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14203426 No.14203426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literarily speaking, is this what living in the city does to a person's brain?

>> No.14203445

twitter has such little value, i dont understand how individuals can become involved in reading posts by such roasties.

>> No.14203449

This is how city-dwellers treat their friends: https://mobile.twitter.com/fyeahmfabello/status/1196551284914098177

I believe Emerson and Orwell have written essays that may explain this phenomena.
>Nature by Emerson
>Politics and the English Language by Orwell

>> No.14203458

city people are neurotic incels find a country girl be happy

>> No.14203461

absolutely true

>> No.14203464

>4chan has such little value, i dont understand how individuals can become involved in reading posts by anons.

>> No.14203472

unlike backwater hicks, city people have sex

>> No.14203482

>self-control BAD

>> No.14203485

the way these people use the word 'space' makes my eye twitch

>> No.14203489

Jesus Christ. Reading this makes me so damn sad. Talk about the third world all you want, this kind of shit would be laughed at relentlessly mocked. It's not even pathetic, at some point it just seems sad.

>> No.14203491

at least these are on topic conversations, on twitter you are seeking out outrage porn and reacting as a third party to people with a blue circle next to them. There are no similarities.

>> No.14203492

Suburban supremacy is only at its dawn. Country people are lonely and city people are reaching the point where they're truly and absolutely sick of themselves and sick of living in boxes. The 2020s are going to be dominated by the suburban strata and the housing market is going to explode

>> No.14203493

>city girls are used up whores
Thanks for the warning, I'll continue avoiding them.

>> No.14203495

>inability to mate = self-control
nice reframing

>> No.14203497

With bar floozies and red-haired feminazis. Wonderful. lol

>> No.14203499

I think the implication that someone could be so detached from nature that their words no longer have meaning, is hilarious. I don't remember if this is something I've concluded myself or if Orwell implied it somewhere.

>> No.14203502

phoneposter begone

>> No.14203505

This is what never having faced true struggle in life does to a person. I would argue that you find such (lack of) mentality most prominent in cities, as their structure allows for the development of weakness as a virtue.

>> No.14203506

The world is a clown and we are a septic and we live and die in it.

>> No.14203518

She's just neurotic, and I'm sure neurotic people exist outside of the city

>> No.14203526

The suburbs are still too dense. I feel suffocated by my housemates and by my neighbors. I would have to drive 40 minutes to get to the wilderness and escape these chaotic people. There should be AT LEAST a one minute walking distance between each house. I shouldn't be able to walk from one house to another in 10 seconds.

>> No.14203532

people closer to nature don't need to worship their cum reflex

>> No.14203538

Can we please contain American citizens to their own? We just build a Chinese-type censorship firewall and encircle the US, saving the rest of the world in the process.

>> No.14203542

>Country people are lonely
>suburban people
>connected to anyone

>> No.14203548

>Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion.

>> No.14203551

Not literature

>> No.14203554

Its the opposite.
Backwater hicks have nothing to do all day, thats why you hear of the incest and stuff like cow tipping. They have very little other ways to pass the time than to have sex and play in mud.

>> No.14203556

>just another example of the consumer transaction replicating itself in every possible space, like a virus. this is such a disturbing thread

>American culture is poisoning the world. This is some horrific dystopia where people are incapable of conceptualizing love and must find a way to frame it as a mutually beneficial exchange

great takes

>> No.14203561

The rest of the world would bypass the firewall to absorb American pop culture since they're all absolutely fucking obsessed with it and America in general

>> No.14203566

And now we live in an era where people have surrendered even their own thoughts to the state and the companies that support it. People like the one in the OP are not free, in any sense of the word.

>> No.14203567

the more functional ones spend a lot of time in nature doing their various hick activities, i think hunting is a big one.

>> No.14203569

the EU already is range blocked by half the internet not bothering to comply with your cuck corporate laws that give hollywood copyright lawyers hands free orgasms just reading them

>> No.14203574

>thinks "backwater" is a thing in america

>> No.14203581

PhDs are not a average sub-sample of any group other than a group of PhDs. This is academia lunacy, not solely urban psychology.

>> No.14203582

This has nothing to do with living in a city and everything to do with spending years of your life surrounded only by feminist academics. You must realize that nearly everyone who lives in a city does not think or talk like this, right?

>> No.14203584

>where deltawave braindead normalfags who barely count as living have surrendered even their own thoughts to the state and the companies that support it.
minority detected

>> No.14203590

>the places where your lawn must be a certain height to avoid fines or avoid everyone around you hating you
Yeah that's never gonna fly. The suburbs are seriously just the worst of the city and the worst of the country.
You dont have the freedom of the country. You dont have the convenience of the city.
You don't have natural fresh scenery of the country.
You dont have the bright and bustling modern landscape of a metropolis.

