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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 464 KB, 508x492, some brit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14160320 No.14160320 [Reply] [Original]

Why do most people think that sadness is a deeper and more "artistic" state than happiness? What is the source of this misapprehension?

>> No.14160323

why did you post this jezebel

>> No.14160345

I would replace sadness with a profound sense of melancholy, which, even in periods of joy, is a constant state for the deep artist/thinker/philosopher

>> No.14160349

They're sad themselves. They can't relate to happiness well, or their depression even made them spiteful toward it.

>> No.14160363

Natural happiness is a blessing that doesn't look into philosophy or deeper manners (it's not necessary. These people are naturally or at least mostly righteous from birth and their upbringing.)
The destitute seek to rid of these ailments and for there brothers and sons to learn the true meaning

>> No.14160367

Because you become more reflective and introverted when you're sad. Not that this makes it a better state of mind for intellectual purposes - your mind is heavily biased due to your emotion. But you tend to think more than act when you are sad, as opposed to when you are happy, when you act more than think.

>> No.14160378

Cute boy (female)
Happiness implies contentment with the present, sadness implies disappointment and hence "seeking"
It's easy to be happy if you accept your situation, but when you're happy you have no impetus to change
Art is a schizo battlefield over future realities, and if you can imagine a better reality you'll probably seek to actualize it through your work
There is art that leads to acceptance, but it's reactionary, and academia and critics tend to have a (progressive) direction they want to push culture. Hence, the opinion you mention being the general one.

>> No.14160388

Melancholy is always authentic. However, this does not mean that happiness is never authentic.

>> No.14160489
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>What is the source of this misapprehension?

Why not?
You wish.

>> No.14160502

>Melancholy is always authentic
did you not go to high school or something

>> No.14160536


holy shit i thought that was a dude

>> No.14160540

Just stop. No one wants you here. Trite and boring dyke.

>> No.14160589
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>> No.14160595

More of right?

>> No.14160607

beatrice grant and alice grant on twitter

>> No.14160614


>> No.14160659

Why did you post this squeal?

>> No.14160707


>> No.14160709

please stop fucking posting jezebels

i wish i were joking

>> No.14160710

Girl on the left is beautiful, but her hand is very small

>> No.14160714

>butterfly posts a terrible opinion andderails my thread
Someone PLEASE kill this retarded cunt already

>> No.14160757

I am a moth Searching for the moon Light that burns Me and my brothers Sisters i see dissapear In the blink of an Eye that watches How we are Being led astray To the ground Burning Dying.

>> No.14160765

Cute if a boy

>> No.14160767

Thats because females have small hands unlike the traps you ussually jerk off to.
In the hopes that you would understand and leave.

>> No.14160950

You asked a question and I answered.

The arts can make us weep easily. Happiness is harder to elicit. They usually resort to humor, romance or some exciting heroic tale. How else can one be happy?

I once knew this psych major. She accused me of having pent up emotional issues, because I’m a quite person, she thought, misdiagnosed, that I was angry deep down inside. I told her there are more emotion being pent up in me besides any trace amount of anger.

>> No.14160976
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>> No.14161147

that's a man baby

>> No.14161180

You’re a man baby

>> No.14161182

ooooo shiiiiet. gotem

>> No.14161197

Aka man-baby.

There was a webm of this girl, dressed in a BNP dress. Cute though a poor young fool

>> No.14161225

Who is this boy?

>> No.14161242

Beatrice Grant.
UKIP cheerleader, not BNP.
The dress was in a union jack motif

>> No.14161250

Sadness is the lowest common denominator.

>> No.14161254

Modern happiness is unearned, the joys of achievement in self-dependency, even those of small goals, can produce great states of inspiration, for art and creativity.

>> No.14161276

This is an interesting question. I'd say it's because most people, when they don't have their "mask" to the world on, have a sadness hidden inside of them. It's something they don't reveal to the world and that makes it inherently more personal and authentic.

Is that as personal and authentic than happiness? No, I don't think so, but sadly most people do not get beyond that point very often whereas the inner sadness is more constant depending on the person.

>> No.14161293

Is it gay if I find this kind of girls that look like man more attractive than the rest?

>> No.14161299

Happiness only exists relative to sadness but the vice versa isn't the same because the baseline condition of existence is suffering

>> No.14161302

>isnt the same
Isnt true* I'm sleep deprived

>> No.14161306

You’re losing it, Butterfly. Take a break. Get some rest.

>> No.14161317

Sad people can't shut up about their unhappiness, often dwelling in pure sentimentality with little object-focus.
Happier people don't focus so much directly on the feeling itself but rather on the object of their happiness.

