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/lit/ - Literature

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14155018 No.14155018 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.14155029

Why can't that turk dumbass just do what I fucking say? Jeez, it's not even worth it to be nice.

>> No.14155055

Where we were we're weebs weave webs were by byzantium baseball bats believes be and antiques also all is well as well ass swell we so now shall sojourn journey on oh no she show hole shoal ghost pole why gnaw not knife my wife.

>> No.14155696

Why am I so boring now? Is it because of the book I read?

>> No.14155707

You're trying to hold onto yourself,
that's what makes people boring.
Say the first thing that comes to mind,
You will probably surprise yourself.

>> No.14155736

You're right, I guess. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.14155752

Why must I lust after her? She is so gorgeous and sweet and wonderful, and all I can dream of is her lean brown body. I want to resist these temptations, but I yearn for her friendship and companionship. I'm 30 and I still don't know how to love.

>> No.14155783

I know the feel, it's almost like anything you try to say instantly sounds lame. You have to say it anyway, gotta get all the lame shit out of the way before you have something interesting to say

>> No.14155800
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I closely looked at this picture last night; it frightened me. This horrendous thing actually exists. He is probably cooming as I type this and as you read this. It's shocking that a man can ejaculate his soul. I never want to coom again after closely examining this picture.

>> No.14155817
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Is it possible to ascend from midwit through sheer will and dedication to cause? I mean, I don't really think I am as the midwit shit chart don't apply to me, I hate all the books except stirner (I had the same thoughts as him when I was 17 so muh nostalgia) that are there, but I feel like I'm not on the level of someone like Hegel, capable of writing 1000-paged books on aesthetics and am sure that I'm between the 110-130 IQ.
Another question is whether it's even worth it, what awaits me? Is the outside world any better than the one I'm living in? I don't want friends, I don't want a car, a family, a big house and a dog, I don't want to mow my lawn with kids running around. I don't want to rave, drink beer and vodka, fuck sluts and do drugs.

>> No.14155834
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I’m 112 IQ. It’s not possible. I was dedicated for over a decade. 4 hours of reading a day, published multiple stories, philosophy papers, and wrote a novel. No matter how hard I tried, nothing would ascend to the level to be intelligent. I could even tell when I read my own stuff later. It was clearly the product of 112.

>> No.14155847

How is Taleb a midwit? He specializes in many fields and constantly writes academic papers.

>> No.14155852

I’m suffering in this fucking classroom

>> No.14155854

Then what do? Spit on people like this nigger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ond%C5%99ej_Neff while doing nothing at all but scribbling to my coffin?

>> No.14155863

I will probably never be a paleontologist. This distresses me.

>> No.14155865

>muh dinosaurs
lol who the fuck cares about dinosaurs

>> No.14155866

My game is vicious and cruel
Fucking chicks is a rule
If my girl thinks I’m loyal then that bitch is a fool

>> No.14155883


>> No.14155908

Genius is autistic dedication + talent. Most things are within your grasp if you're reasonably intelligent. The likelihood of you doing anything genius-level/paradigm-shifting? Slim, unless you can muster up some inner autism and devote your waking hours to a single pursuit. Rarely anyone can do this, and if they can, they wouldn't be posting dumb IQ "am i gonna make it guyss" threads on this site. Stop fretting about stupid shit and just read.

>> No.14156135

Granting decisional power on the basis of majority is nonsensical, the contemporary idea of democracy, its ubiquity, are an overcorrection for the horrors that Royalty imposed on the masses for over a millennia in the western world. We have fetishised the object of our trauma to the point of making it an everyday issue of supreme importance, to any and all citizens. Competence is scarified on the alter of a freedom all too superficial, yet even that measly reward has long been taken from us, leaving us to float devotedly in a vaporous illusion of semantics and accountability. Taking part in politics is not a universal key to a fulfilling life, there are many other aspects of the world that have a much more direct impact on our lives and that we are happy to surrender control of entirely.

The thing that is particularly pernicious about this system is how comfy it can make us feel without any examination. It provides the illusion of power, the sense of idealism and true involvement, so crucial to that feeling of achievement that opens up windows to happiness.
Modern politics are but a canvas we project our fear onto instead of facing it. Their discourse has placed the path to happiness outside of ourselves, the solutions to life’s great challenges not in the effort for individuation, but in what political faction we grant in power to that year.
I don’t see how democracy could ever breed true progress, nor how Man will ever overcome the corruptive nature of power.

>> No.14156139

I wish the mods would ban blog threads like this.

>> No.14156161

nice blogpost, where do I subscribe

>> No.14156337
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>28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Is it wrong, then, to admire the beauty of a little girl, marrying her before you could lust after her?

>> No.14156444

Assume a person's subconscious becomes their tulpa. Every detail they've internalized manifests in this "realm" like a forked copy. Let me share a piece of my Realm with you, so that you can better understand my assumption.

In my Realm is a mythical first city of humanity that could've beget the Tower of Babel. Notice that I didn't say the first city's name is Babel, because this first city of mine has yet to experience the confusion of tongues, and the name Babel was given to the city from the source material AFTER that incident.

My city's architects and leaders are modeled after the Spirit Charmer characters from the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, and serving as their subordinates are copies of characters from other existing works.

There's Nicholas from Rune Factory 1 who has yet to recognize that his childhood friend Cecilia would eventually be married to someone else in the sequel game.

There's Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness who was was all too aware of his role as Mantorok's pawn in stopping the antagonist Ancients and found new purpose in every explicit act of evil he took towards that end.

There's Yumil and Tia from Avalon Code, partly also based on Didja Redo's narrative rewrite of their game, a duo desperately racing against the clock of their world being obliterated within their lifetime even after they slew the instigator with their own hands.

I could list many more actors of my Realm, but the point of my first assumption is to lead into this second one: how would they feel if their creator wants to entertain the idea of his own oblivion? My creations know that they weren't made by a quitter, but the creator they know now is as unknown to them as he is to himself.

>> No.14156827
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I'm living my own personal version of "Death in Venice": I'm obsessed with this online femboi. I'll never meet him, but I just can't stop looking at him. I want him, and to be him at the same time. uuugggghhhh

>> No.14156830

Another thoughtful contribution from one such as myself who is unable to produce meaning from within themselves.
I find that it is common to lash out at others, for they are the reason why I do what I do. I write to impress one who is important to me; I clean the dishes so that the others who live in the apartment say "oh wow, there goes that guy, isn't he such a great guy? Do you remember that time when he cleaned out the dishwasher even though it is not his house? Did you notice that he bought dish soap and paper towels with his own coin, despite the fact that he doesn't live here permanently? Isn't it amazing how he is helping the progression of time within this abode and making life a better experience for everyone?"
Instead, I sit on this website, drinking a beer which is only okay and responding to one of these "blog posts".
Perhaps you're right, fellow browser, maybe it would be better if the mods deleted threads such as this one. Perhaps it would be better because finally there would be more order and structure to the board... but then how would I be able to express myself in a manner such as this?
And the best part is, since you aren't a mod, you won't actually be able to have any impact on this board, save for what you post on it.

Take action for yourself rather than for others, and maybe you will find happiness as you march forward along the path of your life.

>> No.14156858
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>maybe it would be better
it wouldn't.
this is a place of genuine expression and conversation of a unique kind, on a unique medium. nothing would be better if it were forbidden completely, strict adherence to the letter kills online environments such as this.
4chan will be gone soon. this will be gone soon. appreciate it while you have it

>> No.14157191
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i'm in my first proper job and i still donmt know a thing about taxes, laws, real estate etc.
I want to get out of this trash country but i haven't a clue as to how to set that up except that it'll cost an arm and a leg.
I'm 22, why do i feel like such a god damn child?

>> No.14157197

Should have been born in Sparta so i could have had my head bashed against a rock in infancy.

>> No.14157249

Doing NNN makes me want a gf more than ever but there's not much hope in getting one. Summer break from uni has started, all my friends are holidaying or working full time. I don't drink alcohol so wouldn't go to clubs etc anyway. Tinder seems kinda lame too.
Maybe I should just fap to keep the urge for a gf repressed, would save me time and money.

