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/lit/ - Literature

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14175053 No.14175053 [Reply] [Original]

>he tries to discuss politics on /lit/
>he didn't start with the americans

>> No.14175518

What would a non meme version of the chart for Americans include?

>> No.14175532

>non meme version
Hahahaha good luck

>> No.14175533

fuck off burger shill

>> No.14175550

Im bein serious. Surely you could include that epic poem that got written about an angel showing Colombus what the land he discovered will become.
Stack on top the gettysberg address, some bs political books major figures have thrown out relating to the various wings of the major political parties and theres part of a chart already

>> No.14175612

Bloom came out with an American canon book this year. I can’t find it though. I would start there. If any anon has it and can upload it to libgen, it would be much appreciated

>> No.14175624

federalist papers would have to be there. Great speeches such as "give me liberty or give me death" and the Gettysburg address. Democracy in america by that one dude. Also, Milton Friedman and ayn rand as much as I disagree with them.

>> No.14175749

Jefferson and Paine would be in there.

>> No.14175755

Based. I forgot about common sense.

>> No.14175766
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Add this.

>> No.14175892

wtf no books about walmart or McDonald's? I'm starting to think this image was not made by an american...

>> No.14175910

i think the dirty little secret that everyone knows, but doesnt say except behind closed doors is that Black Panther was garbage
>hmm, this film is actually like, pretty bad. its like the run-of-the-mill superhero blockbuster
>oh noes, it has minorities. black female minorities on top of that.
>"why yes, i loved Black Panther, pls dont fire me or get my socially ostracized"

>> No.14175922

Black Panther sucked but Black KKKlansman? Now that was good shit.

>> No.14175934

and DFW

>> No.14176023

>Black KKKlansman? Now that was good shit.
No, it was just shit. Plain old shit. It’s probably the most ridiculous propaganda piece of (at least) the past decade but wasn’t slammed like it should have been because it was made by Spike Lee and Gawd knows nobody in Hollywood is allowed to criticize blacks.

>> No.14176370

No, idiot, it was fellated because it's a Marvel movie, and only a little more than usual because it pretended to have a social message.

>> No.14176533

Stienbeck is a chad. Just read the pearl today. Not my favorite, but it was decent.

>> No.14176567

>no Poe, Whitman, Dickinson
>has Hemingway, Heinlein, Salinger

>> No.14176766

It wasn't meant to be a comprehensive list.

>> No.14176820

Tell me more about that epic poem about the angel and Colombus. I think I can make it fit in a really big American /lit/ chart I can provide the skeleton for.

>> No.14176871

I'd unironically read the Trump one

>> No.14176908
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Burgers are unironically based. They sure are dumb as fuck, but I must admit life would be way less enjoyable without them.

>> No.14177181
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Start with Roger Williams' Bloudy Tenent and Hireling Ministry, even if they're religious treatises. I'll explain why at the end. From this, one line will go straight to the Book of Mormon, the other line goes to founding American documents (Thomas Paine, The Federalist, and the U. S. Constitution). Then follow the national epics: The Columbiad you mentioned, and The American Revolution by Snowden (1796). From this, again, a line goes to the Book of Mormon, but another line goes to proper American literary fiction. We have to start with Washington Irving, and then go with Edgar Allan Poe. Next, some "Great American Novels" and some other well known American books on top of that: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, Huck Finn (maybe Tom Sawyer), Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, Grapes of Wrath, Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Farenheit 451. There's an interesting chronological bit around the time Fitzgerald and Bradbury show up: they both did work for pulp magazines, as did Lovecraft, Asimov, and L. Ron Hubbard. So you can get your Lovecraft and Asimov that way, and make a progression from pulp Hubbard to Dianetics. The pulps are also the ancestors of DC/Marvel comics (this only matters because it's a uniquely American invention), and of American genre fiction (stuff like Orson Scott Card, Brandon Sanderson, etc), including children's literature (Dr. Seuss, Lemony Snicket, etc). Obviously add your Burroughs, Pynchon, etc somewhere. For philosophy, you want transcendentalism (Emerson, Thoreau), then pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey), then American post-positivist analytic philosophy (I would list at most these ten names: Quine, Sellars, Davidson, Goodman, Kuhn, Putnam, Rorty, Kripke, Nagel, Lewis) and political philosophy (Rawls, Nozick). Probably throw in some American social justice/civil rights/progressivism texts, stuff like Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington, FDR's Second Bill of Rights, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X (his autobiography on its own is pretty good). Now, WHY start with Roger Williams? He came up with separation of church and state, and with the modern American notion of freedom of conscience/religion. He was also an early abolitionist who treated the natives as equals, thus anticipating later American social justice movements. Lastly, he believed God needed to send new apostles to administer legal saving ordinances (like baptism), which uniquely anticipates Mormonism. You cannot understand the spirit of the United States without Roger Williams. He anticipated its political principles, its social justice movements, and even uniquely American forms of religion like Mormonism.

>> No.14178020

anon, I've got a needy girlfriend to take care of. Don't have time to read all that nerd shit

>> No.14178215

Start with the Book of Mormon

>> No.14178260

More like the Book of Moron

>> No.14179141
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>> No.14179163

>Surely you could include that epic poem that got written about an angel showing Colombus what the land he discovered will become.
Can someone tell me the name of this poem? It actually sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.14179585

The Columbiad.

>> No.14179882

missing the Turner Diaries after Siege.

>> No.14179934

Okay, one of you nerds put the fucking chart together

>> No.14179949

Siege is basically just the nonfiction version of the Turner Diaries but with added weirdness with Mason dabbling in Satanism and becoming a Charles Manson fanboy. Really you should read Turner Diaries first then Siege.

>> No.14180479
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this is kind of a meme but gives a very good idea of modern american society.

>> No.14180606

neither of them are worth reading

>> No.14181001


>> No.14181014

That guy is noteworthy for being a libertarian?

>> No.14181031

one chapter of Nietzsche has more substance than the entire American cannon

>> No.14181380

>prager "we don't give enough money to israel" university

>> No.14182193

Mencken, Rothbard, Ely, Wilson, Burnham, Moldbug, Hamilton