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/lit/ - Literature

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14160032 No.14160032 [Reply] [Original]

>how you're holding up
>current book

>> No.14160044

Surprisingly well considering I'm a weirdo incel hermit
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.14160071

Far From the Maddening Crowd
Not great. I'm too indecisive

>> No.14160074

>Sorrows of the Young Werther

>> No.14160317


>> No.14160330

not bad retiring from my Walmart job soon
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

>> No.14160346

>I want to kms
>Brave New World

>> No.14160355

Lost, confused, and most importantly very weak
Against Nature

>> No.14160360
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Not living badly, but dying slowly
A compilation of presocratic philosophy texts

>> No.14160392


Stressed I'm not being productive enough while waiting for uni to dictate my life again

Moby Dick

>> No.14160474

i keep buying books, read a little. never read the book.

last book i read was back to basics in 2017

>> No.14160490

pretty good after i started university
The Wanderer Kahlil Gibran

>> No.14160516

Prose Lancelot, part III (translated by Norris Lacy)

>> No.14160519
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Don’t believe in time therefore no age
I decided to write three novels and then commit suicide
Reading pic related

>> No.14160529

Why u not read anon?

>> No.14160534

I'm fucked
Book of job

>> No.14160551

I'm in a tough spot BUT I'm I probably have undiagnosed bipolar disorder and mania is kicking in so I feel very motivated to make the best of a bad situation :)
Haven't decided what my next book will be, I finished Minima Moralia on Saturday.

>> No.14160552

>doing okay I guess a little sad but listening to Bach
>A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

>> No.14160555

>Tired, haunted by memories and people and possibly a phantom
>The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.14160557

What are your novels gonna be about?

>> No.14160735
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>Doing alright, I suppose. Don't have much of a social life anymore, so I pass the time reading even more now. Though, it's not so bad: over the past several months I've come around to reading many major Greek works. Incidentally, I wish I gave credence to the "Start with the Greeks" meme sooner. Greek literature is quite amazing, and it's the pinnacle of the literary arts, I think. Greek influence permeates all proceeding Western literature. It's just so evident. For instance, I was rather surprised reading about Pyramus and Thisbe, who were no doubt the inspiration for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. For any young anons who happen to read this, do yourselves a favor and please start with the Greeks.
>Metamorphoses by Ovid

>> No.14160739

planning suicide
critique of pure reason

>> No.14160813

Struggling to find direction in life

>> No.14160832

On the verge of killing myself

>> No.14160833


>> No.14160839
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Not Good
Feeling Good

>> No.14160849

Have sex, incel

>> No.14160871

>Currently shitty but should get better soon
>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.14160884

A mixture of elitism and self-inadequacy
The Republic

>> No.14160888

struggling to find direction
the stranger

>> No.14160889

>everyday feels the same
>Sailor who fell from grace

>> No.14160904

should be happy but wish i was dead
a concise history of china

>> No.14160912

Just now seeing the consequences of past actions and decisions

>> No.14160921

Doing ok, on a hiatus from work to focus on grad school applications
Liberty or Death: The French Revolution

>> No.14160955


experiencing real doubts about what's i'm doing with my life. liberation theology is marxism in disguise. it's fashionable nonsense, and at odds with the Church's own belief in private property. and liberation from what? poverty? we're *supposed* to be fucking poor you dumb retards. what we need to be liberated from is not the state or capital but the world altogether. fucking marxists are always brainlets, why why why.

kreeft's the platonic tradition

>> No.14160977

>bad and a bit drunk
>Dialectic of Enlightenment
how are you finding Underworld?

>> No.14160986
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>Getting fucked hard in uni but not bad overall

>> No.14161000

Don't listen to this guy. I'm fucking jacked, and I still hate myself.

>> No.14161002

fuck off, i lift heavier than you, run faster than you, and am doing very well at uni.

>> No.14161017
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>>Don't workout because I do and I'm still sad
kek it's a foundation not a house. Won't help if you're fucked everywhere else.

>> No.14161021

Bad. Beginning to think I might have Schizoid. Been feeling real Un Homme Qui Dort recently.
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.14161023

lol no you don't

A lot of angry morlock retards here huh?

>> No.14161032

squat 250lb
leg press 700lb
1 mile time is 6:00

>> No.14161044

I don't want to be alive anymore
Rereading Lord of the Rings again.

>> No.14161045

(5'11", 165lb)

>> No.14161050

No one gives a shit how much you can leg press.

