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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 215 KB, 886x1200, Nick_Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14187302 No.14187302 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some authors considered fringe and niche even for today, similarly niche like Land, Bataille, Kaczynski.

>> No.14187331


>> No.14187331,1 [INTERNAL] 

Julius Evola

>> No.14187409




>> No.14187419

Cringe too

>> No.14187585

John Michael Greer

>> No.14187609


Check out Ballard if you haven't already.

>> No.14187613


>> No.14187670

I know of dozens
Sharing them would be immoral
Spare yourself, mental illness is contagious

>> No.14187750

>tfw medieval sacral comedy and Armenian love poetry are actually niche, but people call a terrorist, a schizo and fucking Bataille who is taught at unis "niche"

>> No.14188138

shitty thread
nobody wants to read your dumb poetry

>> No.14188147


>> No.14188183

These aren't niche you're fucking 16

>> No.14188486


>> No.14188569

16 is based, uncontrollable boners, thick hair, every weekend is awesome, good times with the boys. What an opportune time to read Nick Land.

>> No.14188581

>Land, Bataille, Kaczynski.
none of these are fringe or niche. they get by on having people believe they are fringe and niche, like screechy mid-00s emo bands.

>> No.14188666

ok boomer

>> No.14188692


And Mencius Moldbug.

And BAP's twitter is really good for niche ideas.

>> No.14188752

Ok boomer.

>> No.14188754

Pierre Guy

>> No.14188762

Friedrich Niche

>> No.14188812

ok artin

>> No.14188832

Why do you fags keep coming back? Why do you want to be bullied?

>> No.14189502

this one is rare

>> No.14189537


>> No.14189862
File: 136 KB, 768x960, EHCgD2oW4AEoHLv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ludwig Klages, Friedrich Ratzel, Rudolf Kjellén, Ludwig Derleth.

>> No.14189863


>> No.14190659

David Myatt

>> No.14190704


>> No.14190715

Serious Opinion: actually read Plato in detail. Read Theaetetus, Timaeus, or Phaedo. Don't ignore Socrates when he talks about being a midewife, or the details of the demiurge, or when he talks about the potential wisdom in someone being a "wind-egg." OH and read Cratylus early on and use it as a guide for the etymology for Plato's most important lexicon.

Take concepts like anacyclosis, the platonic solids seriously, or the mathematical expositions he gives in many dialogues. Furthermore, read Heidegger's lectures/commentaries on the many dialogues.

Once you been to figure it out, Plato appears almost a bit esoteric but I think he is mostly using what Heidegger calls his attunement and concern for Being to understand Being.

>> No.14190897

So Plato was just an object of Heidegger's retrocausal Being?

>> No.14192185
File: 1.80 MB, 2873x2155, 1547914970611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goonan, thefoundationpress.com

>> No.14192217


Sorta. Kinda. Maybe. Not really, if I am perfectly honest. Heidegger has the best hermeneutical unpacking of the Greeks. I don't even read Heidegger's thought into what he says, and neither did Heidegger think he was either. He was merely disclosing what was already there, and exposing that how a long line of the history of philosophy accidentally hid it away. Point being, read Heidegger's lectures/commentaries purely as ancient philosophy scholarship that isn't too anthropocentric or "historical."

>> No.14192323

Best thread of the day

>> No.14192345

Bakker - Blind Brain Theory
Craig Weinberg - Multi-Sense Realism
Hartmut Lange - Positive Nihilism