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/lit/ - Literature

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14164152 No.14164152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14164155


>> No.14164160

Foucault, Adorno, Bataille, Freud, Nietzsche

>> No.14164163

Nick Land
Trump Jr.

>> No.14164164

shit bait

>> No.14164167
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>> No.14164170

I'm serious

>> No.14164174

i'm bad at writing stuff

>> No.14164180

Liveblog by Megan Boyle

>> No.14164184


>> No.14164185

then youre retarded

>> No.14164188

The Bible
The Complete Works of Plato
12 Rules for Life
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
The Joe Rogan Podcast Dialogues
The Crisis of the Modern World
The Collected Poetry of Toilets
Revolt Against the Modern World
The Leviathan
The Right Side of History
Atlas Shrugged
The Complete Works of Dostoeyevsky
Fashionable Nonsense
The Art of Deal
Mein Kampf
Decline of the West
Don't Burn This Book

Hint: there is none

>> No.14164201

seems like you haven't read any of their stuff. git gud.

>> No.14164210

>The Bible

>> No.14164212

Have read Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Wouldn't consider Nietzsche to be right wing, the critisiscm of a Christian morality that has taken hold of western civilization is not necessarily a right wing view. Though the self tranceding the ideal could be seen as right wing if your the kind of person that has to label everything

>> No.14164214

Do you think Varg can shout?

>> No.14164225

A right-wing that is not willing to part from christianity will inevitably fail and result in the downfall of the West. So yes, if you're a son of EVROPA, Nietzsche's critique of christianity is absolutely unavoidable.

>> No.14164231

the OT is pretty right wing, all the Kings, and women are basically cattle

>> No.14164236

Sounds pretty leftist.

>> No.14164242

Joe Rogan podcast transcripts
Jordan Peterson
Ben Shapiro
The right is intellectually bankrupt

>> No.14164249


>> No.14164257

Why do you think that? And why did it trigger you so hard that you posted it twice?

>> No.14164271

>Nietzsche despises tradition, religion, sheepherders and sheep
>is somehow right wing
nigga read more than a paragraph on rational wiki sometime

>> No.14164284

"Nigga", he certainly wasn't "down" with your twitter "woke" intersectionality, "yo".

>> No.14164292

There is literally none

>> No.14164293

not an argument

>> No.14164296

In so far as Nietzsche says anything at all positive, that is not just making fun of everyone and everything, his conception of an ideal future is rather right wing. It's at the very least radically inegalitarian

>> No.14164323

Alain de Benoist
Guillaume Faye
Michael O'Meara
Tito Perdue
Tomislav Sunic
Renaud Camus
Thilo Sarrazin
Michel Houellebecq
Greg Johnson
Bronze Age Pervert
Mencius Moldbug
Francis Parker Yockey
Jonathan Bowden
Alexander Dugin

>> No.14164433

this is a literature board, I don't think Crowder or Trump Jr have put out any right wing literature. Styx is pretty cool but it's hard to take anything he says seriously when he goes on to rant about a whole bunch of demonic nonsense. I've heard some questionable stuff about BAP's book but he definitely gives off some kino vibes. I'm not very familiar with Nick Land, he definitely has potential as a right-wing thonker but I've heard he's been identified with marxism and xenofeminism and that's fairly sus.

>> No.14164441

>demonic nonsense

>> No.14164451

BAP is a pagan homo. Don't fall for the bait.

>> No.14164454

not right wing

>> No.14164455

So were Plato and Aristotle. Kys christcuck.

>> No.14164478

>Ben Shapiro
>right wing
Nice joke but he's an Israeli shill

>> No.14164518

so right wing

>> No.14164546

Debatable, but the joke went over your head. All of them are left wing thinkers.

>> No.14164555

I know this is bait, but I honestly don't know how Nietzsche is interpreted as left wing.

