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14202167 No.14202167 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw

>> No.14202181
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>a book for a podcast run by tankie numales
>new york times bestseller

>> No.14202184

It was written by bespectacled beards who would instantly get assaulted and robbed, possibly even murdered, if they walked into an actual trap house, who call themselves Chapo Trap House ironically. Which would not be so bad, since let's say it's not so bad if I take the name Ancient Roman Emperor despite my imminent crucifixion in that period, but then you remember these same white dudes also think they have any kind of solidarity with or somehow stand up for trap house residents and it becomes cringe again.

>le dirtbag left


>> No.14202324

>New York Times Bestseller
>Commie Larpers who indulge in capitalism
>communism in America in 2019
Pinochet did nothing wrong

>> No.14202632

A tremendously skilled scam to deprive left-wing trash of their money and put it snugly into a few con artists' pockets.

As literature, total failure in its core premise, though.

>> No.14202650


not even once

>> No.14203083

>tankie larpers pretending to be edgy while demanding common decency

>> No.14203094

I can't rake these guys seriously because of the way they look, but also how their voices sound, which sound exactly how one would imagine bearded numales to talk.

These things matter.

>> No.14203103

no do they dont
their tones and actions do
theyre literal petit bourgeoisie living in fucking NYC writing for neo liberal rags

>> No.14203181

90% of 'progressives' and 'leftists' are petit bourgeoisie, how have you not realized this yet? It's mere in-group social signalling, to show one's calibre and education, and any 'moral' aspect is maybe a bit of compensating or repressed guilt over their privilege at BEST.

>> No.14203205

>complaining that commies are engaging in capitalism in 2019

well yea...just because you oppose something doesn't mean you barred from participating in it, gotta pay rent somehow


>> No.14203230

most people on welfare and poor have socialist views on domestic policy, they either dont vote or vote against the lesser of two evils or they outright cant vote because they were arrested on drug possession, if those neo-liberal dipshits simply got rid of the "war" on drugs, millions of potential voters would magically exist

funny how the only person willing to actually be on welfare is that skank who writes awful books

>> No.14203544

Sure, but reveling in it's worst aspects isn't a good look.

>> No.14203630
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>It’s her first-ever book party, and Rachel Rabbit White — the poet, writer, sex-work legend, activist, and ex–Times Square stripper — is all dolled up. I’ve never seen her otherwise, online or off. Tonight her brunette hair is blown out, curled, and piled on top of her head, held up by two rhinestone clips that spell out “ANGEL DUST.” Five-foot-two, the same height as Kim Kardashian and Debbie Harry in flat feet, she prefers to go out in six-inch Lucite platform “Pleasers,” the most popular exotic-dancer heel in the world. For the event, they’re coated with cobalt-blue glitter to match her monochromatic outfit: a marabou-feather strapless bustier and skintight, high-waisted disco pants with a gleam that catches the light. The title of her first full-length book of poems doubles as the party’s dress code: Porn Carnival.

>“I’ve overdone it a little with fillers and Botox this past year. Lately I’m trying to look more like a regular Bratz doll,” she explains matter-of-factly. “Or as someone called me online, ‘a haunted Megan Fox Bratz doll.’” Before the party, she’d posted an Instagram Story saying she bought angel dust and wine for the event’s after-party, instead of spending the money on fillers, “bc I care about COMMUNITY.”
>Puffing on a Juul to stave off pre-event jitters, Rabbit White purrs, “I became a poet because I was experiencing ego death from sugaring too much.” (Sugaring is the verb form of “sugar baby.”)
>A woman dressed as a “slutty milkmaid” says she doesn’t know Rabbit White personally but she’s in a union with one of the other readers. Her friend pipes up, “We’re going to overthrow capitalism. Although the form to sign up is kind of complicated.” Someone else nods, “I’m a dumb Marxist bitch."
>“I just saw the Chapo guys over there.” I had in fact just come from attempting to talk to Chapo Trap House host Will Menaker, but he’d answered five different questions the same way: “I need to ask my girlfriend.” Soon enough, the girlfriend, Katherine Krueger, joins us, having heard from Will that her insights were needed. (She and Rabbit White have a podcast of their own in vitro. Working titles: Disassocialism or Eyes Wide Sluts. “Our group chat is called ‘untitled socialite project,’” says Krueger. “We want to have Cat Marnell’s ex-PCP dealer on.”)
>The transcendent moment, in my opinion, is her reading, lilted out in her husky voice, of three lines from a poem that reduced the audience to screams: “I would rather die than work / I would rather die than work / I would rather die than work.”

>> No.14203803
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I don't know how to react to this

>> No.14203865

>Chapo trap house

I don’t know what this phrase means. From lurking here, I gather that this is the title of some left-wing podcast?

I don’t see what they could base a guid to revolution on. What was the last successful revolution you could point to and learn lessons from?

>> No.14204030

They plan on revolutionizing society through the welfare state and telling the chuds to show their hogs

>> No.14204081

> Chapo Trap House
> they’re all white :^)
> their audience has a penchant for beards, particularly placed on the neck
> reddit fans
Like clockwork

>> No.14204086

So this is the left's version of Lauren Southern's book or what?

>> No.14204127
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If this was a 2016 Million Dollar Extreme skit I'd criticize it for being too heavyhanded

>> No.14204161

What revolution? They're all voting for Bernie

>> No.14204205

Death to America desu

>> No.14204283

this feels like a Bret Easton Ellis passage but on angel dust
jesus christ

>> No.14204310

cum town is so much fucking better than this tankie garbage
at least the puerto rican rattlesnakes are self aware about their profound disconnect from actual working-class america, and in nick's case, he actually had real-life experience living like shit and experiencing some level of poverty before the pod took off.
chapo is for nü-male DSA guys who tattle on each other on twitter

>> No.14204311

Socialism with an anti-nationalist attitude is kinda hard to pull off.