>> No.14161068

I’m stuck in a state of happiness
The Iliad

>> No.14161069

lurk moar. thanks for the (you)s nigger

>> No.14161413


Doing okay.

The Aeneid.

>> No.14161481

not committing suicide but but doing such extreme self defeating things to myself that I might as well be dead
A thousand Plateaus

>> No.14161495

In therapy about my low self esteem issues, but doing pretty good all in all
Started Gormenghast, havent gotten too far though, but it looks neat.

>> No.14161504

Not holding up well, alcoholic and living with Mom it's pretty shitty
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.14161507

>Pretty good actually
>Dracula by Bram Stoker

>> No.14161521

Could be worse. still pretty bad tho.
The Gambler

>> No.14161529

>Madame Bovary

What do you think of that book?

>> No.14161754

What book is this please

>> No.14161770

Probably in one of the worst situations I could imagine for my age, but I'm surprisingly doing quite well. I'm content with my surroundings. I've managed to read more than I ever have this year and I'm finally producing works that I'm confident enough in to show to people. Want to submit some things to journals before the years end. Also I've stopped being an alcoholic and only associate with very few people as a result, but they're people I admire and enjoy, so it's okay. It's true that you become an amalgamation of the five people you spend the most time with, so it's good to be alone for extended periods of time, to find who else you could be.
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. (It seems Wallace was born to write non-fiction, which is something I should have picked up on from the prose in his fiction)

>> No.14161771

>i'm alright,I just have to take out the trash, can't put up with that smell anymore
>The Castle

>> No.14161773

No comment
Reading twilight and unironically the ride

>> No.14161777
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>don't feel anything
>the stand

>> No.14162036

>whole life is a catastrophe
>a book about chinese philosophy

>> No.14162130

/fit/ is my homeboard. I'm a newfag to /lit/

>> No.14162155

>I'm a newfag to /lit/

You and all the other zoomers.

>> No.14162207
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>haven't read a book in almost a year

>> No.14162221

overall pretty good
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea

>> No.14162247

Doing good, but I'm on zoloft because I was too depressed to function

>> No.14162271
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Planning on committing suicide
Suicide Note by pic related

>> No.14162286

haven't had sex in 10 years, social anxiety getting worse, studies (STEM) going to absolute shit, didn't even go to the gym today
Name of the Rose

>> No.14162289

Got the sniffles.
The Magic Mountain

>> No.14162295

>leg press

>> No.14162301
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Actually quite good for a change, looking forward to the comfy Christmas season :^)
Hesse's Gertrude, I absolutely love it

>> No.14162309

i'm a semester late, autistic, and broke
sharp objects

>> No.14162315

The TV show for Sharp Objects was excellent. I've heard the book is better, though. But if you like it then definitely check out the show too.

>> No.14162317

>I just felt in love with a random indonesian qt I found on Instagram and I'm fantasizing about how I'll find girls like her in Japan so you tell me how fucked am I
>Bible and Principles by Ray Dalio

>> No.14162323


>> No.14162351

Not good. Maybe this will change by tonight. I am flipping a coin. If I win, I will live a lifetime of bliss and ecstacy. If I lose, I will kill myself.
Collection of Emerson's essays

>> No.14162357

I live more recklessly each day. At least I can say that I'm not a coward. I am angry and I am furious. I want to self destruct. I will gamble my life.

>> No.14162390

Terribly, but I've stopped expecting things to get better, so who cares anymore. I can do another 60 years of this, I think of my cremation every day.
Blindness - Saramago

>> No.14162417

600 pages in and I like it. Maybe I'm just such a brainlet that I don't see the flaws others see, but I've heard the ending is sheit so I'm braced for that.

>> No.14162441
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> 20
> I'm well. How are you?
> Moby Dick, Hamlet

>> No.14162442

that's really not an impressive squat unless you're literally a girl

>> No.14162478

my manic episodes are less frequent but my depressive moments are really beating me up man.
warlock. its amazing what he's done, making a pulpy fun western but still with some density and careful thought. i see why pynchon liked it

>> No.14162490
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>not well. psychosis
>lolita (reading with gf, great book)

>> No.14162492 [DELETED] 

>I'm fine
>Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.14162496


>> No.14162552 [DELETED] 

>great, my gf just got a mullet but it looks good and I may get one too
>The faerie queen, writing and difference

>> No.14162617

18 im good and reading Faustr

>> No.14162642

> I´m good. Love studying in the mornimg hate working night shify
> Sun & Steel

>> No.14162699

Kenneth Goldsmith- soliloquy

First chapter

>> No.14162734

One is going to be based on the life of JLP of the gun club.
The other is going to be about suicide and writing, tho the main character is going to write books himself and those books are going to be within the novel itself. The books the character writes are going to be about different topics and an autobiography, which will be contrasted with the actual novel, since the novel it’s about him.