>> No.14161328

Hey thom

>> No.14161711


Most rorke female name ever

>> No.14161748

Isn't it simply because hardly anyone is "happy" for more than 3 days?
Life is just hard, most people feel hardship, and so - by statistics - most artist did art in such a state.

>> No.14161832

Intelligence causes sadness. Intelligent people make everything that's worth a damn.

Dont misconstrue this as sadness equals intelligence.

>> No.14161860

It's not about deepness but rather distance.

To be happy is to be content, open to the world. Happiness brings stasis with it, for it cannot stand against change.

Sadness, then, has to be dynamic, closed to the outside world. Or rather, distance. Only by being outside, far from something, we begin to see the shapes, the outline. Only by being outside we can see what's hidden.

>> No.14162180

sadness leads to introspection
happiness leads to ignorance

>> No.14162365

Existentialists fucked it up

>> No.14162366
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Those who experience the greatest suffering recognize the greatest good. They are pushed into a clear view of the chaos and they draw the conclusion if the world was willing to push them down so far and ignore their suffering then suffering is something that will never end for those who are willing to be human and susceptible to emotional depth.
Because those who don't feel don't suffer. Suffering is the virtue of real man, not man pretending to be a fantasy.
Only those who care suffer, those who satisfy themselves do not.

>> No.14162701

Not a single great thing originates from happiness apart from mindless consumerism.

>> No.14162959
File: 59 KB, 600x450, 764f14d9085c10a1bcff0ca9cd2aaaf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope tranny

>> No.14163379

I knew she was a slut

Probably sucks paki dick

>> No.14163396

Lmao. That's butterfly.

>> No.14163404

Do you guys think we've ever made her cry

>> No.14163460

Paki? She’s a nationalist and a teenager.

Clearly not


>> No.14163466

Are you British?
You can tell us that much

>> No.14163612

I do too anon but yeah it is pretty homo.

>> No.14163737

It's not a misapprehension. Happiness is light and fragile, nothing deep about it. Sadness, and I assume you're referring to the melancholia frequently depicted in art, is the result of accumulated struggles and losses. The misapprehension is thinking depth is preferable.

>> No.14163755

I use to feel sad about my life but then I meet butters and now I am quit happy that I am not wasting my life in shitposting and not trying to be most hated person on /lit/.

Butterfly, how actually lonely you are that you are posting here even if no one truly no one wants you here? It gives you some sort of satisfaction that anybody cares about you even if it is pure hate?

Please explain it to me I will give you a try. We can create a nice board here and respect yourself but you must understand that you are only one and there is a lot of us. So you will get drowned in shit when you will ackt like a little trany bitch.

>> No.14163868


>> No.14163961
File: 72 KB, 1024x640, 01F712CB-F338-4FD3-A5D7-3EBC710EA179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He mistakes obedience for happiness

>> No.14163990
File: 562 KB, 809x1789, Screenshot_20191017-231832_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14164064

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

>> No.14164646

Suffering departs you from society because it changes you. This allows you to observe society and its workings better because you are observing them from a distance. You can also find God because man does not like remaining in suffering without some so-called "cope," whether alcohol or a higher truth. Of course, the latter is not of a worldly nature.

>> No.14164654

Happy people are out talking to people and living life, only sad people sit around and moan in self pity all day.

>> No.14164813

There are people who are not born chad or stacy.

>> No.14164822


>> No.14164828

You don't have to be a chad to have a healthy social life.

>> No.14166020

>Kurapika Kurta

>> No.14166066

sadness let's you appreciate the happiness

>> No.14166115

We need to justify our sadness somehow. It's a state of mind nobody wants, so we need to create these complex thoughts to not neck ourselves.
Happiness needs no such thing, and may even be harmed by trying to justify it.

>> No.14166119

>implying there is a difference

>> No.14166163

Melancholy is traditionally seen as the temperament most open to divine inspiration

>> No.14166200

>tfw sad but no creative talent

>> No.14166242

This is what degeneracy looks like

>> No.14166252
File: 2.86 MB, 600x900, 1550456257728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low quality thread

>> No.14166288

Happiness as its conceived today refers to "peaks" in life, which tend to be banal and fleeting. Sadness can refer to the opposite - a particularly depressing period of time for whatever reason, also fleeting. However, what people usually refer to when they talk of sadness and artists is a more persistent state of melancholy which results from reflection on our nature as human beings. It's natural for thoughtful human beings to be in this state, which is why it's associated with intelligence. Even in periods of happiness.