>> No.14164558

I got so triggered by Nietzsche I didnt even notice the others

>> No.14164568

Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

>> No.14164570

Why does that trigger you, he's much more right than left wing

>> No.14164598

To be fair, every intelligent right-winger could learn a great deal of each of them. They are also fairly compatible with new-right and alt-right sensibilities. But you can also just stick to youtube, the bible and the protocols, I guess.

>> No.14164615

Land started out left and turned pseudo-right over time. I think most people would consider him right wing for his association with NRx and his Dark Enlightenment.

>> No.14164619

Fiction and poetry:
Frank Herbert's "Dune" series
Tito Perdue's works
H.P. Lovecraft's works ( https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Creation_of_Niggers )
Ezra Pound's works ( https://youtu.be/lDQLgG1yuLU )
Leo Yankevich's "Tikkun Olam"
unironically the Old Testament, preferably with Rashi's commentary (National Socialism is largely based on Zionism and Judaism)
Yukio Mishima's works

Non-fiction on politics, social issues and biology:
The White Nationalist Manifesto by Greg Johnson
"Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin - A Conversation Between me and Hitler" by Eckart (Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin)
The Prince by Macchiavelli
The SWPL Question by Manjit Singh
White Girl Bleed a Lot
Introduction to Geopolitics by Alexandr Dugin (if you know Russian)
The Culture of Critique by KMac
The Revolutionary Phenotype by Jean-Francois Gariepy

Gottfried Feder's works, in particular "Manifesto for breaking the Enslavement to Interest" (Brechung Der Zinsknechtschaft)
Goodson's "A History of Central Banking"
The writings on Distributism by G.K. Chesterton and his cousin A.K. Chesterton
Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics

Webzines and podcasts:
William Pierce's American Dissident Voices ( https://archive.org/details/AmericanDissidentVoicesByWLP )
Occidental Observer
Sezession.de (German)
democratieparticipative.tw (French)
JFG's The Public Space
Fash The Nation

>> No.14164631

Patrick Deneen's "Why Liberalism Failed" is one of the best books writen in the last few years.
But I think that it is good to read Plato, Aristotle and Epictetus to understand why the traditional morals were good.

>> No.14164633

What specifically is it that you think they could learn from them?

>> No.14164634

Neetche is right wing though

>> No.14164636


>> No.14164665

I'm not sure if you're being serious, but he's definitively not a right wing thinker. Freudo-marxism was left wing thought.

>> No.14164669

You can be someone who is neither right-wing or left-wing.

>> No.14164721

So you would consider a liberal-minded and atheist scientist who who was heavily integrated into Soviet marxist thought not left wing?

>> No.14164722

Ben Shapiro was a hardcore anti-Trumper who constantly shilled against the idea of America building an Israeli-style border wall, while simultaneously arguing in favor of the ethnic cleansing of all Arabs from Israel.
Many of the hardcore pro-Israel Neoconservatives (e.g. William Kristol) are actually former Trotskyites. Moreover, Bolshevism was financed by super rich Zionist bankers and war profiteers like Jacob Schiff, Olof Aschborn and Israel Gelfand.

Right and Left doesn't apply to these people. They just trawl for the most manipulable and morally aberrant elements of society and exploit their weaknesses to get them to go along with an agenda of Jewish power acquisition. It doesn't matter if those weaknesses are the superstitiousness of bible-thumping Conservatards, or the envy and the inability to engage in critical thinking of Leftist NPC's.

>> No.14164740

His now tweeting "why niggers can't be not-threatening like asians"

>> No.14164794


>> No.14164816

As a right-winger, I'll say that a critical reading of Adorno is essential for us, along with György Lukács and Marcuse, since a good understanding of what we call Cultural Marxism is essential if we want to make sense of the present mess our society is in, and where things are to be headed.

Foucault frankly isn't that impressive of a thinker, although I liked his criticism of academia.

Freud was a self-important pseudo-scientist who set us back a century in our understanding of human psychology, and nobody should waste time with his works except to ridicule them.