>> No.14162746

Asked a woman out for the first time in more than two years, and looking into gym memberships, so I think I might finally be pulling out of this depressive episode after all
Frank Zappa biography

>> No.14163000

Are there other zoomers on /lit/? I thought I was the only one, this board seems a bit older and more mature than most others

>> No.14163022

>failed bar exam and lost job, but coping by marathoning LoGH and getting my shit together
>being and nothingness

>> No.14163128

don't remember, I think I'm 23
terrible, going through breakup and can't focus on anything
inherent vice (on hold)

>> No.14163742

>low end of an empty phase
>The Celestine Prophecy

>> No.14163745

Not well
My diary desu

>> No.14163761

>still trying to not end it all
>just finished 1984 after my gf recomended it and want to get pushed off a cliff/ currently reading Worlds in Collision

>> No.14163785

On page 220 of infinite Jest. Been stuck here for a bit but I’m determined to finish it. Mostly stuck because I feel into a little depression hole for a month or so mostly because I got a job in white collar America and it’s the living hell you’d imagine it to be. But I’m starting to make some money which is a new thing for me. Anyways I’ve got a fucking great and supportive gf that I love, sent her flowers at work today. Things are actually looking up and doing really good I think iO just need a better work/life balance which honestly is all on me and a matter of going out more.

So, I’m doing ok. Been in much worse parts of life.

>> No.14163833

Pretty well. Still unemployed but am hopefully changing that soon with a CNA job.
100 pages into Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.14163890
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Rough on the edges, but doing fine.
Le Bilan de l'intelligence by Paul Valéry.

>> No.14164026
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Right now I'm trying to get my attention span better by reading more. Trying to figure out what I should read next since I only have 5 pages left and have been reading it on and off throughout the day
"The Dream of a Ridiculous Man"

>> No.14164038

>pretty poorly but could be worse. Debating whether to reconnect with my ex-girlfriend
>Barthelme’s Sixty Stories

>> No.14164110

Strong and beautiful
The Hasheesh Eater & Poems by Mallarme

>> No.14164142

ambivalent, but hopeful
two treatise on governance

>> No.14164149

Going off this. I downloaded libirvox on my phone. Has most of the classics on it for free and great to listen to while walking around or exercising.

>> No.14164277

Doing alright but uni is getting busy and it's bringing me down
Trumpet by Jackie Kay and Underground by Murakami

>> No.14164295

>kinda shit but trying
>Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.14164305

libirvox is a great resource for audiobooks, that actually how i got back into reading after school fucked my brain up

>> No.14164730

Are you me?

>> No.14164765

I'm reading Moby Dick as well, where are you in the book?

>> No.14164804


>>how you're holding up
I see no images. the stage is clear. nothing but grey and wind. what is the movement that unsettles you? how do you see the blood and fire? I knew before exactly where I was, but the lights narrowed and shattered into thin, even lines and abandoned me. it was like it never happened. what can I say, other than she showed me something I could not see? I remember my signature fury, my gleaming knives. so I cut my palm and drew my own hateful blood. but why? I am bloated. I need to refresh. I will clutch iron and drag it away. I will rebuild. everything is false until further notice. I do it because I know what must be done. the court of virgins must be demolished. it's a long way, but I can get there.

>>current book
fuck you

>> No.14164866

>took one of those "are you depressed" tests recently from my unis mental health center and scored high enough that it was classified as an emergency. Ironically the act of taking the test itself made me want to kill myself, for having sunk to such a low
>Stoner, The Heart of Darkness, Roadside Picnic

>> No.14165018

i'm a waste, also i feel like i'm too stupid for uni
jacques le fataliste et son maître

>> No.14165070
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Kek. This post inspired me to take one as well. Pic related

>> No.14165233
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Same, this went poorly.

>> No.14165262

ive been worse. still depressed though
just finished les chants de maldoror. unsure of my next read. might read this shitty french book my mom bought me or the interpretation of dreams by freud

>> No.14165267
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He called me brother

>> No.14165295

How old are you gents? It's sad seeing young people so depressed. (And being one, for that matter).

>> No.14165349


>> No.14165358

29 (64 score reporting)

>> No.14165376

Too lazy to kms
French for Reading

>> No.14165394

Have either of you ever considered/gotten therapy? I'm afraid they'll just drug me so I've avoided it as much as I can.

