you should expand your campaign against sodomy to include heterosexuals too.

>> No.14207151


>> No.14207159

Sodomy is popularized by homosexuals. It is a sin for anyone to practice it, but those who spread the disease are the most despicable. I blame the drug dealer more than the addict

>> No.14207168
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>how could u protest drag queen story hour when some unidentifiable straight people are having anal sex out of wedlock somewhere where you'll never find them? why aren't u protesting them too?

>> No.14207172

He means you're also as cucked or more, if you are an actual retard and can't understand what he's implying.

>> No.14207178

Why are you being based now? I expected nothing but pozz from you.

>> No.14207180

its not merely about penis in the anus, its worse when its two men then it is when its a man and a woman at least. both are bad. homos are worse. also same-sex romance, as you call it, is also really fucking bad and you act like its okay. it is also ridiculous to posit that not all faggots engage in anal sex. stop being a faggot

>> No.14207195

>homos are worse
But why?

>> No.14207200

Isn't that a sin though?

>> No.14207206

because its more disordered for a man to fuck a man in the ass than it is for a man to fuck a woman in the ass.

>> No.14207210

Yeah but why?

>> No.14207214

In contrast to some of my more conservative friends on this anime forum I would happily sodomize another man, but the thought of harboring romantic feelings for one disgusts me a little bit. What disgusts me even more is the thought of gay marriage. It seems literally perverse - I have no idea why anyone would want that. Why act out this weird fantasy imitation of bourgeois family life? I just don't get it.

>> No.14207217

it's further removed from something generative. it can never even accidentally lead to something positive.
this isn't complicated but you're still being a pedantic retard after getting btfo over and over itt and won't leave for some reason.

>> No.14207225

good sex:
>man + woman for purpose of making baby

bad sex:
straight sodomy:
>man + woman in the ass for pleasure
>man + man in the ass for pleasure

which one is further removed from good sex?

>> No.14207231

those weird people that hold up those signs on freeways
you know the ones louis theroux made some videos about. i forgot the name

>> No.14207234

it's ok to say anal on here

>> No.14207238

You mean those 7 non-canon books that were canonized to spite the Protestants during the Counter Reformation?

>> No.14207239
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Putting up rainbow flags doesn't do jack shit. People put them up because they like to feel virtuous and good, not because they like homos. Also:

>> No.14207250

There are VASTLY more straight people in the world than there are gay men. By statistics alone, even if every gay man on the planet were into sodomy, the percentage of them wouldn never exceed that of the straight practitioners who are into it. And if you see those statistics given there, the percentage is already much higher than you'd believe. So it makes absolutely no sense to target a minority population for an act being committed in far higher numbers by a majority population, and doing so either demonstrates a lack of belief in your moral policy, or a lack of belief that it applies to heterosexuals as well. Either way, hypocrisy abounds. Go visit any porn site and view the number of videos made in the anal genre for the straight category and the gay category - I guarantee you the former will dwarf the latter, even though I'd be too disgusted to look it up for myself. Then again, it's much easier going after already-marginalized groups rather than fully committing to your ideological convictions and targetting a much larger and more powerful population. You do this not by any love for your God, in which case you'd go after the majority of sinners before a minority of them, but from a hatred for certain people that you wish to blame the world's problems on.

>> No.14207276

>You shouldn't do behavior X - it's bad.
>That's not very nice, you're disrespecting my autonomy and erasing my identity!
This is most modern moral discourse.

>> No.14207282

it's not because anyone believes homosexuality as such is the final boss or the ultimate boogeyman, but it's undeniably a proxy conflict waged by the hegemonic liberal establishment against traditional culture forms. no one would care if it wasn't pushed so hard by the mainstream. you sound like some whiny out of touch mid-30s catlady who watches the view and netflix.

>> No.14207323
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yeah but jesus died for our sins so might as well make it worth it

>> No.14207341

Good enough for me!

>> No.14207349

God isn't white.

>> No.14207351

It's only pushed hard today because of how intensely opposed same-sex relations have been throughout the rest of history, which the past decade of positive activism seems to have wiped from the minds of most. And the only people whining are those who already have their entire world catering to them in every ordinary way and are upset they now have to seriously consider the perspectives of people from different backgrounds than them, or else not be taken seriously.

>> No.14207355

perfect so pls see>>14206578 and gimme your rosary uwu

>> No.14207356

Jesus was Chinese, sorry.

>> No.14207358

>That's not very nice, you're disrespecting my autonomy and erasing my identity!
Thats what christians say when are attacked tho, in fact they become more fundamentalist the less in number they become because:
>muh suffering for christ like the martyrs
Crazy masochist fucks you are all

>> No.14207372
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>take us seriously
>check your privilege

>> No.14207462

He's probably happy that the pope has been reduced to some old cuck and is no longer master over life and death except for third world brown people who would not even have been considered human at the time.

>> No.14207473

>The church is never wrong, corruption isn't that bad
Is it any wonder the Roman Catholic church is in the state it is in today?

Dr. Eck I'm CIA