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14155223 No.14155223 [Reply] [Original]

Rec and Discuss, if you will.

>> No.14155263
File: 25 KB, 350x499, Hermetica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Corpus Hermeticum
- Anything in the Nag Hammadi Library
- Any Platonic/Neoplatonic texts (basically hermeticism)
- the Kybalion (only for hipster neo-occultists)

>> No.14155284

So what about the Emerald Tablets? What exactly are they?

>> No.14155306

Do you mean the "emerald tablet of Hermes" or the "emerald tablets of Thoth"? the former is legit but goodluck properly understanding it, the latter is just a meme book written by a neo occultist, even worse than the Kybalion

>> No.14155314

>the Kybalion

>> No.14155315

>>14155306 was meant to be a reply to >>14155284

>> No.14155321

It has some good themes/ideas in it but it isnt authorative and has no connection to Trismegistus himself. Most of it is Alister Crowley tier occult superstition

>> No.14155330

Could you explain when, where and who both of them came from? And the core differences that make one stupid and one good?

Very much appreciated as I'm nearly about to finish the Ancient Greeks just got to read Aristotle and then will move onto the Romans, Stoics, Neoplatonist's, Early Christian Theologian's and the likes. After that point I can finally read the Occult heavily and will probably start with Gnosticism, then Hermeticism, and the Arthurian legend mixed in with continually reading various Religious texts(wont start on Asia until quite a while), further reading philosophy and literature in general.

Ya think it's a good reading order? Currently reading the major books of the Ot to move to the Nt as well btw.

>> No.14155333

Any vital differences between it and actual Hermeticism. The characteristic spirit of it as well as any particular differences.

>> No.14155342

Mind you, given Crowley's folly, what wisdom could be found in his writings were of pure insights hard to distinctly see from bs
I wouldnt call that superstition but a certain fraction of it is relevant

>> No.14155354


Currently reading Hegel's phenomenology of the spirit. I have a neoppatonic and hermetic background and a lot of what he describes seems to echo some concepts described in the Enneads and Corpus Hermeticum. Hegel articulates it further and super-intellectualizes it but I'm starting to realize the Hegel is more of a scholarly mystic than a philosopher in the manner of Kant or Aristotle. I love it personally as someone who is well in tune with my spiritual facilities. Hegel says "spirituality is the soil of philosophy" and I complete agree. I dont think it makes sense to read Hegel if you aren't a mystic youeself, otherwise its just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Anyone else have a similar experience with Hegel? Mind you im not very well versed in philosophy, im a practicing Muslim so my relationship with God is already well established and I find it pretty easy to sybthesize Hegelian philosophy with my own mystical experiences and deen. Obviously there are nuances between everythint ive mentioned but overall there are enough similarities to mostly synthesize the information.

>> No.14155372
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>> No.14155422

You’re probably starting to realize how autistic you are

>> No.14155424
File: 268 KB, 770x599, Emerald Tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes is a very short written text, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus that claims to be the recipe for creating a philosophers stone (although people will debate weather Hermes himself actually wrote it), it is effectively the foundation of Alchemy, I can copy a version of it here:

(It is true without lie, it is certain in the truest!
That which is below is equal to that which is above. And what is above is equal to what is
below to realize the miracle of the unique thing.
As all things are created by the One and His plan, so are all things originating from the
One, by adaptation.
Its father is the sun, its mother is the moon.
The wind has born it in its belly.
Its nurturer is the earth.
It is the father of all perfection of all the world and all its virtue is perfect.
When it is changed into earth, all its power is gathered together.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, step by step and with great
It rises to heaven from the earth and down again to the earth and thereby receives the
power of the upper and the lower.
Thus you gain the glory of all the world. Above, all ignorance will leave you. The unique
is of all the strengths the strongest strength. It defeats all subtle things and permeates all
In this way, the cosmic was created.
This is from whence stem all the magnificent emulations, the way of which is described
This is why I am called the trice-great Hermes because I possess the three parts of the
wisdom of all the world.
What I have said of the workings of the sun is complete and perfect. )

Taken from:
The "Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean" is much longer and can be read here:

The Emerald Tablets were "discovered" by M. Doreal (founder of the occult group 'Brotherhood of the white temple') who claims he found them in a Jungle in Tibet and that they are 36,000 years old, he also claims he is the reincarnation of Hermes's teacher/mentor, generally they represent a very forced and exaggerated version of "Hermeticism" but you should read them for yourself to understand.

The Kybalion is probably still worth reading, its fairly short, but the Corpus Hermetica is definitely the the Core Text of Hermeticism, along with that first emerald tablet of Hermes

>> No.14155450

>he found them in a Jungle in Tibet and that they are 36,000 years old
That’s Mormonism tier. Let me guess. He also “lost” the original so that no scientist can carbon date it, and no linguist can study it in the original language (which would be invaluable).

Whatever I guess. The Torah, the Quran and so many “legit” sacred texts were also similarly faked.

>> No.14155469

What is the problem with the Kybalion? I've seen anons complaining about it.

>> No.14155478

yeah thats my point, the Emerald tablets of Thoth are a meme and not really worth reading.

I definetely think the Original versions of the Torah/Gospel/Quran were legit, but it is very unlikely the versions we have are the real ones.
Even the original Quran - written down by Ali (Muhummads rightful successor) was rejected and destroyed by the first caliph

Its not really THAT bad, but its not as good as the Corpus Hermetica.

>> No.14155479

Cheers anon, you've really helped, I think I now have a total basis for which to begin reading the Hermetic works after the Roman period.

>> No.14155485

It’s modern occultism trying to pass itself as “le ancient hermetic wisdom”. I’m not against modern occultism, only the fundamental dishonesty of counterfeiting a book by “three initiates”. At least the chaos magicians say that their ideas are new and their own.

>> No.14155494


Lol i guess so

>> No.14155503


Ah well this makes sense! I would also say there is a taoist elements when he talks about changing fixed thoughts into Notions and recognizing them as moments of the whole. I find that very similar to the idea of acting without thinking or being with the harmony of the Tao.

>> No.14155524


I agree with this, though im not him, I read Kybalion a couple years ago and the information is relevant but unnecessary to posture as ancient and esotetic. The 7 principles are valuable and I like the similie of thinking of God as an author and we as a character, so as to not say "I am literally the author but something of the author is in me". That's all that really stood out to me. Ill have the read the Hermes Tablet though, ive only read he CH and really just got 3/4 through before putting it down. Its great though, i need to revisit it.

>> No.14155585

Yeah I agree with your sentiment here >>14155354

Reading Hegel after knowing the occult is like being in on a very complex inside joke. Specially when you think of modern academics (specially marxist materialists) trying to figure out what he meant and how to interpret some blatant occult terms in a rationalistic way. Layers of meaning. Layers of humor.

>> No.14155592
File: 25 KB, 317x475, 43723477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is excellent. Also this:


>> No.14155604
File: 173 KB, 640x640, tworphic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thank you for the reccs
Also, I am finding a nice and harmonious relation between Hermetism and theories about us living in a hologram, this reply is would also be in line with this >>14155503
Any thoughts or books you've come across that touch upon this aspect maybe?