>> No.14203592

City dwellers are some obnoxious fucks and have a weird superiority complex. Especially here in NYC and compared to other cities NY fucking blows desu

>> No.14203596

You do realize that rural areas have access to the same general technology, consumer goods, and entertainment media as anywhere else, don't you? Are urbanites really this clueless and solipsistic?

>> No.14203603

Overheard on 147th and Amsterdam yesterday:

Yo my nigga, I was hoping you had the mental and emotional capacity to help me deal with this bitch Aliyah.

This is what city life has done

>> No.14203608

>deltawave braindead normalfags
Yes. People. The majority of the population. Trying to differentiate them from yourself will not ease the reality of the problem.

>> No.14203609

That's the transplants. And bostonites.

>> No.14203610

But dude my overpriced ethnic cuisine!

>> No.14203618
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Just shows the difference between networking, which you can do on the internet, and true COMMUNITY, which does not exist outside of human interaction.

>> No.14203620

Im offended you keep referring to this feckless scum as part of the human race, these "people" arent fucking sapient, they fucking shriek in terror and childish anger if you bring their mortality to their attention

>> No.14203627

Ahh the museums and nightclubs of Sneedville, Tennessee. How could I forget?

>> No.14203628

Yikes bro take a chill pill man!!!!!!

>> No.14203639

That is human nature. A majority of people never age beyond the emotional capacity of a child. To be able to comprehend ones mortality is a grave step on the road to enlightenment. To be able to live each day with the constant awareness of ones inevitable demise is close to godhood.

Human beings are fickle and frail. Never forget this.

>> No.14203649

Formerly Chuckville

>> No.14203652


>> No.14203662

>ethnic food
What the fuck does that mean? Literally all food is ethnic

>> No.14203687

shiftless scum that cant accept their mortality are little more than animals whose only good to anyone is to be used as such as livestock

>> No.14203689

do you know those zucc memes doing everyday fellow human things? its like that. and to finally put a rest to this 'incel' shenanigans. most journalists who even have the energy to be triggered by it are incels themselves. city deskworkers who are sexually frustrated fighting sexually frustrated neets. they are screaming at each other over the internet when in a different time they would be paired irl having literal sex.

>> No.14203692

Indeed, when me and my bros get bored we go hit up all the local museums. How do country people even exist?

>> No.14203698

Food thats not sloppy joes and roadkill, he means.

>> No.14203702

Please delete this thread. I did not give consent for the emotional labor that is required to read it.

>> No.14203718

I believe animals are way more in touch with mortality than many humans ever will be.

>> No.14203719

you know exactly what it means you faggot. Christ you're like a 5 year old

>> No.14203720

This. I don’t think anyone of us has the mental capacity to deal with this problem rn.

>> No.14203726

You're right anon. I should have known my boundaries. I should have sent you a consent waiver with a trigger warning before leaving my pod to ensure that you don't have a crisis at the sight of another human.

>> No.14203735

>spend $200 on 5 drinks, unlistenable music, and unfuckable slags of drunk women with cocaine lined nostrils who get upset when you turndown there propositions of borderline anonymous sex
woohoo, as if you cant experience at every shitty bar anywhere near a college

you mean buildings full of useless shit gathering dust? most of them exist outside cities

>> No.14203747

>have car given to you at 15 and thus freedom
>no niggers
>go camping frequently in said car
>schools are better than in the city (niggers) and in the country (stupid hillbillies)

There is a reason people choose suburbs to raise children anon.

>> No.14203752

Part of me want war, so that these people can learn to live in reality instead of inside their own heads. Part of me wants them to continue living and never learning, because surely existence must already be hell to them.

A third part of me simply doesn't care, in the same way that I don't care about the cow that was slaughtered to provide me with meat.

>> No.14203754

>this absolute retard hasn't heard of Nashville, an actual cultural hub

>> No.14203762

these cunts are never going to face any of it

>> No.14203766

Nashville is fucking urban

>> No.14203768

Physical war is obsolete anon.

>> No.14203773

Not as long as physical violence is still a thing.

>> No.14203775

Why are anglos so evil? This is only in America and UK. It's this really privileged streak of evil. It's why we have liberalism. It's why we have materialism. I truly believe Anglos are the greatest evil the world has known, and I'm British myself. I have always observed the misery anglos cause. Even when it's not necessary, the Anglo will reach for misery at any time.

>> No.14203776

Yeah, but no one here has children or is ever going to have any.

>> No.14203777


>> No.14203778

American suburbs seem pretty awful.

>> No.14203788

>at least these are on topic

>> No.14203796

War is fought with information now. We've learned from ww1 that modern warfare and total war is retarded. The middle east debacle isn't actual war, it's colonialism.

>> No.14203802

Have sex, sweaty
My lawn is maintained by mexicans.

>> No.14203806

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.14203807

But unless some sort of clash of civilizations occurs, actual meaningful war, at least for the west, is obsolete. Only the terrorists and guerrillas like the IRA or the Basques had any passion.

>> No.14203808


Both of you are based and redpilled

>> No.14203815

As long as battlefield strategy has been a thing, war has been fought with information. It's just on a different scale now.

