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14184749 No.14184749 [Reply] [Original]

This book is honestly offensive. Reminder that Orwell fought for the people that were gangraping nuns and then forcing priests to join in, forcing priests to take part in satanic masses, destroying churches, digging up nun corpses and then violating them, and causing other general havoc. Glad Franco stomped Orwell's ass. It's a HORRIBLE shame that Orwell is remembered fondly. He was a terrorist.

>> No.14184757

I got the impression the main reason he joined up was so he could say he fought for something and didn't want to look like a pussy.

>> No.14184765

Some thought provoking shit right here OP, thanks for sharing

>> No.14184766

>Reminder that Orwell fought for the people that were gangraping nuns and then forcing priests to join in, forcing priests to take part in satanic masses, destroying churches, digging up nun corpses and then violating them, and causing other general havoc
I didn't knew Orwell was so based

>> No.14184770

>muh chronicles article about franco
If communism did one thing right, it's killing off popes.

>> No.14184772

Agents Of Satan Are Using This Board To Influence Young Minds And These Replies Are Proof .

>> No.14184776

>muh satan
ok boomer

>> No.14184953
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>Orwell: Yes, everything in Catalonia was socialized, even the prostitutes, it was the beginning of a utopia, such a tragedy that the fascists destroyed it.
Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.14184965

>Reminder that Orwell fought for the people that were gangraping nuns and then forcing priests to join in, forcing priests to take part in satanic masses, destroying churches, digging up nun corpses and then violating them, and causing other general havoc
Based orwell hail satan

>> No.14184976


>> No.14184982

What if the priests were dickwads and had it coming?

>> No.14184995

What if Jews/Communists were dickwads and had it coming?

>> No.14185031

Possible, I'm neither jewish, nor leftist but a dead christcuck is always a beautiful sight to behold.

>> No.14185034


>> No.14185224

Based and redpilled

>> No.14185272

I Shed A Tear..All These Replies Are Satanic...Satan Is Real And He Is Influecning
Young Men On This Website

>> No.14185441

It was absolutely necessary that he had to exist on, and experience, that side. He came out of the Spanish civil war completely cynical and disgusted about the infighting, corruption, and repugnant behaviour of the anti-fascists. 1984 doesn't document fascism. It documents the preponderance of thought-control, imprisonment without charge or trial, and partisan absolutism of the several anti-fascism wings in that conflict.
Get some perspective. He did anything but glorify the anti-fascists.

>> No.14185450


>> No.14185756

Franco unironically was the least bad leader/faction
Same with Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera

>> No.14185832

Daily reminder to every commie in this thread that the Republicans lost and every one of them that could be rounded up was killed and buried in a mass grave. Their women were given to conquering soldiers and their children were taught that their fathers were evil. Every innocent drop of blood was repayed.

>> No.14185862

news flash, pal! Franco got just exhumed and kicked out and away, because guess what! Spain has moved on.

>> No.14185880

sounds fucking based to me, the catholic church in spain had it coming

>> No.14186155
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what did they do?

>> No.14186172

Oppose the republic from day one, call it a "punishment from God", openly support a mass murdering coup against a democratically elected government
if you want to go back further, support the carlists in the XIX century leading to 3 civil wars, refuse to give up control of education to secular authorities so Spain could remain a backwater shithole for a hundred extra years

>> No.14186191
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what they're still doing. occupying a position of trust and abusing that trust in the most heinous ways possible

>> No.14186199

the best bit about homage to catalonia is that he gets shot in the neck and calls it "an interesting experience"
what a boss

>> No.14186205

The "Republic" was nothing but a bunch of cocksuckers. Glad they lost.

>> No.14186217

the spanish civil war is hilarious because the republicans thought they would win because they had art and poetry on their side. they just got dicked by the resoundingly powerful authoritarian force of a unified clerical fascist movement. get fucked you hippie losers. your faggot feelings don't beat ruthlessness

>> No.14186227

Both sides sucked but republicans went the extra mile lol

>> No.14186229

woke: secular fascism
broke: christcuck fascism

>> No.14186240

Old Hemingway was right.

