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File: 75 KB, 635x932, 1574029532011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14187098 No.14187098 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend him?

>> No.14187102
File: 103 KB, 600x863, Mormon-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14187104

I pity him.

>> No.14187105


>> No.14187112

What a grotesque nose + nig lips. Just wtf his parents should apologize.

>> No.14187133

jus b yourself

>> No.14187160

your pity is yet another assault upon his spirit

>> No.14187169


>> No.14187184

he probably just got stung by japanese hornets and took a photo afterwards, but a redditor came along and baited others with that pic

>> No.14187192

Anything by Tao Lin

>> No.14187197


>> No.14187217

a much better haircut
full rim glasses, not that half-rim, half-not shit
clean shave, doesnt have enough facial hair growth to rock the five'o'clock shadow
depending on his weight, lose some weight to better his facial features
optional but not required: clean up the eyebrows
also its a horrible photo in of itself. Emma Roberts could take the same photo and it would hardly look as good as she normally does.

>> No.14187236
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>> No.14187240

>le ebin self-improvement

>> No.14187258

a-arigato senpai

>> No.14187266


None he's fucked. He'll probably end up killing himself or having to buy a prostitute off craigslist.

His best/only option is facial surgery and getting seriously in shape.

>> No.14187284

Abbo tier nose. Poor guy.

>> No.14187297

I might as well add as well it's quite sad for this individual to be living in the times we do.

1000 years ago he might have been born in china/vietnam somewhere to a decent family who may have been middle class or maybe just peasants. Even then though he would've been guaranteed a wife and free access to prostitutes/women working in the sex trade on his off time. Now he's just stuck being a hideous laughable abomination, having to walk with his head down and knowing he's an inferior member of the human race.

>> No.14187317

And living in the US on top of that, which is even harder.

>> No.14187327

>implying he's wrong
He'll never be a 10/10, but cleaning up his appearance can go a long way to making him look more presentable. In that pic he looks like a generic STEM nerd with nothing remarkable about him.

>> No.14187341

The Bible. Unironically.

>> No.14187353

If you're willing to pretend you believe in it Mormonism isn't the worst place to look for women. I mean their church even flat out holds special services for young unmarried people for the express purpose of trying to marry them off.

>> No.14187474

cosmetic surgery brochures
nose reshaping is one of the simplest procedures there is
he would look like 90% better

>> No.14187493
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The Peaceful Pill Handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14187503

he needs to take the cumslut twink/trap pill and he will get more action than he can handle

>> No.14187507
File: 22 KB, 217x346, the doll on my balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs a book that will tell him that women aren't worth shit and that he should just get a doll.

>> No.14187552

it seems like they always send cute girls to hand out pamphlets on my campus. just seemed like a scam.

>> No.14187568

If he just gave up on his hairline and cut it off, he'd probably be fine. Maybe get better glasses. Nothing wrong with full lips or a broad nose. Develop the personality a little bit, and he'll be good money.

>> No.14187593

Man, I hate you self-improvement banshees more than foids.

>> No.14187606

excellent b8

>> No.14187611

Have sex.

>> No.14187622


>> No.14187628

He should drink a gallon of milk a day and do a barbell routine that focuses mostly on hips, buttocks and thighs while neglecting arms, chest, abs and shoulders.

>> No.14187643

>uses “foids” unironically
>is a lazy faggot who shrinks away from even minimal work to improve appearance
not surprising

>> No.14187653
File: 16 KB, 720x251, 68569527_10216593144075485_3084015569133895680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets assblasted by "foids"
toastie roastie

>> No.14187655

>>is a lazy faggot who shrinks away from even minimal work to improve appearance
>he just assumes if you're against self-improvement it means you've never tried it or don't want to
I know pal, the blackpill is hard to swallow.

>> No.14187679

1.) improve his grooming. His haircut makes him look an autist and so do the glasses.
2.) lower his physical standards
3.) ???
4.) get GF

>> No.14187689

The black pill is a meme to excuse you from trying. Go kill yourself faggot because the real black pill is that no one really likes you because of your faggy personality.

>> No.14187693

I’m guessing you’re over 400 lbs

>> No.14187696

/lit/ is the most r*ddit board by far and it's not even close

>> No.14187698
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>> No.14187708


>faggy personality
Cope. Personality doesn't mean as much as you think, and a lot of personality is simply halo effect. Chad can beat up women and he'll have them all over him. Look at Jeremy Meeks. Women prefer Dark Triad personalities, and when you combine them with good looks.. sheeit.

6'1 165. Height doesn't matter when I look like an ogre though. It is what it is.

>> No.14187712

> Cope. Personality doesn't mean as much as you think, and a lot of personality is simply halo effect. Chad can beat up women and he'll have them all over him. Look at Jeremy Meeks. Women prefer Dark Triad personalities, and when you combine them with good looks.. sheeit.

You sound like an autist and I bet you have never interacted with a woman beyond a superifical level that was not informed by your autistic infographics telling you that women like dark triad traits.

>> No.14187715

Enjoy betabuxxing for le wifey. Make sure you lick her asshole when she tells you how much of a good boy you've been.

>> No.14187717


>> No.14187724

One day you will realize that wallowing in your own misery so much just makes you a loser. Misery isn’t valuable unless it eventually leads to happiness, don’t forget that.

>> No.14187726
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Enjoy being a miserable piece of shit conned by faggots in pic related.

>> No.14187731

No, he's right buddy. :3

Life is not that bad.