>> No.14157381

I'm going to go to the bookshop today. I think I'm going to get a copy of something by Céline. I remember reading a little of the first page of Journey in a bookshop once and immediately being interested. It's a shame, and I know this will sound silly, that his books have such hideous designs over here, frog books always look so nice in comparison. I want to meet God too, I'm basically waiting for it to happen at this point. My only worry is that it's all an enormous cope for not having anything else going on in my life. Then I think that, for thousands of years, that must have been the thought process of most of the population of the world, whether they were aware of it or not.

>> No.14157513

Wondering if there's any truth to the idea that the intelligence of women is more centered around the mean compared to men, i.e., that men tend further towards both being smart and being retarded while women tend to be average. I'd say it matches my experience, but that's not conclusive evidence.

>> No.14157528

I'm in love and I'm going to ask her out. Wish me luck bros.

>> No.14157657

can you people go fuck yourself?
he seems like a chill guy

>> No.14157666

Yep, Master and Margaret was a good book

>> No.14157724

I feel very worthless. I feel less than other people. I don't feel like a man.

>> No.14157771

>t. coomer

>> No.14157781

The "Coomer" meme is the best thing 4chan has ever created. Shame is one hell of drug. It legit made me stop watching pornography and realize how fucked up this whole thing is. Almost 3 weeks whitout porn now and I feel so much better. It makes me sad how pornography has shaped my life from early age until now. Just the amount of girls I've loose the oportunity to be with because of this is enough to make me cry. But no more brothers! I will never be a coomer again and ya'll should stop being a coomer too bros, that shits lame. If you are going to masturbate at least exercise your mind and think about that cute girl you saw on Uni. It's amazing how pornography blocks creativity and instead just feed you with a bunch of depraved imagens that will be on your subconscious for ever. It also isolate yourself from real sex even more. After a while you will ended up thinking that sex ins't even such a great thing and that it's not worth it pursuing, leading you to even more porn and coom; it's a never ending cicle but we all can break this and be free again.

>> No.14157811

reddit made the coomer meme

>> No.14157817

Seriously? I'm trully dissapointed at you guys. But it's a based meme anyway.

>> No.14157838

It’s funny how most of the people in this picture actually do have something in common - they narrow down everything to a single idea, and look at the world through that lens alone. You could label each of them with one word and it would sufficiently describe their thought

>> No.14157946

Somehow at work I feel most normal. On my walk from the office to the train I feel the pall of grief covering me. By the time I’m driving home from the train station I am tearing up. At home and on my days off the pall is ever present. I wake up on Sunday and can’t get out of bed for hours. When I get to the gym I see all of my lifts have dropped a few pounds. How much does the pall weigh? Is it possible I’m lifting more counting it? After the gym is church. I hope the priest will talk about the saints in the homily. I feel like they are my friends. He doesn’t.

Back at work I call the university psychology center to make an appointment. It keeps going to voicemail. I call the next day and it goes to voicemail again.

>> No.14157976


>> No.14158028

How to impress this one Lebanese qt with my wit and erudition without coming off as pretentious

>> No.14158045

don't bother, lebanese hoes are all retarded

>> No.14158109

I just changed jobs, and within hours after completing my first day I felt ambitious for the first time in over a year and a half. I want to succeed now instead of just surviving another week. I had forgotten what it felt like to have dreams of greatness, I had convinced myself that I was really just an aimless person without any greater drive. How could I have ever let that happen?

>> No.14158135

i felt the same when going from a part time job to a full time one in my field.
ride the high while it lasts bro

>> No.14158325

Can you guys recommend some books on how to interiorizing and disimulation?

>> No.14158367

I'm thinking about going to grad school since it's paid for, but I can't decide what to study. My undergraduate degree is Economics so I could continue with that, but honestly, I loathe Economics. I'd be far more interested in Classics or Ancient Philosophy, but wouldn't which to choose. I also wonder if either of those would be too far beyond my capabilities given my background.

>> No.14158563

This is my twitter /lit/. How much does it suck? Just don't make fun of me too much or I'm gonna lose what little confidence I have left.


>> No.14158565

If you can do well in a degree like economics, any other humanities-related pursuit will definitely not be past your capabilities intellectually, and grad schools admit people from all types of academic backgrounds. With exceptions like med school, they're fairly holistic as long as your application makes a good case for what you're interested in, and why. Just try to think about what you'd do with a Classics/Philosophy degree. I wouldn't discourage you from studying something you're passionate about, it seems like you won't be in debt but you also don't want to find out that you wasted your time studying something that doesn't improve your employment prospects or have any tangible benefits. Lots of people who don't know what they want to do for a career get trapped in academia bubble for a while, I've seen it firsthand.

>> No.14158567
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I walk into the church alone and go sit in the area with the lowest concentration of people, it's like a little empty pocket in the pews just for me. I kneel down and say some half-assed prayers for about thirty seconds, then i sit down and wait for the Mass to start. As i'm waiting, this older couple (around forty years old) arrives and they sit three pews in front of me. i'm sitting in the middle of the length of the pew, and these two who just sat down are on the left. one pew forward from theirs' is an elderly couple. this elderly couple is sitting on the right side of the pew.
now the woman to my left starts coughing. She stops, and then, ten seconds later, starts again. the elderly woman to my right starts shuffling around in her purse. She slides down the pew towards the other woman, then turns around. she has this old lady elementary school teacher haircut, basically a bowlcut. you know the one. she has this happy look on her face. she lets out a big smile and i see her gross-looking teeth, old lady teeth. the kind where they look wooden. maybe its dentures, i don't know. she offers her hand to the other woman.
"would this help?" she asks. its a cough drop.
"no thank you i'm all set."
"are you sure?" she smiles even wider.
"yes, yes, i'm fine now, thank you," the other woman responds.
the jolly old lady turns around and slides back down the pew to her husband, and i'm left in awe of what i've just seen. Why are we at the Mass? to remember Christ's sacrifice. to consume His body. it's canon law that you have to fast one hour before receiving the eucharist. i mean, technically you're allowed to take "medicine" beforehand, but is a cough drop really medicine? could you really not spend a measly forty five minutes with a scratchy throat?
the altar of her tongue is about to come into physical contact with our Lord, or this boomer wants to paint that altar with FD&C Blue 2, FD&C Red 40, Flavors, Glucose Syrup, Onions Lecithin...
i look at the drum set beneath the statue of Joseph in the sanctuary and wonder why i don't start going to a Latin Mass.

>> No.14158570

t. person who bashes others for their appearance because of their own insecurities

>> No.14158591

Goddamn that ass
Makes me want to put a thong on and go out dancing, just in hopes we go home with each other and I can take some of her underwear and feel a history of friction between her thighs. I wish my ass could give her a wedgie.

>> No.14158594

aww my right eye wont stop twitching

>> No.14158607

good luck anon :)

>> No.14158652

it sucks. all twitters suck tho. you desperately need to stop seeking validation from social media points. i would recommend deleting your account and seeking Christ

>> No.14158719

I feel sympathy for you because if I tweeted my inner thoughts and feelings a lot of them would sound just like yours -- so don't take this the wrong way -- but you seem to be wallowing in self pity and just creating a negative feedback loop that's only going to reinforce your current mindset. Social media is a cancer, and so is self-victimization. You're combining both in a really unhealthy way. It's not going to help you.

>> No.14158730

idk I actually kinda enjoy it. I think I'm gonna keep my account. Feels good to write down your thoughts. I'm hoping one day in the future I'll be able to look at my tweets from these day and realize i'm in a better place. But it seems really improbable which makes me sad.

Also this is my second time posting in these threads and both times I've gotten the same advice that I should seek Christ. Is it you that's just going through these threads and recommending it or is God giving me a sign?

>> No.14158772

I do realize what you're saying is true but I just don't know what to do. It feels better to write them down and to maybe share them than just to keep them to myself.

>> No.14158790
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first time i've ever seen your twitter was just now. you just clearly need Him

>> No.14158844

No it didn't. Coomer is a revitalisation of the cumbrain meme.