>> No.14165440

>Murakami’s After Dark
I’m guessing his other novels are even more perverted

>> No.14165442


I honestly wouldn't know. My sleep schedule has been destroying me and I also drink more than I did by the start of the year.
I feel like I should say "bad", but despite all of this, I really don't feel bad in the slightest.
I bought some new shoes.

The Naked and the Dead

>> No.14165510

I know it's a meme to say shit like "therapy won't work on me," but I genuinely believe it. Why would some autistic psychologist be able to solve all of my problems? I took a shitty Psychology course in college, and my professor (who was a professional psychologist) was a complete fucking moron. I don't like drugs or any of that shit, but I'm considering it. Depression/suicidal shit runs in my Dad's side of the family, so drugs might legitimately be the only option for me. Right now I'm focusing on self-improvement and stoicism

>> No.14165531

Hey man, I'm usually pretty down, and I smoke a fair bit of weed. I've found that smoking weed helps me not think about my problems while I'm high, but makes me sluggish and confused, even after being high. This compounds my problems of low self efficacy and esteem.
So, while weed is cool and all, I really should stop and focus more on doing things, but I'd rather not start..
TL:DR Drugs keep the issue persistent, but temporarily ignorable. No advice for prescriptions.

>> No.14165652

>Not great, but trying to convince myself there's hope of things getting better.
>Finnegans Wake

>> No.14165660

I think half the time its the act of going to therapy itself which is does the work. It's basically paying someone to listen to you vent for a couple of hours every month. They'll replace this with AI soon, mark my words.

>> No.14165684

do people actually really dislike it? it’s a good novel, also you shouldn’t find the ending shit if you like it so far

>> No.14165715
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>Tackling one obstacle at a time and blazing my own trail
>The Wisdom of Life

>> No.14165812


Have a job interview tomorrow, kinda nervous

Anna Karenina

>> No.14165892 [DELETED] 

>Mostly bored with life, going through the motions, trying to find a job, etc.
>Anti-Oedipus/The Book of Five Rings

>> No.14166101
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Murakami's garbage
I have 100 different things to do and not enough hours in the day. Working fulltime, trying to find a better job, studying multiple subjects, and trying to write all at the same time is just too much. I'm exhausted and barely have enough time to sleep. I have multiple medical issues on top of it. I was so sleep deprived last night that I slept through the alarm and walked into work an hour late this morning. My diet is 80% instant ramen. I have debt up to my eyeballs and just paid off over $7,000 of it. Only 30k to go. I want my body to stop falling apart long enough for me to fix something in my life and gain an ounce of stability.

>> No.14166196

Mythology by Edith Hamilton

>> No.14166217

Yeah, you should fucking quit Anon. Thanks for the advice though. My mother is an alcoholic and my father is addicted to tobacco, so I stay far away from that shit. My addiction is food, but I've been solving that slowly over time. Not obese anymore, just skinnyfat now. Also, just fucking quit already for your own sake

That's why I use 4chan

>> No.14166258

Waiting for death, too dumb to distinguish truth from lies, too cowardly to commit suicide. Reading a great deal into typos activates my full schizo and it can't be stoppppppped its all-I-see, all lies, Alice, very fucking funny, makes me want to cry, die, I don't know anymore, but i m terrified and that terror is all that keeps me reading
Given up on completing college, not curious enough about the subject matter
Switching between Sex and the Failed Absolute and Women and Men rn

>> No.14166276

Feel like my whole internal life is some avant-garde performance.
Currently reading the Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

>> No.14166285

About to quit my job and start grad school. Kinda nervous
The Return of the Native

>> No.14166332

The Waves

>> No.14166349 [DELETED] 

Stuck in a stressful low-paying office job
Mastering Bitcoin and Locus Solus

>> No.14166422


I just stepped into the squalid home of a drugged out twenty-something year old prostitute and paid her 100 dollars for a covered blowjob while her equally intoxicated father wandered around the house in a wide-eyed daze. I feel disgusting.

Saint Augustine's Confessions.

>> No.14166539

Im alright just getting some university stuff ready
The Book of Five Rings

>> No.14166565


>My health has been failing, somethings wrong but I can’t tell what, can’t afford a trip to the doctor.