>> No.14187734

>angry at rollo
show boobs

>> No.14187735

Nah, I'm trying to save up money so I can get some plastic surgeries done. That's the only way out of my situation, unless I want to raise some 40 year old single mom's kids or date some landwhale that's been harpooned by 50 men.

>> No.14187736
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Basing your world ideology on a bitter boomer is suicide.

>> No.14187742

Once you get those surgeries, nothing will change. Your life will still be shit. That is the real black pill. You describe women like objects, and I'm not going to say there is anything wrong with that because that is not the point. The point is that you dehumanize women but at the same time want their attention. You are wiling to alter your face so you can get female attention. Something is seriously wrong with your brain.

>> No.14187747

you wanna critique him or just slander him?

>> No.14187752

that's interesting, however i think your anger and resentment towards manosphere e-celebs is showing too much in order to convey your message effectively. it makes you come across as someone who legitimately got hurt by a ladies' man :3

>> No.14187754

Why would I want to spend my time posting a critique of some bitter boomer on a chinese basket weaving forum? He is retarded to me, and I don't want to write out a whole essay on why he is wrong.

>> No.14187756

>Once you get those surgeries, nothing will change. Your life will still be shit. That is the real black pill. You describe women like objects, and I'm not going to say there is anything wrong with that because that is not the point. The point is that you dehumanize women but at the same time want their attention. You are wiling to alter your face so you can get female attention. Something is seriously wrong with your brain.
You sound very toasty. I know it hurts your brain when a male talks about ascending, yet roasties are allowed to use makeup and surgeries to alter their facial features? I am almost 27. I've spent almost the last decade trying all sorts of shit to get a gf and none of it has worked. Not the gym, not pickup lines at bars, not clubs, none of it. It is me. I am the problem. My looks aren't good enough. When I ascend with plastic surgery, I shall bully all the roasties that try to get with me. I have the height, I just need the face. Stay mad. I'll fuck your wife too.

>> No.14187762

I'm a man though. nigger.

>> No.14187764

Post face

>> No.14187767

yikes even worse

>> No.14187771


>> No.14187775
File: 129 KB, 884x720, 1569774347020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if ascending to you means fucking another mans wife and sticking your dick inbetween flesh curtains then that is pretty sad imo.

>> No.14187778

>Not the gym, not pickup lines at bars, not clubs, none of it. It is me. I am the problem. My looks aren't good enough.

fuck. you came SO CLOSE. SO FUCKING CLOSE to the the truth. It breaks my heart.

Ugly, happy dudes get married and have kids every day, man. Your problem isn't your looks, it's your personality.

>> No.14187782

Lol seek therapy

>> No.14187784

No thanks, I'd prefer to not get doxxed by angry r*ddit sois and roasties.

Even Guenon needed to put his dick in vagina.

Thanks doc, but I reject your diagnosis.

>> No.14187790

Not the guy you're talking to but personality is of course an absolute meme, as is marrying a landwhale and you shouldn't taunt people with shitty pseudo-advice like that.

>> No.14187791

Therapy is meme bluepill advice. I've been there. They just fill your head with dumbass platitudes and keep on scheduling appointments over and over to drain your shekels. Fuck therapists, worse than lawyers.

>> No.14187795

That’s because it’s the harder to look at your personality than to blame it on things you were born with

>> No.14187798
File: 23 KB, 171x268, stthomasaquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it wasn't his ultimate goal and he didn't use a word associated with apotheosis with respect to it.

>> No.14187810
File: 394 KB, 600x800, 1493692690720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are guys who routinely yell at and harass women at the bars and clubs I've frequented getting laid nonstop. But yeah, I guess they can just sense I shitpost on /lit/ so they're repulsed.

>> No.14187817

In one sense you are right. The guys who yell and harass women at bars and clubs are in their natural environment.

If you browse this message board then that approach and 'pool' of women will be unavailable to you.

>> No.14187818

>Thanks doc, but I reject your diagnosis.

Cool cool. Elliott Roger was legitimately handsome, and look how things turned out for him. Because he was an entitled dick with shit for a personality. Spend that money and stay lonely.

>personality is of course an absolute meme, as is marrying a landwhale and you shouldn't taunt people with shitty pseudo-advice like that.

whew. dark times. you incels are really tragic. constantly rejecting the actual solutions to your problems and proudly running down obvious dead ends.

>> No.14187821

lmao you're running out of steam

>> No.14187826
File: 503 KB, 1846x5618, incels_survey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ER was a Stacy chaser. You're assuming all incels are Stacy chasers, which is clearly not the case.

>> No.14187827

and there's doubtless something natural and endearing about their personalities that attracts women to them. maybe that doesn't work for you. maybe you have to meet girls another way. who knows? but i really doubt someone carving up your face is going to fix your problems.

>> No.14187835

I'm not the guy you are responding to, but I don't get why incels act so smug. In the end, you are gonna close 4chan and still have that dark cloud over your head. I pity you more than anything.

>> No.14187838

not really. i would be happy to continue to talk to you about this.

>> No.14187844
File: 278 KB, 313x513, 2pzf5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ER didn't think he was chasing stacies though, in his mind he was chasing his looksmatch.

>> No.14187849

The term "incel" has lost momentum and is nothing but a platitude, same with implying that the other person is somehow sadder or more desperate than you in order to display some sort of social superiority. It's a childish and girly attempt at projection.

>> No.14187852

another piece of advice: drop the weird lingo. don't call people 'stacies' or whatever, it weirds people out

do you think things would have turned out better for roger if he lowered his standards? maybe. but he was still an unlikable, miserable shit deep down. and whatever girl he convinced to be with him would probably either leave soon or suffer some sort of abuse from him.

