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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14196913 No.14196913 [Reply] [Original]

Essential coomercore?

I've already read lolita

>> No.14196916

Starless: 21st Century Nymphomaniacs

>> No.14196920

Brave New World

>> No.14196925

Play corruption of champions. OG or modded. Not 2.

>> No.14196928

lolita isn't coomercore imo
it's a basic satire of America

>> No.14196943

Houellebecq, he writes like a coomer. Especially whatever.

>> No.14196949


>> No.14196950

Narcissus and Goldmund
The Fermata
Henry Miller
Anais Nin
Hubert Selby's The Demon

>> No.14196951

I'm deadass gonna coom

>> No.14196964


>> No.14196989
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>> No.14197089

A lot of cooms were devoted to Justine

>> No.14197120
File: 104 KB, 634x853, 30D55F9A00000578-0-image-a-114_1454481239196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We moved to my bed. I got her down to her bra and panties, but she kept saying, “No, no.” I was so turned on by her beauty and petite figure that I told myself she’s not walking out my door without getting fucked. At that moment I accepted the idea of getting locked up in a Polish prison to make it happen.

>> No.14197131

based roosh

>> No.14197144

Marquis De Sade
The Golden Lotus
Sanskrit erotic poetry
There must be a couple of good NTR manga
I coomed to the notes from the underground but I was like 14

>> No.14197232

good answer
Elementary particles is also Houllebecq coom-core

>> No.14197242
File: 44 KB, 312x475, asaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOAT erotic novel

>> No.14197395

What book?

>> No.14197456
File: 25 KB, 260x400, 51TD2c9jlRL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all some gay ass niggas. Read some Zane or ratchet ass urban erotica books. Plus, hood girls who've been to jail will be all on you.

>> No.14197458

bang poland

>> No.14197461

My Diary

>> No.14197585

Can confirm, I love Justine and I'm a coomer

>> No.14197596

Sonnet 129

Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame
Is lust in action; and till action, lust
Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame,
Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust,
Enjoyed no sooner but despisèd straight,
Past reason hunted; and, no sooner had
Past reason hated as a swallowed bait
On purpose laid to make the taker mad;
Mad in pursuit and in possession so,
Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme;
A bliss in proof and proved, a very woe;
Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream.
All this the world well knows; yet none knows well
To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

>> No.14197601

yeah but if you shun it everyone tells you shit like "you're fucking up your endocrine system" "you're mutilating your genitals" "you can't be a woman". like whatever man

>> No.14197603

>“Remember that the life of this world is but a sport and a pastime, and the life of the Hereafter is far better for those who seek to ward off their ruin.” Quran 6 : 32 (Al-An'am)


>> No.14197605 [DELETED] 


>> No.14197651

>Married woman fucks twink in washtub suspended from ceiling
>Genderfluid queer named Absolon appears at window and asks her for a kiss
>"OK lean in closer" she tells him
>Sticks her ass out window
>Absolom kisses her asshole "Ful savourly"
>This upsets Absolon very much
>Twink sticks his ass out window to repeat the joke
>Farts in Absolon's face
>Absolon is ready with a red hot poker and shoves it up his sphinchter
Who says medieval literature is boring?

>> No.14197956

What books have you fapped to? I used to jack it to animorphs back in the day

>> No.14198022

Houellebecq and Murakami, I'm not gonna lie.
(the difference being I simply flip through Houellebecq looking for the dirty scenes, whereas I read Murakami cover to cover and enjoy it)

>> No.14198108

Isn't Hinduism the Coomer religion?

>> No.14198118

>Not 2
The elf in chastity is pretty hot.

>> No.14198445


>> No.14198545

Ignore coomer threads. After all it's CUMBRAIN, not coomer. Saying "coomer" is the cumbrain's defense.

SAY THE WORD, faggot. Say what you are, CUM BRAIN!

>> No.14198552
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Vox by Nicholson Baker

>> No.14198558

OK, coomer.

>> No.14198559

This. Not to mention, Nabokov hated coomers and none of his books were coomer core.

>> No.14198610

"cumbrain" is a tumblr meme
it is literally, factually, actually, a tumblr meme
i will never stop saying that it is a tumblr meme, because that's what it is

it's a tumblr meme about how men are bad and should be punished because they are men

it is a tumblr meme
it is a tumblr meme

>> No.14198638

Based tumblr

>> No.14198651

>everything is based as long as it shits on men
>everyone's doing whatever they can to become a girl

>> No.14198676

>yfw you're the gender that can make fucking literal tumblr based as long as it shits on your fundamental drives
>"why are you getting your face rebuilt anon"

Love it.