>> No.14158910

it's not his appearance anon, it's going to porn conventions and having 10k porn reviews on IMDB

>> No.14159081

I'm sick and tired of the fact that I'm never good enough except I'm hypomanic. Without it I'm stupid, tired, unmotivated, talentless and miserable.

Before anyone says it's just a delusion, know that I've accomplished prodigious things while hypomanic that hold up after it passes. If it's a delusion, it's one that effects everyone, not just myself

>> No.14159120

iktf. wish i knew how to control it.

>> No.14159218

I want one of you to expound the philosophy of “comfiness” because I am too lazy and pea-brained.

>> No.14159416

I would say comfiness is the absence of worry and fear combined with some simple material pleasure: watching the rain with a cup of cocoa, curling up under a blanket to read, etc. It's never just serenity on its own, it's always serenity WITH something pleasurable.

>> No.14159426
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I was eating food with my gf when another guy sat down near us in the dining hall. She got really red and told me she didn’t want to talk to him, and asked us to leave. He eventually came over, and they had a quick discussion about their group project.

She is a shy and timid girl, and struggles with social anxiety. But.. I’m just wondering why she was red. Why she wanted to leave..

>> No.14159464

its pretty fuckin obvious

>> No.14159469


>> No.14159475

my meeting went well today =)

>> No.14159476

i mean she was afraid of flooding the room with her juices and drowning everyone therein.

>> No.14159484

I mean I get that but I’m wondering if shes cheating. Guy seems out of her league.

>> No.14159513

not physically cheating. is that okay with you?

>> No.14159523

Is philosophy just a massive millennia old cope for our mortality?

>> No.14159531

Can you be anymore obvious Mr Bateman

>> No.14159538

If that’s an accurate description then coping saved the world many times over

>> No.14159540

Good for you, anon

>> No.14159554

No, but it gives me room to a. commit more to her and play dread game with her or b. plan an exit strategy

>> No.14159575

not bate

>> No.14159700
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She has five days at most. I'm traveling 400 miles to see her before she passes. Gonna make her salmon.

>> No.14159706


>> No.14159712

sincere question, why do you guys bother with relationships if you need all this redpill shit to succeed? isn't it more energy than it's worth?

>> No.14159744

Because relationships are fun and good for you. I can love a woman as an individual and know that.. deep down all women are the same. Doesn’t mean its their fault, or that they’re evil. The redpill shit is just teaching you to be mechanically better with women

>> No.14159782
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translation: ME NEED TO COOOOOM

>> No.14159825

If you like it I guess. I see no appeal personally and would rather be alone.

>> No.14159832


>> No.14159835

this, to be honest

>> No.14159849

Sometimes I get obsessed with my face and can't focus on anything for a while. It looks monstrous to me, the shape of it, the features, all of its imperfections. I genuinely dislike it and it gets in the way of my life sometimes. It seems like no matter how much time I spend on skin care, or close shaving, or blackhead popping, or moisturizing, or chap sticking, or any other number of things, it never seems to look or feel better. I'm just hyper concious of it's every feature especially the masculine ones which I think look ogrish. I'm not going to post it so don't ask

>> No.14159887

Its just wine and bread, bro, chill

>> No.14159899

Your looks will have more of an influence in your life than your race ever will, but nobody really talks much about this.

>> No.14159900

It feels as if my minds been raped. I somehow want to find my own word or perfect passage, yet it feels as if all I ever do is copy and copy, not a single thought of mine is original.

>> No.14160021


>> No.14160101

>get infatuated with a girl after hooking up
>she dumps me
>later she gets real friendly when she's drunk
don't tempt me harlot
never again

>> No.14160112

lift weights and get off twitter manlet

>> No.14160128
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>> No.14160139

Why does my coom get hard when I read fucked up shit? I know it's wrong, morally. I'm disgusted, yet the act of coom itself does away with any moral considerations. Just coom. Lolita? Coom. Goblin rape? Coom. It's all coom. Am I a bad human being?

>> No.14160217

You give up so you reject. Pathetic.

>> No.14160229

I would like to know of a quality copy of the Kama Sutra. Both the sex stuff and the other stuff on courtship, health, attraction, etc.

>> No.14160241
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I feel like making an account just to talk to you and cheer you up

How do I twitter? Do I have to pick a name or can I be anonymous?

>> No.14160292

>wasting time on women that only want anything to do with you because you're studied the correct set of social signs and symbols to present
you have one (1) life and this is what you do?

>> No.14160315


>> No.14160393

If you could achieve you would.

>> No.14160447
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The most terrible thing is being conscious about your passiveness, witness of how life passes through you without taking an active role in it. The only mediocre life is the one it lacks passion: an enthusiastic approach toward the soul of the world; enthusiastic is a word whose etymology comes from the greek enthous, which means possessed by a god. I have never experienced any divine impulse to nothing creative or vocational to fix as my pursue in life, I have always been the archetypal drone who plays safe, concealed among the masses, the gregarious being. Now I am 26 and soon to get my law degree, with no very good prospect of landing in a good job, but more importantly, without the certainty, if this is the right path for me in a career that I am not sure if I like enough to dedicate my waking hours. In the end, maybe I am just another foolish dreamer crying in vain, considering that overall my life was decent.

Books or philosophers for this feel?

>> No.14160508

Why do so many of the hair designs in anime look good in the show but would be retarded in a more realistic context (or real life)? It's odd to me that the aesthetic sensibilities can change so drastically

>> No.14160539

Love is a joke. Everything that is good must end, if a relationship is good it must end when it's time is up, even if that relationship is a lover or spouse. Just drop it.

>> No.14160558

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
nigger faggot cunt bitch ass dick scratchinsniffanus

>> No.14160618

There is so much human potential wasted by letting entirely preventable, personal issues fester and mutate. Untreated psychological issues and family troubles, anti intellectualism and under education. It's really mind boggling just how much we could increase the capabilities of the human race by intervening early in these problems

>> No.14160643
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I'm finally leaving LA

>> No.14160733

You are reading the words of someone who is truly proud of the life they have lived. I have had many incredible adventures of discovering various aspects about life, and the depths of such experiences have compounded my appreciation and wonder for life. I have only one wisdom worth giving: life is worth all the effort and courage you can throw at it, live as goddamned fiercely as you can against hopelessness and rage against it! To be alive is to be a furious fire.

>> No.14160743

i will stab a nigga in the cranium rofl

>> No.14160807

Comfiness, as it were, is distinguished from mere contentment in that it is a pervasively tactile sensation. One can be comfy and still unhappy, which points to a deeper significance, resonance, to comfiness. Cozy blankets, fuzzy cats on your lap, the gentle crackle and warmth of a fireplace, the snuggly-wuggly feel of a soft pillow, all of these entail an absence of discomfort, hardness, impenetrability. Comfiness is indicative of the environment appeasing and conforming to the contours of the human body, succoring it and granting it respite from aches and pains.

>> No.14160918


>> No.14160922


>> No.14161396

I am 24 and I am incel or maybe I’m a Nice Guy. I adore women. I don't know how to put myself on them without being creepy. When I was young, women were very scared. Even if I find a lover, I'm not normal. It is too late. I had one shot at life and such a mistake were born. When I was young all I did was study and play video games. All my life is a shame.

>> No.14161401

Reply to my thread, please.

>> No.14161522
File: 55 KB, 1024x765, 1571874515769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy, baby. I'm the man, dawg. Haha, you guys couldn't be half as cool as me if you were twice as cool as you are now. Man, I'm the shit. Feels good to be me. Later, nerds.

>> No.14161617

I know, I know it very well, anon.

>> No.14161656

I'm about to jump into bed with a can of Spam, a bottle of Merlot and the Republic. I feel like complete and utter shit so hopefully this'll be a cosy night.

>> No.14162025

Why does foreign policy even mean something?
Why do states forgive debts, help other countries for free? Why can't we just go into domestic po1itics and invest in our own country?
Why try to seem strong on the world stage when ordinary people do not get any benefits from it?
Why is it such a big thing?

>> No.14162039

The canon is just sexless white men. Unable to comprehend women. Unable to comprehend anything outside of being straight. Unable to commune with those darker than him. People who choose to believe in lies they've crafted instead of listening to another perspective.