>The 42nd Parallel

>> No.14166575

Not great
Brothers K (but sparingly to be honest)

>> No.14166597

You write like a shitty version of Rilke

>> No.14166691

Not as well as i'd like to be.
Bandi - The Accusation

>> No.14166704

halfway through volume 1 of My Struggle by Knausgard (yes I know, I'm late to the party)

>> No.14166716

>various amateur fantasy "novels"
I do it just because its fun to pick out the clichees, inauthenticities, poor vocabulary , plotholes

>> No.14166725

I feel dead inside, spending most of my day behind a desk in a closed room, I am considering killing myself if things do noy improve in the next 5 years

>> No.14166740

Convert to Islam

>> No.14166794

>Eh. Smack in the middle of recovering from an eating disorder. My weight is back to normal and I have a functioning social life again, but I absolutely hate everything about how I look. Suicide isn't even an option cause I don't wanna leave behind a fat corpse.
>Confessions of a Mask

>> No.14166806
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>pretty good, had a easy semester and started reading a lot more
>the secret teachings of all ages

>> No.14166807




>> No.14167653

honestly don't know i'm just living life and not giving a shit at this point

>> No.14167761 [DELETED] 

Horribly sick
Can't focus, but if I could I would read A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.14167874

Ornament and Crime
Not best but not worst. I just not happy as i was

>> No.14167885
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>life feels stagnate to a degree in love with a girl that doesn’t love me back

>> No.14168185

Don't do it chad

>> No.14168290

> 28
> cringy response but i can't find a better description: hollow/ empty
> The trouble with being born

>> No.14168359

Not good

>> No.14168570

>lost uni student, wanting to pursue passion instead
>The Magus

>> No.14168656

So you're just every 19 year old ever?

>> No.14168677

>im okay, but cs lewis always puts me in a funk
>rereading the great divorce

>> No.14168682

based tooleposter

>> No.14168690 [DELETED] 

>I want to stop masturbating to anythgbs
>Byung Chul Han

>> No.14168707

is this your first time reading AK? do you read much russian lit? what do you think of tolstoy?

>> No.14168863
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>Unemployed but coming to accept my station* in life. Feel more at ease in my skin. Feel alright. Life is good, anons.
>Times arrow, time's cycle by Gould

>> No.14168874

Going through an identity crisis
The Will to Power

>> No.14168933


Found out that my gf of 5 years was texting a guy and they went over the limit in february. She said she did it because i denied her a lot times and made her feel like garbage. What i will miss her about the most is that she was a woman that would wake up every day thinking about me and texting me if im ok. She thought i was the one that we would make lot of children and build a house together. I was overconfident even though im lean and make good salary and have okish social status last year she told me i drifted i way and became a different person, i didn't give her the smile when i did when the relationship started. She came at my doorbell 3 times last night she wanted a last hug. I couldn't give it to her but after showing up 6 in the morning again i did because she was having a nervous brakedown about what she just lost. We haven't talked in 24hours now and this is the longest we ever did in the last 4 years. I will have no one to kiss when i leave for work i will never have babies, i will never have a trad gf looking out for me again. I should stop defending her though because she cheated on me.

Sorry for the rant but im really fucked up.I LOVE HER AND SHE LOVES ME. Going for a little sauna i can't lift today. Im thinking of calling her.

Reading brave new world

>> No.14168942
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>my relationship of 7 years just ended and I all I feel is numb
>gormenghast trilogy

>> No.14168968

>How you're holding up
I've been better, but my urge to write something actually concrete and meaningful (as well as my alcoholism) are increasing all the time
>Current book
Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>> No.14168987
File: 364 KB, 750x718, A23B0E9E-BBEF-47AA-B205-AEE24E3D6E1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gilles Deleuze by Todd May

>> No.14169086

Unemployed, dealing with chronic pain that in a lot of cases has no clear cause, depressed, no goals or motivation

The Closing of the American Mind

>> No.14169110

Not well

>> No.14169123

frankly, i feel terrible most of the time
war and peace

>> No.14169150

Not bad
Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-religion by
René Guénon

>> No.14169166

how far are you into it? how well does it work?

>> No.14169237

I heard a lot of complaints about the length, that the book needed editing, but I was engaged enough in each story that I didn't really mind.