>> No.14155620

desu, the Hindu Upanishads/bhagavad gita/Buddhism/Hermeticism/Gnosticism all share the core beliefs that the world is an illusion (maya) and that the goal of life is to escape from the cycle of reincarnation (the Samsara)

Pythagoras also held a very similar belief to this, and his followers believed he was a prophet from God

>> No.14155653
File: 25 KB, 500x500, hseal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats great news! I am finding great comfort in the notion that if we share a common "source" or "God" or "dreamer" and everything spings from the same source, in a simulation we all have purpose, even if its no more simple or complex then simply existing.

>> No.14155663
File: 127 KB, 500x608, VALIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14155741


Yeah i found humor in the same thing actually. And of course I dont think I comprehend the entirety of it but I think the reason people think its so complex is because they havent experienced even semblances of what he describes. As mystics it is easier for us to process the idea of being in harmony with the object, rather that studying it rationally, it's hardly different from an eastener saying "be one with everything" or even "be one with a tree". I really think you need a decently strong intuitively facility in order to more easily process Hegel, but being as most people just read it as philosophy, specifically as a unique jump from Kant, rather than a simple elaboration of ancient metaphysical concepts, its understood as more enigmatic than it acrually is. I love Hegel and find the work valuable, but he is more or less just transcribing ancient wisdom for people who dont believe in spirituality until its intellectually explained.


Not only that, but even when Lao Tzu something to the effect of "when you name something, it loses its beauty" seems to echo the idea that we can not know a thing in-itself but only as it is "in-itself-for-us". The naming of the thing transforms it, likewise does our perception of it. And I believe Plotinus' concept of "contemplation" is the means by which one comes to know Spirit, ot the essence of anything really. Not contemplation as how we contemplate a decision, but contemplation in the idea that "nature is a contemplation of a higher form", contemplation as a transcendent Focusing. As it's described also in the Kybalion. Thougts?

>> No.14155793 [DELETED] 

>even if its no more simple or complex then simply existing.
I dunno, I find that common philosophical renunciation of life into a singular broad point always to be self destructing. It ignores the fact that this will, meaning to life, idea, or whatever it is to be self contemplating and so cannot be separated from its own representation and so its hierarchical manifestation cannot be done without.

That is to say in your specific notion, accepting that life is its own meaning ignores the necessary embodiment of that which can only be the temporal(as we are temporal beings) specification of meaning, and generally also. I find the broadly true conceptive experience of faith to be the only saving grace of this whole entanglement.

So don't criticise men or great philosophers when they try to find meaning, as that is its only embodiment. This naturally still allows for the idea of non-meaning, and the truer understanding of the artificiality of modernity as a whole of man becoming disjointed from his own being as to not lower the value of that struggle, yet also to not either state life as the absurd(the meaningful Psyche or Soul, in contact with the meaningful 'outer' inanimate). To accept life, and that is too see it as it is, does not mean to reject its core faculty's namely in this case process.

>> No.14155794

Thats definitely true, I do see those concepts as well in pretty much every religion, but with some religions its harder to find the "inner" (esoteric) tradition beneath all the orthodoxy
Sufism within Islam is a good example

I think that platonism/neoplatonism gives the most accurate description of esotericism & the metaphysical world (& the things in themselves) , but Neoplatonism can be tricky to understand, like alot of other Gnostic texts in the nag hammadi library

I'm also the Perennialist Gnostic poster from this thread

>> No.14155804 [DELETED] 
File: 960 KB, 720x1280, 1567993785734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if its no more simple or complex then simply existing.
I dunno, I find that common philosophical renunciation of life into a singular broad point always to be self destructing. It ignores the fact that this will, meaning to life, idea, or whatever it is to be self contemplating and so cannot be separated from its own representation and so its hierarchical manifestation cannot be done without.

That is to say in your specific notion, accepting that life is its own meaning ignores the necessary embodiment of that which can only be the temporal(as we are temporal beings) specification of meaning, and generally also. I find the broadly true conceptive experience of faith to be the only saving grace of this whole entanglement.

So don't criticise men or great philosophers when they try to find meaning, as that is its only embodiment. This naturally still allows for the idea of non-meaning, and the truer understanding of the artificiality of modernity as a whole of man becoming disjointed from his own being as to not lower the value of that struggle, yet also to not either state life as the absurd(the meaningful Psyche or Soul, in contact with the meaningful 'outer' inanimate). To accept life, and that is too see it as it is, does not mean to reject its core faculty's namely in this case process; but everything else also, being and not-being, suffering and joy.

>> No.14155809 [DELETED] 

Or more so
>*the value of its hierarchical manifestations cannot be done without

>> No.14155824
File: 960 KB, 720x1280, 1567993785734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if its no more simple or complex then simply existing.
I dunno, I find that common philosophical renunciation of life into a singular broad point always to be self destructing. It ignores the fact that this will, meaning to life, idea, or whatever it is to be self contemplating and so cannot be separated from its own representation and so its hierarchical manifestation cannot be done without.

That is to say in your specific notion, accepting that life is its own meaning ignores the necessary embodiment of that which can only be the temporal(as we are temporal beings) specification of meaning, and generally also. I find the broadly true conceptive experience of faith to be the only saving grace of this whole entanglement.

So don't criticise men or great philosophers when they try to find meaning, as that is its only embodiment. This naturally still allows for the idea of non-meaning, and the truer understanding of the artificiality of modernity as a whole of man becoming disjointed from his own being as to not lower the value of that struggle, yet also to not either state life as the absurd(the meaningful Psyche or Soul, in contact with the meaningless 'outer' inanimate). To accept life, and that is too see it as it is, does not mean to reject its core faculty's namely in this case process; but everything else also, being and not-being, suffering and joy.

>> No.14155825


It does get tricky but its pretty manageable, i dont really go to deep into esoterics anymore. I used to be a big occultist before I converted to Sunni Islam, and I find that the practices of Islam are the easiest means of mental transumation for me personally. The most undervalued fruit of Islam by thiw board is the Salah (praying 5 times a day). Many of the philosopher types and mystics on this board seem to hardly consider how instrumental frequent prayer is to understanding our relationship with the One. It gives you a leg up on everything because it allows you to actually experience the Absolute rather than simply philosophize about it. I have to give the Nag Hammadi library another look though. What do your rituals / practices look like?

>> No.14155833
File: 71 KB, 400x400, hseal3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very much inline with the thoughts that been visiting me lately. "when you name something, it loses its beauty" reminds me of "the wonder of magic dissipates in the presence of understanding" meaning if you know the keys you can see behind everything a clear and understandable motive
also the naming of things rather then contemplating the space you share with the thing meaning "the things essence is the thing itself" meaning "the meta is the thing in-itself" overly simplified "things are the way they are because they are the way they are"
it sounds to me like acceptance on a grander scale, though everything is predetermined we still have control over our course in the simulation
contemplation as a transcendent focusing very much strikes me as a synonym for alchemy

>> No.14155845


Certainly. Hegel of course elaborates on all of this at length, albeit at higher complexities. But learning this sort of focus is the tricky part, but with extensive meditation I think we can come to it. Ive approached it before but not totally .