>> No.14203819

>babbys first existential crisis

>> No.14203843

No. You aren't getting it. In ww1, the Germans spread socialist propaganda and helped the Cossacks to cause a civil war and take Russia out of ww1. It is not about battle strategy but information exchange. That is why the Russians have bots on twitter. It is about information and misinformation changing public opinion.

>> No.14203866
File: 26 KB, 726x254, EJyvbjNUUAA-z6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are all insane

One thing is to be actually depressed and ask someone before you rant because you don't wanna feel like a bother. A second thing is to screencap it and post it on Twitter to signal how kind and empathetic you are.

These are unaware robots.

>> No.14203867

>It is about information and misinformation changing public opinion
That's just politics.

>> No.14203883

North eastern suburbs have been okay in my experience, you get the best of all worlds and usually not to far from the country or city. Midwest suburbs seem aeful though. No wonder theyre all on heroin

>> No.14203905

No. Things have changed since the turn of the 20th century due to technology making war retarded and pointless. Especially post cold war there can be no open physical war because of hydrogen bombs. It is a different world now. Even without hydrogen bombs people in the west simply would not be willing to go to war. The chinks are about the only people willing to go to war and even they don't like their government enough to do it even as bug people.

>> No.14203920

>To be able to live each day with the constant awareness of ones inevitable demise is close to godhood.

You ever read the Denial of Death by Becker?

>> No.14203921

Nightclubs are dying because everyone realised how shit it is dancing with drunk retards and buying $25 drinks in the hope of getting laid, and just started using the internet instead.
Museums have never been big with the masses.

>> No.14203924

It was the recipient that posted it as an example of someone who had good friend etiquette.

>> No.14203931

All the good shows are in wharehouses and shit anyway too

>> No.14203934

Someone is gonna unironically post "b b but there's a cat cafe down the street!"

>> No.14203942

>He hasnt been to the fancy german car museum and the fuck and suck club in sneedville

Dont talk about things you dont know urbanite

>> No.14203958

The seen sentiment in these societies are, of course, unwillingness to do war. But I assure you, beneath the surface, the thirst for enemy blood is there. War is as much inherent in human nature as sex is, and while modern people might be deprived of it, it doesn't change their longing.

>> No.14203960


i live in rural Tennessee. please end my life

>> No.14203965

No. Why?

>> No.14203982

this. its almost 2020. the rural meme lasted for late 2000s to late 2010s. if you have half a brain you will understand this is exactly what the media elites are crying about

>> No.14203994

must be why those fucking cunts are buying up land in new zealand and argentina

>> No.14204016

unlike backwater hicks, city people dilate

>> No.14204025

What does she even mean by 'space' here?

>> No.14204040

Capacity, time, etc. I think the overuse of the word comes from the hacky art that has come out of academic environments over the past couple decades

>> No.14204041

>Politics and the English Language by Orwell
Not really. This essay is mostly about how pretentious prose masks meaning and critical thinking.

>> No.14204044

Suburbanites are pathetic group of people.

Citys schools are huge that makes being the top of your class mean something. No one gives a fuck about your small shit high school where 72 of 136 kids are either cops or college drop outs.

Camping in your car like a sad faggot its called a tent.

Country hill billys arent manufactured normal fags like the eternal suburbanite.

>> No.14204049
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, 1a4d84c016b27d24db209df21f10eb636060c71a_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just twitter for autistic people. You think anything said here is of any value?

>> No.14204055

Suburbs in my country tend to be more or less organic collections of detached houses with varying garden sizes. The standardised american front-lawn experience doesn't really exist here, nor the british terraced hellscape.

>> No.14204062


I read this exchange and have to disagree with all of you. What I see there is the manner of expression of someone who has mature expectations for a) how others treat them and b) how they ought to treat others.
I will frankly admit that this way of talking about one's relationships with others is inredibly rare. But then, having enough selfawareness to understand what you need to be sane, in anotherwise insane world, is rare.

>> No.14204067


>> No.14204077

Where at? The only 2 liveable spots are knoxville and chattanooga, which have great outdoors/landscapes. Anything west is shit, including Nashville and memphis, especially Memphis, which If not run down, is a suburban hellscape

>> No.14204098

Technology changed the face of war and it hasn't been the same since 1914.

>> No.14204099

Just be your effortless self without such vulgar contingencies as this.

>> No.14204100

>de sade wrote anything of value

>> No.14204103

Suburban high schools have graduating classes of 1000 where I live and it actually means something because the students aren't retarded niggers and it has well paid teachers.

>> No.14204111

Nor was 1914 like any war before it. The face of war changes, but the core doesn't.

>> No.14204113

Not him but I'm in Brentwood. Its good

>> No.14204118

>this matters to the gender studies major college admin

>> No.14204136

>being the top of the class in a school of illiterate niggers who can't read green eggs and ham is more impressive than a school surrounded by 800k homes with college educated parents

That said my Valedictorian cheated constantly. I saw him cheat on every test in AP World History. He went to Harvard.

