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File: 82 KB, 400x600, john-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14195640 No.14195640 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more Reddit onions writer, I dare you.

>> No.14195645


>> No.14195875

Those 'authors' of wattpad garbage bags turned to actual books

>> No.14195881

neil gayman

>> No.14195897
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>> No.14195920

otto weininger

>> No.14195933

It's a toss up between him and Sanderspn for me. At least this cuck pretends his work has some meaning to it.

>> No.14195958
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Give me a quick rundown on his metaphysical stance and I'll answer.

>> No.14195982

>"everything in this universe is so random and quirky and lmao xD"

>> No.14195986

What are the metaphysics of penis cereal?

>> No.14195994

Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.14195997

>this is what modern pr*testants are like
Dios mio

>> No.14196001

>Muh soi writers

>> No.14196002


>> No.14196008

catholicuck pls

>> No.14196273

lauren southern

>> No.14196781

your favorite writer

>> No.14196798

>war is bad guys
>wtf guys I’m not a communist partisan why would you think that?

>> No.14196805
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cum in my cereal plz

>> No.14196808
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>> No.14196809


>> No.14196839

I remember his older, like 2012 stuff not being that bad. You know, general libral era obama stuff that wasnt that ideologically impaired. You think he got sweeped up in the zeitgeist afterwards? Really didnt follow him after High school.

Pretty sure he was a pretty confortably a Utilitarian. Remember seeing his philosophy series in high school and it was decent for what it was and gave due consideration to each topic (as much as you can in 10 minutes) as well as respect. Up until the veganism episode where he really didnt try to take both sides.

>> No.14196905

Babby’s first metaphysical position

>> No.14196910

His name was Seth Rich

>> No.14196952


>> No.14196965

Never said he was that nuanced. Havent followed him since. Wouldn't be suprised if he fell for the critical theory meme while still proclaiming utilitarianism tho.

I really remember most of his Philo vids being a good general introduction for children though.

While he was naive, that naive honesty came off in a way that broke that initial barrier that pushes most people away from deeper philosophical thought that doesnt immediately fit into the common world view. IDK it might have been in 2010. I think one of his videos broke me out of my edgy atheism phase by explaining in simple terms the mindset of a different person, by questioning things that most people find a priori. I have to thank Green for that at least.

>> No.14196983

his brother did the philosophy series though.

>> No.14196993

Douglas Adams.

>> No.14197003

oh. Nevermind then. Goes to show how similar they are. I Do at least remember that his book analysis were better than most other short form ones at the time. Was good when I had to write about "themes" and such.

>> No.14197011

Vonnegut wrote comfy books about being an old man whose world left him behind.
Mother Night and Bluebeard, for example, are distinctly not reddit shit. His short stories are pretty creative and kind of all over the place.
The only real reddit aspects are his antiwar polemics, but anybody would be antiwar if they saw what he did. Cat's Cradle is debatably fedora-tier, but I think it puts religion in an overall positive light, and I credit reading that at around age 15 as the beginning of the end of my edgy atheist phase.

>> No.14197126

>missing the point this much
its an anti-war book. period

>> No.14197158

cory doctorow

>> No.14197193

He's more early-2010s Tumblr than reddit before he was #canceled

>> No.14197255


>> No.14197273

>I refuse to eat cereal until several men have ejaculated into the bowl
Gotta admit it was odd to read

>> No.14197485

steve hawkings

>> No.14198482

this. hank is way more r*ddit

>> No.14198499


>> No.14198517

is that real?

>> No.14198546

Unironically this is it. He's a complete faggot that refuses to believe anything other then his feelings.

>> No.14198568


>> No.14198665

Anti-war = Anti-America

>> No.14198729


so when are y'all gonna read some Green

>> No.14198745

I think I'm going to have non-consensual sex with John Green.

Yes, in fact right this moment I have resolved to rape this man. All of my faculties and resources are now going to be put into achieving this end. The way this man controls the contortions of his face elicits a deep, ape-ish urge within me to do extremely violent and sexual damage to him.

If you think about it, how is John Green different from a woman? They are equally timid. Equally frivolous. Equally acquiescent. Equally narcissistic. Equally upset by a combination of words or ideas that do not conform to the status-quo. And no doubt Mr. Green has sucked a penis too--maybe just a silicon one (for now), but nevertheless he has tried it; has been struck with the same sort of 'oh-i'm-so-so-naughty' inclination that seizes all women at some point in their life and with the frenzied tom-tom of feminine sexuality blaring in their head which is only ever empty and only ever filled when the image or implication of a Penis can be grasped in external reality, and just like such a woman has John Green greedily taken hold of the dildo that he secretly keeps in his top drawer (why disguise it further? why, wouldn't he be happy if someone were to discover his little perversion? oh think of how oh so so naughty that would be!) and after taking the full 7.5" of rubber down his throat he is filled with such a thrill such that no expression of his "masculine" sexuality has ever come close to attaining.

Hmm, indeed, the lines between Woman and John Green continue to blur, and my dick continues to rise. Raping him could be ethically and epistemologically justified, both through Utilitarian ethics and Platonic Teleology, but I will not go into that here. Suffice to say that raping John Green would be a net benefit for the world as such, as material entity and conceptual ideal. It would be a rape that would satisfy so many hearts, so many minds, and most importantly my own penis.

I am decided: John Green will be raped within the month. I will devote myself to finding out his residency, his routines, and I will plot and plan my moment of violation meticulously. This is a very real goal I have set, and I shall know neither rest nor mortal satisfaction until it has been attained.

>> No.14198753

it is physically impossible for me to scroll past that pic without reading in is fucking soii voice in my head. it really bothers me

>> No.14198767

I actually cannot.

>> No.14198772

Pick up a history book you illiterate burgernigger
America = war and the world will be a way better place if you finally get succeeded by china.
They are a communist shithole but way less oppressive than you delusional enabling slaves.
i really wish your shit country throws a temper tantrum at the sight of you failing empire and get nuked to valhalla.
conditioned braindead scum

>> No.14198786

you cant op

>> No.14198795

Wasn't this initially made in reference to londonfrog?

>> No.14198876

His old videos are alright (Can't speak for the new ones since I haven't seen them), and are a great introductory course, especially for young students. They're very basic but do their job, which is already a good indicator of quality.

His books are a utter trash though.

>> No.14198886


>> No.14199127


Ernest Cline. Watch this if you hate yourself

>> No.14199154
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godspeed and best of luck. we're all counting on you.
>if god is for us, who could be against us?

>> No.14199186
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>> No.14199332
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It's a close tie between Green and this absolute soi for me

>> No.14199378
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>those soi facial expressions

>> No.14199433

Fuck I cannot STAND this faggot. Literally every /lit/ tier girl I've dated likes his shit. It's peak "wow le quirky i read girl books xD"

>> No.14199574

He was more early Plebbit "lol so randum xD" than söy.

>> No.14199646
File: 63 KB, 1354x814, premarital_partners2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is John Green an honest man?

>> No.14199691

>he's bad so he's reddit
Rebbitors hate Green, Sanderson and King are better fits.

>> No.14199694

you would know

>> No.14200222


Martin who? Heidegger?

>> No.14200301

marriage is capitalist propaganda

>> No.14200319


It's an ethical system