>> No.14198685

>everything men do is defined as virtuous
>men should be encouraged in everything they choose no matter the cost to themselves

Consider that it might be that I care more about mens' welfare than you that I push back against the coomer defense against cum brain

>> No.14198698


If a man's natural inclination is to sit around and eat all day, should he be immune from criticism of his lack of self control?

>> No.14198700

>actually you're hurting YOURSELF by not letting women be your sole source of erotic reward
>the nightmarish insane CIA grade punishment and gaslighting you get for merely existing is for your own good

oh for sure man

>> No.14198701

It originated on /lit/ or /sci/. Being a slave is the opposite of a man too. Masturbation inherently emasculates.

>> No.14198707

it originated on tumblr. I know because I saw it. cope harder, liefriend

>> No.14198709

Where do I find his books now that’s he gone scorched earth on them

>> No.14198734

this is why all the "patriarchy" stuff is snake-oil horseshit, it's just another code phrase for "give your money to women"

>> No.14198747

You need to go deeper friend

You presume that sexual release is inherently good and "natural" despite no other animals seem to do it (except in captivity). This notion of sex as recreation is an invention, designed to keep you in a state of need, or desire, or yearning. The "CIA grade punishment" is the very notion that jacking it is normal, healthy, and should be done frequently lest you become "Le dIsTuRbEd"

>> No.14198754

critically redpilled.

>> No.14198763

You saw it after the fact probably by people making fun of it. It originated on 4chan.

>> No.14198774

Don't go PUA bro. I'm not saying it out of religious objection, but for your betterment. Second half especialy of this vid explains it:

>> No.14198775
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>> No.14198776

it originated among women complaining about porn on tumblr

>> No.14198785

man, you're pretty heavy on eunuchs as long as they don't erode your female privilege, aren't you

>> No.14198791

sonnets are extremely basic bitch tier and everyone who's not an anglo can only laugh about how pathetic shakespears writing is

>> No.14198797
File: 152 KB, 808x849, 1572821094655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it originated on /fit/ as a way to encourage men to stop draining their balls into a tissue and focus on real-world self improvement for a change.

>> No.14198800

fit doesn't do the -brain thing

>> No.14198801

The majority of feminists are "sex positive" and love pornography because it makes men pathetic slaves that have an immediate autonomic response to them in the flesh, and offers like sex to a porn addict are going to send him into a frenzy. Tumbr's criticize the treatment of "sex workers", and the "objectification of women", whereas the cumbrain meme doesn't even concern itself with women; it doesn't care about their plight at all and probably would be happy to see them suffer. No, the cumbrain meme is about what porn does to not society, not women, but to the individual. It ruins his brain, his attention span, his memory, and his will.

>> No.14198810

is this a /pol/ satire account?

>> No.14198809

>jacking it
completely abnormal. unknown in Nature. a sin
>emotionally abusing everything that can feel pain and that you can get your hands on
>gaslighting a bunch of 4channers into believing that porn is what's fucking them up and not the fact that they post in a psychic abbattoir
:check mark:

>> No.14198821

Someone post the meme that quotes Hitler as never masturbating according to some biography. This is why THEY want you to give in.

>> No.14198829

>It ruins his brain, his attention span, his memory, and his will.
yeah i know that's why i'm getting FFS and having my nuts cut off

>> No.14198832

>YFW you want to punish men and accidentally prove that trannies are the most powerful race
Is it over, bros?

>> No.14198839

foids can't win but they also can't admit they're wrong

so no

>> No.14198851

We both know I'm talking about chronic masturbation, ie multiple times a week.

Secondly, yes that was emotionally abusive, but we also know that being on 4chan is asking for that, and that it's less abusive than self-abuse, especially to porn.

Porn, especially what is today considered porn as opposed to what was 50 years ago, contributes as much if not more to locking young men in a cycle of psychic ailment than 4chan.

>> No.14198859

>multiple times a week
gaslight harder
>yes that was emotionally abusive
"i'm using psyop headfuck shit against you but that's okay because"

cope harder

>> No.14198861

>have an immediate autonomic response to them in the flesh
keen observation. But,
>would be happy to see them suffer
have to reject this. You were right when you said it didn't care about women at all. Yet your version of not caring resembles the MGTOW's in that it is a posture of defiance that women are meant to see.

>> No.14198865

It is unhealthy. Incurs an inflamatory response, and also causes elevated prolactin. Wastes dopamine receptors and precious memory space on useless sexual garbage that is gone the moment it ends.