>> No.14204148

Lol you need to read more about ww1.

>> No.14204162

Why? What about my statement was wrong in the context of WWI? It was radically different from wars before it.

>> No.14204163

City schools are actually extremely segregated. Urban progressive white women throw tantrums you would not believe if you try to bus in poor black kids to their kids' schools

There is this constant hilarious debate about how to find 'good schools' which makes them pay large sums of money to live in various neighborhoods among other things.

>> No.14204167 [DELETED] 

Every Valedictorian cheats and gets benefits. Mine was this female spic who never had to go to gym or journalism (despite being made co-editor in chief with me) and got Co-president positions on all extra cred clubs. Went to Harvard.

NYC school, class of about 900.

>> No.14204185

Be careful. Methinks I know this lady

>> No.14204203
File: 23 KB, 403x329, 43a33e6ca11d3b1d3e7837c5e5e8b2e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but we are after ww1. And ww1 changed the core of war. War isn't glorious anymore. No one wants to piss their lives away anymore. You are probably American and (they) have the education system gloss over wwi and go to wwii for much 6 gorillion but wwi absolutely changed what war means even to this day.

>> No.14204211

I went to harvard, I have a degree in LAW. I am making 400 million a YEAR. So basically, fuck off?

By the way, was served valoriously in the victorian era, you're nothing but another confirmed kill to me.

>> No.14204217

>muh gpa
another dipshit oxygen stealer, money better be upfront
>decent grades, active self driven skilled hobbies that arent consumer based, tries to add value to their community not just logging hours at some soup kitchen either, someone who'll actually excel and garner prestige to the shitty papermill

>> No.14204219

Not true, you're probably not american. But we honor our troops.

>> No.14204220

All worthwhile girls from the countryside get the hell out.

>> No.14204244

Lol America showed up in the last year of the war. And they stole the banking power from england during the war. Before wwi, America wasn't even a big boy. Wwi made America what it is today economically. You seriously need to learn more about wwi. It was a game changer.

>> No.14204248
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>It was radically different from wars before it.
No it wasn't. The Crimean war, the American civil war and the Spanish-American war are the true seminal wars.

Trench warfare, chemical warfare, maneuver warfare, modern logistics, armored vehicles, machine guns, indirect artillery, telegraphed orders, repeating rifles, side arms, abandoning usage of line infantry, etc.

The only "new" thing in WW1 was the introduction of the air layer of warfare.

>> No.14204249

>yuppie transplant girls
dull as a fucking dishwater

>> No.14204250

War was never glorious, and thinking that wars before WWI were rigid in their structure is ignorant. The introduction of new siege machines, new types of armor, new ranged weapons, and so on, continuously changed warfare throughout history. Only difference between then and now is scale and scope.

>> No.14204251

"I'm smart but lazy" cope

>> No.14204252

Hi I'm daphney, from kansas. I moved to NYC for the hustle and bustle!!! I'm not like the other girls, I rent an apartment with my bestie victoria, and we are like SO educated. Anyways, we have to go to the museum and then I have brunch with todd.

>> No.14204263

Enjoy mammy rule in the neoshtetl faggot

>> No.14204270

Yes, it was. The entire casualties in the civil war amounted to one day of a major battle in wwi. The only war before it that actually harkened to the change in technology was the Ruso-Japanese war.

>> No.14204271
File: 15 KB, 500x373, the bunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is like a complete spectrum of mental illnesses, what the fuck

>> No.14204273

good gpas are only enough for shitskins to get into good colleges

>> No.14204276


>> No.14204279

I've lived in various American suburbs the majority of my life and they're all miserable shitholes
They have literally no positives

>> No.14204285

this is fucking wild

>> No.14204298

>a gpa is the only thing colleges look at
ok iowa state

>> No.14204299

Have you read this thread m9-1?

>> No.14204301

this literally reads like a pseudo-artsy film that had taken all soul or human contact out of society and this is what you're left with.
kind of like The Lobster

>> No.14204303


>> No.14204307


>> No.14204318

I don't think I've seen this many retards and schizos and weirdos posting in one single thread ever, outside /x/. literally all posts are by mentally ill people or shitposters

>> No.14204320

Alas, dawg, all the galaxy-brain niggas in the world sauldering their heads together to form a supercomputer working round the clock would lack the capacity to deal with that trifling-ass bitch for one iota

>> No.14204321

no the students there are usually retarded niggers too
the only place you won't get retarded niggers is private schools
or boarding schools which I guess are private schools anyway

Also schools in the city are actually segregated according to inteligente. Look up the whole debate about all the specialized high schools in new york city being ruled by asians and how the mayor is trying to lower the bar of entry so more minorities can get in.