>> No.14155858
File: 110 KB, 900x900, hseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See fren,"the purpose of life is life itself" doesn't take away from any expeditions into alternate reasoning for existence, quite oppositely it encourages All existence on Earth simulation the run out the program, since probably "God only knows" more yet maybe "the Dreamer doesn't even know" what the "savior" will constitute of, or even how many living things will constitute the "savior". everything is up for grabs and you do as you will, accepting that there really is no "one good side" is probably the first step

>> No.14155862

I have considered converting to Islam but it is a huge lifestyle change Im not really ready for, The main reason I would convert would probably be to join a Sufi order.

I also dont like all the sects within Islam, I definitely believe that Muhummad appointed Ali to be his successor, and like how Shia Muslims put an emphasis on the esoteric traditions, but I dont know where the twelver shias got the idea that the imams are infalliable, because the Zaidis (fivers) dont believe that. And the other sects of Shiism have used "esoteric interpretation" to twist their religion so much that it dosent even resemble islam anymore (Ismailis are a good example, who worship the Aga Khan)

It's probably better just to call yourself a plain "Muslim" and not be associated with sects at all

>> No.14155875
File: 26 KB, 400x400, Abracadabra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"savior" as in the thing that will end the dream and probably begin the new

>> No.14155888

>See fren,"the purpose of life is life itself" doesn't take away from any expeditions into alternate reasoning for existence,
But that's the problem, it's only an expedition rather than it in itself. As I said, you cannot separate the representation from the substance. I'll put it in Hegelian terms; you cannot separate the Subject from Object for the conscious being, as well as the Consciousness on a whole. It's elaboration is nothing short of "it", naturally you see the difference between Hegel and myself but perhaps it may of made it more understandable.

My only fear is that this entire statement falls under this proofing, intuitively I know it to be true however.

>> No.14155899

I would say that is perhaps too basic a way of putting it but sure.

>> No.14155909

Or more so
>*the value of its hierarchical manifestations cannot be done without

>> No.14155919

language is a barrier unfortunately, but we are talking about the same thing. existence is itself the expedition and is itself the thing it contemplates, and that is existence. what you are saying is true and for me is found in what I said earlier

>> No.14155962

If our existence is the dream of the Dreamer, the dream itself is the expedition and all ways of searching and experiencing the dream is valid and infact a necessity for a successful simulation and would be the purpose of the simulation (the dream) itself, would it not?

>> No.14156008

Yes I can understand that, but how we put words is still quite important. As you still put the word life as something separate from its expeditions in your use of language. But again, I agree with you.

The aesthetic image with which life reaches would be made pointless if it were just life already, but also would deconstruct itself if it were purely something singular in its own existence.

But your entire statement negates the idea of reality itself, not to mention neglects to explain the purpose of its own simulation. Stating/comparing an existence with which we know really nothing about its exterior fashion, origin, or purpose of origin to a dream which is something of the entirely temporal and particular is silly. I sort of lost what I was thinking here.

However I also think it is wrong to say all ways of experiencing the dream to be wrong for there most definitely exists the structure of self propagation and development, one is of course the ethical. Unless this statement was just a vague attempt at stating yourself to be a perennialist I can only conclude it to be immoral.

Still your entire point ignores the complex beauty of what you call simulation and also seems to think I had not considered both the actual and potential as existent.

>> No.14156043

Reality is the dream we live in. The dreams purpose is the dream itself and is different from the Existence of the Dreamer. Also, who dreams the Dreamer?
"However I also think it is wrong to say all ways of experiencing the dream to be wrong for there most definitely exists the structure of self propagation and development" I said quite the opposite infact, also if you put it on an "ethical" and "moral" ground you are shutting of a great deal of what is actually being said and meant here.
"Still your entire point ignores the complex beauty of what you call simulation and also seems to think I had not considered both the actual and potential as existent." again quite the opposite, it in fact embodies it. Sorry if my composition is hard to follow, we would be having the same problems if we'd share a native tongue.

>> No.14156063
File: 2.45 MB, 500x373, 1569945066366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We are like the Dreamer who dreams, then lives inside the dream.
But who is the Dreamer?"

do you guys like Twin Peaks?

>> No.14156066

Can someone explain Hermeticism to me, every person I ask just gives me a long winded response that sounds like psychobabble. I want to learn about it, the drawings are pretty cool

>> No.14156078

Meditations on the Tarot by Valentim Tomberg or something like that. Specially If you're interested in Christian hermetism.

>> No.14156112

most definitely and I agree with Lynch method, myself I'm coming from Borges - The Circular Ruins

>> No.14156127

>Reality is the dream we live in. The dreams purpose is the dream itself and is different from the Existence of the Dreamer.
I agree, however the individual dreamer is still a production of the dream and so its process must be considered the end point of the dream, for the dreamer (but also ultimately, you'll have to get used to it seeming as if it were a paradox but is not). Ohhh you mean the dreamer as in the creator of *the* dream, well I find that to be silly. Are you telling me the dream does not exist for the dreamer as it does for us? Or does it exist in total self rejecting compassion for ourselves(of course factoring in the idea of Hegel's one, and our presentation within the dream being the presence of ourselves also in/as the one)? And if the latter is so than why call it a dream as the term existence does it better credit. Still if you mean in regards to our own experience of the dream than it is still a simplification of its highest aesthetic revelations.

>Also, who dreams the Dreamer?
Isn't that somewhat of a stupid answer anon?
You realise you are talking of God?

>I said quite the opposite infact, also if you put it on an "ethical" and "moral" ground you are shutting of a great deal of what is actually being said and meant here.
I considered that, which is why I asked if you meant it perennially. However the statement in its total meaning must be looked at through a moral and ethical lens, anything that is not indifferent must be done so, and this is most certainly not indifferent. However please explain how I am wrong if I am so rather than just telling me I am wrong as it would clarify what you would mean far greater.

>again quite the opposite, it in fact embodies it. Sorry if my composition is hard to follow, we would be having the same problems if we'd share a native tongue.
All good anon.

>> No.14156133

>"We are like the Dreamer who dreams, then lives inside the dream.
>But who is the Dreamer?"
Essentially Hegel.

>do you guys like Twin Peaks?
Never seen it but I would like to, same with Lynch in general. Thinking of starting with Eraserhead, good choice?

>> No.14156194
File: 269 KB, 892x814, TWIN PEAKS - Survival Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking of starting with Eraserhead, good choice?
It's not among the most accessible, but I say it's as good an entry point as any, really. Anyway, if you don't like it, that doesn't mean you won't like other work of his. Personally, I love some of his films very, very much and don't care for others, including some of his most popular ones.

The quote is spoken in Twin Peaks S3, also known as The Return, which came over quarter of a century after the old show and is a radically different piece of work. You should definitely watch the old series first, though, which isn't a bad entry point to Lynch as it happens. It may be getting less accessible as time goes on, since it's made in the image of a 90s soap opera, though it does transcend that. The film, Fire Walk With Me, is also highly recommended, you should watch it between the old series and the new.
pic related may prove useful when you start watching TP

>> No.14156211

>Ohhh you mean the dreamer as in the creator of *the* dream, well I find that to be silly. Are you telling me the dream does not exist for the dreamer as it does for us?
We are the Dreamer as you are every person you meet in your own dream, the dream is the Dream, and the Dream is our existence. the Dreamer exists within the Dream as without it in the Dreamers own Existence. Our existence is the Dream.