>> No.14187855

I highly doubt it’s true, or if it is true, he's probably leaving out information that would make him seem more suspect

>> No.14187856

I am balding, my ears are noticeably assymetrical, I have a recessed jaw, my chin is very small, I have a black tier thick nose, bug eyes, round head, some other minor things. It's beyond over at this point. I need a lot of work done in the lab.

Right, well I've been chasing my looksmatch and the only things I've come across are literal 400 lbs. whales and single moms. I couldn't even find one normal sized or slightly overweight woman. I take care of my body. I'm not settling for some fatass. I don't care if the girl's face is busted, as long as she's not a literal fucking whale. I couldn't even get that.

>> No.14187860

are you happy?

>> No.14187871

>another piece of advice: drop the weird lingo. don't call people 'stacies' or whatever, it weirds people out
Jesus Christ, are you people really this retarded? You think anyone actually uses these things when interacting with normies? Do you yell "KEK" whenever you're talking in public? Rodger is a god damn meme dude. Don't assume everyone is like him. Most incels hate him because he presents a bad picture. He is NOT your average incel.

>> No.14187877

why are you being such a catty girl?

>> No.14187880

cut your hair completely off. plenty of men do it. who cares.

you're a deeply insecure man who nitpicks at his appearance, while, like, 99 percent of people look at you and probably just think 'that's some dude'

work on self love, man. it's not just a platitude. when you experience it, begin to actually like yourself, and feel the burden of your insecurity lift away, it's a beautiful and liberating thing.

>> No.14187881

Alex Minassian, prision interview.

>> No.14187888

>23 posters
>maybe all the blackpill posters arent being ironic
no ones saying once youve done some self-improvement, youll suddenly have Emma Roberts sucking your penor
but you have to really be a miserable fuck to believe self-improvement wont make your life better

engage in self-improvement because of the various benefits it provides to your life, which includes more success with whamen in general

dont engage in it solely because you think itll provide you a linear road to the pussy. it might, but it most likely wont.
>whamen can still smell your desperation

>"lol you retard, why bother reading, its all God-gifted. all that matters is IQ. you think Chad goes to the library to increase his knowledge? he sprung forth from his mothers wretched womb already possessing the theories of relativity"

>> No.14187891

Not the guy you are replying to, but I have found that telling someone to 'love themselvs' is not really going to do much.

No one is going to change this guy's outlook besides God. That is why in the bible God tested his followers instead of arguing with them.

>> No.14187894

you should still stop the weird lingo. the whole incel 'culture' is poisonous and a trap to keep you comfortably in a state of self-pity.

lol. ARE you happy?

>> No.14187905

he's right you sound like a faggot saying shit like 'drop the weird lingo'

>> No.14187907

it definitely works. but they have to want to love themselves.

i can tell them this all i want, but until they decide to take the first steps to curb rampant, absurd self-criticism, i'm aware that nothing will change.

>> No.14187914

and you sound like a faggot for defending dumb social categories like 'stacies' and 'chads'.

>> No.14187917

Yes, of course the incel is lying, only he could ever be at fault.

>> No.14187918

>it definitely works. but they have to want to love themselves.
Osho over here.

>> No.14187933

I sometimes use chad ironically but that's about it. I find incels vaguely retarded but their main enemies appear to be Feminists, who are not just vaguely retarded but disgusting idiotic people. Seeing 4chan align with feminists is just bizarre to me

>> No.14187937

>comparing something like reading to dating
The more you read the better you get at it. Dating is mostly about looks, almost entirely. You have a long way to go. I've done self-improvement. Read my previous posts to see what it's gotten me. I'm done with that jester shit.

I haven't seen it, and I don't really care much for what these "incel" celebs the media pushes do. There's evidence to believe that the Minassian incident was a glow in the dark operation as well.

I've had a buzz cut for the past several years. I cut my hair every few weeks lol. Self-love might be a liberating thing, but it's not getting me anywhere with a girl. I want to have children some day. I have a good job and money, but living on your own can only take you so far unless you're someone like Ted. And look what happened to him in the end.

>> No.14187944

They're just terms for real categories of people at the top of the social pyramid. I don't know why they bother you so much.

>> No.14187952
File: 27 KB, 600x338, ed3fe2c223f0b6391fa481aeb6e680c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Time Machine

>> No.14187957

Only someone seriously lacking real life experience would doubt that LMS makes up the lion's share of attraction.

>> No.14187958

Unironically ask God for help, he is the only one who can save you now.

>> No.14187971

>Self-love might be a liberating thing, but it's not getting me anywhere with a girl. I want to have children some day. I have a good job and money, but living on your own can only take you so far unless you're someone like Ted. And look what happened to him in the end.

If you don't love yourself, you're going to ruin every single relationship you manage to find yourself in. You'll get clingy, possessive, resentful, insecure, and she'll get fed up with it and leave.


what social pyramid? we're adults. the only hierarchy that matters involves class, power, money, and influence. some people are more attractive than others, but that stops constituting a real pyramid once you leave high school

>> No.14187973

Just be yourself and hypergamous roasties will choose you over very handsome or wealthy guys.

>> No.14187989

those are important because they're signifiers of how well a person is doing in life. but plenty of people are happily married with kids without looks, money, or status.

>> No.14187992

>You'll get clingy, possessive, resentful, insecure, and she'll get fed up with it and leave.
lmao cope 80% of divorces are initiated by women and not because the men did something

>self-love meme
how can you love yourself when you experience nothing but rejection? and even if you do, what good does it do?