>> No.14162043
File: 21 KB, 257x387, The Peaceful Pill Handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14162136
File: 48 KB, 500x599, 1571807466977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I wake up this morning and look at my smooth shaven face and immediately get an erection. I'm such a fucking autogynephile, it's actually debilitating and disturbing. I hate being this way

>> No.14162203

how the fuck am i suppose to be happy while being ugly?????????????????????????????? Literally no matter what i'm doing, even if i forget what an abomination i'am, the moment a see a cute couple acting all lovey dovey my heart just sinks down to my stomach, i actually feel physical pain and try to fight back tears and not look like i just found my mom died. All aspects of life are made for the beautiful, i'am just suppose to be a working ant just paying taxes so the beautiful can enjoy themselves while i suffer immensely?

>> No.14162268


this isn't the 12th century anon, countries rely on each other for trade, both in goods and in resources they simply lack.

>Why try to seem strong on the world stage when ordinary people do not get any benefits from it?
This is an actual complaint. No reason to go invade a tiny country on the other side of the world because some rich asshole is mad his banana profits are down 0.25% this quarter

>> No.14162922

I did this, now I pay my rent from royalties, hurt like hell though, my brain screamed for me to stop writing, but I kept on going, after I was done with like 40 novels in one year, now I suffer from a huge writer's block, I feel like throwing up when I just think about sitting down to write, LITERALLY I feel like puking.

>> No.14162929

The jewish question is important for understanding the last Ttwo centuries.

>> No.14162942


> I don't see how democracy can grant true power
> the Hydron collider and the beginning of AI is due to the freedom of democratic rule

>> No.14163569
File: 12 KB, 214x317, MV5BNWVmZDE2NmQtZWU5OC00MzUzLTg2MTUtZTQ4NzUwNDljYTFjL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY317_CR15,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a cure to tranny autogynophilia
you must make your male body a thing of beauty
and then train yourself to be a closet gay man
then you can go back to fucking women

>> No.14163861

Precisely. A greater inequality than race or gender are by a long shot. And nobody cares.

>> No.14163870

If I now begin the process of slowly pushing my parents away from me via emotional attrition, will it make my eventual suicide less painful for them ?

>> No.14163880

>you must make your male body a thing of beauty
I don't think I could ever like having a male body

>> No.14163897

>You're right, I guess. Thanks for the advice.
Wow, that is a boring first thing that comes to your mind. Yah, your a lost cause

>> No.14163903

No. Instead they will always regret having not been closer to you while you were alive.

>> No.14163940 [DELETED] 

>me irl

>> No.14163947

Found out that my gf of 5 years was texting a guy and they went over the limit in february. She said she did it because i denied her a lot times and made her feel like garbage. What i will miss her about the most is that she was a woman that would wake up every day thinking about me and texting me if im ok. She thought i was the one that we would make lot of children and build a house together. I was overconfident even though im lean and make good salary and have okish social status last year she told me i drifted i way and became a different person, i didn't give her the smile when i did when the relationship started. She came at my doorbell 3 times last night she wanted a last hug. I couldn't give it to her but after showing up 6 in the morning again i did because she was having a nervous brakedown about what she just lost. We haven't talked in 24hours now and this is the longest we ever did in the last 4 years. I will have no one to kiss when i leave for work i will never have babies, i will never have a trad gf looking out for me again. I should stop defending her though because she cheated on me.

Sorry for the rant but im really fucked up.

Oh also bought 2 new books today. Brave New World and 1984 by Orwell, what im in for?

>> No.14163968

Life feels like a prison.
She's cheating on you definitely

>> No.14164058
File: 77 KB, 380x349, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel odd
no particularly racing thoughts or obscene delusions or any of the typical signature of a man gone mad.

I just feel odd, like this is a dream and we are all asleep just waiting for the show to begin
a long drawn on unease.. it isn't malignant yet not benign an aching sensation that mankind will rise or fall very soon.

Every day tasks become purposeless and every thing I ought to want becomes frivolous and monotonous. I feel like an outside observer in my own life desperately trying to latch onto something in this world that makes sense.
Every time I ground myself in this society it further detaches me from it. This is not out of hate, spite, pity or lack of love it simply is all so boring

Would we not all trade our whole lives to witness the nuclear glow upon a city scape or for unseen forces to tear through the veil to deliver us judgement.

instead I have unease
just as you all have it
perhaps that's all it will ever be

>> No.14164105

i'm scared I'm going to be alone forever.

I've had relationships before, but they keep ending horribly and i can't help but feel responsible for them. I'm at a point now that so many attempts have gone awfully wrong, or that i've messed up so many times that I'm scared of trying again. However, I'm still lonely. I'm so lonely it hurts. I'll be lying in bed, alone, and my nerves will just pulse in agony, reverberating throughout my whole body. It hurts. I'm just so scared and alone all the time. and i'm tired, so goddamn tired.

>> No.14164131

Infidelity fucking sucks, but the fault definitely lies on her. Even if she felt she wasn't getting enough attention/ respect from you, she should have been an adult and discussed whether or not the relationship should continue, rather than go behind your back for easy pleasure/ validation. I know it's hard, but I'd spend some time building yourself back up after she broke you down, then try to find another relationship.
Avoid hookups or meaningless sex, as that often leads you down a hedonistic hole that feels good in the short term but hurts more in the long term.

Best of luck, fren

>> No.14164144

You cant love other people if you don't love yourself first nigga

No one completes another person
you aren't puzzle pieces and if you think that way you need to stop because this is a bullshit way to live.

No one can make you whole but you

>> No.14164175

You don't need your name in bright lights
You're a rock star
And some thin foil with a glass pipe
Is your guitar, now yes it is
Little Angela suffers delusions
From these high times
She's been cleaning up,
Since she was fourteen
On the main line
And her hunky funky junky,
Of a boyfriend
Got her on late nights
With her skirt tight
Woah she's a wild thing, letting it all swing
God bless our high times
Don't you know that last night
Turned to daylight
And a minute became a day
Last night
All my troubles
Well they seemed so, so far away
Searching my reflection
For a glimpse of, an other me
I've got to get away from these high times
All these high high times
Cause these hight times
are killing me
Now high times go on
and on and on
High Times…

>> No.14164237

Are you in Australia or something?

>> No.14164339

She loves me anon, that is what really hard for me , she was literally begging me last night and having a mental breakdown.

Tonight i called her she was with friends and i felt terrible because im rotting at home. I never seek meaningless sex, infact i hate it.

>> No.14164435

couldn't have said that any better. thanks for putting my thoughts into words

>> No.14164438

talk it over with someone irl, itll clear your mind, do u have friends?

>> No.14164540

I have talked with my mentor i have in another country, he is basically a genius around 170iq i called him in the morning that this happend.

Mentor i have just break up with gf.
Why anon???
A serious mistake by her side.
What did she do?? Slept around???
I called him right away and told him about the text. He said im too 'conservative' and i should be careful with that in the long term. He also told me that if she is back to you that means she loves you, but what you dont get he told me is that right now you are trapped in a situation where you are entering the unknown and there is no correct answer for what you are going to do and even a mega genius 200iq cant help you with that, he told me i might go back to her and she will never cheat on me and have 3 babies with her or next week i might find her with a nigger cock in her mouth. He told me everything is unstable even god doesnt know what to do in your position is like adam and eve.

I had a panic attack after we hunged up.

I also talked with my father he told me that i was virtious the last 5 years and i should be proud and that im in a good position to keep moving forward and he told me that she would eventually leave the country so the cheating was an extra reason to cut it off. (She is going back to her country in feb)

>> No.14164652

>he told me i might go back to her and she will never cheat on me and have 3 babies with her or next week i might find her with a nigger cock in her mouth.
170IQ confirned

>> No.14164693

don't let her back in, it'll only end up causing more pain in the future and then it'll be your fault.

>> No.14164761

I was like that, until my nerves literally died

>> No.14164858

I have not met a single humble member of an abrahamic religion, with the possible exception of a Jew or two

>> No.14164874

As a Catholic, I agree. We've got a bad habit of taking a 'holier than thou' approach to things.