Now Nietzsche was definitely an interesting thinker and well worth a few hours of your life, although I'd classify him as neither Left nor clearly on the Right.

>> No.14164846
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I've been meaning to read this but it's so long.

>> No.14164851


>> No.14164895

>who set us back a century in our understanding of human psychology
Lol, how?

>> No.14164993

Because his babble about "penis envy" and "anal personalities" is bullshit without merit. But it sounds good and captured the public imagination, which was to the detriment of serious scientists, who as a consequence did not get much attention.
He and his clique operated as a personality cult with Freud at the center, where the worth of a theory was not determined by its consistency with reality and testability, but by whether or not Freud liked it, a complete reversal of all the progress that had been made towards employing the scientific method in psychology and psychiatry.

>> No.14165005


>> No.14165059

more so his phillo was a call to action for elitism: he wanted men to WANT to rise above the fog (you and me). He hated socialists, this much is known. Was kind of romantic individualism breaking free from the super sovereignty of a God justifying power. The Ubermench rules because he can.

>> No.14165068

At some point he lost his mind and went overboard with his sexual obsessions but his insights up until that were god tier.

>> No.14165115

Adorno was socially more conservative than most right-wingers today.

>> No.14165300

This. People who are conservative but don't read people like Adorno are retards.

>> No.14165639

Their argument is that because Nietzsche was opposed to political anti-semitism and an advocate of "good Europeanism" rather than nationalism or ethnic chauvinism, he must have been a left-winger. If all you read of Nietzsche is Peoples and Fatherlands this view would make some sense, but then you also have things like
>'Exploitation' does not belong to a corrupt or imperfect and primitive society: it belongs to the essence of what lives, as a basic organic function; it is a consequence of the will to power, which is after all the will to life.
which was in response to
>...everywhere people are now raving, even under scientific disguises, about coming conditions of society in which 'the exploitative aspect' will be removed--which sounds to me as if they promised to invent a way of life that would dispense with all organic functions".
This is completely irreconcilable with whatever leftism is. More than that, it should be telling that someone who describes politics as a "virus" should in this instance make what are essentially political claims against those men trying to do away with the exploitative aspect. And we can probably assume that it was not the Pan-Germanist or provincial conservative that he was condemning here.

>> No.14166579

James Mason before his Christian Identity switch

>> No.14166678

What is this kind of argument? Takes one aspect that is no necessarily X, therefore the total isn't X. I mean, I don't know you, so you are not necessarily cis, therefore you aren't cis. I mean, using your logic, I've established that you are trans.

>> No.14166684

a bullet to your own skull

>> No.14166715

Like right wing can be reduced to those. I mean, there aren't really right wing parties actively preserving tradition and religion. So, if we want to call right wing parties right wing, then we have that your argument doesn't hold.
You have only said that the right symbolizes an arbitrary tradition and religion and being right implies not being against it. If we are allowed to speak about meme-ideologies, then we have libertarianism, which obviously refutes your claim.
You can, of course, argue that there is no right wing post world war 1. And that, probably, Nietzsche can't be pigeonholed into a traditional rightist movement. But for this argument to work, you must try to pigeonhole him somewhere. And, guess what, it will probably be easier to pigeonhole him as a rightist.

>> No.14166720

> Tips fedora

>> No.14166733

Nietzsche, left wing, pretty hard to argue for, don't you think. I mean, you can argue he is not right wing, but in doing so, you should realise that you just can't do that by not saying that he doesn't dit on the traditional spectrum.

>> No.14166737

Christian socialism is left. I guess, according to you, that christianity is left wing?

>> No.14166739

I don't know much about Freuds political positions, but Deleuze and Guattari mention something like a conservative turn in Anti-Oedipus.

>> No.14166744

Definitely proof, a leftist, of any kind, isn't able to say that...

