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14158217 No.14158217 [Reply] [Original]

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about appreciation.”

>> No.14158219
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>> No.14158227
File: 15 KB, 198x300, osho_small2-198x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

>> No.14158238

What a retarded platitude. What would you call “coming to known it” and “reaising it” except improvement?

>> No.14158241

Buddhism is such soulless nihilistic trash.

>> No.14158250

Okay cultists you can stop peddling your leader now.

>> No.14158254

>just bee urself bro who cares about character flaws ur a masterpiece lmao

>> No.14158256


>> No.14158260

If you love Osho so much, stop reading him then.

>> No.14158262

I don't even know who this faggy geezer is, but I know that most of this herpy derpy mystical religion bullshit doesn't see any of the traditional human "improvements" as improvements. They think of it as a façade.

>> No.14158272

based oshoposter

>> No.14158279

Cliché, pastiche, platitude

>> No.14158290

>changed his name to Osho to try and distance himself from the insane shit that happened at Rajneeshpuram
The sad thing is clueless hippies still buy into this guy. He was a cult leader who set up a commune where his subordinates went crazy abusing everyone while he rode around in his collection of expensive cars. He had to leave the USA because of the shit he pulled.

>> No.14158310

You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy

>> No.14158317

>dude just be happy lmao just don't be angry
great advice from a certified sage

>> No.14158329

he's saying let go of the need for recognition

>> No.14158340
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The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it.

>> No.14158366

>if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love
If you don't pick it up it dies and ceases to be what you love. Death and change are unavoidable. If I pick it I can at least appreciate it more.

>> No.14158389


this is a practical statement designed to let him screw your significant other without fighting back, not a metaphysical one

>> No.14158399

>it is what it is, might as well die for my pleasure

everything wrong with the world today

>> No.14158408

Why? If I'm able to pick up the flower it is my property

>> No.14158425

only based post thus far.

>> No.14158478

You ever see that monk who remained in meditation pose while on fire? If he can force himself to remain calm in dire times, so can you.

>> No.14158512

Poor misinterpretation of Stirner. I wish you luck anon because I don’t think you really get it

>> No.14158539

If a nigger was able to pick up your bike, would it belong to the nigger?

>> No.14158550


>> No.14158644


>> No.14158672

Love is about both. I appreciate this woman, therefore I must OWN her. Thank Allah I live in Saudi Arabia and not some cucked Western country like Canada.

>> No.14158682

Yes. Even if he didn't pick it up I'd give it to him just to spite my racist dad who used to beat me, now I donate 20K of his inheritance to the Gates Foundation every year.

>> No.14158683

>"bro if you REALLY think your girlfriend is beautiful then you should just let her fuck anyone at anytime. love is, like, not about possession bro!"
>proceeds to stick his slimy, curry smelling cock in your girlfriend
wat do?

>> No.14158700


its best not to even allow yourself to get in that situation. if you have, you've already been pimped out, since the guru is infallible to the student. he definitely was a wolf in sheep's clothing

>> No.14158712

We used to have laws against this kind of stuff. Adultery was a punishable crime. Now it means your wife gets rewarded with half of your stuff.

>> No.14158728

Don't trust GURUS in general you fucking moron. I am from India. I lived there thirty years. I know what the FUCK I am talking about. Gurus are the craziest of our race, a bunch of con artist and scammers. I fucking FEAR ever having to see one of their faces again.

They simultaneously believe what they are preaching while knowing they are only saying whack shit to scam. It's insane. Use logic bro, don't let some vegan herbhead convince you we are living in a 40 dimensional multiverse with 78 emotions.

>> No.14158748

"If you love dicks, don't suck them.
Because if you suck them off they get soft and cease to be what you love.
So if you love dicks, let them be.
Love is not about possession.
Love is about apprecia- oh who am I kidding slurp slurp slurp"
- OP

>> No.14158749

>If you love a meme, don’t force it. Because if you force it, it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a meme, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.”

>> No.14158764

Woah, Osho retroactively refuted himself.

>> No.14158768


you're calling me a moron for merely describing the situation? i don't care what you know, go be annoying somewhere else

>> No.14158785

Picking a flower won't usually kill the plant. Furthermore the flower will soon die anyway. Picking a few flowers is fine. It's also interesting to see how they dry out. Some look nice for ages. Fuck off back to your Royce and do some more coke, Osho.

>> No.14158817

Go get scammed by my shitskin guru brothers you rude evil boy. Here I am trying to give to you good advice and you treat me this way? Next life I curse you to be a snake.

>> No.14158822

>ok cuck
I would split open my heart
with a knife, place you
within and seal my would,
that you might dwell there

and never inhabit another
until the resurrection and
judgment day — thus you
would stay in my heart

while I lived, and at my death
you too would die in the
entrails of my core, in
the shadow of my tomb.
- Ibn Hazm

>> No.14158863
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Can he defeat the osho menace?

>> No.14158871


thanks for the heads up, i'll go practice my slithering now

>> No.14158884


intentionally prancing around bombs during wartime and getting yourself paralyzed in the process may be hilarious, but it won't help you much in creating coherent metaphysical systems

>> No.14158891

>pretending this hard to not be asshurt
Admit it boy, you got scammed by my shitskin brothers and now you're S E E T H I N G.