>> No.14164880

oy vey!

>> No.14164989

Of all the conundrums out there, this is surely one of the easiest to solve. She is a cheater. It is her identity and not simply an action. In displaying such incredible weakness as to actually let her back in after the ultimate betrayal, you only feed into and solidify her cheater identity. Whatever speck of respect she had for you is now stomped out by your forgiving. She will now feel free to cheat again and again because you clearly do not even respect yourself enough to reject a cheater, a betrayal, a traitor.
I'm getting mad on your behalf, anon. I'm a lonely guy who is easily manipulated by a woman's attention. I look deformed and for a woman to speak to me is a miracle. But somehow I recognize that I deserve more than this sort of thing, that you deserve more than this.

>> No.14165145
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שלום, חבר

>> No.14165168

Possibly the most based thing I've seen in 4chan for months, keep at it anon, I'm praying for you.

>> No.14165317


>> No.14165382
File: 624 KB, 1080x1485, 1570806808538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was no longer interested in my loneliness. It was still a great source of my pain, and it was never vanquished from my thoughts, but it no longer occupied the main locus of my daily mulling. How many years had I spent agonizing over it, examining it under the microscope of my critical mind, pondering its source, its direction, its past and future impacts on my life. Hours upon hours of feeling every texture of my loneliness, its torturous rigidity fixed in my mind like a hideously towering piece of brutalist architecture lording over and draining the souls of the thoughts that walked in its shadow. Those days had slowly come to an end. I had examined the thing from every angle, leaving no aspect unscrutinised, letting no detail slip past. I had become bored of the thing; I had thought every thought there was to have about my loneliness. It would remain with me until I died, just as it had been with me as far back as my memories would go. It was a simple fact of life, a prosaic detail no more worthy of thought than the fact I needed O2 to breath or food to eat. I still saw, I still see women, sitting like statues on the bus, or holding the hands of their boyfriends on the street, and I still feel pain from the knowledge they exist in a different world from I. But the pain goes as it comes, without second thought or trenchant self pity.

>> No.14165399

you're not even ugly...

>> No.14165406

Once a cheater always a cheater. The pain you feel now- imagine what it would feel like years from now when you have children and an entire household, intertwined finances, etc.
Go lift some weights, go have a few drinks and go to bed early

>> No.14165441

Just five more minutes of lurking maybe one more shit post and I'll wrap up Dorian Gray and start reading Slaughter-House Five finish that by end of tomorrow so I can read Beloved by the end of Saturday and go see my buddy on Sunday so he and I can discuss the three as well as Blood Meridian. A drink of whiskey and a smoke while thinking them all over on Saturday night. Then I have to figure out if I'm willing to start lugging IJ around everywhere or if I'll just leave it at home and in the car at the most so I can start it and finish it by end of year, all while I reread some essays and keep working on Borges and his poems in Spanish because my Spanish is rusty so I can dive into Ficciones with a good grasp on his style and methods.

>> No.14165482


>> No.14165484

Where to, bro? I've met a lot of people who fled the LA area.
correct but there's no money in improving the world.
iktf. trying my best in current relationship to make it work. learning about interpersonal communication, persuasion, psychology, etc is actually unironically helpful. i can dance circles around them now and learned how to resolve any dispute in my favor.

>> No.14165491

why is it that the defining trait of a midwit is their infatuation with jewish thought? just look at all those jews

>> No.14165493

she could have already had a crush on him before you guys were together, and now she's trying to actively fight it off. You need to ask her. Just let her know that you won't be mad if she liked him, and that she's being a good gf by avoiding him.

>> No.14165645

I'm in a very similar situation. He cried and begged me to take him back and I did. The next week I found out he was still messaging her (shitty move, but he had his reasons which I won't get into). He blocked her on all social media now, and he's intent on redeeming himself. Our relationship is doing much better. We discussed what we've been missing these past few years.

I know you're trying hard not to give in, but from your gf's reaction she seems to love you. She just realized how hard she's fucked up. It might be worth it to sit down and talk once things have cooled down.

I really wish you luck anon

>> No.14165657

Is there more to my life than not dying so my friends aren't sad?

>> No.14166034

I wish I could hold that feeling in eternity.
You know the one.
It's never what they tell you, and never what it seems like.
Bananas are but a excuse. They're the symptom.
The disease, on the other hand, is unknown to most.

>> No.14166233

>Where to, bro? I've met a lot of people who fled the LA area.
Tacoma, WA

>> No.14166329

Is it too edgy to write with a dip pen? I found one while cleaning my room.

>> No.14166527

I literally do not care about getting smarter or more knowledgeable anymore. Could not care less. There is no proof at all being smarter makes your life any better, seems like a huge waste of time.

>> No.14167115

anon i didn't let her back. I will not talk to her again. I called her last night just to cope but now it's over for good

>> No.14167196
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1535813425821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like reading books out loud - they just sound weird - no one talks like that. I get that books are supposed to sound weird, but why?

>> No.14167207

I might die tomorrow, you never know.

>> No.14167395


>> No.14167402

>that pic
Yikes reddit

>> No.14167403

A truly beautiful soul, ily anon

>> No.14167445

what if she didn't physically cheat and they only sexting?

>> No.14167733

The old lady is closer to Christ here than you in all your might; but he does not really exist

>> No.14167734

Emotional cheating. Still wrong. She has cheated in her heart and mind.

>> No.14167746

not a manlet

thanks anon, you're really nice but you shouldn't waste your time on someone like me. I actually shared my tweets on instagram where I have same of my relatives and people from my old high school as a cry for help and literally no one cared enough to ask how I'm doing.

How would you know? I would post a pic but you guys would turn me into a meme which would only make me hate myself more. I'm a mouth-breather so my face got quite fucked because of that.

>> No.14167756

This isn't a thing. Who has ever sexted with someone before having hooked up with them.

>> No.14167759

Faustian imp!
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

>> No.14167812

My penis can only get so erect," I hear myself say out loud. It's so weird and wrong. It's like I have my dick in my ass and I can't stop thinking about it. I look over at my friend and I see that she's sitting on my lap with her hand on her mouth. She doesn't look at me.

I don't know what to do.

"What should I do? Should I leave?"

"Oh," she says. "I can take you home."

She goes to the kitchen and comes back with a plastic bag and a little bottle in it.

"Don't get too excited. It's not gonna work. You just need to hold it for a few minutes."

I look at her. She's holding her own penis with her hands. I know it's not going to happen.

"Okay," I say. I hold it, I don't cum, and I

>> No.14167905
File: 85 KB, 759x1092, 1571992581811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I wrote a shitton and I was feeling great. This week I'm feeling like shit for no reason and even writing 2k words over the last three days that I desperately need by tonight have been pain and suffering. It fucking sucks how it goes like this, and no, I'm not bipolar or anything, I think the weather is just going to fucking shit because everyone around me has been feeling bad too.

>> No.14167911

I like him too. He has a real Nossie feel about him.

>> No.14167933

>I found one while cleaning my room.
Lol as if it spontaneously materialized in between all the piss jugs and jizz rags.

>> No.14167940

She left 6 months ago
I can't stop thinking of her
I've been up all night

>> No.14168082

I'm having some difficulty getting into the flow of In Search of Lost Time. Could someone who's read it tell me what mindset I should approach it from? Hyperactive focus on every single sentence, or should I let my mind relax and allow to book to make it's way to me?

>> No.14168102

Mere pleasures of the flesh is to chase after shadows of true happiness immaterial to this realm.

>> No.14168146
File: 84 KB, 243x255, 14556985234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 hours from now I'll be boarding a flight to spend 10 days with my ex. Will probably end up sleeping together even though she's crushing on someone new, who I'm going to have to pull emotional labour for, and I'm interested in another girl who seems to be too busy for me right now. It's an odd situation of not getting any kind of physical or emotional satisfaction from any of the women in my life. On top of that, I've written less 1,000 words in the last few days. I'm into a chapter that has to be written, but I haven't written in my head already, so progress is agonisingly slow. I have officially fallen behind on my NaNo writing as of today and I am unlikely to progress much during the next 2 weeks.

