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/lit/ - Literature

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14185155 No.14185155 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, sure 99% of light novels are trash that shouldn't even be compared with actual literature like Proust and Musil, but that 1% like Oregairu, Spice&Wolf, Seishun Buta Yarou, Monogatari, Re: Zero etc are not so different from the classics, some of them present beautiful prose and all of them have stories and reflections on par with the very best of classical literature.

What I wanna say is that people shouldn't let their prejudices get the better of them. Just because those books have anime illustrations doesn't mean they're inherently bad, you might be surprised how similar Oregairu is to something like A La Recherche du Temps Perdu.

>> No.14185167

They're okay

>> No.14185175

>yui lost

Oregairu can never be literature

>> No.14185179

JJBA over heaven is pretty based bro

>> No.14185182


>no katanagatari

>> No.14185185

i liked Oregairu until it suddenly took a dramatic turn into a barely veiled harem anime.
>yes, me the cynical main character that the anime had been gently poking fun at has suddenly transformed into the adorable loser with 3 whamen pining for my mighty penor

>> No.14185188

Spice&Wolf is a beautiful love story and slice of life, to me it's like a beautiful mix or Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky.

Monogatari on the other hand has beautiful prose and dialogues and is more philosophical, I think it is similar to Mann and Musil.

>> No.14185211

But Yukino was far better.

>> No.14185225

Well, they started to realize the qualitaties of Hachiman. It showed that those people matured and would rather praise the good things than laugh at the bad ones. I just wished they would have made the Yukino/Hachiman/Hayato love triangle a little better.

>> No.14185262

ahh yes, the cynical "i despise the masses partially because im a loner and also because im cheeky/smart enough to see through them" qualities
or did you mean the out-of-left-field heroic qualities of Hachi that he suddenly was endowed with, but is given his cynical twist so as to not appear too unrealistic to the viewers?

>"b-but anon, Hachi was never actually a cynical, typical 4channer!"
>ahh yes, the countless flashbacks to his childhood sure does make that clear to us. oh wait, he reflects how he became like this early on.
>"b-but anon, Hachi was never actually your cynical, typical 4channer! it was just a front!"
>ahh yes, so he's become one of the "phony" people Hachiman of the Rye laments. remind me again why we like this bandwagoner dude who unrealistically switches on-and-off his personality "quirks"?
"b-but anon, Hachi is just your run-of-the-mill teenage angsty boy who longs for social belonging and love, which he hides with his "contempt" for it all
>remind me how this isnt just another YA anime? remind me again how come we take a shit on Harry Potter?

>> No.14185324

How is it any similar to Harry Potter? Oregairu is the story of several broken people trying to find their place in society and getting to know themselves throughout their contact with one another. It's a deep study about human personality and a catalog of human society. Hachiman and Yukino in particular are people who don't belong anywhere, but the story shows even them can be saved from despair with the help and love from one another.

Harry Potter on the other hand is pure teenage fantasy with no deeper meaning behind it. And although I don't think literature should be defined as only meaningful books, Harry Potter fails even at its proposed premise and as a fantasy tale as a whole.

>> No.14185336

Honestly, monogatari (in japanese) is a masterwork and his prose is the only reason it's so popular. I've been studying Japanese for 15 or so years and it still has so much innuendo and wordplay that I know I'm missing stuff. I can't say that about any other light novel, or plenty of "regular" novels.

Should it be regarded as classic literature? You're going to need to define classic and literature, but chances are, no, it shouldn't be. Nisioisin is an extremely skilled writer, but the content of the novels is honestly no better than plenty of light novels. Reading the english translations will show you that.

>> No.14185348

its not similar to Harry Potter except Oregairu and Harry Potter are both YA works whose primary audience are teenage kids.

literature doesnt have to be defined as only meaningful books. i enjoy and recommend Looking for Alaska, written by the soiboi YA author John Green

im just saying, Oregairu gets biased adoration on the chan because anons get their dick hard
>"thats totally me! also hachi has a harem!"
in truth, its nothing more than another run-of-the-mill YA work/novel/manga/anime. its not horrible by any means, but its not exceptional either.

>> No.14185480

How long did it take to read it in japanese?

>> No.14185571

Re:zero fucking sucks. Monogatari is great, though

>> No.14185592

>Re: Zero etc not so different from the classics
So I take it the LN is significantly better than the anime then?

>> No.14185625

How exactly does Re:Zero sucks? It's one of the best works of high fantasy in Japan, one could say it's on par with the great high fantasy classics such as Book of the New Sun and The Wheel of Time.

>> No.14185684

>The Wheel of Time
Alright, fair enough. I probably enjoyed re:zero (anime, haven't read the LNs) almost as much as wheel of time. Does wheel of time really count as a classic though? I always saw it as decent quality genre-trash that would have been good if not dragged out for 14 books.