>Isn't that somewhat of a stupid answer anon?
You realise you are talking of God?
Yes I realise, however I think you bring God into the conversation with too many things implied.
We are not talking religion, but I'm sure you are aware of that, friend.

>However please explain how I am wrong if I am so rather than just telling me I am wrong as it would clarify what you would mean far greater.
I am not saying you're wrong friend, and this in my eyes this is also not an argument we are having, and I feel very good about this convo. What I am trying to say is something like this: right and wrong might not align with moral and ethical rights and wrongs. In fact maybe God, Dreamer, Big Anon call it what we might cant differentiate between them, but in the meanwhile keeping in accordance with your experiences and good judgement. I am well aware that we have universally held notions of good and bad moral/ethics, but getting stuck on them would halt the conversation/dream, meaning it's important sure, but not to the point of getting lost in them. That would be religious in some sense I think and would go against the purpose of Hermeticism as a whole. Again, detached from religious ornaments.

>> No.14156213

>pic related may prove useful when you start watching TP
I don't get it, I get that it's a mystery masterpiece full of symbols and the likes and has some mystery's left open but why exactly is there so much confusion?

>> No.14156222

>since it's made in the image of a 90s soap opera
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It Is a soap opera." DL

>> No.14156237

It's just a visualized warning that the show becomes shit at one point, and an explanation as to why, that's all.
You may find it unwatchable at the point it gets red in the chart, and that's fine. It's worth it for the finale of Season 2.

I know, I didn't mean to imply it was ironic.

>> No.14156247
File: 114 KB, 1201x880, 1569297917097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14156248

>I get that it's a mystery masterpiece full of symbols and the likes
this applies more to the new series, don't expect that much symbolism or whatever or you may be disappointed. for the most part, the old Twin Peaks is a quirky soap opera with an ominous undercurrent.

>> No.14156302

How is it so far? I'm receiving my copy today too.

>> No.14156322
File: 417 KB, 1369x1897, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the Dreamer as you are every person you meet in your own dream, the dream is the Dream, and the Dream is our existence. the Dreamer exists within the Dream as without it in the Dreamers own Existence. Our existence is the Dream.
Okay so Hegel.

>Yes I realise, however I think you bring God into the conversation with too many things implied.
>We are not talking religion, but I'm sure you are aware of that, friend.
Of course but we must factor in God since we are essentially talking about God. You cannot ignore the question of the moral when talking about the ultimate justification of it either.

>I am not saying you're wrong friend, and this in my eyes this is also not an argument we are having, and I feel very good about this convo.
Yes I am enjoying it too.

>What I am trying to say is something like this: right and wrong might not align with moral and ethical rights and wrongs. In fact maybe God, Dreamer, Big Anon call it what we might cant differentiate between them, but in the meanwhile keeping in accordance with your experiences and good judgement. I am well aware that we have universally held notions of good and bad moral/ethics, but getting stuck on them would halt the conversation/dream, meaning it's important sure, but not to the point of getting lost in them. That would be religious in some sense I think and would go against the purpose of Hermeticism as a whole. Again, detached from religious ornaments.
But that is acting under the presupposition that morality is only of a purely religious nature in contrast to philosophy where in actually the lines blurr greatly. There is no doubt a "metaphysics" to Religion in itself, and there is also no doubt a religiosity to Metaphysics in itself. Neither can be departed from the other as if self existent. However in regards to Hermeticism it is itself a continuation of religiosity, its own unique spirit of course but none the less of that character. I do think I understand what you mean though as in the literal dogma.

I think you would very much like Wagner's essay Religion and Art, it is the first of his "Regeneration Writings" in which he talks on the degradation of the Aryan race and the necessary saving of it. However of course branching off into many other topics specifically the main topic of this essay being Arts reciprocative relationship with Religion, and may help you to understand Religion as its own aesthetic Spirit much better. Even his particular comments on the various arts is very interesting as well however, after all Wagner is the peak of all music and by possible extension the entirety of art itself. Even his most unrealistic ideas remain effectually true in their statement.

Religion and Art: http://users.belgacom.net/wagnerlibrary/prose/wlpr0126.htm#d0e1276

>> No.14156327

>It's just a visualized warning that the show becomes shit at one point, and an explanation as to why, that's all.
>You may find it unwatchable at the point it gets red in the chart, and that's fine. It's worth it for the finale of Season 2.
Aight, will watch anyway.

>I know, I didn't mean to imply it was ironic.
So about this, why is that?

>> No.14156348
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Wagner with hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of Wagner's music, just remember the idea of it all was to be Gesamtkunstwerk, so that is why I am predominantly showing you preludes and the likes but it's always good to keep in mind when listening to Wagner.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfcEfYN6PjU (don't bother unless you're either a complete Wagnerian or speak German)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz4WAyUw_9I (best if understood in German but not necessary)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB8RcpkFSRY (knowing the libretto shews its true structure however its aesthetic revelation shines through any language and so is advised to read along - is short - but not necessary: http://www.murashev.com/opera/Die_M








>> No.14156393

>Of course but we must factor in God
I agree, but without the stereotypical ornaments of any religion, "GOD" in-itself

>But that is acting under the presupposition that morality is only of a purely religious nature in contrast to philosophy
this again might have been bad wording, we are in agreement here.

Seems then me and Hegel also might be in agreement, what would you recommend from him, that you enjoyed or got you thinking? Yes Wagner was a true force of nature (the Dream haha) Thank you for the recc and link sounds intriguing, will read up on it tonight!

So what I'm seeing is, that apart from bad wording or minor misunderstandings we view the world in a similar fashion, maybe from different angles but thats not at all a problem.

>> No.14156406

Get a room fags

>> No.14156415

I wondered when and NPC will find this thread.

>> No.14156493

>I agree, but without the stereotypical ornaments of any religion, "GOD" in-itself
I didn't think I was doing that but I understand, not holding to any preconception of a God(for this conversation) such as being all Good.

>Seems then me and Hegel also might be in agreement, what would you recommend from him, that you enjoyed or got you thinking?
Obviously just his main works so Phenomenology of the Spirit, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, lectures, all that. Though it's important to have an understanding of German Idealism on a whole so Kant, Fichte, Holderlin, Schelling, and that paper which we aren't sure who wrote between a few different German Idealist like Schelling, Holderlin or Hegel. And Hegel was influenced by Böhme as well so make sure to read him as well. After reading all of these men or at least just their essential works you should also have a good reading/understanding of Western philosophical canon in general. Since you've already read a lot of Occult no one other than Böhme is necessary to advise here.

>Yes Wagner was a true force of nature (the Dream haha) Thank you for the recc and link sounds intriguing, will read up on it tonight!
Welcome anon, he was an absolute genius.

