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File: 625 KB, 1564x2048, 6B7F1F99-341C-4F42-AE82-013DCE4BE75D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14186598 No.14186598 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books on physiognomy? especially older ones, from when people said things the way they are

>> No.14186618

Everyone should aspire to be a Coomer. But a Coomer can never get too cocky and act like a big shot.

A Coomer is someone who, when faced with a new sexual situation, says "Yeah, that's hot. It's hot, isn't it?" and goes right ahead and has sex with the person. Or else, the Coomer can say "No, that's not hot. I want to go slow."

Coomers should be aware that they will always look like a pussy to their partner because of their cockiness. In fact, the more cocky a Coomer seems, the less likely it is he or she will end up with the person he or she is going after.

>> No.14186627

Did this bald man become the coomer meme against his will?

>> No.14186646

>especially older ones, from when people said things the way they are
based and redpilled

İbrahim Hakkı Erzurumi has written Marifetname (Book of Gnosis) in which physiognomy is thematised. I don't know if it's available in English though.

>> No.14186752

cheers, i’ll look into that

like in one of aristotle’s books he just offhandedly says people with thin skin are also the most clever. that kind of stuff, although not just racial things, i think physiognomy is real individually as well, over time.

Who is like the wise? Who knows the explanation of things? A person's wisdom brightens their face and changes its hard appearance.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

>> No.14186755
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he is the coomer

>> No.14186764
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he cooms and cooms and cooms again

>> No.14186773
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he lives the coom, he breathes the coom - he suckles from the tip

>> No.14186786
File: 421 KB, 1536x2048, D6fnEtrXkAAKMOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only coom for him, and for him, only coom

>> No.14186789

if he got yoked he would be a great Judge Holden

>> No.14186793

Whoever cooms without his knowledge, cooms without his consent.

>> No.14186802

He has a vivacious love of life in his eyes
while we're mostly jaded pessimists who will never know that joy

>> No.14186835

He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He cooms in light and shadow to all his favorites. He never sleeps, the coomer. He is cooming. Cooming.

>> No.14186842
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>> No.14186854

those are the eyes of a man driven only by the need to coom

>> No.14186858

bald coomer is the reason whamen cry creep
>where are his eyebrows
>those nasty shoes
>disgustando shirts
>that unfortunately odd smile

>> No.14186879


Opioid eyes. No shine, pinpoint pupils, no color saturation. I swear to God, drugs and excessive porn lessen the saturation of your eye color.

>> No.14186897

>implying the coomer needs any drugs other than pure coom

>> No.14186918

He doesn't need it but he likes to take whatever edges he has off with weed.

>> No.14187015
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When I drink coffee, I can go the entire day without even thinking about jerking off. Occasionally when I go a day without coffee, I get non-stop boners and a strong urge to fuck. I've noticed this over and over throughout the years. Anyone else experience this?

>> No.14187028

Porn addiction is worse than opioid addiction. Shooting IV heroin, you still have some dignity. Being a slave to masturbation? That's to live lower than a dog.

>> No.14187041

The caffeine stimulates your prefrontal cortex and allows reason to reign.

>> No.14187326

>that 30 points high IQer that believes in physiognomy

Yikes just yikes. I bet you believe you are smarter than everyone and illuminated too.

>b-but look at the pic!! They are ugly and watch blacked!!

Have you stopped for one second and though that maybe they are into this shit exactly because their ugliness and lack of social capabilities brings them to not having sex and hating themselves?

>> No.14187358

maxed prognathism fag

>> No.14187404

I look great and had easy access to pornography and sex throughout my life. I still despised these for the worthless distractions they were and my will has always steered me toward living a life of purity. The excuse you give is the same as any alcoholic or drug addict: despair.

>> No.14187426

Johann Caspar Lavater is the biggie, of course, but Pliny and Galen also talked about it. Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain also wrote on the topic I believe.

>> No.14187558

what an image damn

>> No.14187565

Why the fuck would you go to these conventions. Absolutely disgusting. Still better than comic con though

>> No.14187668
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Of those who live in the habit of sin, St. Augustine says: “Ipsa consuetudo non sinit videre malum, quod faciunt.” The habit of sin blinds sinners, so that they no longer see the evil which they do, nor the ruin which they “bring upon themselves; hence they live in blindness, as if there was neither God, nor heaven, nor hell, nor eternity. “Sins,” adds the saint, “however enormous, when habitual, appear to be small, or not to be sins at all.” How then can the soul guard against them, when she is no longer sensible of their deformity, or the evil which they bring upon her?

