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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 931x524, strip-club-iStock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14194072 No.14194072 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I am coming to you from a far away place. I come here in respect of your interests. I'd like your help if you want to help, if you're interested in helping.
I am writing a novel-length work about my time working in some rural strip-club in a bumfuk America nowhere, just me and five other bitches. Not a male stripper, I'm the other kind. Shh.
After I started there, I quickly realized how abstractly wild the nature of the job was, the nature of the strip-club, and all otherwise connotations of what it revealed for a study in collective class consciousness. It's an impossible reality in there, and for that, the stories that came were plainly put as just something else. I'm using this as practice to work on my rhetoric for future projects.

I am asking /lit, please, for mercy first.
And then I am asking:
>What kinds of things would you want to see discussed?
>What discourse are you curious with in this context?
>What kind of answers do you hope to see illustrated by a manuscript such as this?
>What would make this of your interest.
Mercy, /lit/, mercy, please.

I can trade feedback for feedback on something of yours. I can leave an e-mail. Genuinely.
Thank you for making writing not such a lonely thing.
- lit stripper

>> No.14194089
File: 315 KB, 2048x1365, EJPlLFhUUAAviq-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how boring
maybe if you were an escort this would be worth reading.

>> No.14194115

Personally I believe the narrative of the escort is overdone and common. In literature, the escort makes appearances, and that perspective is overdone and at this point, cliched and rotten.
With the escort, you have an overlap of reality and work. With the stripper, you have two separate realities- one of the club, and one of everyday outside, both inhabited by different identities. Your remark was foolish and uneducated.

>> No.14194154

>What kinds of things would you want to see discussed?
If you could do for stripping what 'Pimp' did for pimping, that'd be interesting. Talk about how you started off emotionally at the beginning; the weirdness, the awkwardness. Why you chose the routine you did, how you tried to work over horny fucks. Maybe try and work in any regulars who came in over time and create a narrative with each of them running throughout the book. Mostly, I think people are interested in the business side and how you felt about it emotionally/did you like it/did you bother improving and did that result in any changes.
>What discourse
Seems like something that'd benefit from a gonzojournalism, joking, depraved vibe. You don't want anything super serious I think. Focusing on making the prose amusing, or hot if you can do that, will probably go better but I'm not quite sure how your experience actually was and if that was possible.

It'll help if you had a gimmick to your routine/you improved over time. Then you'd have a distinctive trait about you and an arc of some sort.

Stuff like drug use, prostitution, jealous boyfriends will add flavour. It'd probably help if you gave us a better idea of what material you actually have tho.

>> No.14194319

Thank you so much. I appreciate this, and I will have a screenshot of it to put away when I need it. I am mostly trying to keep it going and sustaining it with humor, because entirely more than anything else, the job is such a funny thing. There will have to be seriousness, as some of the things I've seen are diabolical and heavy, and perspective-changing.
Thank you so much, again!

>> No.14194327

If you don't engage critically with Baudrillardian conceptions of strippers-as-simulacra I'm not going to be interested.

>> No.14194335

I’m personally not interested in the setting, so abstractly, I’d say just make it realistic but light. Can you say the experience was fun? But “not for everybody” as I often hear?
A protagonist who learns, grows. Starting out maybe unlikable or dumb... I don’t know really. Did you have a couple of things in mind that you were still undecided about?
>what it revealed for a study in collective class consciousness.
Does the character develop into a socialist?

First time writing anything?

>> No.14194351

I want to hear about the chads that ragdolled you physically and emotionally while giving zero shits about it

>> No.14194376

I've written of things before. I mean collective class consciousness as in discoursing the realities of the poverty and struggle of the rural working-class' communities. All that meth, all that racism, it comes from somewhere. Low-education and a micro-system that encourages individuals to stay in their working-class positions and to discard thought of higher-education. It leads to their ultimate desolation, which they hope to remedy with prospects of family-life taking after the image of the nuclear family. But there is suffering in trying for this image, too because of all the strain these ideologies cause for the making of family and "love."
The setting as in the rural setting? No one is interested in that. But to offer it to people, and to relay its importance as essential in assimilating our economic condition, there are alternative ways of delivering the view and reality. People aren't perhaps interested in a story about rural America, but they can be more interested in a story about a strip-club. As in what you were talking for, your disinterest in strip-clubs, honey you might want to try it out, and then you'll see. I would hate to be stuck somewhere else working terrible wage when I am trying to write myself something like a novel.