>what social pyramid? we're adults. the only hierarchy that matters involves class, power, money, and influence.
you're forgetting looks. how many women fantasize about the rich bald pajeet?

>some people are more attractive than others, but that stops constituting a real pyramid once you leave high school
yeah, people just magically change as they grow older and forget everything they're attracted to during their teens and 20s. this is the equivalent of saying just man up and marry that 30 year old roasties that's had 500 cocks she'll change bro don't feel scared!

>> No.14187999

>but plenty of people are happily married with kids without looks, money, or status.
absolutely not. most women will settle for guys once they hop off the carousel. then you get starfish sex and divorce if you're a very bad boy. fuck you're retarded. listen in on how wives talk to each other in group settings once in a while when no men are around

>> No.14188003

>but plenty of people are happily married with kids without looks, money, or status.
>happily married
You need a vibe check.

>> No.14188007

My Twisted World

>> No.14188008

Its funny that the people who always think like this are the same people who demand respect for the "lived experience" of browns or trannies.

>> No.14188017

Whats with the type of person who goes around telling people shit like this like he has the power to cast a curse on you or something?
You don't know shit, you are a faggot and all you are accomplishing is assuring yourself you are right based on absolutely nothing. I want to see you fail in life, I legitimately want to see you experience personal failure just to see how you react, what kind of mental gymnastics you come up with to somehow justify how you are still correct and all is just and fair in the world because god fucking forbid you address other people like fellow human being and stop having one sided conversations

>> No.14188019

Some people (especially men) may at first glance appear to be a normie, but upon closer inspection appear to get an insane amount of affection from women. This often happens due to having a abnormally high amount of social status. Their social status in fact may be so high, that they even managed to turn themselves into Chadlite, or perhaps an even higher SMV. As such, he becomes a Chadlite through status instead of looks. For example, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, initially appears to be all-round a physically average normie, but because his social status is so high, he falls into chad territory. Likewise, Genghis Khan, who lived during the 13th century was physically mediocre. However, he was extremely ruthless, and through his charismatic and assertive nature not only managed to conquer the world, but he managed to bed so many concubines that today, it has been estimated that roughly 1 in 200 people are his direct descendants. There are also situations wherein you have gigachads by some some flukish circumstance rather than anything inherently genetic. In these situational and flukish circumstances, someone who is a normie, even low-tier normies, may elevate their status to full-blown gigachads if there is a lop-sided gender dynamic. A great such example is in the film The Maze Runner via the character Aris Jones. Aris Jones becomes a Gigachad after becoming locked into a trial for subjects immune to the Flare, a brain virus, with an all-female trialing group called group B. Give or take, Aris Jones is a normie, but he was incredibly lucky to be locked into the Maze with 8 (or 9) girls, and if the film wasn't rated PG-13, his Casanova pursuits would more likely have been displayed on the screens.

>> No.14188023

>M-muh just world

>> No.14188032

> He thinks I never experienced personal failure
Very selfish of you to think that your suffering is the only one that counts. I don't fear your curses, you don't know me. I only fear God.

>> No.14188034

>lmao cope 80% of divorces are initiated by women and not because the men did something

.....it's exactly because men did something. but if you're clingy, possessive, insecure, and self-loathing, you're going to have a hard time getting married, let alone divorced.

>how can you love yourself when you experience nothing but rejection?

rejection is something everyone experiences. and you're still worthy of liking yourself even if someone else doesn't want to be with you.

>and even if you do, what good does it do?
happiness is a worthy goal in and of itself.

>you're forgetting looks. how many women fantasize about the rich bald pajeet?

i seriously doubt he's all that lonely.

>yeah, people just magically change as they grow older and forget everything they're attracted to during their teens and 20s. this is the equivalent of saying just man up and marry that 30 year old roasties that's had 500 cocks she'll change bro don't feel scared!

nah, that's not what i'm saying. looks do 'matter', but the emphasis on looks is blurred a bit. the dating pool expands in size. people mature and pursue their own tastes, which could be someone funny looking, skinny, fat, short, whatever whatever.

>> No.14188041

Yes they are that retarded.

>> No.14188055

>women only divorce men because the men are at fault
dios mio

>rejection is something everyone experiences. and you're still worthy of liking yourself even if someone else doesn't want to be with you.
rejection and then acceptance. when your entire dating life is nothing but rejection? idk man. again, I don't hate myself. I'm honest enough to admit my physical as well as mental flaws.

>happiness is a worthy goal in and of itself.

>i seriously doubt he's all that lonely.
ok lol

>nah, that's not what i'm saying. looks do 'matter', but the emphasis on looks is blurred a bit. the dating pool expands in size. people mature and pursue their own tastes, which could be someone funny looking, skinny, fat, short, whatever whatever.
lmfao dude. men have varied tastes in women. men like fat, skinny, etc. women chase after one type. no woman will choose an ugly manlet over a tall chad unless he's extremely wealthy or powerful and even then she might cuck him. christ man just stop

>> No.14188057

Incels please repent before it is too late.

>> No.14188059

Neither incel nor Christian but what is there to repent specifically?

>> No.14188060

i think you're over-estimating a bit just how many single women are fucking on a regular basis

>> No.14188067

I agree. They are too busy reading great works of literature. Never mind the Facebook and Instagram photos of them "going out."

>> No.14188069

Don't even bother reading a book, just learn about the origins of Courtly Love.

Romance and dating are fucking based on lies created by the medieval elite - all of it, no exceptions.

>> No.14188074

Losing hope in God.