>> No.14167085

These are decent recommendations

>> No.14167094

"Knut hamsun" and "Yukio Mishima" for good novels/stories

>> No.14167167

I'd say that Nietzsche is regarded as 'left-wing' only because the most quoted philosophers in social sciences rely on him despite the fact that they only strip out a few convenient arguments, misinterpret them and then sew them into their absurd persecution fantasies.

>> No.14167170

None of them is good or representative of right wing thought in any way shape or form.

>> No.14167197

only if the terms refer to nothing at all

>> No.14167519
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From the people claiming there are no good right-wing books, I'd like to know: Have you actually read enough from any of the authors mentioned in >>14164323 and >>14164619 to form an opinion on them? Or are you just so ignorant and intellectually bankrupt that the only post-ww2 "right-wing" authors you've even heard of in your echo chamber are the neo-cons and alt-lite e-celebs that are heavily promoted by Jewish-owned media outlets, like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson?

>> No.14167523

Most of the Western canon.

>> No.14167549

Sounds pretty based.

>> No.14168890

¿How? I'm reading Thus Spoke Zaratustra and he keeps talking about loving and understanding how everything will lead to the Übermensch. When he talks about how not all humans are created equal, I think that it doesn't really mean that he is right wing. Lots of leftists don't support this statement either. He fucking despised the state. I think that Nietzsche cannot really be put in a right-left cathegory, mainly because his message is pretty obtuse sometimes.

>> No.14168916
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Varg "ancient sources talk about homosexuality in Greece/Rome not because it was a thing, they just called them fags for the lulz" Vikernes

>> No.14168947

what is he then? does he preach equality and other faggotry? no, therefore he's not left-wing.

>> No.14168955

Read all these:

>> No.14168961

Most of these are libertarians and not very far to the right at all.

>> No.14168963

I would fuck Varg bussy desu

>> No.14168996
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Propertarianism. But not John Mark.
Eli Harman, Curt Doolittle.

>> No.14169012

Great picks - listened to FTN today actually and would strongly recommend listening to the 2nd hour of the podcast for anyone who would be interested in listening to fascist vs libertarian talking points.

>> No.14169038

I think that it would be great fun to be a fascist, but alas, God has cursed me by making me a quarter Mexican. I therefore submit myself to anarchism as it would be cucked for me to advocate for racial interests that exclude me. Such is life. Books for this feel?

>> No.14169050
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How will the Eternal Winners recover?

>> No.14169063

If Fuentes managed it I'm sure you can do it

>> No.14169189

He's an ethnic nationalist, doesn't get more right-wing than that

>> No.14169829

Land and Moldbug aren't?

>> No.14169865
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>> No.14169890
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Read Klages

>> No.14169902

Absolute pseud, you're like a high schooler repeating weak talking points they learnt from their teacher. You're in no way intelligent enough to debunk Freud, nevermind make baseless statements like "set our psychological understanding back a century".

>> No.14169912

how did the father of modern psychology set back psychology a century you fucking pseud . even if you disagree with freud this is akin to saying adam smith set back economic thought or hobbes set back political philosophy.

also falling for the cultural marxism mere. lol.

>> No.14169919

>Yaxley lennon the self hating paddy immigrant


>> No.14169920

crypto-pseuds who couldn't articulate an intelligent opinion about Freud to save their lives

>> No.14169933

Delicious Tacos
CS Lewis

>> No.14169961

you don't need to read anything. just watch this and emulate it.

>> No.14169973


>Cultural Marxism

Stopped reading there.

>> No.14170010
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>> No.14170024

Reinhart Koselleck is an unique example of a right-wing author who is admired and taught at universities even by leftists, and without the usual admonitions that accompany the teaching of Carl Schmitt or Martin Heidegger.

Overall, the best right-wing thought tends to come from pre-1945 Germany, and I don't mean the Nazis. If anything, Hitler ruined this intellectual strain by delegitimizing anything related to it and ensuring that the German universities, once formidable adversaries of the Anglo-Saxon college system, were to be purged and reduced to mere technical colleges. Koselleck himself is the last of his kind.