>> No.14198866

if you don't have an immediate autonomic response to women, you are gay

>> No.14198869

>trolling on 4chan
>"psyop headfuck"
>implying porn, esp. modern porn, is not definitive headfuck

>> No.14198872

Nothing less masculine than draining your balls all day to videos of other men having sex

>> No.14198873

and lifting ruins your knees
gaslight harder, cope harder, do every bad thing you are now doing but moreso

>> No.14198880

He means of emotional subservience, not libidinal invigoration. Although training to rise above the libido is virtuous, women want a real man after all. See >>14198774

>> No.14198881

Women in pornography contributed to pornography. What a (wo)man reaps, so also shall (s)he sow. Anyone who served the porn industry deserves not only chastisement in this life, but for all eternity. All male actors, all female actors, all web support personal. All deserve torment in hell for not a dozen years, not a thousand, not a million million, but all eternity.

>> No.14198883

>the foids are rolling past the tranny thing
That's the beauty of using retards to do your memework. Arguments don't work on them.

>> No.14198899

The whole anti-porn thing is really, uh, let's say Humbert-adjacent.

Because, I mean, you know who ELSE has to constantly, violently suppress their sexuality and studiously avoid visual material that stimulates it?

>> No.14198909

full quote was
>the cumbrain meme doesn't even concern itself with women; it doesn't care about their plight at all
This was true. What you're saying may or may not be true but had nothing to do with that.

>> No.14198908

Like this. This makes no sense, from our current cultural perspective. It's not something a modern would say.

Unless you're talking about a very specific kind of porn.

Then it makes perfect sense, you feel me?

>> No.14198916

Confession of a mask. Actually, all of yukios work since they all have some sexual shit in it.

>> No.14198919

>has to constantly, violently suppress their sexuality
>(has to) studiously avoid visual material

This is your brain on cum.

>> No.14198925

Pal, I think we both know what I'm getting at.

>> No.14198929

>they're all catholics and shit
can't say as I do, pardner

>> No.14198930

Post essential cunnycore

>> No.14198942

Actually try being celibate for a month. You have nothing to lose. You will either learn that you are a bigger slave to biological chains than you could have ever imagined or that celibacy unlocks potential that you could only dream of past a certain age of mental development. Sexual slavery is real and is keeping you behind.

>> No.14198943

Someone who doesn't want to lose 35% of their digit span and moved by distraction after distraction with as much frailty as a straw is blown by a burst of wind. There is no benefit to sexual thrill aside from transitory hedonic pleasure that leaves you even more discontent than before the distraction arose.

>> No.14198948

you gonna finish that spiro

>> No.14198951

you gonna finish that weird self-loathing

>> No.14198964

>yeah bro, trust me, knocking out your working memory and being an animal, that isn't self-loathing but wanting to better yourself, now that is

>> No.14198970

Oh, took me a second read. Weird connection though. Humbert wouldn't avoid if it weren't for the consequences. Anti-porn is just the admission that porn has been suppressing their socio-emotional state, and the desire to get out from under that stifling blanket of brain-fog. Not truly analogous, as Humbert doesn't want to be free, only to be closer.

>> No.14198972

story of the eye

>> No.14198983

The absolute state of c*mbrains

>> No.14198984

I'm not talking about the actual character. I'm being circumlocuitious for the sake of kindness. I ain't hate them but I wish they wouldn't try and turn their personal shit into a movement.

>> No.14198987

I'll legitimately read The Fermata. Thanks.

>> No.14199005

imo trying to alienate someone from their genitals by attacking their intelligence insecurities and using their confirmation biases is serious langley-grade bullshit and if you do that i don't have sympathy for you

>> No.14199016

like posting a bunch of scare shit about carbon monoxide poisoning so everyone will microanalyze their mental state and start flipping out

the anti-porn shills are using actual psychic warfare on me and they can burn

>> No.14199027
File: 681 KB, 941x491, 13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that, and I did the same.

Nofap is supremely gay, I fap every month or three lest someone ask me if I'm "part of that nofap thing". Living as a pornlover is a symptom, downstream from a multitude of causes but essentially from not having been made into a man. They had rituals for that, before modernity wiped out the natural world.

Today, the only way to do it with conviction is to initiate your own self. I'd recmmend the channel Meta Intent for that.

>> No.14199031

living as a pornlover is a symptom of not having whores like they did before they had the internet

>> No.14199035

also watch my brainwash e-seminar. remember to like and subscribe

>> No.14199047

Brother my whole point is that being genital centric is slavery. This was done to you, by your itchy crotch mother, by your weak kneed father, your matriarchal schoolteachers (forced co-ed schooling, something that would have been unthinkable a couple centuries ago), and most of all the proverbial Powers That Be. You're the one getting fucked, not nofappers, not anti-porn, not even the pornstars. The way you live gives other men a bad name.

>> No.14199048

this is the benefit of growing up religious btw: you learn to recognize it instantly when people are pulling fucking headgames on you and you learn to hate it

>> No.14199053

wanting to fuck is bad
wanting to work is good
be a battery
good batteries don't have needs

>> No.14199062

>I've already read lolita
More importantly, what happened to that Top 100 pedo novels list? Was it something from goodreads or an actual /lit/ thing? I know there's a few charts on the fandom site but that's about it.

