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14201461 No.14201461 [Reply] [Original]

Classmates talk about how Philosophers from the past are “old dead white men who’s ideas have all been proven wrong” and I get frowned upon for mentioning or quoting great philosophers in class. Why do people act like the history of philosophy is not worth rigorously studying? Whether I agree or not with Aristotle or Kant should not mean that their ideas should not be fully understood and analyzed.

>> No.14201469

Philosophy is an old dead white man school and should be discarded completely in favor of social awareness studies.

>> No.14201474

Aristotle wasn't white and neither was Kant for that matter

>> No.14201478

solid take op
this tranny is behind you 100%

>> No.14201484

Very true

>> No.14201486

Slave studies*

>> No.14201488

Shit well that makes sense considering thats what the people saying this stuff are all about. I’m not some anti-SJW poltard and think some of those classes are interesting but should definitely not be the central core of an academic philosophy education. I am much more into philosophy that emphasizes critical thinking, logic, epistemology. I love some continental from what I have read thus far but much of its influence and stuff like critical theory have really pushed the woke studies thing too far in academia.

>> No.14201491

critical thinking, logic and "epistemology" are synonyms for white supremecy and white dominated ways of thinking and being..

>> No.14201492

>I’m not some anti-SJW poltard
no you're just a retard

>> No.14201497

good. Fuck you.

>> No.14201507

This statement is racist in itself

>> No.14201587


>> No.14201612

Philosophy should be able to stand up by its own merits anyway. If you actually read philosophy you can make strong enough arguments that convince people of whatever you're discussing. If they refuse to argue you can call them intellectually dishonest, and afraid to engage with difficult ideas lest theirs being shown incorrect. If you understand epistemology well enough you can anyone to argue with you by baiting them into thinking they'll be shown right

>> No.14201665
File: 26 KB, 331x334, 1572579458827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to use these words when arguing with this type of person. You argue with plain english, you go down to their level and sympathize with them, you try and establish a common agreement on certain basic truths of the world, and go from there. If you have to namedrop or big-philosophy-word drop, you should stop arguing and get back to reading, kids.

>> No.14201673

The only philosophy worth studying in the modern era is Feminism and other social awareness studies.
Old Dead philosophers were hugely biased in their views of women and minorities, making their entire worldview skewed. Their "theories" can pretty much be replaced by practical science.

The only philosophers worth listening to are Female, and preferably those of a minority ethnicity, because they are the only types of people who can actually look at the world from an unbiased viewpoint and bring new ideas to the field of Morality and Ethics.

Basically this.

>> No.14201677

really? That's interesting, I had never considered that point of view. What are some examples of white male philosophers coming up with biased (wrong) views in the field of morality and ethics?

>> No.14201682

We're literally about to hit a dark age

>> No.14201687

I am more interested in examples of female or minority philosophers that got anything right

>> No.14201692
File: 41 KB, 500x300, friedrich_nietzsche_quote_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this board shill for Nietzsche so hard because he completely discards morality and pushed Nihilism & Fascism. Of course he was a huge Misogynist too

>> No.14201694

yeah but, I just want to know some dead white male morals and ethics, so I can see how they're wrong.

>> No.14201698

Based and Ben Franklin pilled.
Whiter than you since 1776.

>> No.14201703

You spelled "i love when my girfriend's boyfriend buy me new nintendo game every time I let him shoot his semen on her face" wrong

>> No.14201726

It's hard to name a great thinker in ANY discipline that thought highly of women. Even the fucking buddha knew they'd ruin his teachings, and he was right.

>> No.14201737
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That's interesting because I was reading The Will to Power today and some of the passages directly contradicted this. Here let me find them.

>> No.14201747


>> No.14201781

They werent really great thinkers, people only thought they were great thinkers because the worldview at the time was highly anti-women. Thankfully, people are starting to see the essential equality between the sexes and real philosophy can start.

t. incel

>> No.14201800

Genuine question, Aristotle wasn't white?

>> No.14201808
File: 233 KB, 400x225, 1504470129192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essential equality between the sexes

what? I thought that genders didn't have essential difference? Isn't this the entire meaning of the contemporary LGBT movement, that has all kinds of people identifying as agender, or a third gender, or pushing the meaning of either gender closer together by granting equality.

>> No.14201814
File: 273 KB, 1002x668, npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking advice from plebians

>> No.14201822

Aristotle was northern Greek which means that he wasn't quite as dark as Peloponnesians or Islanders but he was still swarthy

>> No.14201837

Sex /= Gender. Btw, posting Anime pics is a dead giveaway that you are a Fascist/Fash sympathiser. Go back to your basement

>> No.14201850

no man, I'm a leftist. Could you explain the difference between sex and gender then? and how it relates to this point here: " people are starting to see the essential equality between the sexes and real philosophy can start"

>> No.14201861

Who is this retarded sjw reddit invader shilling ‘science has disproven philosophy,’ only woman minorities are unbiased (which is most likely completely antithetical to any study ever done on the issue), and calling objectors incels.

>> No.14201864

No we aren't, if anything we are headed towards a golden age.
Why are Neo Nazi types so terrified of women being independent and having social power?

>> No.14201866

Remove the "white" part from that sentence in quotes and they're pretty based.

>> No.14201871

Because women are retarded and volatile

>> No.14201873

Bad take anon
This tranny is 100% not behind you

>> No.14201874

Hey tranny want to fuck?