>> No.14170054

I know the term is loaded by bad associations thanks to boomer conservatives who use it to describe everything they don't like, from trannies to brown people at restaurants, but really, what term could better describe the strain of Marxism developed by figures like Lukacs and Gramsci that shifted the attention of intellectual from material concerns of production and distribution to cultural issues, from the "infrastructure" to the "superstructure" of society?

"Western Marxism" comes closer, but there are Western Marxists who were closer to orthodoxy such as Louis Althusser for whom the term is not a good describer.

>> No.14170089

It's a good term ("cultural bolshevism" has been in use since the 20's/30's), it's just that it has been used too often recently by people who don't really know what it means.

>> No.14170105

Good recommendations but bad labelling.

>> No.14170350

Fine, but if you're going down that route, why pick Ben Shapiro specifically? With a tiny handful of exceptions (e.g. Gilad Atzmon, if he even still counts as a Jew), you could pick just about any Jew in politics outside of Israel.
Take Democratic senate leader Chuck Schumer for example, who advocates the more or less openly genocidal policy of increasing abortions of Gentile children in America, while taking part in activism against abortions of Jewish children in Israel. Calling this guy a Jewish supremacist doesn't even do him justice; he is a Gentile exterminationist, so by your line of reasoning he's a right-wing extremist. (If any of you leftoid NPC's have trouble following this, imagine for a second what you'd think of someone who wants to outlaw abortions for White people but wants to advertise legal and free-of-charge abortions to Jews and Blacks)

The crucial thing here is that, because everything he says is dishonest and manipulative, Chuck Schumer didn't make any actual contributions to right-wing thought, and the same applies to Ben Shapiro.

>> No.14170370

What's Imperium?

>> No.14170755
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pic related. Also, leviathan, Harassment architecture, Notes from the underground, revolt against the modern world, A Canticle for leibowitz, Reign of quantity and a sign of the times.

>> No.14172125
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Based. As for other people you will disagree with but should read, I'll add Capital by Marx (though it's boring and repetitive, find an abridged version so you don't have to read about muh factory acts a million times). Best book to read to btfo commies since most haven't read it but pretend to (hint: it actually has almost nothing to do with commumism) and it is unironically a decent critique of capitalism.

Bhagavad Gita
Upanishads (and probably Guenon first since I assume you are wh*te)
Plato and a bunch of the pre-Socratics
Evola, especially Revolt Against the Modern World
Culture of Critique
Decline of the West
Way of Hermes
Analects of Confucius and the Tao te ching (based gooks)
Mein Kampf

>> No.14172131

I'm only giving you this (you) because I laughed so hard at Focault

>> No.14172133

>Atlas Shrugged
only stupid people like this book

>> No.14172195

Libido Dominandi/ All E Michael Jones
Culture of Critique
Paved with Good Intentions
Black LIES Matter
Hitlers Table Talk
Death of the West/ All Pat Buchanan
Capitalism and the Jews
Christian Slaves Muslim Masters
The Secret Behind Communism/ All David Duke
Egalitarianism Against Nature
For My Legionaires
From Weimar to Hitler
Jewish Terrorism in Israel
Kill the Boer
White Girl Bleed A lot
Manifesto for the Abolishment of Interest Slavery
Paranoid Judaesm
Right Wing Critics of American Conservatism
Rockwell, Savitri, Evola, your most common ones
Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
Synagogue of Satan
The Holocaust Industry
The Catholic Church and the Jews
The Chosen Wars
The Decline and Fall of Western Art
The Diversity Illusion
The Franklin Scandal
The Green and the Brown
The Invention of the Jewish People
The Jewish White Slave Trade and the Untold Story of Raquel Lieberman
The Perils of Diversity
The Ugly Truth About the ADL
Vox Day
Why Race Matters

You'll disagree with a lot of those but I really just tried to throw in anything

>> No.14172651

Foucault is unironically very useful for right-wing thought. Also, the woke left is starting to disavow him more and more.