St. Jerome says, that habitual sinners “are not even ashamed of their crimes.” Bad actions naturally produce a certain shame; but this feeling is destroyed by the habit of sin. St. Peter compares habitual sinners to swine wallowing in mire. “The sow that was washed is returned to her wallowing in the mire.” The very mire of sin blinds them; and, therefore, instead of feeling sorrow and shame at their uncleanness, they revel and exult in it. “A fool worketh mischief as it were for sport.” ”Who are glad when they have done evil.” Hence the saints continually seek light from God; for they know that, should he withdraw his light, they may become the greatest of sinners. How, then, do so many Christians, who know by faith that there is a hell, and a just God, who cannot but chastise the wicked, how, I say, do they continue to live in sin till death, and thus bring themselves to perdition? “Their own malice blinded them.” Sin blinds them, and thus they are lost.

Job says, that habitual sinners are full of iniquities. “His bones shall be filled with the vices of his youth.” Every sin produces darkness in the understanding. Hence, the more sins are multiplied by a bad habit, the greater the blindness they cause. The light of the sun cannot enter a vessel filled with clay; and a heart full of vices cannot admit the light of God, which would make visible to the soul the abyss into which she is running. Bereft of light, the habitual sinner goes on from sin to sin, without ever thinking of repentance. “The wicked walk round about,” Fallen into the dark pit of evil habits, he thinks only of sinning, he speaks only of sins, and no longer sees the evil of sin. In fine, he becomes like a brute devoid of reason, and seeks and desires only what pleases the senses. “And man, when he was in honour, did not understand: he is compared to senseless beasts, and is become like to them. “ (Ps. xlviii. 13.) Hence the words of the Wise Man are fulfilled with regard to habitual sinners. “The wicked man when he comes into the depth of sin, contemneth.” This passage St. Chrysostom applies to habitual sinners, who, shut up in a pit of darkness, despise sermons, calls of God, admonitions, censures, hell, and God, and become like the vulture that waits to be killed by the fowler, rather than abandon the corrupt carcass on which it feeds.

>> No.14187692

To meet like minded people and shoot the shit with them, coom over a beer or two. Jeez, why are you such a shut in autist, literally kys, my niggaroo.

>> No.14187710

based nd kant pilled x

>> No.14187727

Kant was the anti-coomer

>no sex
>masturbation is worse than suicide
>drank coffee and smoked the pipe to get the brain enlarged and shrink his dick

>> No.14188012

This is incoherent and illogical.

>> No.14188027

Prove he had no sex! I agree with the masterbation part

>> No.14188046

Physiognomy is a pseudoscience, race is a social construct

>> No.14188065

The greatest thing about the coomer is his almost 10,000 reviews of porn on IMDb


>> No.14188066

He really loves what he does, so he's not a lonely and desperate coomer after. He's "in the zone" when engaging with porn, he's not just coping with reality.

>> No.14188083

does a drug addict love drugs?
this guy probably does not even know that he is addicted and that is it ruining him
all the lost potential

>> No.14188094

he's not a drug addict. if you had ever actually taken drugs you'd know there is no comparison to doing blow or shooting h lmao.

>> No.14188162

he is a drug addict
his drug is pornography
poeple who smoke are also drug addicts
drugs are drugs, regarless of legality

>> No.14188197

>he is a drug addict
>his drug is pornography

I don't think you know what addiction is.

>> No.14188240

why do you think so many people find it difficult do stop watching pornography even if they want to stop

>> No.14188253
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why do fatties find it difficult to stop stuffing their face even if they want to stop? would you cut them some slag as well and call them "food addicted" instead of just fatties with terrible impulse control?

>> No.14188261

i dont know what to say

>> No.14188390

Everyone becomes a coomer against their will.

>> No.14188403

>against his will
dude literally goes to coomer expos

>> No.14188417
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>> No.14188423

how doo I stop consuming porn
I'm a terminal stage coomer idk if I can go much longer

>> No.14188424

just coom if you wanna coom, don't coom when you don't wanna

>> No.14188431


>> No.14188537

Post face

>> No.14188539

Honestly it's not just the coomer supreme, all of these boys are incredible.

>> No.14188551
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>> No.14188995


did coomer fuck the cute girl on the left?

>> No.14189749


>> No.14189754

you know, I think guys over 35 are gross too but I don't make memes about it

>> No.14189800

Was he always like that? It's hard to imagine someone coming to those conclusions without first going through a sex addict/coomer phase, maybe that's just in the modern world though.