>> No.14199064

porn? pfft. I experience all the erotic fulfillment I need from looking at my LinkedIn page

>> No.14199075

the postmenopausal woman as final destiny and capstone of the human race

>> No.14199090
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, wojackie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>P*rn? Honey, have you never heard of Top Ten Funny Nature Facts?

>> No.14199230

Confirmed for not being a /fit/izen
Read and lift, read and lift

>> No.14199242

Oh I know that, i’m celibate anyways. I was just wondering what retarded shit he said in his books.

>> No.14199265

saying it's not a tumblr meme isn't going to make it not be a tumblr meme

>> No.14199272

and adding "shoop da woop, my fellow /q/tards" shit is totally unpersuasive

>> No.14199275

like /lit/ has one of the biggest tumblr intersections on the entire site next to, what, fucking /cgl/? yet you expect me to believe what you're saying

fuck off

>> No.14200128
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x7700, ped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14200135

i listen to sad music browse my qute girl folder
yes i deserve to be called a faggot

>> No.14200244

I’ll give you that, but it lost some of the magic.

>> No.14200360

I like it but it's full of way too ridiculous much niche shit, most of which is pushed by the furfag community the guy was hanging with. Yet along with /d/ it lacks two rather basic and prime fetishes of mine which are excrement and brutality, which is why I feel so kindred with De Sade cause he has it in spades.

>> No.14200881
File: 31 KB, 330x500, 41WxvztBt2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anais Nin is actually widely read for her letters and journals alone but she also wrote erotica.

>> No.14200931

Probably the best honestly. DH Lawrence has some good scenes as well

>> No.14200958


This reminds me of wise words in response to the question "have you ever tried not masturbating?"

"Sometimes I won't do it for like a week but that's just so when I do it again it will be way better."

>> No.14201272

The hell he does; you know how much time I spent looking for hot lesbian scenes in Women in Love?

>> No.14201322

“Remember that the life of this world is but a sport and a pastime, and the life of the Hereafter is far better for those who seek to ward off their ruin.”
Quran 6 : 32 (Al-An'am)

A phrase from the Islamic holy book is the title of this very secular story. That is one of several unsettling mysteries. Both explore the importance of truth in fragmentary ways, and both expect the reader to trust an omniscience: always watching, noting... judging. But I think they probably reach opposite conclusions.


>> No.14201346
File: 12 KB, 193x260, Les_onze_mille_verges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Les Onze Mille Verges, by Guillaume Apollinaire

>> No.14201376
File: 51 KB, 600x950, story_of_the_coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book gave me about five new fetishes. What should I read that's similar? Ballard's Crash was also pretty hot.

>> No.14201389

You're naively assuming that lifespan is fixed and sex or pleasure in general doesn't increase it.

>> No.14201622
File: 33 KB, 340x499, 51VHNDUWY5L._SX338_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to edge for longer than you ever thought possible, the book

>> No.14201655

This got me hard

>> No.14202276
File: 56 KB, 974x1024, 1572748050714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoiding porn? you must be ashamed of your need for porn!
yes that's the point you porn-addicted retard

>> No.14202279
File: 60 KB, 300x446, 19850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14202521


>> No.14202525

"he could never go without girl pleasure for more than forty-eight hours"

>> No.14202963

walt whitman

>> No.14202999
File: 165 KB, 650x883, bukowski-c-1981-by-mark-hanauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bukovski is the coomer manifest

>> No.14203056

houellebeq and him are more failed normalfag manifesto /edgy/ core

>> No.14203200

Understandable. I feel the writing is pretty good regardless and most of the newer demo I stuff just doesn’t have the same charm.

Also, you’d probably like Paraphore you disgusting degenerate.

>> No.14204008
File: 3.22 MB, 1862x1900, 1573573475344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good /ss/ books?

>> No.14205790


>> No.14206696


Tampa by Alissa Nutting is one I know of.

>> No.14206712

Bukowski just wrote his diary and got away with it lol.

I will just consider him as the first doomer ever registered.

>> No.14208070
File: 69 KB, 620x387, 1553520025805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im reading the first page and my god is the writing bad how do you look past it and even begin to get a boner to this garbage

>> No.14208220

>Nabokov hated coomers
What's your source for that? He thought private lives should be private, and not shared with all the world, but he was a very erotic person.

>> No.14209193

Fuck, this is what actually happens? Didn't think the passolini movie would be tamer...

>> No.14209787
File: 23 KB, 263x395, the-dice-man-luke-rhinehart-9780879518646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]