>> No.14194403

Honestly, not many. If then, not purposefully, but you get shitheads like you will at any other job. Most people don't have the time or money or care to go to the club just to degrade the dancers. Bu if that's what the people want to read, I'll go into the depths and pull out small examples to blow-up. Just don't want to take the truth out of anything.

>> No.14194485

>The setting as in the rural setting?
No, I mean the stripe club itself. Setting it in rural America is fine and I’m sure fitting for what you’re aiming for. So yes, to some socialist leanings?

Yeah, fuck that exploitative crap.
I guess there’s a way to address it, bring it up in the story without it actually happening. Like a city stripper telling a story which may actually be made up.

>> No.14194568

you seem to lack the compelling disquiet in your soul that makes a good author suffer and create
all I read is your desire for an identity, that of the recognized author, but no depth to draw from
where is your angst, your insecurities, your humanity?
I feel like you could be visited by Cthulhu and Aphrodite in a single night and call it "neat" while remaining completely unmoved
If you want to be an author you need to find something compelling to explore in a creative way, or resign yourself to descriptive journalism

>> No.14194631

You want to write an article for documentary purposes? Go ahead, but there’s is nothing about strip clubs worth reading about just as there is nothing about strip clubs worth frequenting. An absolutely disgusting and vile testament to the extent to which humanity has lost its dignity. Your world belongs to sex trafficking, fucking disgusting. Cash is ejaculated on stage as you shake your ass, that’s your contribution to society. There’s nothing but the utmost depression at coming to terms with the fact of your life. Jesus Christ

>> No.14194649

>there’s is nothing about strip clubs worth reading about just as there is nothing about...
>...growing up in Dublin
Are you even serious?
Like I said above, I’m not so interested in reading it, but it could actually be good if not great. It all depends on the writer’s ability to bring out the best in the subject matter

>> No.14194664

I wanna read about the dark and obscene shit that happens and how unapologetically comfortable some people are with it. Like something Palahniuk would write.

>> No.14194668



>> No.14194674

Did you like any of your "customers". Did you despise them, or were you just indifferent? To be honest, I despise myself for going to those places.

>> No.14194676
File: 36 KB, 247x247, 1573654336887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinds of things would you want to see discussed?
Definitely not its-hard-out-there type of story. Try to make it as unrelated as possible to the profession of getting undressed in public.
>What kind of answers do you hope to see illustrated by a manuscript such as this?
I'm not interested in strip-club setting per se, so if I wanted to learn more about it, I'd go there. So ask a non-strip-club related question.
>What would make this of your interest.
That it's not about nudity, getting drunk just because these things happen in strip clubs.

What I say; take the strip club as a setting not as the subject. Otherwise it'd be quite boring.

Or take the Melville road and make it autistically about the details of stripping and pole dancing while pointing out to something metaphysical. Though, that's hard to achieve.

>> No.14194681

Read Hunter S Thompson if you haven't already.

>> No.14194727

>what kind of things would you want to see discussed?
The rigmarole of stripping. Maybe describe what your closet looked like pre-stripping and post stripping. "Before stripping none of my heels were above five inches, now it's full of 10 inch platform shoes" or something like that.
>what are you curious about
Same as before.
>what kind of answers do you hope to see illustrated
Guess it depends on what you want to do with it. Is it a coming of age story? A cautionary tale? Or are you trying to say something larger about society?
>what would make this of your interest
I can't really give you a great answer here. It's not that the setting isn't "interesting" or whatever. I mean, if it's good, people will read it. Just don't make it Showgirls.

>> No.14194728

I suppose there is little in way to interest you if the story itself is a premise in a strip-club, which I respect, and I respect your words. Thank you for your thought-provoking responses and help

I appreciate this reply more than I take it as anything else. I haven't used here this forum as something to post my entire revelations or purpose in writing. That'd be incredibly selfish I think to post further than what I need to when asking for generalized help, which you have provided. Thank you

I came here and asked for mercy and you've shit all over me. God damn, you're a lonely empty motherfucker. Go punch a dry wall fill it with needles and fuck it hard might be the closest to pussy you'll ever get. But I do thank you for your care to reply and provide an honest part of yourself to me. Might be the closest thing to intimacy you've had in awhile. You're welcome

>> No.14194732

>>...growing up in Dublin
the implication being OP has the talent of James Joyce?

>> No.14194740

She’s a stripper asking a board dedicated to literature what we would like to read about her world in writing. The answer is, not a dam thing.