>> No.14188077


>lmfao dude. men have varied tastes in women. men like fat, skinny, etc. women chase after one type. no woman will choose an ugly manlet over a tall chad unless he's extremely wealthy or powerful and even then she might cuck him. christ man just stop

ugly men, handsome men, skinny men, fat men, tall men, and short men get married every single day. Are you facebook friends with people you went to high school with? Pay attention to the ones getting married and having kids. They're not all "tall, wealthy chads" or whatever.

>> No.14188078

Anon, social disorders are substantially different from being a different race

>> No.14188080

When someone tells you about their problems your first reflex shouldn't be to just try to palm them off with a "just do this". You're not even being genuinely helpful, you're just trying to disregard them. Especially when you've never fucking met this person, you've never watched him navigate the world, and you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14188081

ok boomer

>> No.14188084

>ugly men, handsome men, skinny men, fat men, tall men, and short men get married every single day.
these men get used bro. they are betabuxxers with their relationship in constant danger because there is always a predator lurking. do some research.

>> No.14188088

Can't you explain how?

>> No.14188093
File: 69 KB, 1128x858, washington_post_incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14188098

If you come to a mongolian basket weaving forum to bitch about your problems with a bait thread then expect LQ replies.

>> No.14188109

you shouldn't marry a woman you don't trust. if there's mutual trust, the danger of a 'predator' is lessened.

constant paranoia about cheating is another sign of insecurity and possessiveness that leads to ruined relationships, by the way.

that's part of why love is scary. you have to put a lot of trust in another person to keep their promises and not break your heart.

>> No.14188120

Oh shit he's gonna take the call bros

>> No.14188127


>> No.14188130

>le ebin wallow in your misery because you can't change anything and trying to improve yourself or microdose optimism is just naivete, bro! Just be yourself, that is- a failure!!

>> No.14188137

You probably do this to people in real life too because you're narcissistic retards with poor social skills.

>> No.14188144

No. I take my time with people in real life because there is a possibility I can change them. I doubt what I say here will make a difference, the incels are too deep in the game at this point.

>> No.14188149

yeah dude no other explanation for that graph
mein igon values b skyrocketing

>> No.14188150

Because people of different races still live normative lives for the most part. They are able to socially connect with people, form relationships, and all that (they may or may not be more comfortable with people of their own race but that’s only because that’s more familiar to them). People with social disorders have legitimate problems with this so their perceptions of people and events might be a little warped. I'm also not saying you shouldn’t respect incels, just that one should be wary when they make claims like this.

I'm also not sure why you mentioned trans people or why they fit into this situation.

>> No.14188158

>guy with decent skin, no rapist stache, reasonable hairline is still hideously ugly
>"bro just get a different haircut and be yourself"
Stop acting like minmaxing is a golden ticket.

>> No.14188175

oh, so it's better to just give up and wallow in self-pity on some incel board like a little bitch, right?

>> No.14188184

every good general knows when to retreat

>> No.14188194
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, 1a4d84c016b27d24db209df21f10eb636060c71a_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are supposed to retreat and come back or move on to another battle. Not bitch about losing forever.

>> No.14188199

what in god's name is a foid you zoomer

>> No.14188201

my situation is more like the germans in stalingrad

>> No.14188202

well when you're a 58 year-old virgin whose dick doesn't even work anymore, you're going to look back on your youth and regret that you didn't try to do more with it. and it's going to hurt a lot.

>> No.14188203

It is another name for women. It seems like Satan has really got to the zoomers these days.

>> No.14188210

I disagree with you there, coach. There is more to life than getting laid. Chasing tail seems to be a waste of time if you can't get any.

>> No.14188214

Your argument is that incels are just delusional and biased about the way they are treated by others and this is literally the exact same argument that could be used against black people.
Or maybe i'm even overestimating you there since you don't realize how trannies fit into the same framing.

>> No.14188216

doubt i will be alive at that age

>> No.14188218
File: 96 KB, 806x1600, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot Rodger's magnum opus, My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger.

>> No.14188220

He is moving onto different battles, but those battles aren't "women" sorry.

>> No.14188222

Yeah, you have to go back

>> No.14188224

No, I stated that I want to see you experience it not that you haven't experienced it already

>> No.14188228

MtF trans are all just a subgroup of incels mixed with chronic coomers

>> No.14188233

doesn't have to be chasing tail. could just be pursuing genuine companionship.

we never know, anon. but we push on.

>> No.14188237

>genuine companionship
with a female? without sex? that's called orbiting

>> No.14188252

no. sex would probably be happening but within the confines of a mutually beneficial romantic relationship.

>> No.14188257


>> No.14188258

Exactly. He just needs to be himself.

>> No.14188263

you don't get there by being friendzoned from the start

>> No.14188266

I don't understand how you can live in a first-world country and remain an incel. Every second girl from hellhole countries will suck your cock just for a slight prospect of moving away with you.

>> No.14188282

>just spend your money transferring some hypergamous ethnic whore who wants to ditch her men back home so she can leave you for better men when you blow all your money and settle her
real smart. not even loyal to the men in her country and you think she'll be loyal to some ugly incel? lmoa

>> No.14188304

Dude, having a loyal partner is hardly achievable even for chads nowadays. But you can solve your incel problem, so why not? Because you won't be able to whine about your virginity anymore?

>> No.14188319

You can pay a prostitute and you won't be a virgin, but you'll still be an incel. Being incel isn't about a loyal partner. Please understand the terms you're discussing before posting. An incel is someone who cannot attract women because he is ugly.