>> No.14204329

This would be the first step to containing the effect of American pop culture in the world. American media is the original destructive immigrant, it carries something way worse than crime, diseases and poverty with it. It destroys everything. Instead of sending poor immigrants the US sends Michael Jackson in order to destroy countries: it is both cheaper and less of a PR tragedy to do so.

>> No.14204333


Detroit is the future american city, as water becomes more scarce water bills will make dense urban life even more expensive. Rising coastline will make real-estate disappear, and when people realize they're next they'll either have to shill out even more money to protect the land, or accept that their precious real estate may be underwater in the next 100 years. Detroit is landlocked and has access to the great lakes for water.

Cities like NYC and LA rely on a metro system, and have congested roads. While Detroit is built around the car and has the infrastructure to transport about 2 million people on existing roads. As autonomous vehicles come into fashion, detroit will yet again be at an advantage.

As people see that uber-rich cities like NYC and LA are too expensive for the average citizen, mid-sized cities like detroit will yet again be in an advantaged position.

Detroit's long term outlook, over say the next 200-300 years is actually quite bright. Thoughts?

>> No.14204345

Google Phoenix

>> No.14204348
File: 129 KB, 645x867, 9BB80660-0FE9-44F5-A173-4C029408614E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man was made to do his daily work with his muscles; but see him now, like a fly on flypaper, seated for eight hours, motionless at a desk. Fifteen minutes of exercise cannot make up for eight hours of absence. The human being was made to breathe the good air of nature, but what he breathes is an obscure compound of acids and coal tars. He was created for a living environment, but he dwells in a lunar world of stone, cement, asphalt, glass, cast iron, and steel. The trees wilt and blanch among sterile and blind stone facades. Cats and dogs disappear little by little from the city, going the way of the horse. Only rats and men remain to populate a dead world. Man was created to have room to move about in, to gaze into far distances, to live in rooms which, even when they were tiny, opened out on fields. See him now, enclosed by the rules and architectural necessities imposed by overpopulation in a twelve-by-twelve closet opening out on an anonymous world of city streets.

>> No.14204351

I live in phoenix, what's up?

>> No.14204361

Meant to send this >>14204351 to

As far as I can tell, phoenix will become too hot to support life, even more so than it is now. Water is an issue as well.

>> No.14204362

Read Billenium by Ballard

>> No.14204366

>what you need to be sane, in anotherwise insane world


>> No.14204369


>> No.14204371

including you boomer

>> No.14204380

I live in Atlanta and let me tell you, building cities around cars and highways makes them the exact opposite of efficient. The average person in Atlanta spends hours commuting every single day sitting miserably in a hot box on a bleak burgerpunk concrete pad. It also kills several thousand residents every year.
Fuck cars and fuck interstates.

>> No.14204385


>> No.14204391
File: 249 KB, 1280x853, FDR_and_stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American civil war was fought by one country. World war 1 was not the first war of its scale, however it was the first war of its scale fought in an era where war doctrine had already changed to be extremely bloody. By capita of soldiers fighting in the war, the American civil war was bloodier pound for pound.

At its peak, the Union army never even broke 700,000 men, the confederates barely fielded more than 300,000 men at their peak. Modern casualty estimates put the total deaths at 1,000,000 (which is equal to a single day of intense fighting in WW2)

There were about 10,000,000 dead in world war 1, with peak combatants numbering some several dozen million men on both sides simultaneously. It was a consequence of a war of scale (again, not the first to be fought)

>The only war before it that actually harkened to the change in technology was the Ruso-Japanese war.
Wrong. So very wrong. Go actually study the three wars mentioned, which were indisputably the actual foundation of industrialized warfare. The American civil war especially was one of the most technologically revolutionary wars fought. Every single strategic thought in WW1 was informed by the pioneering advancements made in these three wars, which explored these technologies and their effect on tactics and strategy half a century beforehand (Spanish-American war was more about tactical doctrine than technological)

>> No.14204396

it's the same way they'll say "bodies, " "needs," "y'all," "folks" or whatever bugman lexicon is flavor of the week on twitter dot com. it delegitimizes normal speech, and it gives these fucking people license and a false sense of credibility to act as judge jury and executioner when it comes to mental health.
speak fucking normally and learn to code

>> No.14204400

>Only rats and men remain to populate a dead world.
there are lots of birds though

>> No.14204415

You know, maybe I will.

>> No.14204423

I think ellul is being metaphorical, vermin and bottomfeeders are the ones who thrive in a city

>> No.14204428

The person literally fucking says capacity before, and then says space in reference to that capacity being filled. I mean holy fuck, can you really not read? A simple metaphor for the amount of bullshit in their lives makes you twitch and wonder what she's talking about? You have to be incapable of reading anything above an 6 year old level.

>> No.14204432

Life adapts to change. Suffering is impermanent, and what man was "made" to do changes with every successive generation. In time, there will be no misery or health defects from sedentary lifestyles lived out of the sun. The world continues turning, the sun continues burning.

>> No.14204451
File: 310 KB, 641x530, 1o1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In time, there will be no misery or health defects from sedentary lifestyles lived out of the sun
Do "people" actually believe this shit?