>> No.14186258
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>this thread

>> No.14186269

o no the rightoid is triggered, someone call the waaahmbulance

>> No.14186272

Obviously Hemingway

t. Jordi Ferrer

>> No.14186296

Keep deepthroating the kikes, you nigger

>> No.14186309

to be fair, if anyone is deepthroating kikes and their weltanschauung, it's christians.

>> No.14186322

hell yeah dude

>> No.14186357

>hanging priests
>socialized prostitutes
I'm a degenerate so I'm kinda leaning Orwell here, but leftism is just so fucking cringe trying to be nice and dishonest about the atrocities they're commuting

>> No.14186465

Shut the fuck up you genuine retard

>> No.14186992

This post is banner material

>> No.14187865

This. This. This. Absolutely this.

To other faggots ITT:

>> No.14188196
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>what are atheist kikes

>> No.14188276

>the shabes-goydian

>> No.14188283

i'm sorry for you legitimate stupidity, anon.

>> No.14188288

If you think his side was bad wait till you hear about what the Nationalists did. Then you'll understand.

>> No.14188295

what did they do?

>> No.14188375
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>hating on Orwell to be edgy

>> No.14188427

Larping Francoist.
They used churches at latrines, but it was the priests who dug up old dead people and claimed the socialists killed them.

This was the case. The church were notoriously evil to the working class peasantry

>> No.14188433


>> No.14188434

Fake post. You never read it.

>> No.14188439

Read every third word of the Bellcurve backwards and you’ll get your proofs

>> No.14188440

so you're talking out of your ass

>> No.14188645

>The church were notoriously evil to the working class peasantry
Proofs? It's literally the opposite for the whole of history even today.

>> No.14188759
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No, the shit in your ears is yours

I've read it in several places. Voltairine de Cleyre wrote about Francisco Ferrer. The priests wanted to keep a monopoly on education to keep people stupid, so of course Ferrer was eventually executed

>> No.14189206

So what did they do wrong exactly?

>> No.14189217

Be typical Catholic supremacists

>> No.14189592

Based and redpilled

>> No.14189611

>Spain has moved on
>Catalonia is more cucked than ever

>> No.14189650

>1984 doesn't document fascism.
Obviously, because expounding on the dangerous and hateful core of fascism is redundant and well-known. There is little redeeming to explore in it.

On the hand exploring how original moral revolutionary aims can be co-opted by totalitarian repression is a much more interesting area.

In his own words:
> Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism

>> No.14189653

almost the entire role of the churches was to advocate for the poor and to foster diplomacy between states

>> No.14189655
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>> No.14189671

>dangerous and hateful, little redeeming
>subjective narration instead of logical explanation
so this is why actual human beings love to kill leftists

all leftists are are walking corpses with their soul removed - they have no functional link to their race or history, they live for hate and envy of their own people, they are biological excess that was traditionally driven into danger and death like the front lines of war that has been sheltered and suckled at the jewish teat, they are house cats that grew up in an environment of totally artificial stimulus, citydwellers who couldn't survive outside

kill every jew, slaughter their subhuman drones to the last

>> No.14189691
File: 216 KB, 1242x1658, IMG_20190915_103600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason Orwell is so positively regarded, and it's because he was a radlib par excellence.
If he were alive today he'd be writing about the incel menace and defending Hong Kong and the Kurds.

>> No.14189707

Kill yourself insectoid chink

>> No.14189711
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China is a national-socialist state. The Han Question is a longer-term problem than the Jewish/Liberal Question which is immediate and pressing. Liberalism should be opposed at every turn.

>> No.14189722

It's always good to rebut the idea that your ideas are too obviously hateful to bother exploring by going on a hateful tirade in run-on sentence form.

>> No.14189726

the fucking PRC can't even run hong kong. they've got literal aids outbreaks in 2019 and the logic of power forbids them doing anything but GRIND HEEL DOWN HARDER while their birth rates collapse because people don't fucking breed in captivity and while people shit in the street because being livestock is fucking dehumanizing

>> No.14189729

if they actually get a good grip on it they'll just squeeze all the money out and throw the husk to the mafia

>> No.14189747
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>> No.14189779

I read it just last year. Debunk anything I said about it.
Are you trying to suggest that the several different groups under the anti-fascist umbrella in the Spanish civil war can, in any honest manner, be described as "democratic socialism?" Is that your contention? That the people who locked up dissidents, executed suspected spies, withheld food, shelter, and PAYMENT to soldiers suspected of serving in the WRONG anti-fascist units on the front lines?