>> No.14188326

I can pay a prostitute and still walk come out of the experience as a virgin, it's that fucking bad.

>> No.14188353

Bro explain this

>> No.14188357

prostitute will never replace gf simple as

>> No.14188359

She'll take my money but refuse to fuck me because of shitty facial aesthetics.

>> No.14188362

So all ugly guys who attracted women leveraging their other qualities are incels? Ugly barbarian who took women of conquered nations by force is an incel? You guys fucking pathetic. You take the rules (that you must attract partner only by your looks and personality) imposed on you by society and women like good little boys instead of using all means to achieve what you desire. You whine about feminism and at the same time internalize feminist values. That's what is wrong with you, not your face or body.

>> No.14188367

No bro doesn't work like that at all.

>> No.14188369

Alright, so do you recommend we go out and start war bands and rape women? I'm not saying you're wrong. That's one way to ascend, but are you really recommending it as a legit strategy? You also have to be very low inhib and a psycho to do it.

>> No.14188370

this would genuinely help a lot

>> No.14188373

There is no reason to not have confidence when with prostie.

>> No.14188374


>> No.14188380

Why? Imagine the ego and confidence of a person who gets paid for sex instead of having to pay for sex.

>> No.14188382
File: 220 KB, 858x725, 1479443525087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dumb motherfucker what other qualities LMAO women are primarily attracted to LMS (looks, money, status) if you don't have looks you can get by with a ton of money (no not like 60k per year I mean top of the top) and same thing goes for status either a wealthy politician, big shot professor, etc. just kys you waste of flesh you are hand waving away everyone who is not average and basically saying yeah bro just BE THE TOP 1% kys kys RIGHT NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.14188394

i know right? it's fuckin constant white noise. you should join our community, we host discussions on these topics all the time. link provided. stay strong, brother. :^)

>> No.14188401

I expected his voice to be much deeper because he looks like a Boston Irish navy guy neighbor I have with a gruff voice.

Nevertheless, most of what he says is true in The Rational Male. However his deeply persistent materialism (i.e. love is just a chemical so just fuck sex dolls) turns me off and his idea of there "not being a one but many ones." While that may be technically true, try telling that to someone whose loved one passed away after many years of a worthwhile marriage. I guess Rollo isn't religious. Religion may indeed be the remedy to the current male female dynamic and I'm surprised he hasn't commented on this.

A very small nitpick I have: his persistent belief that AWALT (all women are like that). He should change that to most women are like that because women that deviate from the norm he describes do exist, albeit hard to find.

>> No.14188408

/r9k/ is full of normalfags nowadays you would know that if you didn't come here from r*ddit 2 months ago

>> No.14188413

Very surprising and accurate analysis. Good post.

>> No.14188415

I recommend leverage your current situation and qualities. The simplest method available for everyone is here >>14188266. There are many others but they are more specific and depend on many conditions.
Whining and knocking on the door that won't open like incels do is the most stupid and effeminate behaviour one can imagine.

>> No.14188420


Other than that advice that he should find women on his level. People usually go for partners similar to them in terms of physical appearance and personality which usually coincide. Physiognomy is indeed real.

>> No.14188426

>People usually go for partners similar to them in terms of physical appearance and personality which usually coincide.
>women go for their looksmatch
>doesn't know they only do this or settle for lower when they no longer have options
ohonononono look at this DOOD lmao

>> No.14188437

I knew couples who could pass as brother and sister. One got married while still relatively young.

>> No.14188447

and I am sure the guy was an incel

>> No.14188463

He never sought what many call Stacies and dated a girl who was in his league in high school. If he chased Stacies I guess he would be an incel but they repulsed him. His wife is like the female version of him with a very similar demeanor.

>> No.14188472

so he was a normie? great doesn't apply again. physiognomy is a meme. landwhales and ugly women go after average or above average men, not ugly men. they only go for uglies to settle down. women DATE UP

>> No.14188504

I also want to add that I grew up in a working-class neighborhood and used to fight a lot during my adolescence. And I can assure you that winning using unconditional means is much more satisfying than loosing fair and square.

>> No.14188736

>gym, pickup lines, clubs
Did you try working on your personality and not treating women like objects?

>> No.14188799

>not treating women like objects?
That's probably what put him in that position in the first place.

>> No.14188908
File: 321 KB, 580x529, saberstop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than some genetic dead end social outcast low status loser trying to “self improve” to fit into society. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them.

The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider “normal” just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to “self improve” to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no “self improvement” necessary. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don’t have a single friend or you’ve never kissed a girl at 23 years old. You don’t devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a couple girlfriends and FWBs in high school and college, then a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re complete genetic shit.

>> No.14188917
File: 549 KB, 1266x1600, Socrates-half-original-Greek-Capitoline-Museums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than some genetic dead end social outcast low status loser trying to “self improve” to fit into society.
*blocks your path*

>> No.14188923

honestly most people on this thread dont even read.

>> No.14188927

>literal genius, invents western philosophy as we know it today, also a war veteran IIRC
>genetic dead end

Choose one.

>> No.14188942


>> No.14188953

what's your fav route in fate/stay night?

>> No.14188968
File: 1.48 MB, 850x1069, 1557078332626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UBW, of course. I can't decide between Saber and Rin, though.

>> No.14188993
File: 230 KB, 850x1579, __artoria_pendragon_and_saber_fate_stay_night_and_etc_drawn_by_elf_stroll_in_the_woods__artoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14188999

Let's be frank, he needs cosmetic surgery or he needs the make a lot of money AND settle for a dog Asian gal

>> No.14189003
File: 260 KB, 1280x907, 1566754463096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting lewd art.

