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14158524 No.14158524 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw protestants are literally worse than jews

>> No.14158531
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>just work hard bro

>> No.14158627

sombart continues the thesis and says jews are even worse

i couldn't believe some of it, according to him jews basically invented aggressive/deceptive advertising and marketing, money worship, speculation in general, stock markets, debt slavery, everything

>> No.14158695
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>tfw when the american dream is more nebulous and far fetched than an eternal afterlife

>> No.14158814
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> Imagine believing Weber is right.

>> No.14158825

What even is the American dream?

>> No.14158836

pulling oneself up via one's own sneaker tongue

>> No.14158839


>> No.14158940

dying for israel

>> No.14158959

Join the army and die

>> No.14158977

Eric André

>> No.14159072
File: 44 KB, 650x960, 1526436586989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dream starts like any other. you're just kind of... there. you don't remember how you got there or how long you've been there or anything like that, all you know is that your penis looks fucking disgusting. you just kind of achieve consciousness, then you look down and you have a frankenstein penis. there are like four different skin tones right in a row: one that's the tone of the majority of your shaft, which is like a normal skin color, then as you get closer to the head, it goes brownish and clumps up for a little bit, like the skin on your elbow, then there's a section that's just straight up scar tissue and you can see the edges of where the wound was originally, and finally it just gets really thin and you can see a bunch of tiny little veins underneath right before you get to the lip of the head. Then the dream goes on for what feels like years and all the while, the tip of your dick is constantly rubbing on the inside of your underwear, which are made out of recycled sprite bottles, all day long. at some point, you just kind of start beating it, too. you don't even know why, you just start stroking it and squeezing it all day long. its like the dream is controlling you, making you do it. you do this for years and years (in the dream) until finally your dick is about as sensitive as your big toe.

>> No.14159076

Somehow this is legit

>> No.14159164

Do you think we will ever be free of this monstrosity? This image honestly pains me to look at. It's utterly repulsive. I understand that what I am looking at in this image is commerce and to some degree, the marketplace has always been a place of foul odors, unpleasant sights, and materialistic restlessness, but modernity has transformed the whole world into a marketplace.

>> No.14159193

kek "monstrosity" There's literally nothing wrong with that picture. I wish more parts of the world looked like that

>> No.14159196


>> No.14159297
File: 113 KB, 800x533, 484-8f2fa98a80808313bfe33da869e6f974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire idea of the Protestant work ethic is, ironically, an advertisement for Catholicism. That and the state of most historically Catholic countries. Catholics don't seem to make as much money as Protestants, but their pace of life seems to be more enjoyable, and many of the things which mark an enjoyable life--food, drink, love life, urban lifestyle, familial relations--seem to be far superior in Catholic countries than Protestant ones.

What's the point of making more money if your life in all other respects is miserable? Or, one might say: what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

>> No.14159303

Catholics are a bunch of lazy, stupid bastards and it's no surprise that the colonies of catholic countries all turned out to be complete shitholes. Meanwhile protestant countries have the highest average quality of life. But yeah, those evil protestants are just horrible, right?

>> No.14159307

to be a movie star and have sex

>> No.14159320

Weber is an underrated critic of modernity

>> No.14159336
File: 97 KB, 1072x736, 1521961028626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but we made iphones!
>catholics didn't make iphones or mcdonalds, WE DID!!!! PROTESTANT GOOD!!

>> No.14159339

i love that song

>> No.14159367
File: 61 KB, 1024x679, weyesblood1-1024x679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy weyes is based

>> No.14159373


>> No.14159396

everyone focuses on his 'iron cage' image and forget its opposite, the polytheistic void

>> No.14159643

What's unbelievable about that?

>> No.14159655

master bait or yikes

>> No.14159837

that's cause they give all their money to the church so the Cardinals can afford more jewelry and child prostitutes

>> No.14159847

They aren’t, but they enable Jews.

>> No.14159848

This, lole

>> No.14159892

Can you give some of the arguments?

>> No.14160146


Just read Belloc recently and literally this

>> No.14160167

Which Belloc?

>> No.14160168

Nowadays it can be summed up as

"Fuck You".

>> No.14160191

"my dad worked really hard at the job my grandfather gave him to give me a 6 figure position as his company! Its called self reliance and perseverance! bootstraps my dude!"

>> No.14160198

you know you've implied jews have better work ethic than other races? anti-Semite harder you goy

>> No.14160289

>Protestants break off from Catholics
>Protestants impose a theology of Sola Fide and remove the need for good works in salvation
>Somehow they believe this has actually made them work harder

Why is the "Protestant work ethic" the dumbest cope to have ever come out of northern Europe?

>> No.14160390

>didnt understand weber's argument

>> No.14160564

Fuck Germans
Fuck anglos
Fuck nordcucks
Fuck Protestants

>> No.14160566

to have enough money that you don't even need to ask questions like that.

>> No.14160573

Maybe you should read the actual book before commenting on it.

>> No.14160583

Eastern orthodoxy is better than catholicism change my mind

>> No.14160836

Have sex, incels

>> No.14161318

Read the book, OP. Sage for low IQ

The upside and downside of Protestantism is intellectual freedom. It's not all it's cracked up to be, and it's not for everyone.

>The American Dream is dead
>Last US president was black and the current one is fucking orange
The American Dream happens all the time. You just have to be honest about what you want and what you have to work with and get lucky. Dreams From My Father and The Art of the Deal are unironically good examples of this.

>> No.14162158

Protestantism was born from the need to justify sin. Greed was one of them.

>> No.14162202

I think it's more the places, although they do coincide suspiciously well now that I think of it. But is is hardly Catholic-only.

>> No.14162272

I don’t want to masturbate.

>> No.14162283

>jews are the only one capable of doing that
>when the italians were basically europe's bankers

You have to be incredibly naive to believe in this kind of horseshit.

>> No.14162328

Can a Protestant even be considered a Christian?

>> No.14162333

reminder that Americans can't into Catholicism

>> No.14162337

trips of truth

>> No.14162343

Have you looked closely at Italians?

>> No.14162344
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Fuck_Jannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But most of all, Fuck Jannies