>> No.14201876

Science has disproven Philosophy, time and time again. Although Sam Harris is biased in his worldview because he is white, he makes a very strong case for morality being a new branch of Science. The sooner we drop all the religious Mumbo Jumbo around morality the better.

Biological sex is the chromosomes you were born with. Gender is the way you present yourself in society.

Biological women (regardless of sex) have been hugely mistreated throughout all of history and are finally being given a chance to participate in social/scientific/philosophical issues.

I garuntee you we will see a masive increase in the quality of Morality debate over the next decade because of Women

>> No.14201878

uh yikes creep much?

>> No.14201879

Thanks for letting everyone know you've never had sex before

>> No.14201882

Regardless of GENDER

>> No.14201886

>Science has disproven Philosophy, time and time again. Although Sam Harris is biased in his worldview because he is white, he makes a very strong case for morality being a new branch of Science. The sooner we drop all the religious Mumbo Jumbo around morality the better.
Can you stop? It’s really tiring. If you were truly serious you’d have said someone like Peter singer and know that academia doesn’t take Harris or pop philosophers like him seriously. Only undergrads or people with no academic experience in philosophy think like this. I’m not even upset, because you are either so wrong that it’s laughable or so socially stunted that you get aroused by embarrassing yourself online.

>> No.14201889

> has sex
> ‘gee women sure aren’t retarded and volatile’
Nice retort anon

>> No.14201890


>> No.14201897

>Biological sex is the chromosomes you were born with. Gender is the way you present yourself in society.
>Biological women (regardless of sex) have been hugely mistreated throughout all of history and are finally being given a chance to participate in social/scientific/philosophical issues.
>I garuntee you we will see a masive increase in the quality of Morality debate over the next decade because of Women
How have women been mistreated and how has that been fixed? Because it’s profitable to market the future is women etc. and men buy women things for tons of money, suddenly women aren’t mistreated? And because some celebrities regretted sex now they’re liberated?

>> No.14201899

Im in a commited relationship so I will have to decline

>> No.14201900

I dont care what your gender is dude.
If you are a Biological Male and/or you have white skin. Your opinion is pretty much worthless due to your inherent biases

>> No.14201902

With who?

>> No.14201904

Go to hell, faggot

>> No.14201906

>Biological women (regardless of sex) have been hugely mistreated throughout all of history and are finally being given a chance to participate in social/scientific/philosophical issues.

what does this mean? It seems to imply that women have access to some kind of special mode of thinking and knowledge that men do not, and therefore, can discover things men can not. Is that you're saying? What are some historical examples of this? Remember, I'm not simply asking for truths women have found in history, I mean instead, truths that women have found and you can prove that they could have only ever been found because of women.

If that's not what you're, are you simply saying that because women are now workers, we have a larger workforce, which improve the world, because the work that humans do necessarily improves our lives?

>> No.14201912

Shh, let the Neoaccelerationist do his thing. He is helping with the destruction of Neoliberalism/Capitalism

>> No.14201914

so you're actually just advocating xx supremacy then.
another tranny

>> No.14201917

I'm not advocating for XX supremacy. I am just pointing out that biological men have inherent privileges that biological women don't have. Which is mostly around having their opinions taken more seriously than womens

>> No.14201918

>another tranny
Bizarre desu. I wish I knew trannies from outside the internet. I’ve never met one irl

>> No.14201922

>am just pointing out that biological men have inherent privileges that biological women don't have.
So men are biologically better kek. Parasites like you is why I usually don’t say I’m a communist.

>> No.14201923

"Never believe that feminists are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The feminists have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

>> No.14201926

If you were a real communist you would support the equality of Women over the equality of Men.
You are probabally just a State Capitalist Tankie larping as a Communist

>> No.14201933

>ho’s ideas have all been proven wrong

But this is wrong. Fucking hate retards who say such dumb shit.

The Logic we have today is Aristotle's logic with some extensions
Where do you think the notion of atom came from?
Kant's deontology
Plato's theory of the soul
etc etc

>> No.14201934

>If you were a real communist you would support the equality of Women over the equality of Men.
That doesn’t even make any fucking sense and you clearly can’t understand communism beyond a superficial level, so I will only reply to you by saying fuck you or some variation of an insult from now on you brainless ogre

>> No.14201936

Based. That’s why I employ the lefts tactics by just saying fuck you to them because there’s no basis to their claims

>> No.14201941

that's absolutely rediculous.
for your claim to be true people would need to be able to tell your genitals just from looking at you; while this is certainly true for some trans women, almost all trans men pass flawlessly.
well I hope you meet one of us. You're awfully forward but it's endearing

>> No.14201951

This desu.

>> No.14201964

I still haven't seen any real arguments in this thread for why White Men should be allowed to completely dominate the field of Philosophy/Science

>> No.14201967

Because they’re better

>> No.14201982

Not only do you have no evidence to back that up but you would be way too much of a pussy to actually say that to women in real life.
t. kissless virgin

>> No.14201995

Again with the sexual insults. What is with you? But desu it’s quite the opposite, but I struggle with loneliness nevertheless. As for the rest, one there’s plenty of evidence especially in science, and Two you’re right I’m not a rude person so I wouldn’t say it unprovoked, but in certain circumstances I would. And being an obtuse coward that always spews their opinions is a fool, so you’re not really bothering me with your inane insults.

>> No.14202293

>get frowned upon for mentioning or quoting great philosophers in class
That's because you're an obnoxious name-dropper and people hate pseuds like you. I know a guy who has to mention Kant in literally every conversation he has and it's infuriating.