>> No.14204479

These are properties of animals found in nature, who acquired such traits through time and perserverence. The clock continues ticking, and only fools underestimate the plasticity of life.

>> No.14204494

Yeah man, we will just lobotomise people so they can’t physically feel suffering. Science is epic

>> No.14204506

Those animals adapted over millennia. The entirety of the human race is not going to spontaneously change its entire composition in response to a few generations shooting themselves in the metaphorical dick when we still accidentally kill ourselves with appendices we don't use.
You can't breed swimming horses by tossing a thousand of them into the ocean you colossal fucking retard.

>> No.14204509
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>who acquired such traits through time and perserverence
Billions of goddamn years though. Imagine what these "people" would become.

>> No.14204518

ACKTUALLLY, you would perform an Anterior cingulotomy
lobotomy are just random non refined scooping out of the frontal lobe

>> No.14204527

just because BTFO'd millennials want to leave the city and buy a house in the suburbs, doesn't mean they can afford it. plus we're about to go into a recession, no housing boom, you fucking retarded boomer

>> No.14204530

men werent made to break their back while some jack ass sits on his ass collecting all the profit, no hunter gatherer "works"

>> No.14204533

I think you missed my point

>> No.14204544

>plus we're about to go into a recession
No. Not for another few years at least and someone else ignores the housing bubble again like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, etc...

>> No.14204545

At a base level you mean fuck people.

>> No.14204558

Correct, but especially fuck cars for being an organizational nightmare that makes getting around this city awful

>> No.14204559

at least I have a credit score high enough to buy up all the upcoming foreclosed property, for which youll be paying rent for for the rest of your life

>> No.14204582
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>> No.14204589
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Scale matters anon. It is the biggest feature of wwi and is why it is called wwi. It's where the 19th century style of war met the 20th century. Read about the first year of the war and you will see how unadapted the armies were. Tactically it changed the game. You did not have the type of walking artillery then, it wasn't perfected until the last year of the war. They didn't have gas shells until later in the war. They didn't have tanks or apcs until later in the war. They didn't know how to deal with the barbed wire until later. Fuck most of them didn't even have helmets and wore cloth caps until later in the war. If you think wwi didn't change the game you are pissing into the wind. The Americans were flying piece of shit jalopies when they showed up. They were still thinking war was like the 19th century and charging into barbed wire and machine guns worked.

The french looked like this when the war started.

>> No.14204687

I mean people might not want to hear it, but this is what over-science does to a people. When you reduce the entire world to some formula (i.e. “...can you x/y/z. This is important because of 1 and 2 and 3...”) and you completely disconnect people from nature, everything becomes a science including their own language and utter nonsense. Add to the formula some post-Christian, post-Democracy “everyone is equal and perfect all the time” always walk on egg shells morals and you get social justice warriors. Notice how it’s just a series of formulaic bullets and proofs to justify some hyper-individualist and sentimental moralistic extremes in place of genuine relationship and language. The mindset is obvious. It’s science applied to a specific set of morals and the experiment ends with cultural suicide once you look under the microscope long enough.

>> No.14204718

Sex sucks
I wouldnt fuck dirty city std pussy if i had the chance

>> No.14204762

>oh no i've offended anon's sensibilities
this thread is full of cliches. at least the one i uttered was peripheral to the point of my post.
all it ever takes is a choice out of context quote from a female or minority to expose the naked prejudice that haunts this board

>> No.14204771

I'm moving to London next month and can't wait for a new world of fun and opportunities in the greatest city in Europe. Fuck you countryfags, you'll never have the authentic London experience LOL

>> No.14204789
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You're making an assumption about what timeframe I am talking about, and you insult me for it? For what purpose? Naturally I had assumed the time-frame doesn't need to be acknowledged, but it appears in lack of doing so, you have taken this basic axiom and assumed my own ignorance in order to attack me for it. It's incredibly poor form to assume that common knowledge axioms are somehow enigmatic and obscure, and that your opponent is ignorant of them. It reads like pretentious self-aggrandizement in the absolute worst way. The entire purpose of that post is to elongate and expand the scale at which you are thinking, and in this context. your rhetorical strategy is in extremely poor taste.

Anyways, let us return to the big picture. Even the lifespan of an entire culture is a tiny blip in the grand scheme of our history. Yet all of these are made of generations of minute changes, reversions, with a bias of increasing complexity, hence the reference to "generations". It is important to note that the process of adaptation is always happening, hence why it's important to count each successive generation. Your second assumption is that recent developments in culture are only bound to last for a few generations, and I think that's incredibly naive with no historical basis. If you could quantify your assertion, I'd be interested in hearing it.

That isn't what a lobotomy does, and those procedures were routinely criticized for the short time period that they were "popularized" by psychiatric hacks. What an absolutely pathetic post.

>Imagine what these "people" would become.
No matter what path our descendants take, I assure you with equal time passed you would find the result existentially horrifying by the very nature of its implications.