>So what I'm seeing is, that apart from bad wording or minor misunderstandings we view the world in a similar fashion, maybe from different angles but thats not at all a problem.
Yes I would agree totally, I may place some more emphasis on the particular or religious but really it's the same belief, I think it's more just our own idea of these things which made it seem like there were a discordance.

kys smoothbrain.

>> No.14156532

>muh Hermeticism
>muh safe space to discuss magic

>> No.14156548
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>> No.14156579

Nice bait faggot.

>> No.14156660

>Obviously just his main works so...
Thank you again, friend

>> No.14156663

Anytime m8.

>> No.14157067

Made this recommendation list a while back. Perhaps you will enjoy, OP.

Corpus Hermetica -- Copenhaver
Hermetica II -- Litwa
The Egyptian Hermes -- Fowden
The Eternal Hermes -- Faivre
>Neoplatonism and Ancient Greek Religion:
The Shape of Ancient Thought -- McEvilley
Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic -- Kingsley
The First Philosophers -- Waterfield
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library -- Guthrie
Complete Works -- Plato
Complete Works -- Aristotle
Enneads -- Plotinus
Elements of Theology -- Proclus
De mysteriis -- Iamblichus
Commentary on the Dream of Scipio -- Macrobius
Chaldean Oracles - Majercik
The Orphic Hymns -- Athanassakis
Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns -- Hine
Theurgy and the Soul -- Shaw
Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity -- Uzdavinys
Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth -- Uzdavinys
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism -- Uzdavinys
>Occult Philosophy:
Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed -- Hanegraaf
Three Books of Occult Philosophy -- Agrippa
Cause, Principle, and Unity: and Essays on Magic -- Bruno
Transcendental Magic: Doctrine and Ritual -- Levi
Introduction(s) to Magic -- Evola
Occult Traditions -- Cheak
Seven Sermons to the Dead -- Jung
The Gnostic Bible
The Bible
The Gnostic World
Inner Space -- Kaplan
Jewish Meditation -- Kaplan
Meditation and Kabbalah -- Kaplan
Sefer Yetzirah
Etz Chayim
Platonic Theology -- Ficino
Oration on the Dignity of Man -- Mirandola
>Angel Magic:
Five Books of Magic -- John Dee
>Grimoire tradition:
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian(/Solomonic) Magic -- Skinner
Encyclopedia Goetica -- Stratton-Kent
Greek Magical Papyri -- Betz
Alchemy and Mysticism -- Taschen
Psychology and Alchemy -- Jung
Alchemy -- von Franz
The Hermetic Tradition -- Evola
The Forge and the Crucible -- Eliade
Alchemical Traditions -- Cheak
Mysteries of the Cathedrals -- Fulcanelli
Dwellings of the Philosophers -- Fulcanelli
Tetrabiblos -- Ptolemy
Way of the Tarot -- Jodorowski
Meditations on the Tarot -- Tomberg
The Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus
>Boehmeian Theosophy:
Aurora -- Boehme
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment -- Yates
Rosicrucian Trilogy -- Godwin
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry -- Pike
The Secret School of Wisdom -- Wages
Heaven and Hell -- Swedenborg
>Blavatskian Theosophy:
Isis Unveiled -- Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine -- Blavatsky
The Mystic Qabalah -- Fortune
>Golden Dawn:
The Golden Dawn -- Regardie
Magick: Book 4, Liber ABA -- Crowley
The Magickal Revival -- Grant
The Nightside of Eden -- Grant
The Crisis of the Modern World -- Guenon
The Reign of Quantity and Sign of Times -- Guenon
>New "Thought":
Kybalion -- "Three Initiates"
"Initiation Into Hermetics" -- Bardon
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy -- Eliade

>> No.14157076

Thank you anon, very useful. I don't care if this response means nothing, I just want you to know you've helped someone.

>> No.14157109

I found Tom Campbell's "My Big Toe" the most rational and science aspect of the logogram theory.
Its a long book but he writes so humble and calmly that you cannot doubt the guy.

>> No.14157143

You're welcome. I have been a students of such subjects for many years. Always glad to help out other seekers. These are some of my favorites, what I'd consider essentials, of the field. Good mix of primary and secondary sources. Old and new theories alike. Keep up the great work! (sorry, bad alchemy joke)

>> No.14157209
File: 9 KB, 200x155, Pepe wondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep up the great work! (sorry, bad alchemy joke)
I don't get it.

>> No.14157244

Great work = magnum opus = creation of philosopher's stone

>> No.14157265

Haha I see now, have you yourself ever experienced something you could say relates to the great work?

>> No.14157273
File: 119 KB, 600x480, heghoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm. good to see guys around.

>> No.14157282

>good to see guys around.
What are you gay?

>> No.14157283
File: 39 KB, 904x205, C2Vp3tUWQAAkFh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that portable tomb treating you my fellow Hermeticists?

>> No.14157292
File: 538 KB, 1000x1463, 91V90CnlNlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still beating myself up for not picking this up when it was 90$. You're looking at a couple of hundred now.

>> No.14157329

le fun bunch aint it?

>> No.14157345

I have had some intense experiences as a result of my spiritual exercises and disciplines. As a philosopher, I try to remain skeptical and non-dogmatic but it is nevertheless uncanny how these weird experiences and events seem somehow universal in form and archetypes despite differences of time and place -- i.e., me being a child of postmodernism and a bastard american mutt...

Hanegraaff differentiates alchemical enlightenment from mystic enlightenment. I find the alchemical enlightenment more suited to my experiences.

This video (tho seemingly unrelated) nicely sums up the difference between the two (jung as alchemist, patanjali as mystic):


>> No.14157356

I'm not gay I just like fungis

>> No.14157394

It's a shame you can't find nice hardcover latin books anymore. Translations everywhere. Unless you view manuscripts at libraries.

Occult books are too expensive but often worth it despite. Get on the JD Holmes mailing list if you wanna feel real guilt about not snatching things up quick. Boi o boi.

"Of the writing (and reading) of many books there is no end..."

On the plus side, new editions of cheak's alchemical traditions can be preordered for fifty bucks from rubedo press so no longer does one have to spend hundreds. I felt bad about including it on the list for that reason.

>> No.14157408

good to see you gals around

>> No.14157437

Reading PoS led to my first enlightenment experience.
Is the tomb the cave or the light or separate from both?

>> No.14157509


What that your fetish or something?

>> No.14157548

i first read him when i was still noob in the occult, before i even started systemizing my practice. couple of years later rereading him made me realize i was parsing pieces of that first read as if i was being guided subconsciously as i was hoping from text to text. hes truly a refined ruseman.

>> No.14157550

Sex on psychedelics with someone you love is the best fetish.

>> No.14157557

Meant for: >>14157509

>> No.14157587

But why (is it a fetish) tho,

>> No.14157591

I got into occultism before philosophy. Philosophy helped me overcome my edgy chaote phase and enter into a theurgic sagehood.

Even pomo stuff can be applied esoterically if you are able to get past the language games. That's what I'm about now.

>> No.14157621

yes anything could be applied. its the foundation of intellect before all the splintering of logos schools and technical specialization.