>> No.14189793

Your outrage is cringe.
The long and the short response to Homage should be "Orwell was a faggot pinko without even the conviction to be a tankie, and a Falangist should have put a bayonet in his chest."

>> No.14189807

classic anti-fascist response to someone documenting the injustices committed by anti-fascists.
Also: what outrage?

>> No.14189811

I am a fascist. Read my post again.

>> No.14189822

>Also: what outrage?
the part where you went off on an incoherent rant about what I "suggested", when I just copied Orwell's line. If you have any issue with his words feel free to take that up with him.

>> No.14189823

He has written in favour of democratic socialism. It was YOU who cited that line with the implication that the anti-fascists during the Spanish civil war represent Democratic socialism. YOU made the retarded assertion, not Orwell.

>> No.14189829

You think that because he had socialist sympathies, his genuine criticisms of the LEFT-WING antifascists are invalid. And you're wrong about that.

>> No.14189831

Too bad I wasn't a Spanish priest back then.
Oh and Franco mass murdered Basque priests in turn.

>> No.14189833

I think that it doesn't matter. The man was a faggot liberal.
Maybe if he was more left-wing, I would respect him.

>> No.14189841

He was a liberal who didn't fall for the censorship and authoritarian tactics that most leftists fall for. I think you're applying a 2019 characterization of "liberal" to a man who wrote in the 1930s and 40s, when liberals were, believe it or not, the more outspoken proponents of free speech.

>> No.14189846

>It was YOU who cited that line with the implication that the anti-fascists during the Spanish civil war represent Democratic socialism.
I never mentioned the spanish civil war you moron. I responded to a line that 1984 wasn't about fascism (as if this is some secret knowledge) by saying that of course it was not, that would not be an interesting theme to explore for Orwell, whereas the subversion of left-wing values by totalitarianism would be. The Orwell quote is literally there to support the idea that he explicitly focused on that in 1984. If you have any issue with Orwell's politics or factions in the Spanish Civil War, that's got nothing to do with me.

>> No.14189849

In other words, he lacked conviction in the Republican cause- because, at bottom, the Republican faction was Judeoliberalism defending itself from a righteous revolution.

>> No.14189870

Was this not you?
>The long and the short response to Homage should be "Orwell was a faggot pinko without even the conviction to be a tankie, and a Falangist should have put a bayonet in his chest."
...because that's where this exchange comes from. Mentioning 'Homage' is mentioning the Spanish civil war.

>> No.14189874

No, he had something called values. It is possible to be a liberal (with socialist democratic values) while still protecting free speech and voluntary association. That's what I think Orwell valued.

>> No.14189879

no but I was the original post you replied to with "Are you trying to suggest that the several different groups..."

>> No.14189888

Okay, so you posted:
>Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism
...which means that was writing in FAVOUR of democratic socialism, which means that 1984 does NOT describe democratic socialism, because the work is a total indictment of the system it describes.

>> No.14189891

Satan is the absence of God, so to get rid of him you have to bring God

>> No.14189916

>1984 does NOT describe democratic socialism, because the work is a total indictment of the system it describes.
Yeah, fucking obviously... I never mentioned factions of the Spanish Civil War, nor implied democratic socialism was the subject of 1984. My post was simply mentioning that fascism would never have been a targeted topic for Orwell because its hatefulness and failure was laid bare in WW2, whereas left totalitarianism as a theme carried much more weight and urgent purpose for him to explore.

>> No.14189924

The quote doesn't imply that, so I'm wondering why that was the quote you chose as demonstrative of your point.

>> No.14189949

>The quote doesn't imply that,
It's literally a quote that explicitly mentions that every work he had written was against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism. My point was exactly that, with an added explanation that he would never focus on fascism because fascism was not a motivating area of contention for him, whereas the subversion of socialism by totalitarianism was.