Although, just wondering, how much tip does a guy have to give you during a private dance in order for you to whore yourself out? You don’t have to tell me in prose slut just how much? A friend got a handjob for 15$ lmao

>> No.14194745


>> No.14194747

>woman immediately results to calling someone a virgin when they're insulted
You can't make this shit up lmao, nobody cares about some bitch who flashed her titties to balding truckers with beer guts

>> No.14194754

The stripper is butterfly

>> No.14194765

So much. Will write on it
Of course. I had a heart and gave what I could for so many of the people who sought me out. It felt really great to be able to provide that for them. If you were kind I was kind. Don't despise yourself for such a thing, though. Intimacy is a human need and it's a really healthy thing to go to the strip-club
I appreciate your response! It is hard to venture away from some of those stories, as they exemplify some of what I am trying to write for. The club is different for customers than it is the girls. I don't plan to run with the stripper life is awful, because it's not. Some of those girls lives are really awful though, and how they ended up there
Thank you, I have, but I can read more
This is really wonderful and helpful. It won't be Showgirls, and it won't be Hustlers. We can do better than that

>> No.14194772



>> No.14194773

I came here begging for mercy and some of you let me down. Others of you have been great and it means the world and a half
I'm sorry

>> No.14194777

Read The Royal Family by Vollmann

>> No.14194795

Tell me whore
Would you call your pussy “picture perfect”?
Have you slept with plenty of married men?
Would you you say you are the top 5% of women in your peer group?
And one last thing, how long have you been browsing lit? And who was the dumbass who told you about it?

>> No.14194828

I’m absolutely ashamed of you guys. She’s a stripper for god sake. She most likely didn’t choose this life, I am sure she made the best of her circumstances and this is the best she could do. No one in their right mind would work as a stripper unless they had to, and you guys are judging her like she is some piece of trash. OP tell us your story, let these anons realize how it is you came to be a stripper. I’m sorry this happened and I pray you find a way with a writing career and out of that hole your in :)

>> No.14194837

There is no difference between these two people.

>> No.14194841

Is it true that you look down on women that aren't strippers/prostitutes and call them "civilians"? Where does this bizarre sense of pride come from?

>> No.14194842


>> No.14194845

What do you mean?

>> No.14194856

>Call lit agent
>Hi I'm a female stripper got a strip club novel
>Agent: holy shit tell me more
>it's a study in collective class consciousness
>*crickets chirping*

>> No.14194859


>> No.14194864

No but shes a smart stripper

>> No.14194870

You laugh, but women cry when they watch Pretty Woman and self insert as Julia Roberts

>> No.14194884

Im guessing you self inserted when you watched Striptease?

>> No.14194891

>pls help me i won't offer you anything tho
the only transaction that will satisfy /lit/ is nudes

if you can't figure out what to write about, why should we tell you? it's clear you're a brainlet trying to escape her caste. any advice /lit/ gives would be worth money to you. so get busy taking off your clothes as per usual and judging by that we'll see how much creativity may be lended unto you.

>> No.14194900

Here here
You can get naked for a bunch degenerates but won’t even show us, your esteemed peers, your tits?

>> No.14194902
File: 11 KB, 242x208, 6BD17D4E-516A-4A61-94E8-85B37F72C590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been done. Read Steinem’s reports and see if you can tolerate the hypocrisy. If you can, you’re ready to get writing

>> No.14194903

women are sluts

>> No.14194910

Post link I can’t read that pic is too small
Also you forgot your trip

>> No.14194915


>> No.14194935

What wretched existence

>> No.14194961

>what it revealed for a study in collective class consciousness


>> No.14194964

So your a schizo slut? Great

>> No.14194967

You mean the existence of a 4chan poster, of course.

>> No.14194974

>the job is such a funny thing
Oh I bet it slaps

>> No.14194975

None of you are better than me than to deny mercy to someone who has come into your realm and begged for it. I said this opening up because I didn't expect for it, coming into such a place as 4chan and expecting else. But that was the point.
And if you cannot understand that was my point and purpose to begin with, you are not aware, not critical, and are simple.
Why else would a stripper come into 4chan, of all places, and ask advice and help? Why else. To understand this: of what extent of how low I can be seen, the possibilities, the truth, brutality, honest damnation. I came here to be damned in the process of looking for something that could help me. Some of you would tell me this mirrors my life, and it does, and I'm glad that you're glad.

I encourage you to hold onto this resentment so there's room for damnation and power to spread an prosper because we need that and can't survive without it. I've been given life.

This is great. Thank you.

>> No.14194978

Butters interviews herself lmao

>> No.14194983

She saying the prostitute can't easily get away from her "profession", but strippers are more like other jobs where you can. The story could resemble a sort of superhero comic with one setting in a club and life away from it. Rural american places.