>> No.14185701

>Reporting from your ISP, IP range, or country has been blocked due to abuse.
Suck my cock then, /lit/.

>> No.14185716

You're reporting me? Why? What have I done exactly? Light novels are books, open one and see for yourself.

>> No.14185776

>blocked due to abuse.
I wouldn't worry about it dude. That guy is clearly a sperg.

>> No.14185778

>but that 1% like Oregairu, Spice&Wolf, Seishun Buta Yarou, Monogatari, Re: Zero etc are not so different from the classics
holy shit kill yourself

>> No.14185821

>No imouto end
And in the trash it goes

>> No.14185941

It's an issue with 4G or something, something 4chan thinks you're evading a ban. Hop on wifi or just turn your service on and off. Or maybe your wifi doesn't like the site.

He's referring to himself

>> No.14186332

Fallout: Equestria is the greatest literary work ever written

>> No.14186376

This is a vague question.
If you're asking how long it took to get on a proficiency level to understand and read the first Monogatari novel, probably 2-3 years.
If you're asking how long it took me to read the book in Japanese, I'm able to read at about the same speed I do things in English, so about two weeks of reading an hour a day.

>> No.14186377

Why does all Jap literature devolve into harem shit? Even supposedly good Jap books have a main character where all woman are trying to fuck him constantly and will literally kill themselves if the can’t

>> No.14186405

>It's one of the best works of high fantasy in Japan
This is entirely your opinion and there isn't any proof to back it up. It's hard to even understand how you think it's high fantasy in the first place, unless you're saying most western YA novels are also high fantasy because they are in a fantasy setting.

>> No.14186438

>Re: Zero
was with you until there. There are great LN but those are not them.

Kino no Tabi, S&W, Boogiepop, Monogatari, Legend of Galactic Heroes, 12 Kingdoms are all solid. And with LN it's more like 99.95% are irredeemable trash.
>Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky.
It's distinctly like neither of those things. Read more than 5 books and then come back.
Read more than 5 books and come back.

>> No.14186507

Kizumonogatari is based

>> No.14186517

Honestly I thought Katanagatari and Zaregoto show off his skills better

>> No.14186593

So Japan have only 10 good light novels and most of them were written by nisio?

>> No.14186678

I tried reading no game no life and I was about ready to jump off a roof by the end of the prologue desu

>> No.14186703

So who won the hachibowl, I'm hoping for the trap

>> No.14186794

The only ones that can barely hold my attention since I burnt out from consuming too much isekai and fantasy garbag are
>Death Mage
>Otome Mob
And the last one is not even Japanese.
Are there even any good LN's that are non-fantasy but also avoid too much romance/interpersonal drama themes?

>> No.14186813


>> No.14186818

saki will win
god wills it

>> No.14187414

Is there an official translation of Oregairu? I can only find a fan translation online, is that one good?
Also where can I find the Toradora and Boogiepop novels online? Is there a good site to get LNs in general?

>> No.14187707

>but that 1% like Oregairu, Spice&Wolf, Seishun Buta Yarou, Monogatari, Re: Zero etc are not so different from the classics, some of them present beautiful prose and all of them have stories and reflections on par with the very best of classical literature.

OK weeaboos

>> No.14187751
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>> No.14188051


>> No.14188207


>> No.14188974

Yeah, some of them are pretty good, but you have to know what to look for. The main issue they have is the same issue that anime has, and that's how oversaturated and creatively cannibalistic most of it is. There's shitloads being churned out constantly, and it's all the fucking same because Japanese people can't look outside their own little bubble for inspiration. If I have to see/read another fucking hot springs scene, or some girl drinking juice and going "BUUUWHAA" I'm gonna jump off a cliff.

>> No.14189077

I've only read the first Kino light novel, it was fun, definitely just YA for weebs though.

>> No.14189083

99,99% is trash

>> No.14189223

why would i ever read an LN when i can read literature and watch anime?

>> No.14189468

>Protangist is confirmed to have autism and a double-digit IQ, is the ultimate self-insert character for stupid NEETs
>Is also incredibly uninteresting
>"one of the best works of high fantasy in Japan"

>> No.14189472


>> No.14189585

surely you mean Jorge Joestar.

>> No.14190046

fuck off weeb

>> No.14190050

I thought you were better than this, /lit/. I really did.

>> No.14190469

Oregairu is better than Proust and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.14190542

Sad, isn't it? Now you know what kind of people discusses religion and asks vague philosophical questions without referring to any particular philosophers.
By the way, all your nip shit is shit. Read chinese web novels, that's the modern classics.

>> No.14191377

I've heard good things about Zaregoto.