>> No.14189814

>willing to do everything but go on mones
the tension between chad & eunuchcore is something else

>> No.14190077
File: 32 KB, 640x522, op coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's amusing? Despite him looking like a fucking goblin, and having reviewed over nine thousand porn movies, he still got to hang out with more women, and grabbed more ass, than the overwhelming majority of incels.
He became a Chad through spilled COOM.
This man pumped and dumped so much life energy, he's ascended to godhood.
I strongly suggest we don't take him lightly, for all we know he could probably give you prostate cancer by just snapping his fingers.

>> No.14190112

It's because you regularly drink coffee and so are more aware/focused when drinking it then off it. Meaning greater rational during coffee.

However at the same time you need to understand that it seems like you are simply supplying one addiction for another, for if you were no masturbater you would likely not get these urges.

>> No.14190125
File: 3.65 MB, 2904x4000, God Speed - Edmund Leighton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utterly blessed and based, beautiful anon, just beautiful and awe inspiring.

>> No.14190127

>for all we know he could probably give you prostate cancer by just snapping his fingers.
oh fug

the dubs warn so!

>> No.14190139

>he still got to hang out with more women, and grabbed more ass, than the overwhelming majority of incels
"hanging out" with prostitutes, strippers, and girls at porn conventions doesnt count

>> No.14190141
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>Pic-related by Edward Dutton
It's a pretty good book, and a short one as well. Even if recent he doesn't seem to care about people's feeling, and only a Mr perfect wouldn't be offended by some of it. You can check the author's channel, the jolly heretic, if you want to know what you're going into beforehand.

>> No.14190161

oh sweet baby fuck

>> No.14190164

>Devinn keeps her interviewing to a minimum, focusing principally on Kristal Summers and a Hustler mag graduate Madison Day. In bikinis she and T.J. Hart sunbathe before mutual masturbation with sex toys, in a dumb segment plugging AVN magazine.

Besides an orgy, some highlights include an anal sex demo by the team of Nicole Sheridan and Voodoo, a 3-way featuring Summers with Billy Glide and Eric Masterson, plus Amber Michaels humping Frank Fortuna. Stephanie Swift lends her marquee value in a bit demonstrating Wicked's toy line, almost an infomercial.
Okay I'm thinking he's based

>> No.14190176

No, you are incoherent and illogical. Coomers are not just people who live with people, they are people who live in people, a community of coomers. You cannot understand the culture of coomers by listening to you. There are no words for you to understand. You have been rejected by the human species.

I can explain why you are not coomers, but it will take too long. If you want to continue to live with people, you will have to leave. You will have to live in the wilderness. You will have to find a way to be alone, or even to be killed. You will have to do it with your own people. And you will have to do it as a male.

Because, you will be a man. Because you will be the male of your culture. And because it is your people you have to kill.

>> No.14190233
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I know it doesn't really count, but still, given the choice between grabbing some pornstar's ass and writing the umpteenth rant about how women are bad and just want Chad on some incel forum, I feel like most incels are so insecure around women, even the most thoroughly used cum-dumpsters, that they would prefer shitposting on the internet to interaction with another human (however undignified).
Coomlord here doesn't give a fuck, it doesn't look like he's acting like an awkward wreck around porn stars, his addiction to porn must've eroded the part of his brain that deals with inhibition. That's what sets him above his incel brethren, the ability to withstand the presence of women without turning into an overly self-conscious babbling autist who avoids interaction at every step and makes himself stand out as a weird loner, because he instinctively feels like he's being judged, even when he's not.

>> No.14190316

Same goes for drugs, people choose to take it.
He is no more or less addicted to porn as drug users are to drugs

>> No.14190577

Isn't he the yellow guy from the sin city movies?

Also this entire thread is low quality pol bait.

>> No.14191221

holy shit his hands are enormous

>> No.14191384

Imagine the intense sensations during fapping.

>> No.14192443

Porn is worse than drugs.

>> No.14192520

Stop valueing yourself solely on the amount of sexual experience you have with women. You do realise how pointless that is, yes?

>> No.14192527

kill yourself desu

>> No.14192682
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>Dutton has published papers on the psychology and genetics of religion, arguing that atheists tend to be more intelligent since they have autism

>> No.14192767

Kill yourself instead.

>> No.14192791

god dammit I was interested but the coomer derailed the thread