>> No.14174085

Primo de Rivera works and speeches

>> No.14174278

Lmao I can't believe people take retards like this and Evola seriously. Rightists are so braindead it's hilarious

>> No.14174328

>"Harrison Bergeron" is elitist
Stopped reading right there

>> No.14174797

>Good right wing stuff
thats an oximoron mate

>> No.14175375

Right wing intellectualism hasn’t been able to manifest because it necessitates rejecting free markets. This isn’t going to happen since the economy is politicized and the current right wing establishment can’t seem to find it in their dense heads that metaphysics is important.

The right allows the left to morally frame all the debatable subjects and plays to their whim while rejecting traditionally right wing views.

You want right wing books? Go pick up a guide to farming, pick up some folktales and myths. Become self sufficient and reject materialism. Find satisfaction in the work of your hands, and then after a long day sit down and meditate on what you have done to pass on tradition.
Cease sublimating your primal drives with orgasms and corn syrup. Find your duty and gain purpose through it.

>> No.14175714


>> No.14176593


>> No.14176601


>> No.14176752

Focusing on fiction:

James Ellroy
Kingley Amis (later work)
Evelyn Waugh
Ian Fleming
Frank Herbert

There's also the odd cases of perspectives that would have been on the left part of the spectrum decades ago, but wouldn't fit there now. I recently read John Updike's Rabbit Redux, and although at the time it would have represented the views of a pro-LBJ Democrat, the viewpoint these days reads more like it's right wing.

>> No.14176761

Don Nicolás Gómez Dávila

>> No.14176765

>Trump Jr.

Both are Islamophobic, pro-Zionist globalists.
This is unironically a better list >>14164160, since Nietzsche and Adorno can really complement any political position (especially Nietzsche).

>> No.14176799
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I think your analysis isn't entirely wrong, although you're viewing Nietzsche from a very egalitarian perspective, which he most certainly was not.

I think Nietzsche was in many respects an iconoclastic individual, but he also had a deep respect and reverence for tradition and history. He certainly didn't embrace the neoliberal Judeo-Christian conception of the world and modernity and the inevitable atheism and nihilism it leads to. He certainly would advocate for one to blindly emulate the past or try to mimic the civilization and value of the Ancient Greeks, for instance, but at the same time he recognized modernity's lack of ideological nuance and it's inability to respect and integrate ancient knowledge in the contemporary western world.

>> No.14176821

*certainly wouldn't advocate for one. . .

>> No.14177199

Holy fuck are a lot of these reccomendations pure cringe. Anything on the right that's not a part of the classical liberal tradition is mostly garbage so I wont reccomend any of it. That being said here's an introductory reading list:

Reflections on the Revolution in France
Democracy in America
Fatal Conceit (honestly all of Hayek)
A Conflict of Visions (read more Sowell too)
Conservative Intellectual Movement in America (Nash)
History of Political Philosophy (Strauss)
Leftism from De Sade to Hitler
Anarchy State and Utopia
The Abolition of Man
Ideas Have Consequences

>> No.14177283

This is pretty good, but since it's mostly American conservatism, it can only go back to conserve the liberalism of the founders. Can never go wrong with Burke though.
OP, if you want European conservatism oppposed to the liberal state:
De Monarchia: Dante
Revolt of the Masses: Ortega y Gasset
The City of God: Augustine
Considerations on France: De Maistre

>> No.14177382

My one concession to continental conservatism was Leftism: From De Sade to Hitler. If you haven't heard of Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn I'd reccomend him.

>> No.14177389

Why cant you be a mexican fascist?

>> No.14177591

explain to someone who hasn't read it yet but wants to.

>> No.14177635


>> No.14178348

This is just theology

>> No.14178376
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Houston Stewart Chamberlain - Foundations of the 19th Century

All other answers are wrong

>> No.14178405

There is only Evola
There is only IMPERIUM