>> No.14169365
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>Killing it in life
>Also sprach Zarathustra
>The Accursed Share
>Crowds and Power

>> No.14169435

Am I that much of a cliche? I'm homeschooled and haven't really made much irl friends. Shes a girl that is part of a discord group I've been part of for years we live 20 minutes apart from each other funnily enough so we started meeting up shes actually very tomboyish and pretty redpilled shes the first "female" friend I've ever had and I have extremely warm feelings when Interacting with her and I think we have a geuine bond but I know she doesn't feel the same i do

>> No.14169439

Sorry post above is meant for the this anon

>> No.14169460

Writing my book and dating a Christian qt
Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments

>> No.14169469

Bit of a cold.
Geosophia: The Argo of Magic

>> No.14169651

Melville homies, how much do you guys enjoy it so far? I just read it for one of my courses, and having a professor delving into the text increased my appreciation for it a lot. I don't think I would've enjoyed reading about Ishmael being racist or staring at whaling equipment for hundreds of pages otherwise. Ahab is an incredible character though, "Sunset" is a standout chapter for sure

>> No.14169663

>only happy person ITT is a Nietzchad
Not surprised

>> No.14169704

>anxious from too much coffee and GAD

>> No.14169731

>is also 20 years old
Not surprised

>> No.14169954

First time reading AK. Read W&P before this and thought it was good. War front sections were a little long and preachy. the parts focusing on society, the masons and everything with Pierre was great. 0nly 100 pages left in AK. I like Levin and the girl I lost my virginity to reminds me of Anna (attitude not beauty and intellect lol). Tolstoy seems like he has a lot to say critiquing society, war and religion but the homie needed an editor. As far as other Russian literature these are the only two I've read. I have crime and punishment on my bookshelf, maybe ill read that next

>> No.14170159

>At the very edge of having a mental breakdown

>> No.14170246

Here's hoping i get financial aid for college (lol)
The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy

>> No.14170251

the book of &&&& c++ references

>> No.14170390

What does that mean?

>> No.14170520

Bro she's playing you so hard it's not even funny.

The only time a cheater should be forgiven, if that, is when they IMMEDIATELY acknowledge what they did and apologize. As in, she should have called you right after cheating saying "baby I fucked up."

Your thot as kept the secret for nearly a year, YOU had to be the one to find out, and when you confronted her she tried to make it seem like it was your fault.

If you commit the horrible mistake of marrying this girl, or god forbid, have babies with her, then you better keep those eyes wide open, because the moment you stop giving her attention, whether it be because of work, the hypothetical kids, or because she's being a bitch, she WILL get some other cock to stuff herself with.

And when you find out, she won't have to cry and plead as hard to get back with you. Because you will have a huge sword over your head. It's called divorce and it will take half of everything you own, plus your kids for good measure.

>> No.14170535

Is A Thousand Plateaus helping you get better? It’s helping me

>> No.14170547

You’re gonna make it anon

>> No.14170614

How’s Women and Men?

>> No.14170630

Based underage

>> No.14170671

I’d fuck so many of the women I see on the streets. Internet is the biggest time sucker I haven’t cut yet. I’m obsessing over my diet. Reading Pessoa is like being enchanted into not doing anything, but at the same time the total opposite (?)
Book of Disquiet and The Republic

>> No.14170726
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Trained hard earlier but I need to put my dog down probably in the next couple weeks so lingering melancholy, but at the same time glad he can escape the bonds of mortality and his persistent sickness
Laughter in the Dark by Nabokov

>> No.14170745
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Bought my one-way ticket to start life again on a new continent in a couple of weeks. The romantic idea of the escape is drowning beneath the incessant required tasks and details that make my current life such a chore. I'll be hoping to find out that wherever you go in the modern western world it's all the same so that I can use the opportunity to kill myself
The Ego and His Own

>> No.14170797

What do you think? How far in are you? Are you going through relevant issues or just reading it because it's a good book?

>> No.14170851

Feeling okay, getting fitter and faster. However, I am feeling increasingly lonely. I have people in my life who care about me, but it just doesn't fulfill me.
Johnny Got His Gun

>> No.14171324

Had sex last week with classmate I didn’t really find attractive, she told me she was a virgin. Was not very great.
Swanns way

>> No.14171330

>Noctuary by Ligotti

>> No.14171603

>not too well. Started grad school this semester after a couple years off after undergrad and I feel very dissociated, simply coasting through each day with no sense of purpose or engagement in anything I do. After working all day and sitting through a three hour seminar I can't bring myself to do anything other than watch a movie or sleep after getting home. Finding it hard to form connections with anyone other than existing friends, most of whom I feel slowly drifting away
>a pedagogical theory book for class

>> No.14171629 [DELETED] 

>good job, excellent grades, had sex yesterday for the first time
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14171738

Women never deserve a second chance. Learn from this and move on, faggot.

>> No.14172139

Wasting time until time wastes me
Read patriotism yesterday gonna start for my legionaries today

>> No.14172194

hey thanks man

>> No.14172211

>>Tired, haunted by memories and people and possibly a phantom
Idk why but I am curious to hear more about this, can you explain?

