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1419218 No.1419218 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many /lit/fags want to be history/english teachers? What the fuck is wrong with you?

interesting pic for answers.

>> No.1419219

What's wrong with being a teacher?

I'm an engineering major but still, what's the problem?

>> No.1419220

Retarded troll is retarded.

Most want to be Chemical Engineers.

>> No.1419221

Simple. They have an interest in the subject and want to share their knowledge with others.

Sorry it doesn't live upto you future of working at Costco.

>> No.1419223

because they think that they'll write in their free time and become famous authors.

>> No.1419227
File: 40 KB, 562x437, 1280107365522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free time.
That's a pretty stupid misconception there. I even remember telling somebody else at school, "Well if you don't like homework why the hell would you want to be a teacher?"

>> No.1419229

Teaching the same shit year after year to unappreciative students, long hours, average wages, one of millions doing the same sort of job, cop shit from parents, once a teacher, always a teacher.
That's the way I saw it from my Australian high school.

>> No.1419231

7 weeks summer break here in Scotland. What, 2 weeks doing the next years class schedule. 2 weeks at christmas, 3 days of which will be marking etc.

>> No.1419234

In my school history teachers always seemed jaded because they had to teach World War II for the most part. They never really touched on any other subjects.

Also, History and English can't be all that great, most H/E teachers are alcoholics.

>> No.1419240

who misconceived?

>> No.1419241

I don't want to. I am working on my bachelors in environmental geology. Getting degrees in history or English would be easy and I am definitely interested in both subjects, but then I would almost definitely have to teach.

>> No.1419249

I know plenty of people who studied history and/or political science then gone onto do plenty of things other than history. Troll harder OP.

>> No.1419250

other than teaching*

>> No.1419261

You might be right, however I was looking over this >>1418725 thread and the number of people who want to teach seems way too high. They might end up somewhere different like the media, an NGO, business, what ever. I just don't get why anyone, in their university days, would want to become a teacher.

>> No.1419263


>> No.1419267

the original pic was the interesting pic.
I'll dump a couple more if I get answers.

So far I have:
>They have an interest in the subject and want to share their knowledge with others.

and that's it.

>> No.1419274

Why isn't that good enough

What other reason would there be?


>> No.1419278

Why does everyone always assume teaching only means teaching grade school?

I teach college and go to grad school, work on a literary journal. Pretty much gearing up to be doing this same kind of work as a career. Teach creative writing. Write. Publish. Be my professors.

>> No.1419279


however, there's also convenient holidays; great insurance benefits; early and comfortable retirement, without having to pay into a pension; tenure, or basically the guarantee of at least a middle-class existence for life; summers off, meaning the free time to pursue other interests; the satisfaction of helping others learn; and continued intellectual develop in a subject you find interesting.

also, if you become a highly qualified, you can make just under $60,000/year in the states, plus run a small business or something on the side.

never understood the teacher hate on this website. it's a decent job, and morally agreeable, at that. probably most of it stems from clueless teenagers.

>> No.1419353
File: 222 KB, 650x3770, 1293202745281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic for bump

>> No.1419355

Onestop reminds me of those old John Woo films from the 80s... they were cheesy, they were Cantonese, and they were full of the most dreadful melodrama you could ever stand. If it weren't for the constant shooting and explosions, no one would care about Woo.

>> No.1419538


was that our "interesting" pic?

>> No.1419540

I'd rather commit suicide than teach high school, but working at a university is my dream job. The pay where I live may be shitty, but I love just being on campus with all the books and historical buildings, and would be happy coming in to work every day of my life.

>> No.1419542


>mfw you make $25,000/year with no benefits and no prospects for advancement grading >9000 freshman comp papers (which might as well be a high school class anyway)

>> No.1419547

I don't give a fuck about money, I just don't wanna deal with retard highschoolers.

>> No.1419549

dggasdg adf 5y53y3w5yg f8

>> No.1419572


yeah, you'll give a fuck about money when you just put in a 70hr work week and still qualify for food stamps.

>college freshman
>not retarded

>> No.1419573
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>> No.1419574


>> No.1419582


also, teaching isn't that bad of gig. stop hatin', OP

>> No.1419714


>> No.1419762

I don't want to be, it's just what I tell my parents I'm going to do.