I want to go back to university and study another degree. Turns out that editing and publishing is a cottage industry (at best) in my city.

>> No.14168165

Protestants and trotskyists attract the same type of people

>> No.14168207

I will some day be entirely forgotten, and this is the only belief that comforts me.

>> No.14168229

Why the fuck would that comfort you?

>> No.14168288

Not him, but I'm guessing it's the peace of no consequences. It doesn't matter how hardworking or lazy you are, smart or dumb, cringe or based, you'll be forgotten one day and everything will settle into the same blank nothing. Entropy devours all.

>> No.14168323

There's a talk going on tonight that looks very interesting that I would most likely enjoy if I hit it up. But I'm so lazy and it's hard to go find the motivation to go out, it's cold and dark and I have to be out early tomorrow.
Any books for this feel?

>> No.14168353

There’re few things that depress me more than people farting on public transport.

>> No.14168372

count yourself lucky

>> No.14168412
File: 345 KB, 1280x855, FukaseRavenTattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate my sexuality, im a slave of my desires. i really want to chop off my balls and dick.
why do we suddenly start giving a shit about something whenever it goes missing? i don't wanna bear this violence of time and memory.
why the fuck i use "i" so damn much lmaoooo im not important or significant, it's fucking pathetic. i really want to escape myself.

pic related based qt got a tattoo based on the photo taken by Masahisa Fukase
it's an image from his photobook "ravens". it is my most favorite photobook of all time. if anyone is reading then you should check this out. read the description first then watch the video

>> No.14168456

beautiful photos, thanks.
>i really want to escape myself.
yeah, you and me both

>> No.14168480
File: 3.46 MB, 3824x3120, IMG_20191114_190427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought some great postcard sets (and a single card with a cool dog) from bookinists today, i have an addiction to collecting them

>> No.14168485

i'm sitting in a boring as fuck prereq class and my teacher is talking about all kinds of social issues that we could potentially write our final essay on and she's trying so hard not to talk about them in racial terms but it's like, immigration, gentrification, public school outcomes, and i am consumed with the knowledge that all these problems are racial in nature


>> No.14168486
File: 51 KB, 468x720, 1573748080418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yuo are a 3.7x2.6cm stone xddd

>> No.14168510
File: 53 KB, 720x712, 1573748414622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gem is the size of a fingernail and they still managed to carve him a dick. nothing but respect for the greeks

>> No.14168645

Looked at your ig profile pic. You're honestly cute and your glasses suit you. You don't need to pity yourself so damn hard. If it helps, this is coming from a girl.

>> No.14168695

dilate tranny

>> No.14168714

I understand you, anon.
I spent the first year of University sitting inside my room, shitposting on /lit/, playing vidya, doing coursework, drawing, and writing. Which isn't a terrible way to spend your time, but then I think of every event I missed that *could* have been enjoyable. It gives me peace of mind to know that whenever I do actually go out, it makes me feel isolated, bored, or just ambivalent most of time. I end up just wanting to go home and I usually do, early. I want more human connection but everyone I talk to is so boring and trite and we all end up talking about the weather or something trite. I don't expect everyone to start going on Dostoevsky-esque monologues about life but christ, people really don't have anything interesting to say. If you try to ask them anything provocative you'll get blank stares and a quick nodding of the head as a response at best, and, at worst, they'll treat you like you just violated some unspoken social pact. Anyways, we're all going to make it. Good luck to you and everybody else.

>> No.14168759

it's probably a solid advice, but only if you display the allowed opinion in your essay. you'd probably get extra brownie points easily

>> No.14168782

> my sexuality
> i really want to chop off my balls and dick
so, are you a tranny or a self-hating gay man?

>> No.14168827

>I think of every event I missed that *could* have been enjoyable
I'm always trapped between going out to have that fun, or indulging in my hobbies for fun. They're enjoyable, too, and I tend to feel pressured by them sometimes. There are so many books I want to read, so many vidya I want to play, so many stories I want to write. How am I supposed to finish them all if I spent time outside, outside without a clear goal in mind? I didn't even meet my friend at uni today and skipped picking up some items just so I can spend more time at home.

>> No.14168834

Worse, I think he's a neotrad.

>> No.14168843

Considerably comfy post, tbqh.

>> No.14168869

it's not the cooming per se, but the malicious neural circuit it reinforces. if you just masturbated endlessly with empty thoughts, independent from desire, you'd get exhausted and probably even start hating it.
your brain is plastic, it forms new connections and reinforces the paths you often use. but when you only use one, The Cooming Path, the others start to fade and weaken... except the cooming one. it gets reinforced to the point of being indesctructible. nothing else remains.

he kept pushing the coom button until his whole being was ground to nothing against its surface, like a piece of chalk.

>> No.14168911

Think about it this way: you're never going to be able to complete all the books you have on your backlog, or finish every single story you want to write down, or play all the vidya you bought on sale but never got around to actually playing. It's unfortunate, but you'll never be able to finish all of them even if you just sat home all day. You'd probably end up shitposting on an imageboard anyways instead of finishing anything (like what we're doing right now). So, just enjoy what little time you have in the day. Time that you enjoy spending is time well spent, or however the phrase goes.

>> No.14168929

unemployed looking for an office job and fairly hopeless? it's been since August and its just tough. Also ive had so much time to myself ive been compulsively fapping on jobuds and i'm becoming more gay? idk

>> No.14168932
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>> No.14169025
File: 496 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_2019-11-14-18-57-15-384_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a smart hard-working jewess gf

>> No.14169052

Let him do whatever he wants you insecure faggot, we're all just trying to find happiness and survive at the end of the day.

>> No.14169095

I just want to get into a T14 law school and marry a girl with good genetics and who comes a good family so my kids hopefully don't become neurotic, broken souls like me. That's all. Please god.

>> No.14169097

> office work
a way to destroy your soul. opt for FARM WORK instead. it's a real job, you're actually doing good instead of wasting time and paper
also, comfy and mind-healing

>> No.14169146

i'm in love and it's such a terrible thing. you can't live without it, but you can only stand so much of it. much as i'd rather be free from it when prospects are bleak, i'd rather be in love while i've still got love to give. it feels like i'll run out some day and i'll never love again, and in that case, i'd much rather feel the way i do now than never again. now it's a matter of iterations, learning curves, finding better ways to express what i feel in a way that can be understood, and perhaps moving on once something close enough to a "no" has been said. it feels like the gamble of my life.

The Old Man and The Sea never fails to both spur and console me.
>But it is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when the luck comes you are ready.

>> No.14169173

> bioproblems
i've never been in love since dumping my e-gf at 14 after i stopped liking her, feels great to not care about the major source of you all's sorrows and /feel/s

>> No.14169174

you have a really shitty attitude and care way too much about looks. not gonna maek it

>> No.14169176

>i want to tweet something racist so hat i can never become famous


>> No.14169179

>witness of how life passes through you without taking an active role in it

But...that's good.

>> No.14169182

so glad i wasnt on social media growing up and left those eternally cringe thoughts to myself

>> No.14169234

absolutely know that feel. I'm doing a focused reading on Nietzsche and his eternal recurrence of the same as one of his key tying ideas. currently about to start The Gay Science and even just Kaufmann's introduction has been frisson-inducing. the timing's been perfect as i've just found someone interested and decided, willingly, that i'd rather fall in love than fall out of it.

let yourself fall, my friend. find something that calls you just enough for you to take a chance on. i firmly believe there's an answer there.

>> No.14169252

>i've just found someone *interesting

>> No.14169269

Life doesn't want me.

I'm gonna make the bitch want me

>> No.14169409

another example of how /pol/ rots your brain

>> No.14169418


>> No.14169472

i don't talk about the books i love because i cherrish them so much that i don't want their image tarnished.