>> No.14204352

What on Earth fuel these people? For what reason do they live? How can they live, like this?

>> No.14204360

Lefty e-celebs are even worse than poltards, just face it.

>> No.14204395

They couldn't decide if they were writing for their fans or people who've never listened to the podcast. The result is that fans are going to be bored reading shit they've already heard on the podcast and nonfans are confused by all the injokes.

>> No.14204419

I looked it over in a bookstore and was surprised by how similar it seemed to Sam Hyde's "book." Same obnoxious postironic self-hating hipster beardo crap, different political position.

>> No.14204424

Sam Hyde wrote a book!? I didn't know I needed this in my life.

>> No.14204439

Ironic people should be lynched

>> No.14204464

red scare and cum town are unironically more left wing

>> No.14204557

>he doesn't know

>> No.14204641

>against logic, facts, and reason
Well they lost already.

>> No.14204800
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>all the right-wing incels ITT whining about successful thought leaders who wrote a popular and thoughtful book

>> No.14204817

>popular and thoughtful
Did OP post the wrong book or what am I missing here?

>> No.14204838

It's true. I bet the chapo lads are better read than 99% of the people here whose experience of political philosophy consists of the first 5 books of Republic and the first 2 sections of BG&E

>> No.14204857

>a "guide"
>to revolution
>written by born to wealth yid pseudo-hipsters who have never ridden a horse, fired a gun, climbed stairs without panting, missed a meal, or -- wait for it --
>had anything to do with the violent overthrow of any government

>> No.14204867

>thought leaders

>> No.14204874

Don't these guys say that there is no such thing as "Cultural Marxism" (y'know, the non-violent revolutionary subversion of society)? Isn't this book them admitting that Cultural Marxism exists and they are it?

>> No.14204889

>I need to ask my girlfriend

>> No.14204894
File: 51 KB, 600x450, ChapoTrapHouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow member of the shart left! We're not like these liberal chuds on MSNBC, let me tell ya. We say the f-word (as in "fuck," not "faggot," which is deeply offensive and upsetting) and know which movies came out in 2003. Don't think we're pals just because you're a woke dipshit also, kiddo. Have you even smoked weed out of a soda can? Also, here are my thoughts on the Turkish economy. Did I impress you with my effortless blend of highbrow and lowbrow? Bet you didn't think a man who owns a gaming chair could pretend to know about the complexities of Middle East, did you? Heh. Well, shart ya later

>> No.14204900

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>> No.14204912

Daniel Menaker is a fiction writer and editor.[1] He is currently working with the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton and as a consultant for Barnes & Noble Bookstores. He is the father of Will Menaker, one of the hosts of the podcast Chapo Trap House.[2] His father was alleged Soviet intelligence agent Robert Menaker.[3]

>> No.14204918

if they were really more well-read they wouldn't be so goddamn cringe. always funny to see chapocels come out of the woodworks to defend their nu-male urbanite podcast tho

>> No.14204924


>> No.14204950

It's you who is "cringe", you disgusting basement dwelling dweeb.
As opposed to whom? Most writers and thinkers lived in major cities. The vast majority of people here (who are most certainly not writers or thinkers of any note) live in a city or a suburb. Hicks may be "based and redpilled" because they're racist or whatever, but they're still as dumb as a brick.

>> No.14204966

This was an adventure to read.

>> No.14204967

>calling others basement dweller

>> No.14204980

Retarded asian goes to arbys

>> No.14204988
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>I-I'm not a basement dweller you're a basement dweller

>> No.14204998

cope harder disgruntled starbucks worker

>> No.14205001

>n-no u are!
>some famous writers lived in cities therefore most urbanites aren't total bugpeople!
it's time to go back to your containment subreddit

>> No.14205003
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t. quit his first job because he was intimidated by brown coworker and hasn't worked since

>> No.14205031


>> No.14205038
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>> No.14205055

>everyone who calls me out is a trum supporter

>> No.14205372

lol they used to say faggot all the time and had an event with Sam Hyde in 2014

>> No.14205391

Im pretty sure they snark at most trivial sjw behavior

>> No.14205639


we don't trust jews around here now fuck off you basedface cunt

>> No.14205711

Fuck off back to /pol/. A well read person cannot be an antisemite.

>> No.14205720



>> No.14206665


>> No.14206886


>> No.14207053

>After all my questions about whether whippets are legal, they reply, “Clearly you need to do some gonzo journalism.”

>“Left Hand of Darkness. It’s a sexy book.” Ripley furrows their brow, “I don’t think anyone really liked it! I never come for the book.” (Later, when I ask Rabbit White about the literary commitment of the book club, she throws up her hands, “I didn’t mean to throw an orgy, I truly just wanted to read more…but everyone wanted to do the orgy.”)

Bit much innit?

>> No.14207188

>This is how it ends
It's more beautiful than my grandfather said it would be.

>> No.14207199

[citation needed]

>> No.14207215

What is BG&E?

>> No.14207219


>> No.14207242

They get paid $100k a month. Why do they not record video of their podcasts?

Any recommendations for these faggots or should I just jump in and pic a random episode.

t. Doesn't know them, but these critiques are amusing.

>> No.14207244

Beyong Good and Evil but it doesn't matter cos that guy's wrong anyway.

>> No.14207331

NYT endorsed...so this is the power of "Liberals get the bullet too" posters

>> No.14207362

>unironically based

>> No.14207971

Will reading this give me insight into what these guys are about? I know people irl who listen to their podcast - from the couple podcasts I've listened to they are insufferable Jews with a chip on their shoulder.