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/lit/ - Literature

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14191456 No.14191456 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys the entirety of anglophone poetry
why is it that English being the ugliest and unwieldiest of languages somehow looked at as having good poets.
99% of english poetry is dogshit. Shakesman was a whack who literally had to make up thousands of words so that people wouldn't see through his bullshit writing which is just barely above fetishist fanfiction. The only decent poet in whole of England was Wordsworth while America had Whitman being quasi-innovative nevermind him being a degenerate.

>> No.14191501

you sound buttblasted to me. did an anglophone fuck your girl?

On Margate Sands
You can connect
Nothing with nothing.
The broken fingernails of bitch boy hands.
Your people humble people who expect you to get
No pussy.

>> No.14191520

Poetry is shit anyway.

>> No.14191532
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>> No.14191564

The CIA forced English on the world after WW2 to reinforce American hegemony. If that wasn’t the case, English literature and poetry would never be discussed outside of anglophone countries, as they’re quite clearly inferior to their European counter-parts.

>> No.14191587

esl general

>> No.14191607

Пeчaльный Дeмoн, дyх изгнaнья,
Лeтaл нaд гpeшнoю зeмлeй,
И лyчших днeй вocпoминaнья
Пpeд ним тecнилиcя тoлпoй;
Teх днeй, кoгдa в жилищe cвeтa
Блиcтaл oн, чиcтый хepyвим,
Кoгдa бeгyщaя кoмeтa
Улыбкoй лacкoвoй пpивeтa
Любилa пoмeнятьcя c ним,
Кoгдa cквoзь вeчныe тyмaны,
Пoзнaнья жaдный, oн cлeдил
Кoчyющиe кapaвaны
B пpocтpaнcтвe бpoшeнных cвeтил;
Кoгдa oн вepил и любил,
Cчacтливый пepвeнeц твopeнья!
He знaл ни злoбы, ни coмнeнья,
И нe гpoзил yмy eгo
Beкoв бecплoдных pяд yнылый...
И мнoгo, мнoгo... и вceгo
Пpипoмнить нe имeл oн cилы!

>> No.14191612
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Based. the only good american poet was Pound and he knew how ugly English was, that's why most of his poems have huge portions in other more beautiful languages such as Italian, Spanish, Chinese, etc.

>> No.14191631

>Beautiful languages
>240 syllable screechfest
Fuck off Chang

>> No.14191638

>more beautiful language

>> No.14191647
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>The only decent poet in whole of England was Wordsworth

>> No.14191659

Weren't the G*rmans autistically obsessed with Shakes for centuries though?