>> No.14169547

Unless you're just bored and want a challenge or have money bet on it then NNN is unsubstantiated TRP garbage

>> No.14169558
File: 201 KB, 641x356, 1652634523456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am constantly upset about a thing. I have come to a point where I always repeat the same things, like a lingering presence in a haunted house who wails and maybe does something with the lights and ends up exorcised because nobody cares why the spirit is angry, they just want it gone.
I don't know what to do except seeing a therapist, but a therapist will just give me medicines for depression which will not make me stop caring but just stifle the bad feelings. How do I abandon all expectations and hope with serenity and stop caring about the thing I care so much about? How do I not care about the thing anymore and close this chapter of my life? I have to just stop caring about the thing, and give up on the broken dreams that are making me hurt even if I have technically given up. I am mentally still thinking about the thing and it's ruining my life.

>> No.14169559

What would it matter? An average is an arbitrary number compiled from real living individuals. An average doesn't represent any person, just a number. You're better off not flattening 50% of the human race and treating every person as an individual, dumbshit

>> No.14169579

>normal people with gf's watch porn and beat their meat daily
>basement dwellers on 4chan demonize porn and then still have no gf
The problem isn't the porn, dumbass, it's that you people are incels

>> No.14169590

>I can love a woman as an individual
>and know that deep down all women are the same
Apparently you can't you actual dumbass

>> No.14169597

My retention of read materials is awful and I doubt my faculties. I also don't know how to start a conversation on read matters. Sometimes I don't even have the motivation to read.

>> No.14169601

How do you know 4chan isn't populated by people mostly like you. I mean you're here

>> No.14169610

All originality is is combining previously existing things in new ways
Originality is a nice bonus, but it's overrated. Just write good shit, don't worry if someone has written similar good shit before. Not like anyone's reading it anyway

>> No.14169615

porn used to be around in manageable amounts but now people basically exist for porn and openly have it on their feeds and constantly talk about it just like any other subject, it's actually replacing normal shit that people would talk about
It started getting on my nerves for other reasons too but I just fucking hate it now

>> No.14169618

God I hope so

>> No.14169626

Bro you need to actually go outside. If you think people exist for porn, or that people constantly talk about it, then you need to leave your room

>> No.14169670
File: 2.03 MB, 1334x750, 5C7F305A-AE7B-4227-A0BD-FA9962F0A6BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These latest protests in the middle eat are supposed to be disrupting Iran's plans for regional dominance yet they have few leaders or stated objectives, what is their end goal? It'll probably result in either and Arab spring style failed revolt or a crackdown and dismemberment of the opposition like the 2009 Iran protests or 2012 Bahrain ones.

>> No.14169738

the only value i have as a person is paying taxes

>> No.14169756

Approaching women is so unnerving and debasing. Sometimes I wish I could go to sleep and wake up and have a wife and a kid, readymade.

>> No.14169838

I can relate even less to people IRL, online is all I have and I can't stand it anymore

>> No.14169866

I'm lebanese and can confirm the protestors don't give a damn about Iran

>> No.14169886

Living in the world is proving too much for me. I want to run and hide from everything.

>> No.14170117

Because the sawdust turns into a plank if no one says anything.

>> No.14170156

Stop going here. I used to spend 14+ hours a day here just simmering in the bad atmosphere. It ruined my early 20s and I'm just fixing things now. There's so many 15-25 year olds on here that just need to get off of here. This place and /fit/ will ruin a young man like a traumatic car accident. This place is a catastrophe. You need to get off of this place before things will get better. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. You cannot stay on this board and make your life better. These people are mentally ill, they say fucked up things that will eat away at your brain and make you miserable. This place is infested with psychopaths who just want to hurt everyone. That's not normal. Nobody acts like that except for here. You're fucked up. Your brain is damaged from being on this place so long. You need to leave. Do it today. Don't come back to "check up on the board."

>> No.14170232

It really is humiliating. You have to grovel for the attention of a judgemental creature you could kill with your bare hands.

>> No.14170239

Another day passed, and I am coming to understand that I'm building something, there's a trajectory going on here, sometimes I lose sight of it, but I know how to get back to it.
The only thing I value, and will always value the highest is clarity of mind, it's my only single unthinking value, my constant.

>> No.14170272

The more I think about it the more casual sex is disgusting and degrading. It's a violation of temple. Almost no one should be worthy to the access it. The metamorphosis an individual undergoes to fuck and dump is a surrendering, or even worse corrupting of a sacred self to useless pressures, almost tantamount to dying in war for an irrelevant cause.

>> No.14170311

How can you forgive someone who had what they knew was the best thing in their life, and let it slip. Someone who casually held on with a single hand. How could you not grasp such a thing with two hands, for dear life? Fears of coming on too strongly are no excuse. If you have questions of someone, you ask. You show interest and initiative. You exhibit real appreciation for this invaluable and unique opportunity. The man who holds with one hand? Listens with one ear? Looks with one eye? He exhibits all the qualities of the uncaring and half-hearted. How could anyone of value bear to subject themselves to half a heart?

Some may say there is an onus upon the aggrevied to raise their concerns. I say, there is an onus to take reasonable steps in preventing aggrievement! Should we curse the bushfire when it consumes everything, or ourselves for taking only the bare minimum of precautionary steps? Nobody of value want a passive partner, someone who wafts along. Are we asking of that most valuable person to tug on our sleeve as though they were some tragic English orphan? To ask for a little more affection and care? How demeaning! How could anyone of value debase themselves through suffering that humiliation?

What, then, of the arrogant IDIOT who remains? Once lazily basking in the presence of brilliant light and now stumbling through a dim twilight. He may eventually realise his folly, his inexcusable defilement of his life. The stench of his self-befoulment will be an unending reminder and penance as he trips in the half-light. If he hopes to be clean once more he must forgive. Forgiveness for not only himself, but also that brilliance for leaving. There may, almost inevitably, come a day where he is risen. A reprieve from his self-made hell But it will never be the same light and he knows this. God can only hope the scars of flagellation serve a sufficient reminder.

>> No.14170357

>4chan makes me hate myself.
why bro? We are all autists here.

>> No.14170401

What am I reading non-fiction for if I'm going to wage my life away?

>> No.14170441
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 758BF16B-02C8-47C8-876E-39291C17BC11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14170463

I'm going to be applying for a job for the first time in my life, any advice, frens? I'm slightly anxious.

>> No.14170495

wait to get anxious till u actually get the job

>> No.14170530

I'm beginning to think that Jewish annoyiness is entirely genetic. My boss is genetically and phenotypically Jewish although he was raised as a born again Christian from childhood. He's just so neurotic and effeminate. It can't be caused by culture since we are surrounded mostly by people descended from Scandinavian peasants.

>> No.14170579

this. lit especially has gotten worse since i came here years ago.

>> No.14170650


>> No.14170733

It's mildly funny that modern people are "beginning to think" what people have generally known since the dawn of recorded history up until the twentieth century, which is that races of people have typical psychological traits just like they have typical biological traits.

>> No.14170854

You would think that I would have learned to not expect my parents to give a shit about me by this point.

>> No.14171246

I can't stop fucking cooming. If I go a day or two without I just coom even more the third day. I want release from this hell, I'm a permavirgin anyway why must I deal with these urges?

>> No.14171308

You can coom, friendo. Just don't use pornography! Use your imagination and do it only before going to bed, then will not have any negative effect on your day (fatigue etc) and you will drift away into a beautiful sleep ;)

>> No.14171343
File: 381 KB, 1496x1142, 1571658484690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am resigned to the fact that I have a gross, masculine body and will never be cute or adored again. It's just lonely winter and toil for the rest of my life. Wish I could have known this is how things would have turned out, maybe I could have done something about it, puberty blockers or something. Oh well, alcohol helps for now

>> No.14171351

To be fair, 3d women probably wish they were as cute as anime girls too

>> No.14171356

>normal people with gf's watch porn and beat their meat daily
yes, I was one of these people two years ago and I can tell you that porn was definetely one of the reasons I've broke up with my last gf. The things is: porn will set unreaslistic goals for your sex life and it's damaging for everyone. It doens't matter if you have a gf or not. I'm not saying that by stoping the consume of pornography you will get a gf like if is pure magic. That will not happen. But it will improve the way you see girls and that's a fact. Porn makes women to be seem just like a object, a hole you can fuck; and I know some people here think like that and that's exactly why they are alone: when you see people as a object you can only consume, you cannot love. Moral of the story: porn is objectely bad for your mental health and that's just ONE of the reasons you should stop waching that shit.