>> No.14189006
File: 96 KB, 1000x1200, rinredmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14189015
File: 362 KB, 640x480, __arcueid_brunestud_melty_blood_and_etc_drawn_by_takeuchi_takashi__400a1b7abe9e772a88b0c0594ba15d0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Tsukihime, anon?

>> No.14189021
File: 39 KB, 438x600, 1570317673941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a bit of the first route, yet to finish heaven's feel so I have not gone back to it.

>> No.14189025

i know a short asian guy, uglier than guy in OP, and he has an ugly asian gf.

>> No.14189029
File: 802 KB, 1522x1853, __ciel_tsukihime_and_etc_drawn_by_axia_chan__869c7a069202fc88ecaea0bb8960ecad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good, anon. I can recommend it wholeheartedly.

>> No.14189038
File: 118 KB, 850x511, __haman_karn_and_qubeley_gundam_and_2_more_drawn_by_yoshinaga_masahiro__sample-2fa26518ccd998069264909cdcd10598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely start it up again once I finish heaven's feel in a day or so. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.14189117

his nose and lips are totally fucked

>> No.14189140


>> No.14189145

You must be new here
Naw, /news/ is the absolute worst.

>> No.14189363

yeah just like I'm "happy" to work 40h a week for a crappy job

>> No.14189381

yeah maybe they have kids in their 30/40s but they make love once every 6 month what an achievement

>> No.14189435

r9k is invaded by MtF and "i am lonely join discord". pure unadulterated cancer

>> No.14189434

I unironically met a guy like him, massive lips.
It was hard to look at him in the face without laughing.
The guy still got pussy.
I never figured out how he did it.

>> No.14189440

what the fuck happened there, why did fags and trannies take it over

>> No.14189449

this is the dumbest shit
i'm one of the "fags" and i've been there since literally the board was made. i was there for the fucking deletion and the reinstatement
>"take it over"
a board for lonely mentally ill people is also full of trannies? how the fuck did that happen??? of course this meme is hideously disingenuous, which is the main thing these dumbass twitter mains have taken from their slapfights with "the" "left"- not "don't be a cruel piece of shit or people will hate you", but "there's a thousand little poison tricks for asserting social dominance, and you should keep using them even after your teeth and hair start falling out"

>> No.14189520

Slave morality

>> No.14189534

The insurance should pay for plastic surgery if it's this bad.

>> No.14189544

the Koran

>> No.14189559

i was also there for the deletion and reinstatement, so that doesn't mean shit. the board absolutely was propagandized by faggots and trannies starting just a few years ago. i have no problem with fags, i just don't understand why there needed to be multiple 300+ post "Gay General" threads filled with nothing but sexual comments about "boy pussy"

get AIDS and die you fucking faggot. at least the ugly incels have some merit to their claim of being oppressed. you bring all your misery on yourself and you want to spread it to others. enjoy your prolapsed asshole you fucking degenerate.

>> No.14189577

"a few years ago". would that be 2014, when there were enough ass threads that it led to a spinoff board

>i just don't understand why there needed to be multiple 300+ post "Gay General" threads
because we have the catalog now, which allows us to notice it and call it a 'flood' whenever anyone dares to make more than one OP on any topic, which means that everyone on every board has to make generals by default, because otherwise they're 'spamming' by the lights of the schoolmarms who have taken it upon themselves to police the boards

>at least the ugly incels have some merit
the incel movement got jacked and turned into a psyop. "incels" have to be cunty and poisonous for a number of reasons, like because there needs to be an enemy

>> No.14189603

what's that kind of projection lol
"there needs to be an enemy"
just sounds like inceltears who feast upon incels because that's the only way to cope with their crap life

>> No.14189610 [DELETED] 

incels were closer to what "doomers" are now but their complaints were too legit so they got hijak'd into being nasty/unpleasant/"alt right" which is its own psyop

>> No.14189626 [DELETED] 

"there needs to be an enemy" = creating fake 'terrorist' entities for the reasons one usually does that

you have no problem with fags (if what you said is true)
but you have been sensitized* to see the general as a problem, so that you fight it out with them under the banner of "incel", which has been handed to you by someone just offscreen. look offscreen. look at the hand.

*there are ways to do this and they're subtle enough that you won't immediately pick up on it

>> No.14189627

never understood the "incel is alt-right". most late virgins are asian/indian ethnicels whose female counterparts blindly chase white guys

>> No.14189628

So I either wallow in self pity or completely "improve" myself, as you put it? No inbetween exists appearently.

>> No.14189686

I act normal enough in public but I don't have the proper history or knowledge. I was bullied as a kid and I withdrew into the internet during my teens. I have never been of the straight society. I don't know how to integrate without being "found out".

>> No.14189784
File: 2.84 MB, 500x375, 1573815267689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If incels are so certain that there's no way for them to get what they want, why bother so much? Why waste all that precious energy on complaining? Posting on the internet all day long, talking shit about themselves, complaining about women and their shit genetics will lead to absolutely nothing. It's not cathartic, it's not therapeutic, it's not helpful, it's nothing. No one on the internet cares, and no one will give you good enough advice, as they barely know you.
I've been through this. I've been dealt a bad hand, maybe even worse than most of you. I tried communicating my bitterness and frustration on the internet but I've found it's just a fart in the wind. Normies will read it and give cookie cutter advice. Likeminded incels read it and reinforce your views. It really is pointless. These discussions lead nowhere.
Channel your hate, bitterness, frustration, resentment and whatnot into art or work. Check this guy out:
Some might say it's pathetic, but at least he made something out of it.
Or look at Eggman, the godfather of modern incels:

Stop complaining and go do something with all that negative energy you milquetoast little bitches.

