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/lit/ - Literature

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14159590 No.14159590 [Reply] [Original]

Post your book marks.

>> No.14159606
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Excuse the flash

>> No.14159621
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>> No.14159635

I just put my cock in between an close it

>> No.14159639

I’d show you my cock but

>> No.14159649

Do you want to see benis?

>> No.14159657

Can't take pics but I'm one of a few peeps w/ access to the Vatican Archives.

>> No.14159672

I just memorise page and line number. it's not a problem I have unless for some reason I start reading more than 4 books at a time, but at that point it's probably text books so I am okay with folding corners like a pleb

>> No.14159673

Why’d you mention this? You feel better now, you just had to tell someone?

>> No.14159676

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.14159684
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Either one

>> No.14159686

Don't use a book marks at all but I don't memorize the page or line number. I sort of know where I left off by approximating the size of the pages' thickness that read/remain and scanning through the pages to come across a segments that I recall reading.

>> No.14159688

Why does anyone mention anything? Why mention the weather?

>> No.14159690

Well you made a fucking retarded thread

>> No.14159692

You specifically wanted to let everyone know, WHAT A BIG BAD INTELLECTUAL YOU ARE, FACE IT, that’s the only reason you read

>> No.14159752


>> No.14159811

So you are training your mind for imprecise memorisation and vague sense of position

>> No.14159993

why would you ruin library property?

>> No.14161071
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>> No.14161149

I use single sheets of toilet paper.

>> No.14161412
File: 3.23 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20191113_095501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend made me this one for my birthday.

>> No.14161417

I use a sheet of 9X12 drawing paper. I also write words I do not know on it.

>> No.14161421

I use my ex girlfriends used panties that she never collected.

>> No.14161442

I use a packet of lube that came with my onahole

>> No.14161946

Today a Feeder
Tomorrow a Seeder

>> No.14161962

I just remember the page number desu

>> No.14162454

I use another book who's also open, in a criss cross patern to bookmark both book using the other one. It's the perfect symbiosis. I call it the bookie keepie.

>> No.14162508

Yesterday a shitter

>> No.14163150
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1351, 20191113_190717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine likes making these things, but has no real use for them

>> No.14163164
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>> No.14163177


>> No.14163208

I usually aim to finish a chapter, if the book has a chapter then I'm a duty bound to finish without taking a break

>> No.14163213

if it has no chapters*

>> No.14163283
File: 2.18 MB, 2182x1638, 20191113_114450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14163291

who is the image by

>> No.14163296

>no ketchup so far

>> No.14163305

Is your friend a gril?

>> No.14163355


>> No.14163362


>> No.14163824

N. G. Hammer, and it’s called ”Complexity of Choice III”. It’s a birthday card I got and really liked.

>> No.14163835

What book is that? Fellow Finnbro here and I'm quite interested.

>> No.14163839

Holy shit, that looks corny. You must be catholic.

>> No.14164109


>> No.14164122
File: 16 KB, 300x300, dog-eared-book-e1358973316431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14164194
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i just remember the page number

>> No.14164330

It’s Ja aurinko nousee (The Sun Also Rises) by Hemingway.

>> No.14164645
File: 59 KB, 720x960, IMG_20191114_000841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this bookmark for my girlfriend out of some random flowers I pressed. I gifted her it with a book. She liked the bookmark, but not the book.

>> No.14164731
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 73543523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't want to lose my place

>> No.14164747
File: 457 KB, 720x1280, 62342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based kek

>> No.14164766

My own memory that can easily replace the function of a pathetic shred of paper, plebs.

>> No.14165114

I got it out of a used copy of the silmarillion and thiught it would be fitting to use it for the bible.

>> No.14165123
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High test

>> No.14165777
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>> No.14165901
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blank on front and words i dont know on the back

>> No.14165908
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>> No.14166076

What book was it?

>> No.14166082

Based. Very nice writing, how do I improve mine? its how an ape would write

>> No.14166089

CrossFire, the plot that killed Kennedy

>> No.14166118


>> No.14166338
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>> No.14166341

I just use those that come when you order from bookdepository, I've been wanting to use an MTG card or something but that's kinda less practical

>> No.14166447
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x2268, 20191114_091751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing something similar on a separate notebook, mostly new words (and prefixes/suffixes), stuff for synonym mining and topics that I want to read about later
Excuse the atrocious handwriting and spelling.

>> No.14166471
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 94635FF4-8EF3-4060-98E0-8D18B26BA3EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old bookmark 10 years ago from school library.

>> No.14166561

thanks for introducing me to this artist.

>> No.14166617

literally a piece of trash

>> No.14166814

I just pick up whatever item is near me at the time that will suffice, then I leave it in the book once I'm finished
I've used things like napkins, a leaf, boarding pass, museum pamphlet, and regular old bookmarks

>> No.14167188

On the Jews and their Lies

>> No.14167193

*folds corner of page*

>> No.14167195


This is a really good idea. I've just been using receipts, but I think I'll try this method from now on.

>> No.14167701
File: 56 KB, 469x702, c5cdb0e580c861075f6b80129bf94fde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a few of those bad boys.
Smaller but it's handy.

>> No.14167815
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20191114_082625-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14167889
File: 3.48 MB, 2592x4608, 15737395568658390108344230464434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to Japan and I didn't bring with me all my bookmarks, I left them in my house on top of The Chronicles of Narnia. I even have one a teacher gave me when I was in second of third grade of primary school, it says "may a book always be with you" or something like that.
I'm currently using this soulless shit.

>> No.14168061

are there differing satanic rules?
as i read a different rule set awhile back, which was much more braindead normie m'lady tier, than the one you posted is

>> No.14168071

What I posted is from Aleister Crowley's religion of Thelema. The quotes are from the Book of the Law. Thelema is not satanic.

>> No.14168114

is that this new age stuff? is it worth a read?

>> No.14168240

I wouldn't really call it new age. The Book of the Law is pretty interesting, and there's a book called The Law is for All with Crowley's commentaries on it. That explains a lot of his philosophy.

>> No.14168246

I read on my iPhone 6 and use the red bookmark in iBooks.

>> No.14168256
File: 898 KB, 1536x2048, 030D7F18-6230-4813-8401-229D3C44447A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14168284

i hammer the staples so that its nice and flat
hmm i dont know i just write. try getting a good pen. dont need to spend a lot of money. go to an arts and crafts store and you can try them all out.

>> No.14168749

In the Distance by Hernan Diaz

>> No.14169680


>> No.14170056

I like it

>> No.14170846
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191115_001719060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14171716

From the thumbnail I thougnt it was a wrapped condom

>> No.14172053
File: 501 KB, 920x1227, 20191114_203709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheaper than buying one.

>> No.14172582


>> No.14173050

I like this one