If the past hundred million years are extrapolated, physiologically I like to use the zeta reticulan of pop culture fame to provoke such thought. Hairless, androgynous bodies. Pale, unpigmented skin. Atrophied muscles, massive skulls in proportion to the rest of the body. Huge eyes and small mouths. The nose however may become more prominent, rather than less, as it is an important feature on humans.

Personally I believe that the grey alien could be a projection of the collective consciousness, a prescient image of what our distant children will look like. But I could never assert this as anything more than personal fictionalization of what is to be.

>> No.14204799

my ex acted just like this
whenever she was mad at me. she would leave me fucking sticky notes all over the house. she always played the fucking victim and if she ever made a mistake(like the one time she "forgot" to pick me up at the airport in my own car") "i dont live in the past anon"
ended it when she had the audacity to ask if i would consider a poly relationship with her. kicked her out of my house the next day. got subtweeted and shitted on by her on social media for months
i dont fuck with these so-called educated bitches anymore. they're nothing but stress

>> No.14204839

>Literarily speaking
Jesus Christ you faggots aren't even trying any more
>183 replies
fuck this board

>> No.14204850

Yes, but physical violence will only achieve the traditional goals of war on the small scale of special operations and limited applications of force projection via their navies and air forces. Modern militaries are more like technical bureaucracies than marching armies from the past, and physical force is now the scalpel instead of the sword.

>> No.14204851

what does this even mean how do you faggots understand this language anymore

>> No.14204868

>/lit/eral projection
how does your ex's immaturity relate to the actions of a person who is trying to help (some) people live more maturely? they sound like quite different types of people d.e.s.u.

>> No.14204875

u right
but this is my space to vent cause she looks like her anon

>> No.14204904

this is wardine be cry-level writing

>> No.14204923

s'OK bruv <3

>> No.14204979


>> No.14205017

versed in or acquainted with literature; well-read. engaged in or having the profession of literature or writing: a literary man. characterized by an excessive or affected display of learning; stilted; pedantic. preferring books to actual experience; bookish.

>> No.14205021

Unironically the answer is better civic planning, more green spaces in cities. I live in the UK and moved to Norwich because it has expanses of marshland and wild forest casually dotted around the inner city due to a historical lack of redevelopment (it's one of those "not on the way to anywhere" places). The quality of life here is so much better than in my suburban hometown just an hour and a half away which is a hollow shell of a property development of a home.

>> No.14205042

Wow I was just reading about that place in a Virginia Woolf short story. Nice dude, I hope you enjoy it! <3
I know exactly what London is like dude, I've read Virginia Woolf!

>> No.14205072

God damn dude you are fucking dumb. I don’t mean literal lobotomy. I mean you faggots honestly think dulling people’s brains with pills to “remove” suffering is progress

>> No.14205077

someone should perform an Anterior Cringeulotomy on you lmao

>> No.14205086

oh, well that doesnt work actually, they do fuck all for actual long term depression

>> No.14205097

live in america
cant afford it

>> No.14205109

That’s my point. “Bad” and suffering isn’t simply a case of stopping certain chemicals in people’s brains. Sometimes sadness is irrational or more complex. And it’s not a disease to be cured by medicine

>> No.14205123

even quack psychiatrists skirt around the fact they arent curing any "condition"

>> No.14205150

I live in a small town currently (have lived in a megacity for almost a decade), but i feel that even in a small city, people from the city-center are more insufferable than those in the quiet parts. Those people think they are the elite, or something like that.

>> No.14205206

You reminded me of my coworkers. I am from a small town and go to a bigger city to work. My coworkers are preppy, self-centered children and these people are so afraid of stepping outside of their comfort zone, working hard or helping other people. You have to pull teeth from these kids to get them to do the bare minimum of the job they signed up for.

>> No.14205231

sounds like youre a suckerslave

>> No.14205251

>narcissist middle management

>> No.14205282

I'd rather be a "suckerslave" than a lazy, middle-class "communist" who is too weak to thrive in the world.
I'm in the same position as them. Their laziness makes other peoples' lives harder. I don't care about this enough to nag these lazy children but I do look down on them.

>> No.14205297

>nobody else works as hard as me, woah is me why am I the only one who follows the rules
I bet your father beat you

>> No.14205365

>woah is me
Nowhere did I express self-pity. It's the people who hate working who pity themselves. "Ugh I have to work today, life is so terrible." It's this attitude that is destroying the middle class, destroying the white race, and allowing minorities to take your place. I wish these people would be less sad and pathetic, it would do good for all of us. Ultimately, I do all of this for myself. Maybe if you think about it hard enough you could imagine why somebody would want to bear responsibility and work harder. My coworkers give me similar responses that you people on 4channel do. It's as if nobody is able to comprehend why somebody would want to work hard. I will not mind watching the world burn, as long as I am able to protect my wife and children.