>> No.14172214

I’m 22 and still in undergrad LEL

>> No.14172353

Don't worry, that's normal

>> No.14172369

Quiet Days in Clichy

>> No.14172380


Quitting my wow addiction and feelan pretty good since I went cold turkey

Existential psychotherapy by I. Yalom

>> No.14172690

stressed AF, I have no life outside the uni
Seven pillars of wisdom

>> No.14172790

Księgi Jakubowe - Olga Tokarczuk. That joke about Mohhamed anally raping St Peter cracked me up.

>> No.14172804

I believed that too. And it turned out to be true.
And maybe it'll be true for you too. But my thought was either I should kill myself, or try everything to become as happy as I could be.
On my own I wasn't getting anywhere with my mental health, so I figured why the hell not, mental healthcare is free where I live anyway.
So if your schedule isn't entirely full and it's free where you live I'd recommend it anyway. Because why not.

>> No.14172805

Have been worse
The case of Charles Dexter Ward

>> No.14172814
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Have a loving gf, family, friends, but I can't shake that ever-present nag that there's something else missing and that everything around me isn't quite right.
The Power of the Powerless - Vaclav Havel

>> No.14172897

>pretty shit today
>Barney's Version

>> No.14172918

better than ever but still miserable
>he reads

>> No.14172999


Not great but could be worse
Unbearable Lightness of Being for the second time

>> No.14173022

Torn between poles
Cry, the Beloved Country; The Iliad; Tragedy and Philosophy

>> No.14173033

lower than ever on money, I don't know how I'll live next month
Octave Mirbeau - The Torture Garden

>> No.14173035

quite good but fear that i lost the woman of my life since i broke up with my ex
Against the modern world

>> No.14173110

>i have anger issues and a constantly changing mood, but I'm doing pretty ok
>The Shining and Agony of Eros

>> No.14173112

Track of the Jew Through the Ages and The Key to Theosophy/The Voice of the Silence (2 books in 1 kinda deal)

>> No.14173117
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I relate, 2 exes crept my new Facebook and I'm surprised considering the last time I spoke to 1 was 3 years ago almost, and the other almost 2. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.14173124
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Why the fuck not?

>> No.14173125

Last year in STEM engineering, HOLY FUCK I hate engineers, such dishonest people...
The Odyssey

>> No.14173130

Fuck yeah I enjoyed that thoroughly

>> No.14173159

I'm trying to read books and stop being a brainlet, having some girl problems, hoping I get this new job so I can afford to help support my dying mom better
The Republic

>> No.14173175

how are you all so young
god damn this thread just made me depressed
fuck everything

>> No.14173243

ok boomer

>> No.14173374
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>It's free in my country

>> No.14173520

>trying to find happiness but at a cost of wasting a lot of money, only to come to a point in which anime is probably my only source of happiness
>the stand

>> No.14173559

>Dealing with Depression, an anxiety disorder and BPD but trying my best.
>The Green Mile by SK

>> No.14173777

ehh ya know I mean ya know its goin
the Republic plus college textbooks

>> No.14173789
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>squat 250lb
p-please say for 5 reps

>> No.14173822

>hate my life, vacillating between hope that my future will be intensely fulfilling and eudaemonic, and despair that none of that will happen and I'll be utterly miserable for the 60 years.
>The Secret History by Donna Tartt

I absolutely hate college and my major (data sci), but looking forward to taking an intensive ancient Greek course next semester, and hopefully making some friends.

>> No.14173865

>shit as usual but i manage. midterm season is a good distraction
>what we talk about when we talk about love (carver), on liberty (mill)

>> No.14173893

>good, but need to do some shit I don't like to be better, which I'll get to around this weekend
>waiting for King Lear to arrive next week

>> No.14173924

Shit gets to me, but still it feels nice to hear that, even coming from anon

>> No.14173946

Like the other dude said, don't panic since you go at your own pace at life and you shouldn't worry about shit like that as long as you're content with where you're heading and shit.

>> No.14174033

>Feeling duped by shills, but at least I'm reading again
>Fooled by Randomness

>> No.14174042

Have you at least tried the following
>Large dose of LSD
>Large dose of DPH
>Large dose of Ketamine
>Large dose of any of combination of the 3

>> No.14174064

You're conflating Engineers and the Chinese.

>> No.14174129

The only things I enjoy in life are the ones that I get do the least or simply can't do do them. I hate my degree, but I can't think of what else can I do.
L'etranger, le dernier jour d'un condamne, and I've been reading some poetry anthologies. I'll probably re-read Hopscotch sometime soon.