>> No.14189794

Hello R*ddit

>> No.14189799

>just bury your head in the sand bro

>> No.14189839
File: 25 KB, 334x253, 49617560_634104023713247_1578451002980302848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can bury your head between my asscheeks

>> No.14189985

Poor guy

>> No.14189995

c-can i bury my head too :3

>> No.14190470

>full-rim glasses
When I was a kid, those were the incel ones. Now that incels started using half-rim, those are the incel glasses.
It was never about the glasses

>> No.14190493


>> No.14190502


>> No.14190732
File: 71 KB, 814x1080, Rhino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless he settles for peasant tier asian girls of similar attractiveness. He would probably need to opt for a nosejob.
V. and pic related

>> No.14190879

Socrates was known as being one of the ugliest men in all of Athens. But he was also a spiritual Chad who fought in wars and talked mad shit to the intellectuals of his time.

>> No.14190901


>> No.14190909


Holy fuck this board is going to shit.

I've seen plenty of misogynistic chads. Not being a misogynist helps but let's be honest, it's not an automatic dis-qualifier in the first place, and the dude in the pic could be the biggest feminist in the world and he still wouldn't get laid.

>> No.14190918

The V. chapters about the Jew girl who got a nosejob who then gets knocked up by the surgeon.

>> No.14190935

Cool, now swap "male" and "female" around in your post, and consider for a second how the average Joe is going to think when he hears a woman that thinks cosmetic surgery is "ascension" and blames her lack of success on her looks.
Hint: the looks might not be the biggest problem in such a situation.

>> No.14190943

i think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.14191317

lol you are all a bunch of faggots. Not because of the celibacy but because your life spins around it. Not even spinning around pussy but around the fact that you can't get it
T. Married good looking man

>> No.14192072

It works if the participant is dedicated enough. I was a fat sperg in high school but lost the weight and got fit doing BJJ, then started socializing more as a result, got a gf etc.

Some fag who thinks reading Seneca and doing Zumba 2x/week while posting on r/incels is delusional though.

>> No.14192094

>In that pic he looks like a generic STEM nerd
If that's an average nerd to you I don't want to see what you'd call "ugly."

>> No.14192310

I've outgrown this place.

>> No.14192321

how is this trash thread STILL up

>> No.14192421

You were never incel and you sound like a r*dditor. Why do so many people project their shit onto incels? Most of you have no idea what incels actually are.

>> No.14192450

>redefine incel to exclude anyone who succeeds
>complain about success being out of reach

>> No.14192468

do you think that actually happened or do you think he stood next to a girl, staring at his feet and mumbling until a concerned security guard asked him if he needed them to call his carer?

>> No.14192471

You've fell for the r*ddit definition of incels. Incels cannot "self-improve" or else they wouldn't be incels. There are such things as gymcels you know.

>> No.14192476

You assume he's creepy because of how he looks. This is lookism in action. You are only proving the blackpoll. Thank you

>> No.14192500

If your happiness is dependent on women then you are totally fucked. Whether or not a woman loves you should have no bearing on your happiness.

>> No.14192581

>"Incels cannot "self-improve""
Doing the dumb thing immediately afyer I tell you it's a dumb thing to do, a bold strategy for sure.
I assume he's weird and unpleasant because of what he writes.

>> No.14193311

Lots of low IQ posters in this thread. Incels just want to be loved, a prostitute isn't going to love them. Inb4 love yourself. Loving yourself and having a partner are two different things. You can love yourself and still be lonely. No matter how much you deny it humans crave companion ship, only difference is some humans require more socialisation than others. Imagine being one of these guys at 30 and never having experienced something 98 percent of the population has , the only reason that doesn't seem like a big deal to you is because you have taken your experiences for granted.

>> No.14193475

they are these 2% for a reason

>> No.14193493

>98% of men at 30 have experienced love
No, 98% of men at 30 have had sex. That includes prostitues and drunk whales. So probably 75% of men have had an actual romantic partner.

>> No.14193501

>I assume he's weird and unpleasant because of what he writes.
Sure you do.

>Doing the dumb thing immediately afyer I tell you it's a dumb thing to do, a bold strategy for sure.
>gives advice
>tell him it doesn't work as well as he thinks
>hurr durr see why you no take advice
Seek help.

>> No.14193508

Actually, it might be even less than 75% when you include all the betabuxxers.

>> No.14193551

meant for

>> No.14193561

You see people like that all the time. He's a 5/10 who puts minimal effort into personal grooming. He'd look infinitely better with a more stylish haircut, better glasses, better clothes and even a better facial expression (having a miserable facial expression makes you far less appealing).
There's too little evidence to say anything concrete, but I get the feeling that he probably asked out a random girl who he didn't actually know beforehand completely out of the blue and said girl was probably somewhat provoked by it.

>> No.14194513

Bolo Yeung needs to read Maps of Meaning if he wants to acquire females again

>> No.14194547

5/10 means average, If you think that nose and lips combo is average you are a retard.

>> No.14194548
File: 38 KB, 250x250, 1389142208578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ.

>> No.14194553

go on

>> No.14194558

He actually does seem like the mormon type.

>> No.14194559

we really were born in the shittiest time

>> No.14194616

What's the actually cause of this?

>> No.14194625

Tinder, Instagram and other apps