>> No.14194986

>what extent of how low I can be seen, the possibilities, the truth, brutality, honest damnation.
you've got it, kiddo.

unlike real life, however, you aren't going to find beta orbiters here to pay your rent for you. consider another line of work. you aren't suited to this one.

>> No.14194990

I am so obviously not the type to have ever been a stripper

>> No.14194998

why do you hate women and sex workers

>> No.14195000

I wouldn’t dare criticize you

>> No.14195001

Honestly, you're in the wrong place. /lit/ and 4chan have nothing to offer your writing. You're better off studying. Or just reading a lot. Maybe some Joy Williams or Amy Hempel.
t. 2nd year funded mfa student

>> No.14195003

Youre a fucking stupid godless egotistical bitch that will do anything for as much attention by as many men as possible- I dunno, the glove seems to fit

>> No.14195005

Don't be mean to her. She is good

>> No.14195007

You’re a fucking stripper bitch shut the fuck up

>> No.14195010

>>What kinds of things would you want to see discussed?
I'd recommend not limiting it to your time as a stripper, but the topic at-hand seems rather dull. I'd go for a more mundanity of life with no resolution or conflict; her job is just a stripper. I'd make it melancholic and speak about the poetry of ordinary life. Nothing political or anything.
>>What discourse are you curious with in this context?
Just the moments of a life. A rejection of meaning, maybe a commentary of a simplistic faith that gets you by.
>>What kind of answers do you hope to see illustrated by a manuscript such as this?
None, that's not what literature is about. The notion that literature has to be something or do something is what infects hollywood with trite endings and a false sense of reality.
>>What would make this of your interest.
Just making it about life in general. No conflict, nothing. Mostly exposition and very little dialogue, but the dialogue shouldn't be deep or anything. It should be portrayed as nature insofar as birds squawk thus creating an earthly sense of harmony.

That being said if you're not well-read you won't write a good story, so get to work.

>> No.14195014

Why do you put words in my mouth instead of asking politely? I am against prostitution, not the girls. I'm a perv and I like public nudity, but I was raised prudishly and have yet to venture into male spaces like strip clubs.
I adore women. In so many different ways, it seems you people wouldn't understand

She has potential
What's a boy of the cloth doing in a stripper thread?

>> No.14195015

no, actually. she's extremely stupid and evil. not surprised you can't recognize that.

>> No.14195020

Yea, she could be a life sucking home wrecking degenerate piece of shit with clothes on, and then a comedic family (husband) friendly sex worker with clothes off!

>> No.14195021
File: 251 KB, 872x652, stripper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read Jayne Anne Phillips? pic related

>> No.14195025

If anyone wants to e-mail me for any reason, my e-mail is up there in the options.
>alitstripper at gee mayl (I made for just this thread)
I'll trade feedback for feedback if anyone's interested. Or you can send mean things, I don't care. I'm just saying now because I had fun but want to do something else as this is getting boring and redundant

>> No.14195028

Cut from a different cloth, you wouldn’t understand

>> No.14195029

>I am against prostitution, not the girls.
>I'm a perv and I like public nudity,
> I adore women. In so many different ways, it seems you people wouldn't understand

>> No.14195031

Butters will you be master bating on cam as well? Or is that just for paying customers?

>> No.14195032

(i'm not that other anon btw)


i'll give you an actual hint lit stripper: read vollman. then write your diary. then publish that diary if you can and become a thousandaire.

here's a clue. women are REALLY not ready to see themselves as a set of holes, and not only won't pay for your work but they'll protest it as a matter of virtue signaling. heterosexual men don't care of course. so that leaves the niche market of other sex workers, who don't read. sorry to break it to you kid but your book is DOA before you've even written it. we're not a polite society and if you're not complimenting us we have no use for you.

>> No.14195034

Time to get a new side bitch

>> No.14195036

Thank you, thank you so much for this. Posts like these from here are really helping a lot

>> No.14195040

Based /lit/izen reporting in

>> No.14195041

Thank you again, please e-mail me

>alitstripper at gee mail

>> No.14195047

lorelei lee just wrote an essay on sex work and i thought it was a highly enjoyable and gritty piece of writing. your opinion is myopic

>> No.14195049

but does lit stripper have that same talent? or are they just a mimic with a dream?

>> No.14195057

(i'll give you a hint: this thread is evidence of the latter.)

>> No.14195062

I do understand, actually. I was a self hating christian once too, you know? And I've been on this board for ages observing, trying to help you see.