>> No.14157797

Can any one help me remember a passage I think I read in my hermetic studies? While the overarching theme is clearly that the body is a prison, I seem to recall a passage that was about how man has dominion over lowerbeings and must treat them well as a god, and that we must also treat our body well as mind rules it and drag it up with us as it is made in the image of god. I could be getting it mixed up with something else.

>> No.14157977

Quite a bit on that. Better get looking. Post if you find it. Sounds lovely.

>> No.14158496

Any more obscure recommendations?

>> No.14158595
File: 31 KB, 512x384, 9523081A-8344-4840-85E5-F22AC06CD8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sure!

If you like Thelema and Typhonia then check out zos kia cultus and cultus sabbati (i.e., AOS and Chumbley). Ethos has nice copies of AOS's art and writings tho strangely shaped. Zos Speaks! is also awesome and not so crazy for Grant. For Chumbley, Opuscula Magica are all well-done and scholarly so might be a good start. Azoetia is incredible. DBOE is beyond my ken, but if I had three srs occult friends could be an interesting project. I like his concept of dual-faith. Makes sense for me coming from a tradcat background. I take communion during high holiday with family and sacrifice to cthonic forces on my own. Chaos Protocols has similar ideas and is good inspiration methinks despite being chaos magick. Phil Hine just came out with a new volume now which looks super good. He has evolved beyond such as well.

Daimonic Reality and Trickster and the Paranormal are poorly written alas but among the better magical metaphysics. I also think religious studies is important. Read Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Durkheim, Eliade, Mauss, Bataille, Fraser, James, Levi-Strauss, Levy-Bruhl, Berger, Taves, etc. The theory is behind the ken of the practice but I find it fascinating regardless. I like to ponder how I could contribute to such conversation.

Lacan is pretty esoteric. There's a book on Lacan and esotericism coming out. Steven M. Rosen is pretty next level for a Jungian too.


Good question!

>> No.14158657

I never understood why he was popular in the slightest, could you explain?

>> No.14158889

Lacan has an interesting take on Freud. Jung is where I started with psychology. Lacan took me back to Freud and then beyond Jung. Not to mention, hidden interfaces between Lacan and D&G can be quite illustrative and informative toward a post-Jungianism. Essential for Badiou, Zizek, and Bataille. Has some interesting Hegelianisms. Man himself was a cult leader tho. But listen to him speak and read him write and you can see why. He has shit to say. He is both clinical and theoretical and moreover practical. Fink has some okay introductory books, Lacanian Subject and so on. Lacan to the Letter is good for Ecrits but kinda slim. Haven't read his clinical introductions. Zizek's How to Read Lacan is good for exploring the lectures. I am partial to a volume called Lacan: The Absolute Master by Borch-Jacobsen, some French antipsychiatrist, who aims to show how Lacan is bad and trad but really just made me realize how based he was. Also got me into Kojeve which was comfy.

>> No.14158956

I myself am currently a Jungian, could you explain the core differences? I remember reading his wiki page and finding it definitely interesting but in no way revolutionary in my eye of seemingly reaching a "point". Maybe it's just a bad wiki and it was a while ago so please explain as you have read him.

>> No.14159003

*or seemingly reaching a "point"

>> No.14159014

Here is a previous thread on this topic that I found very useful, particularly the series of replies starting from the specific one linked

>> No.14159168

Wow. Discourse here sucks.

>> No.14159272

despite that it's still the best non-specialised forum online

>> No.14159499

What's Better

>Christianity x Hinduism
>Gnosticism x Kabbalah
>Abos x Niggers
>Aryaninity x Theosophy
>Hierarchy x egalitarianism

This is just for fun btw, I understand in the case of the religions they contain their own unique un-measurable characterisque spirit.

>> No.14159515

Are there any good books on Australian aboriginal mythology and/or mysticism? I can't imagine it'd be as fruitful as the more prolific western traditions, but it seems interesting nonetheless

>> No.14159601

Yea it's interesting but as a kid I didn't give a fuck about it's mandatory learning, as I think it's quite normal for a kid to want to learn about his own culture first, Norse Mythology and all that. So I don't really know much off hand other than "da rainbow serpent" which created everything along with a great Eagle, again as I said it's interesting, but only really in regards to understanding primitive peoples, it never takes on its own "life" so to speak like the European and Eastern Religions.

From memory it's called the dreamtime or something like that, spirits live in the ground and all that stuff.

>The Dreaming is used to represent Aboriginal concepts of "time out of time" or "everywhen", during which the land was inhabited by ancestral figures, often of heroic proportions or with supernatural abilities. These figures were often distinct from "gods" as they did not control the material world and were not worshipped, but only revered.

Wikipedia jogged my memory, just remember there's often a habit to make very simple primitive (but still valuable) concepts seem overly philosophical by academia. As far as books go I can't think of any that didn't lay and prostrate themselves bare to aboriginal dick about their "profundity" but occasionally you find a good book that at least gets the message across. This seems like the best I could find: "The Speaking Land: Myth and Story in Aboriginal Australia".

In case you don't know Australians are constantly guilt tripped about da poor abos and deir magic rock and sheeit which we used to be allowed to climb regularly, we can't ever call it Ayers Rock anymore since "it's da whitemans term", oh sorry "Uluru-ooga booga dooga poopoo". Still at the same time the whiteman is constantly slandered in the media and there's no shortage of white cucks wishing to suck aboriginal dick and how fantastic the noise of banging sticks together is(we had "nadoc week" in school) no one actually gives that much of a shit about them and it doesn't really impact us that much. More just like a really fucking irritating mozzy that means well(which doesn't mean it doesn't sting in blaming you for its problems) always buzzing around you.

>> No.14159698

Tie. Both are shamanic

>> No.14159702

Read Kybalion

>> No.14159747

Don't really know much about either, but i'll go out on a limb and say Abos.
Theosophy, not to get confused with the Theosophical Society

>> No.14159793

Don’t care

>> No.14159916

Ruins everything else.

>> No.14160036

Now that I think about it it is either something that I read when looking into alchemy or something my mind synthesized while reflecting on a reading.

>> No.14160057

>Now that I think about it it is either something that I read when looking into alchemy or something my mind synthesized while reflecting on a reading.
Well that helps.

>> No.14160064

>Corpus Hermeticum
Forgive my ignorance, but this is the same work as The Divine Pymander?

>> No.14160087

Beautiful masterpiece

>> No.14160099

What's Meditations on the Tarot about?

>> No.14160114

Many different editions and translations. Copenhaver is best in English. Scott has dual language tho.

>> No.14160120

Spiritual transformation

>> No.14160126
File: 116 KB, 499x651, aurora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14160149

What a gay cover.

>> No.14160154

It's a series of essays on each of the major arcana. They are from a mostly Christian/Catholic perspective with thoughts from different strains of esotericism sprinkled in (mostly Hermeticism and alchemy). In my opinion, it's a masterpiece because of how applicable each essay is and because of its overall erudition.

>> No.14160157

is gornahoor legit?

>> No.14160181

Nobody has done a nice reprint of one of his English translations in a long time. You can still get some nice looking hardcovers, but all his recently made paperbacks are trash. His work is great regardless

>> No.14160187

Crowley is aiight but never listen to a Thelemite.