>> No.14171547

Machiavelli says it is better to be feared than loved, but why not simply be a capable ruler and see that the people's needs are sufficiently met? His writing expresses a fear of the people that I don't understand. Unless one intends to abuse the people, there is no reason to intimidate or manipulate them. And why abuse them? All people recognize that a supreme executive position deserves to be handsomely compensated, it is a hard job and frankly it would be embarrassing to have a representative who is broke. Is it a lust for power? Why? Power is responsibility. Responsibility is work. Why want more? Unless one intends to circumnavigate the repercussions of one's actions. In that case one is feeding an inner vacuum that will never be filled.

>> No.14171559

If I talk to the girl at work will I be reported to HR? If I ask her what she does (I know what she does) will I get in trouble? I just want a pretense to talk to her.

>> No.14171568

Thank you anon, I really wish the best for both of us :)

>> No.14171607

The possibility of ever being able to copy a mind into a machine or computer disturbs me because it would mean a complete loss of control over your own existence. If your mind can be copied indefinitely then what's to stop whatever multinational owns your data from just bringing you back over and over again? Imagine killing yourself only to wake up again because OmniCo decided that suicide is immoral :^) I hope there is some kind of immaterial soul simply to prevent this from happening.

>> No.14171645

>Implying you're that valuable

>> No.14171661 [DELETED] 

Suddenly I understood the Ancients' trepidation.

A fool. A fool. A perversely powerful fool.

>> No.14171687

the likelihood doesn't matter, it's the mere possibility. death should be absolute, even if it becomes preventable.

>> No.14171722

Good old school hardcore and gabber are best for a restless summer night.

>> No.14171758

Feeling love again, or infatuation. Either way, it's light and warm and I am able to do anything, everything, all at once, a weight has been lifted off of me.

>> No.14171769

she's getting railed by chad

>> No.14171778

Jokes on you, fag (maybe I'm the fag here), it's a male

>> No.14171814

based faggot

>> No.14171842

>uses the word objectively
>it’s a fact
>does not cite any studies, shoddy reasoning at best
>assuming I believe all women are holes just because I have a physical response to naked women
If you can’t tell the difference between porn and genuine sex you may be retarded

>> No.14171875

Someone close to me told me I'm the best he's seen me in years. Cheerier, actually cracking a smile on occasion. Yet my creative potencies have dwindled to almost nil, I've put on weight, not much has happened. Contrast this when I was more violently discontented, writing like I was possessed, working out like I was paid to do so.
I'm noticing a general pattern. When you are very unhappy, you are apt to take steps to improve your situation, to fight for your life. Then you reach a threshold. Life is bearable. Then you stop, let everything you go, trick yourself, out of an act of self-mercy, into thinking your struggles are over or at least temporarily abated. Then begins the backslide, the descent into gloom, the loss of what you strove to rip from the cold clutches of this world screaming.
Every time this happens, a little bit more of the fight bleeds out of you. Until you're old enough to want to die.

>> No.14171887

lmao. You think you can fix yourself by not going on 4chan. You can't, that's a magic solution you offer to your head, and the psychopaths you're afraid of in here are there on the outside too

>> No.14171896

I fucking hate commas. REEE. Commas are the only things standing between me, and a Nobel.

>> No.14171911

You're here forever

>> No.14171943

whatever dude if you think porn is good for you then let it be, it's your life anyways so why should i convince you of anything the world is bigger than this right? :)

>> No.14171968

Everytime I look at you, I see a dog on the side of the road. A big black bitch ready to be mounted by many men. Big men. A few of them could be small. You won't say no. You're a whore. The world lobotomized your brain the day your vagina started munching on dicks. The dicks that take turns squirting their DNA against the walls of your vagina, and you get pregnant. Your kids are of all different shapes and sizes. Blackies, brownies, whipped creamies. But no matter the color of your children's skin, they don't take care of you. You're a motherfucking dog.

>> No.14172023

What is the cure to narcissism and ultimately it's cause, cowardice

>> No.14172106

Is there anything that is not caused by cowardice?

>> No.14172115

I don't think so
Every weakness and flaw in character is a manifestation of not being able to face reality and change yourself accordingly

>> No.14172154
File: 18 KB, 480x360, aaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl seems really into me, which is a huge first. Never really had girls gravitate towards me like this, but this one is always looking over at me. When we talk she always smiles at me, and I fucking love the smile and she makes me feel like I'm fucking floating sometimes.

I got mad at her though and started not being as nice and I don't really smile at her anymore. She did something to piss me the fuck off but she had no self awareness in the matter. So I've been cold to her and she looks at me a LOT now, guess she wants me to pay her more attention again.

But I fucking love her, and I feel like after being more closed off to her this week that I'm making a huge mistake. So, I wanna tell her how I feel about her, I just wanna tell her how much I like being around her, and all that bullshit.

She's fucking beautiful and the first girl who's really given me attention and been nice to me. Fuck me, fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me

>> No.14172205 [DELETED] 

No, that wasn't the day. That wasn't even the day it was first used against me. It was only the day it became obscene.

>> No.14172397

I have an STD
My bitch is being a bit bitchy
merit means nothing in this life

>> No.14172538

if you were my son and I were your daughter
how lucky we'd be, how lucky we'd be

>> No.14172603

>so, are you a tranny or a self-hating gay man?
Not him, but I have his same impulse and I am neither of those things. The transient fantasy to lop off my cock and balls stems from the desire to be done with it all, the desire to be free of desire. Want is the root of suffering, and perhaps as a eunuch, that want will evaporate and leave me as the same cold, dry husk on the inside as I am on the outside.

>> No.14172615

Kid word of advice: don't hang onto being mad about something, time moves on.
Also just go for it, she might find someome else if she thinks you're unavailable.

>> No.14172784

Christ bro calm down

>> No.14172982

When I look at you, I see a succulent pink pig. I see pigs and piglets squealing on a blood-stained field. Your youngest will watch you be slit wide open. Every private inch exposed. A shivering mound of meat. Some screaming sacrifice.

>> No.14173245

I came back "to check on the board" knowing I shouldn't have. And I found your post. Which is what I tell myself every single day.
But there is nowhere else I can go. I am literally like a druggie who can't stop doing heroin because heroin is all he has. I don't have any life or future outside. Everywhere else on the internet I just get ignored and my soul is shattered. I have to either give up internet completely which is something that has kept me alive in this terrible city through terrible times for 15 years, and change my life to adapt to this terrible city and probably die inside and kill myself, or stay here, interact with people I don't know who either ignore or relate to me just for that one person who replies and says something that keeps me going for the rest of the day.
This place is horrible but it's all I have.

>> No.14173257

it's not your dick that causes this, it's your brain
your dick does not have power over your brain, it's the other way around

>> No.14173261

>tfw i do and she's much prettier than the one in that shitty pic and also blue-eyed

>> No.14173294

Dunno what to read next: Crime and Punishment or The Third Reich in Power.

Make the decision for me /lit/

>> No.14173306

read a good book faggot

>> No.14173396

Leave. Not here, but the city.

>> No.14173435

I always wonder how people like you exists. I have days when I'll get caught up in a twitter argument or a 4chan thread, but that's like twice a month at most. aren't there fucking books you want to read or games you want to play? get a life loser

>> No.14173479

Why was she the only one I could never get to notice me?

>> No.14173499

because she wants to fuck a bbc and probably is right now

>> No.14173515

Am I the only person who legitimately feels like 4chan helped me grow as a person?

>> No.14173830

Don't wanna go to work, don't wanna stay home

>> No.14173847

I have no problem getting out of bed to go to work. When I have off it takes me hours to get out of the house.

>> No.14173853

either you were shallow as fuck and almost subhuman if 4chan improved you,
or you've ascended beyond the hate and pointless fillers and only absorb the greatest from anything. hope it's the latter.

>> No.14173858

think of some early morning task then so you have some job to do after waking up. cooking, getting groceries, maybe start jogging

>> No.14173900