>> No.14166352
File: 63 KB, 474x703, happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>movie called Happiness
>not happy at all
wtf /tv/

>> No.14166378
File: 7 KB, 320x180, 16847FC0-740C-49C4-B7B6-735CF51E5171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Happy-Go-Lucky instead

>> No.14166773

Because, although formulated in these words it is cringe, you can interpret sadness as tragedy and happiness as superficiality. This is not to say that every comedy is superficial, but that what the many understand as it is. In opposition, we have tragedy, and if you are unable to transcend pleb tought, but have some artistic inuitions, you'll feel that it is less superficial, and, thus, deeper.

>> No.14166791

This fucking movie. Fuck off for reminding me

>> No.14166826

god i wish that was me

>> No.14166851

>Thats because females have small hands unlike the traps you ussually jerk off to.
no, that's a weird, gross tiny hand

>> No.14167010

This butterfly fag is one annoying cunt.

>> No.14167260
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>> No.14167561
File: 1.97 MB, 1152x1455, Melencolia_I_(Durero).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ficino, neoplatonism:
>hot melancholy, or melancholia fumosa, has two extremely important effects on the phantasmic activity of the subject. The first consists in the mobility of the phantasms within the subtle organism: the second, in the great capacity of phantasms to stay impressed upon the pneuma. This brings with it, besides a prodigious memory, an extraordinary capacity for analysis. That is why, Ficino tells us, all the great men who have ever excelled in an art have been melancholic, either because they were born so or became so through assiduous meditation.

>> No.14167584
File: 125 KB, 1100x733, U WOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14167957

What happens after you reach the top?

>> No.14167962
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>> No.14167963

No books required. Grow up, you sad sack of shit

>> No.14167969

quick happiness is easy, long sadness is hard. Quick sadness and long happiness however, is hardest of them all

>> No.14167974

You need Epicurus in your life

>> No.14167981

for me, it's Xeno of Citium

>> No.14167982

Didn't even ask for books. Learn to read retard.

>> No.14168673

based post

>> No.14168700

You need a good beating and a Bible
Naughty woman

>> No.14168705

she has normal hands it's just bad focus from the camera

also she looks like taylor swift

>> No.14168761
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>> No.14168811
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lmao we all know you have menopause depression and regret over the fact that you destroyed your life and wasted all your chances that will never come back over a meme schizo ideological obsession.
so you cope by getting you daily dose of attention from a Kantian anime forum and creating abstracts to mask your nagging essential urges

>> No.14168816

>butters will kill herself in your lifetime

>> No.14169114

Imagine being dumb enough to be taken in by the UNDERAGE kids the pedophillic ruling class have wheeled out for gammons to slobber over.

>> No.14169323

I believe people view happiness as being founded in ignorance rather than wisdom. There is the view that happiness is 'childish'. I can see why this could be seen as true, because children are the most overtly happy human beings. To continue their happiness, they are known to create fantasy worlds. Adults try to do this too. Thus, it is observed of the happy that they are fragile, and are afraid of reality. It is interesting because the artist is likely to have originally used their own imagination to create happiness as a child. However, obviously, they would come to realise no delusion can possibly sustain happiness. Perhaps there is bitterness involved with the state and chasing of happiness. This could explain why artists view sadness as the more authentic experience, and, authenticity being paramount for the artist, the more artistic experience. However, I do not agree with this, I would say that happiness with a foundation of a knowledge of things that are true is a deeper state than sadness, and more difficult to achieve, and art that is joy transposed is the mark of a brilliant, healthy artist. However, the artist that is purely happy, whose happiness is unshakeable, and whose knowledge of the truth is perfect (say, 'enlightenment') would be closer to being a 'saint' than an artist, and they would have no reason to create art for themselves. Maybe they would create art for the benefit of other, but for what purpose? There are better things for a 'saintly' person to do than create art to explain the truths they have understood. They could just tell people the recipe to follow for happiness.

>> No.14169332

The top is no different than the bottom.

>> No.14169666

Teen angst is very authentic.

>> No.14169683

C’mere and say that to my face. I’ll pop yer jaw out.

It’s like you’re poking a fork around in a dark closet trying to get me, but I’m on the roof.

You guys are the ones on suicide watch.

>taken in by
Yeah, that would be real dumb. They’re just cheerleaders

>> No.14169808

Because they are pussies.

>> No.14170348

Bottom is a simulacra, top is where the true lies.

>> No.14170681

Sadness usually comes from not being all right with the world, which usually has to do with some definite problem in the social/natural order. An exposition of this will usually illuminate.

Comedy means being at ease with the world. This can indeed be a good time but won’t be as illuminating.

>> No.14170722

Sadness leads to masterpieces. Happiness leads to mediocrities.