>> No.14205373

its alright anon, its not your fault

>> No.14205384
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>this is what qualifies as /lit/
back to /pol/ you go bud

>> No.14205396

The world doesn't offer much incentive to work hard. Maybe to being born the right class, race, or geographic location. But certainly not working hard.

>> No.14205397


>> No.14205410

Nothing of what I said is /pol/. I have nothing against minorities and nothing against Jews. I'm just stating the truth that white people are being replaced in our own societies.

>> No.14205418

its not your fault anon, you were just a kid

>> No.14205447

You seem to understand your world via a model that not only takes for granted the meaningfulness of trivially defined categories like "middle class" and "white race", but also posits very simple, trivial relationships between random things that you observe (most people are entitled and lazy, what else is new) and the alleged destruction of such categories. It's all too facile to be taken seriously.
And I apologize for the ad hom.

>> No.14205454

This is a lot of bullshit to ignore what he's saying. There is literally nothing wrong with finding it weird that your city is being replaced with immigrants.

>> No.14205464

It's only weird if you don't understand economics, or if you choose to personally identify with trivial categories like race and class.
Otherwise it's just business.

>> No.14205466

I don't understand the issue

>> No.14205486

in a nutshell
>how dare this person talk about human relationships from a mature standpoint
>why does this person not seem burdened by all the things that make my life miserable

>> No.14205492

It's not trivial at all, even assuming race and class meant nothing, they're entirely different cultures being mixed together. If you can't empathize with people not liking their homes transforming before their eyes from a culture they understood and belonged to to an alien mishmash of people who dont even seem to like each other then youre a bugman

>> No.14205493

>weird if you don't understand economics

>african country
>mainland chinese start showing up
>taking up jobs
>only retards say anything
>chinese still showing up, not filing greencards not filing for citizenship, country notoriously easy to file for or lie to get asylum in will even help you do it
>starts taking social warfare without being a legal resident on top of not paying taxes
>"would you kindly knock that shit off"
>do we have to build a wall?

>> No.14205515

if there were no mexicans theyd have to complain about globohomo
thats a big no no

>> No.14205523

Natural end result of capitalism. Basic interaction becomes transactional. I like where we're going.

>> No.14205527

>utterly fruitless hedonism = mating
the average city dweller is unable to mate

>> No.14205528


>> No.14205533


>> No.14205538

Socialism is reactionary for trying to stop this and will get run over by the monster truck of progress
Don't oppose it

>> No.14205542

no one in the first world fucks
the immigrants bankers send in to try to keep social welfare afloat with birthrates in yurope stop fucking the minute they get there

>> No.14205548

you're too dumb to understand this, the rest of you fucks -- in cities and as Evelyn Waugh put it, there is neurosis in the air which the inhabitants mistake for energy.

>> No.14205549

literal newspeak word

>> No.14205551

implying the typical baseded urbanite ever goes to museums or any other place of high culture, and doesn't just eat eat / drink / dance / game all day
implying that high culture is even cultured in current year

>> No.14205555

you just wouldnt get it

>> No.14205556

t. dead of starvation in 10 years when the phosphorus fertilizers run out

>> No.14205560

>cultures being mixed together
that's called change. it has been happening in america since the mayflower, at the very least. your inability to deal with it, and understand it, is for you to fix.
>if you don't agree with me you're x
the laziest form of argument.
who's threatening to build a wall? nobody is going to build a wall. that kind of rhetoric is a tactic adopted by politicians who know how to appeal to the particular biases of their voter base. in fact, people like your prez (real estate developers) are the ones who benefit the most from cheap labour.
and I never called anyone a bigot.

>> No.14205562

Dance on my grave

>> No.14205563

based quints
I'm continually surprised by how vulgarized the arts have become while also somehow being snooty as fuck and forcing meme trends the average person doesn't like or give a shit about
it's actual hell all around

>> No.14205605

its literal tax shelters
why do you think gaudy 80s mcmansions arent made anymore post tax restructure but art got ten times worse

>> No.14205607
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CITIES could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this nation before. There could be CITIES anywhere." The revolutionary wind good against his bare chest. "I HATE CITIES" he thought as engine clicking reverberated his entire motorcycle, making it pulsate even as the fumes circulated through his powerful thick brains and washed away his (merited) fear of urban areas at any time of any day. "With a brain, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14205610

>emotional labor
Fuck off you cunt you're not emotionally invested in this. You're nothing more than a psychological robot.

>> No.14205615

Fuck off ASS.
Go back

>> No.14205618
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>that's called change. it has been happening in america since the mayflower, at the very least. your inability to deal with it, and understand it, is for you to fix.
I can think of a few changes you can't deal with, yourself

>> No.14205625

Farmer's daughters.

>> No.14205629

why are you posting a trannyfaggot here?
keep your sick fetish to yourself

>> No.14205633


>> No.14205651

>going from a single anecdote to a generalization to half the world's population (city dwellers)
There isn't an appropriate small brained wojak for this.