>> No.14174421

Ayyy my Taleb bro, I'm reading Antifragile

>> No.14174428

How are you enjoying The Shining?

>> No.14174434

I'm thinking about reading that but the language is thickly antiquated to me. Is it good? Does it cover anything that LoA didn't?

>> No.14174494

Absolutely horribly. I fell for the STEM meme but hate it more and more and now don't know what to do with my life. It really sucks the spirit out of me.
I read some pages of Zhuanzi every now and then, but even reading is hard these day

>> No.14174530

whats so bad about it?

>> No.14174560

It just doesn't interest me in the slightest. It all seems completely unimportant to me. On the other hand, it is a lot of work.

>> No.14175017

Doing my best in this clownworld
Finished Gates of Fire. Starting Emotional Intelligence 2.0

>> No.14175057

20, scored a 72

>> No.14175732

Gay and Dumb

>> No.14175743

Instruction Manual for Swallowing
Instruction Manual for Swallowing

>> No.14175867

Don't reconnect man, I'm you except I decided to go through with it. Leave the past in the past.

>> No.14177631



>> No.14178401
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>Leaving the army soon to do uni (should be good), gf left last month so a bit miserable, overall spun me into thinking about life and philosophy a bit more
>Just finsihed Bronze Age Mindset, now reading The Republic

>> No.14178566

I want to quit drinking but I don't know what else to do on the weekend besides stay at home alone
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

>> No.14179155
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>> No.14179156

Of time and the river

>> No.14179161 [DELETED] 

productive, cant find any interest. cant find anything non-boring
karamazov brothers

>> No.14179214

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14179250

I've followed the same urge to escape before. I went to another country. Now I am back home and again I feel like I have to escape. My demons have always followed me everywhere though so I'm not sure there's any point to this. Going back abroad or going to a 3rd country. The western world and the whole world seems to be shrinking.

>> No.14179255

how are you finding that book
i read it when i was having a breakdown at age 21 or 22 or somehting
im now 27, i remember it fondly, very good book

>> No.14179257

have you? what happened?

>> No.14179263

The Possibility of an Island
Better than last week. I had had some kind of anxiety attack and thought I was losing my mind, but things have settled down.

>> No.14179267

>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14179281

what demons?

>> No.14179297

Just general life issues, psychological difficulties and everything that makes life a struggle and that one hopes to escape from by taking a leap into another country, or at least I hoped so. all your stupid circular thinking, fears and self-sabotage seem to come along with you though, but thats just my experience. maybe your current environment is really bad

>> No.14179322
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>28 in about 2 weeks
>just made over 300 EUR for a day's worth of work and paid most of my monthly rent just like that
>still isolated, depressed and no idea what all of this is about
>book is pic related, thanks to the anon who once posted this in a "practical books" thread lol, it's absolutely entertaining to read

>> No.14179338

Failing university but I have a nice flat, a loving gf and an alright job.
The Silmarillion.

>> No.14179354

Not so great
Rotating between Arthur Machen and Gene Wolfe short stories depending on my mood.

>> No.14179363

>"finding myself" or whatever bull shit that means

>> No.14179380

>Better than last year for sure
> Thinking, fast and slow by D. Kahneman

>> No.14179582

what was last year like?

>> No.14179606

Worse than this year for sure

>> No.14179611

>King Radovan's Treasure.
That shit's based.

>> No.14179621

Does she happen to be 14

>> No.14179770

Pretty bad. I’m alone and for a variety of reasons none of my plans or ambitions in youth materialized. I feel like I’m constantly banging my head against a wall woth academia, and although I know I just need to keep my head down and plow through it a big part of me just wants the rest of my life to start, to be self sufficient with an income that isn't under the poverty level. Often I wish I could go home and just forget about life, but my home town has been wrecked by drug addiction and rural poverty so I’ve fled to the city. I’ve got a beautiful GF who for some reason has been passionately supportive and loyal to me. She demands that I marry her and while the idea terrifies me I can recognize that she’s a far more reasonable, realistic, and ambitious person than I am, and even for her faults, all her petty vanity and conformity, it’s impossible not to respect her. The prospect of a stable home from which I could build a stable life is attractive, but I’m town between that and my natural tendency towards adventure, travel, and debauchery.
>Recollections by Alexis de Tocqueville. Everything I’ve read by this man only cements my high opinion of him.

>> No.14179813

>how you're holding up
Good, really good.
>current book