>> No.14160210

Looking now... Is Genius of the Transcendent a good selection of Boehme? Also what of the Swedenborg "sampler"?

>> No.14160236

>Genius of the Transcendent
I've heard good things about it, but I have not read it. Check out Mysterium Magnum for a good intro to his work. That or Aurora

>> No.14160246

what is boehme about
will he change my perspective on anything
t. materialist reductionist

>> No.14160247

>Nobody has done a nice reprint of one of his English translations in a long time. You can still get some nice looking hardcovers, but all his recently made paperbacks are trash.
I remember seeing a paperback Aurora which looked as if it were from the 70s, that unique style with the white creamy background usually having the rectangle image in the centre. I think you know what I mean. Anyway I remember seeing one of those which looked quite aesthetic so surely it isn't too difficult.

>His work is great regardless
Very true.

>> No.14160250

>topology theory

>> No.14160258

>you can't control me Daad!

>> No.14160261

I would love to have a small book press and make super aesthetic copies of old esoteric works in their original language since most should be in the public domain... /dreams

>> No.14160407

He's a Christian mystic and considered by many to be the first German philosopher. His views are a bit unorthodox. For instance, he viewed the Fall as not only being unavoidable but necessary. Man cannot exist without evil and God cannot create something other than Himself without creating evil, etc. I don't think you will benefit from him much if you are a materialist, but maybe you will find some challenging insights. His views on the body vs. the mind and the Spirit vs. the mind are very interesting (ie. the mind can comprehend the body, but the body cannot comprehend the mind. Therefore, submit the body to the mind. Likewise, the Spirit can comprehend the mind, but the mind cannot comprehend the Spirit, etc.).

>> No.14160680
File: 14 KB, 333x499, The Crisis of the Modern World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why only dream anon? Print it out onto some high quality paper and then make an aesthetic cover like pic related. Haven't read Guenon btw anon I just thought it was a good example.

>> No.14161280


>> No.14161379

There's a strong magick revival on Brazil right now. There is a group making several translations of esoteric lit with cool covers through crowdfunding.
On monday they opened a crowdfunding for Crowley's Liber ABA. They reached the expected value (100k BRL) yesterday.
Pretty cool

>> No.14161419
File: 70 KB, 544x527, Penroses-three-worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Orphic Poems (west)
Hymns, Prayers, and Songs: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry
Early Greek Philosophy
Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism, then his "The Golden Chain" (and why not then real all books by Algis, he's a goldmine).
Plato (Phaedo, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Republic, Timaeus—concerning the divine)
Corpus Hermeticum (with the discovered nongnostic text from Nag Hammadi)
The Dream of Scipio
Wisdom of Solomon/Book of Wisdom
Porphyry - On the Cave of the Nymphs
Iamblichus - The Mysteries (then the rest of Iamblichus)
Thomas Taylor - Collected Writings on the Gods and the World
The Greek Magical Papyrus
A book called "The Song of Proclus"
Corpus Areopagiticum

>> No.14161443

Pretty much all ancient Greek texts have been published in Greek, especially in Greece herself since they can basically read koine.

>> No.14162601


>> No.14163336

>Ctrl-F Manly P Hall
>Ctrl-F secret teachings of all ages

0 results

>> No.14163560

Outdated, cursory, pseud-ish, and crypto-masonic. No thanks.

>> No.14163719

Yoooooo is that the deathgrips logo?

>> No.14163728
File: 3.06 MB, 900x4100, 1407847284761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the cycle of greenpilling once again comes to pass.

For mem it's the pseud Robert Anton Wilson.

>> No.14163823

It's a neat read.
>Seeing what schizo's in the 1930's would read

>> No.14163963

Man I wish I could read.

>> No.14165010

Nothing wrong with Freemasonry.

Also how the hell is it outdated?

>> No.14165120

I’m new to occultism and am interested in Chumbley. I don’t plan on reading his books anytime soon since they sound very dense, but I was wondering if you consider him an important figure of contemporary hermeticism/Gnosticism/occultism?

>> No.14165157

>Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
>dude look at all these bankers who funded the commies, it can't be a conspiracy
>later on the book, very last chapter
>yeah jews were 2% of the population in Russia and the US but still were almost 1/4 of commie high ranks BUT this is a hoax bros don't fall for nazi lies

>> No.14165161

Nazism is a Jewish ploy

>> No.14165697

Damn Nazis created Israel.
He'a more shamanic / witch cult but draws on a lot of sources like kabbalah and sufism and tantra.

If you want modern hermeticism then check out david chaim smith: (vid related)


>> No.14165703

True. I am a modern avatar of high weirdness (good book) and even spent some time on the raw greenpill
Perenniaism is passe in academia, boomer

>> No.14165725

Based. Have you read prolegomena to greek religion?

>> No.14165727

yes but it went rogue. couldve joined in stalin too but he caved.

>> No.14165738

>Perenniaism is passe in academia, boomer
LOL, who gives a fuck about what unilinear academicians have to say anyway?

>> No.14165740

I lack a printer. My school uses cheap paper. Binding would be interesting. I have thought about binding some of my older books in the past. Suppose I could take it to a bookbinder... Good ideas.
Word. According to some we are in a third great awakening but this time more new age.

>> No.14165745

Perennialism is so boring. And leads to navel gazing. Missing the trees for the forest.

>> No.14165774

>I lack a printer. My school uses cheap paper. Binding would be interesting. I have thought about binding some of my older books in the past. Suppose I could take it to a bookbinder... Good ideas.
Mmmm, could make some money off it too, people could contact you to buy nicer covers, would be small amounts of money but if it's say 10 bucks a book(just an example, naturally a longer book would be more expensive) and if 15 people in a small circle purchase it or something along those lines you got a nice sum there.

>> No.14165779

He is right that academia is gay tho anon.

>> No.14165799

I'm hoping for a renaissance in academia of grand architectonic philosophical systems...

>> No.14165857

>I'm hoping for a renaissance in academia of grand architectonic philosophical systems...
Oh anon.

Heidegger made that a bit difficult. I dunno maybe we can build forth from that to a new metaphysical placement of the ethical. Still that's only metaphysics in the literal sense, Heidegger himself engaged in metaphysics regularly.

>> No.14165911

It's an intimate and erudite work published posthumously by a man who spent his whole life studying the occult/esoterica. He was ultimately a Christian Hermeticist. He interprets the arcana through that lens. His command of scripture and Catholic teaching is unbelievable. In particular his analysis of the 3 vows(poverty, obedience, and chastity) and the serpent is incredible.

>> No.14165951

There's a pic of a pope reading it too!

>> No.14165982

Didn't Kant make it difficult? Hans Ur Von Balthasaar endorsed Meditations on the Tarot as well as Homo Abyssus. Homo Abyssus is supposedly an incredible work of continental theological metaphysics drawing and Heidegger and Hegel. Lacan (and Kojeve [and Zizek and Badiou]) all do pseudo-Hegeian metaphysics as metapsychology. Everything is Kantian. Except for Speculative Realism but that is fake and gay. Deleuze reverses the question of being. That's pretty neat. Land sucks however. Derrida is bizarro Heidegger. Heidegger is mad dope tho. Sloterdijk is okay sometimes but kinda bullshit unfortunately. Just Bourdieu with a paint job.