Capitalism is why. You are the retarded one.
>Public nudity
To clarify; I am a voyeur, and in no way an exhibitionist

>> No.14195070

schrodinger's slut says we cannot know until she opens her mouth (on the page, that is)

>> No.14195077

I’m not contacting you whore this is lit not kik

>> No.14195086


>> No.14195087

eyerolling @ (you)

>> No.14195088

>Capitalism is why. You are the retarded one.
Such a hackneyed response. Capitalism is a system of relations predicated on economic mobility not this grandiose notion where the rich are oppressing the poor. The problem is that the great man is limited to a salesman and human prosperity insofar as that exists is stunted. The oh poor poor people, while sympathetic, isn't a compelling argument. So, by making prostitution illegal, you are enabling capitalism by attempting to make it moral and not exploiting the weaknesses in the system, so fuck you you complicit dog.

>Public nudity
> To clarify; I am a voyeur, and in no way an exhibitionist
Complete degenerate, but I'll begrudgingly admit that i'm the same as well. Fuck you though.

>> No.14195095

That's not you butterfly

>> No.14195097

Is this your coworker butters?

>> No.14195098

tits or gtfo

>> No.14195105

You have every reason to be self hating, Christian or Jew

>> No.14195107

>standing in underwear
>ridiculous shirt
>a fucking holder thingy on the smartphone
why are all women so extremely retarded

>> No.14195110
File: 26 KB, 540x600, F34688B5-C088-4455-AA4C-278EEE9855C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a stripper
>I want to be a writer
>I want to respected for who I am

>> No.14195116

Thank god they are not all like this. The best thing I did was re enroll into college. You meet a lot of based chicks who are worth their marbles in literature and aren’t total whores

>> No.14195117

All my emails have my name and I don't like talking to women, but I'll kik you if you want to just talk about writing

>> No.14195122

I haven't met any. I also don't want a woman like that.

>> No.14195124

>The setting as in the rural setting? No one is interested in that. But to offer it to people, and to relay its importance as essential in assimilating our economic condition,
There is potential in the situation but unless you find something to fiercely love about the people and the setting and approach it like you have something meaningful and life changing to learn from these people you flash your tits to for a living, this novel is DOA.

>> No.14195131

In brief this IS the reason that makes prostitution filthy. The exchange on money for sexual services is disgusting. It is made only slightly more tolerable when it's professional porn stars, but even that is revolting. Not for their having sex, but for their NEED to "make a living" and turn a profit. It doesn't matter how we do it, capitalism is the corrupting problem.
Your response is hackneyed.
Sex is generative

Random pic from /s/ is all

>> No.14195141

> It's revolting because I feel gross and sad about it.
Yes depriving women that are useless to society except by willingness to provide sexual needs to bureaucrats is so moral.

>> No.14195147

Socialism is freedom from slavery

>> No.14195157

>socialism: give me a majority of your labor
>n-no... this is not slavery! i could be a capitalist!
like i said. women are retarded.

>> No.14195159

I'm a communist retard, but feigning that capitalism could be moral and just doesn't do shit but kill humanity and make us stronger in our delusions.

>> No.14195172

You've never read a thing. Why are you here? Go back to /o/ or something.

Your comment isn't making much sense. You seem hung up on "morality" ... then mention something about killing us makes us stronger?
I'm just saying peeps should feel freer with their sex lives and not have to pay cash money for a bit of it.

>> No.14195182
File: 101 KB, 805x1000, intrigued pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you on the Molyneux show?

>> No.14195183

>Your comment isn't making much sense. You seem hung up on "morality" ... then mention something about killing us makes us stronger?
No. I'm saying that attempting to make capitalism seem moral and just only kills humanity by making us weak, slavish, and dependent on our hedonistic consumer desires. To expedite the process we shouldn't even attempt to reconcile it, obviously within reason. And your solution doesn't make much sense, as many woman would be out of jobs anyways.

>> No.14195185

>I'm just saying peeps should feel freer with their sex lives and not have to pay cash money for a bit of it.
Alright, well it's hard to get laid if you don't live in a big city or make a lot of money, Butterfly.

>> No.14195191

Make sure to include copious references to your asshole and mention your favorite anal experiences

>> No.14195259

>male spaces like strip clubs.
Who's doing the stripping, love?

>> No.14195276
File: 246 KB, 500x363, Free Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't go into my solution beyond that we ought to not do capitalism anymore.
>many woman would be out of jobs
Sex ought not be a job, but rather something we do in our time away from other constructive labors. Or traditional kinds of work.

Good luck to you, anon.

Women is what I'd like to watch, of course

>> No.14195820

They are narratives that are both dehumanizing views that strip strippers (ha) of their choice by subjecting them to patriachal values. (Prudence and Damsel-In-Distress)