>> No.14166028


>> No.14166051
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Fuck Kant
Fuck Descartes
Fuck Jesuits
Embrace the coming Spectral Revolution!

>> No.14166127

>Didn't Kant make it difficult?
Not in the same way anon. Heidegger resorted everything to 'being', that's a hell of a different thing than "there exists an underlying objective reality which we can know almost nothing about" and so bases reality and being around an "other" of qualitative value.

>> No.14166133

>orjani is a vocal admirer of the Persian Empire and envisions a new Indo-European world society in a cosmopolitan manner similar to the Achaemenid Empire of Cyrus the Great with the philosophical teachings of the Gathas of Zarathustra.
Bruh what the fuck.

>> No.14166192

hermes may be the bridge of human and divine in understanding, but he is not to be worshiped. respected and admired yeah. but not worshiped. he is also subordinate to things greater than him. even humans know that literacy, language and words have their limit. and can be argued to be detrimental without a doubt. there are always things felt, known and learned through other means and senses. information is a conduit. it is not the water that flows through it and above all it is not the ocean. try not to fall for dualities. these are all appearances. dont fall for dualistic 'genres'

>> No.14166203


>That Atlas on the left is pulling a Whitney Houston


>> No.14166284

That's Prometheus you retard.

>> No.14166323

He is half Iranian afterall.

>> No.14166328


>> No.14166337

Heidegger is just a wannabe zen guy
Based. I am getting hymns of zoroaster by west

>> No.14166387

>Heidegger is just a wannabe zen guy
Are you kidding me dude? He borrowed from Eastern thought sure but if you really only see "bruh just appreciate life" because his only concept that you know of is Dasein than please refrain from speaking. Heidegger wrote intuitively around the nature of being continuously circling closer but never reaching the centre. Maybe me telling you that nihilism would be the closest experience with being possible would explain to you Heidegger a bit better.

>Based. I am getting hymns of zoroaster by west
But it just sounds so impossible, run me down on it. When he says Indo-European does he mean the entirety of Europe as well as the last remaining lines of their invasions in the East? Or does he simply mean only the last remnants of the Indo-Europeans within the East specifically Iran? And why does he think the Archaemenid is in anyway Indo-European? Does he think of Indo-European in any racial way as that doesn't exactly mesh with the Archaemenid Empire and being Cosmopolitan, and why the fuck is he not a Nationalist?

>> No.14166394

Plato said a very similar thing in Phaedrus.

>> No.14166508

Idk. Never read Jorjani. But I guess the appeal is ur-fascistic nwo.

I do not see philosophy as a single slope upwards. Heidegger is interesting, sure, but all philosophers are incomplete. I have read Intro to Metaphysics, Being and Time, and Poetry, Language, Thought. But that was a long time ago. Memory is rusty. His lectures on history made a great impression. Alas as Blake says, "I must create my own system or be enslaved by another."

>> No.14167145

>I do not see philosophy as a single slope upwards. Heidegger is interesting, sure, but all philosophers are incomplete. I have read Intro to Metaphysics, Being and Time, and Poetry, Language, Thought. But that was a long time ago. Memory is rusty. His lectures on history made a great impression. Alas as Blake says, "I must create my own system or be enslaved by another."
Try not to see all philosophers as "incomplete" but rather of a unique strain and character limited in knowing the everything as everything is. I agree that it is important to create one owns system, I think all intelligent people do, however that doesn't mean one cannot say, follow Hegel's idea of the Zeitgeist and so be technically still a Hegelian. Only the truly creative geniuses are not classified under another's system.

That all said Heidegger's conception of modernity and the placement of his own philosophy though not entirely true still remain all essentially true. And that is because no one has developed a rival system that disproves it and no one will until modernity escapes us. It doesn't mean we cannot have smaller rival notions that disprove it, just not anything of such mass importance.

>> No.14167191

Where does it say that this is the recipe for making the philosophers stone? I believe you but just curious for history's sake.

>> No.14167204

I dont think the Tablet itself says it, but thats what Renaissance Alchemists believed that it was, and a summary of the principles of Alchemy

>> No.14167301

Sounds about right, even if it isn't technically how to create the philosophers stone it the core summary and spirit of its philosophy/teachings and so might as well be the philosophers stone at leas the spirit which attains it and so in essence is so.

>> No.14167436
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The Enneads is the Philosopher's Stone. And I mean the entire book, the whole text itself. And it has been available for almost 2000 years. To understand him is to

>> No.14167462

>To understand him is to
Welp, guess we'll never get the answer now.

>> No.14167501



The Magus of Java is not by any means a good book, but it's the only one that sums up the history of John Chang and the basis of Mo Pai.
The manifestation of Mo Pai is Hermetic Alchemy.

>> No.14167550

Bruh what the fuck this can't be real. Sauce on the whole thing? Any other trips, photos, recordings, story's, texts, literature, etc?

>> No.14167569


There are a number of masters, look up 'Mo Pai' in any video browser.
This playlist has some demonstrations, I'll try filter out the best.


This is a western master:


The interview with Jim McMillan, one of John Chang's western students, is also good. He even has some videos of him performing a few tricks with the aid of his master, and explains the workings of it.
Divided in 4 videos, here's the first part.

>> No.14167599

Bruh this is so fake, the book literally asks you to pay 300 dollars to a certain site to "show your commitment". Where are all of the scientific studies of this like they did of Wim Hoff?

>> No.14167673


The author and John Chang are not around anymore, I think the editor you chose added the scam.
Either way, John Chang did put himself to scientific testing, as you see in the very first video >>14167501

The Mo Pai system is divided in 72 "levels". According to John Chang, yang and yin energy starts accumulating on a specific spot "around three fingers beneath your navel". At the "third level" yin and yang has formed a dense, hard mass that you can feel with your finger at the aforementioned spot.
He had one of his "third-fourth level" students have an X-ray scan and the results did show an unusual mass gathered there.
I'm just referring the contents of the book.

>> No.14167709

>unproven scientists test him
>but don't worry after this he happened to somehow get a splinter lodged between a woman's eyes and swear to never appear publicly again
How convenient.

>> No.14167712

and book, which?

>> No.14167727


The Magus of Java.


I don't know what to tell you man, it's not like he's doing this for a living. He specifically refuses money at the clinic.

>> No.14167729


Oh and there's also Enter Mo Pai which takes a more skeptical look on the whole issue, if you prefer.

>> No.14168562

Anon ascended before he could finish his post

>> No.14169080

>Between the two Hermes there is no conflict, no war, perhaps not even a “dialogue.”
hm. real noice.
yes. that was just me saying >start with the greeks

>> No.14169118

The DG logo has a second snake's head at the bottom of the egg. But Death Grips definitely take influence from gnosticism like in You Might Think...

>Emerald tablet apartment toxic

And Get Got with the mention of Abraxas

>> No.14169131

Well put

>> No.14170199
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