>> No.14158920


i like india, the history of india, and the wisdom of india. i can appreciate all of these things without taking on a guru, which i have not done. therefore, your indignation is not legitimate. please remove your curse and get a real job, because your shitposting has too many cliches

>> No.14158930

Okay I am sorry brother, you are a fellow shitskin at heart, it's why my shithole Urheimat appeals to you so much. I love you dawg, I hope you reincarnate as a sacred cow amd get served by your fellow Indian shitskins at heart everyday. Jai Hind!

>> No.14158982

I love osho.

>> No.14159033
File: 1.43 MB, 2659x4050, Osho_HD_053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead. Growth is possible only if there is imperfection. I would like you to remember again and again, I am imperfect, the whole universe is imperfect, and to love this imperfection, to rejoice in this imperfection is my whole message.

>> No.14159049

You're a fucking retard n o offense.

>> No.14159197


good looks, tyty

>> No.14159209

Love him or hate him, this man was an ubermensch

>> No.14159223

Stop speaking like a zoomer.

>> No.14159248

god what is it with this new age neohippie yoga yuppie scourge? my girlfriend watched "wild wild country" with me and slept through the episodes where they planned gas attacks and osho clearly weaseled out of responsability and instead still thinks it was such a beautiful commune of free love. she even went and bought his books. i've read them, it's empty platitudes and calls to materialism and promiscuity. it's manipulative and stupid.

jesus christ if you want someone to do all the thinking for you you can just join the army.

>> No.14159266

I sit back and appreciate it :)

>> No.14159270

He didn't do that dumbass.

>> No.14159278



>> No.14159319

what do you mean by dat anon

>> No.14159395

osho hindu

>> No.14159551

Love yourself; if you did; you wouldn't let whores into your life.

>> No.14159600

Sorry not familiar with this guy, Hinduism is actually even worse.

>> No.14159665

Does this guy talk the way he does on purpose? It makes him sound deep and detached for all the plebs in the comment section.

>> No.14159730

deep meditation

Meditation is a state of no-mind. Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Ordinarily, your consciousness is too much full of rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust. The mind is a constant traffic: thoughts are moving, desires are moving, memories are moving, ambitions are moving – it is a constant traffic! Day in, day out. Even when you are asleep the mind is functioning, it is dreaming. It is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties. It is preparing for the next day; an underground preparation is going on.
This is the state of no meditation – just the opposite is meditation. When there is no traffic and thinking has ceased, no thought moves, no desire stirs, you are utterly silent – that silence is meditation. And in that silence truth is known, and never otherwise. Meditation is a state of no-mind.
“And you cannot find meditation through the mind because mind will perpetuate itself. You can find meditation only by putting the mind aside, by being cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind; by seeing the mind pass, but not getting identified with it, not thinking that “I am it.”
“Meditation is the awareness that “I am not the mind.” When the awareness goes deeper and deeper in you, slowly slowly, a few moments arrive – moments of silence, moments of pure space, moments of transparency, moments when nothing stirs in you and everything is still. In those still moments you will know who you are, and you will know what the mystery of this existence is.

>> No.14160577

Who in the name of fuck loves a flower. Stop spamming threads with this nigger.

>> No.14160582
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>every time I see an Osho thread
>every time someone bumps an Osho Thread

>> No.14160593

Feels good being a materialist and not being receptive to this nonsense in the least.

>> No.14160660
File: 35 KB, 381x434, ug-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: So there is nothing to Tantric sex?

UG: Call it a fucking club or a Tantric center — it doesn't really matter. You run a brothel because there is a demand for that. There are so many people who are doing this kind of thing in the name of enlightenment. That is detestable to me. They are not honest enough to admit that they are using that [the lure of enlightenment] for fulfilling their lust. That is why they are running these brothels. This kind of gurus are pimps.

Q: Mr. Rajneesh became famous for that....

UG: Yes, someone asked me, "What do you have to say about him after his death?" I said that the world has never seen such a pimp nor will it ever see one in the future. [Laughs]

Q: He was very good. I mean very professional.

UG: Yes, professional. He combined Western therapies, the Tantric system, and everything that you could find in the books. He made a big business out of it. He took money from the boys, he took money from the girls, and kept it for himself. He is dead and so we don't say anything. Nil nisi bonum. [Laughter]

>> No.14160670

Somebody needs to make a brainlet Osho.

>> No.14160718
File: 371 KB, 873x1255, Osho_HD_113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my sannyasins went to see U.G. Krishnamurti, and because he argued with him, U.G. Krishnamurti immediately became angry. And these people like U.G. Krishnamurti are telling people to drop anger, to drop greed, to drop the ego. But if you provoke them... Their whole religion is just skindeep. Inside is hiding a very pious ego, and when ego becomes pious it becomes poisonous. It is more dangerous because you become absolutely unaware of it, it goes so deep down in the unconscious. U.G. Krishnamurti lived with J. Krishnamurti for twelve years, and he never mentions his name. If somebody brings up J. Krishnamurti's name, he immediately condemns J. Krishnamurti -- and whatever he is saying is just an imitation of J. Krishnamurti, paraphrasing. The reason he cannot accept the fact that he has been with J. Krishnamurti for twelve years is very simple. The moment he accepts it, then you can compare his statements with J. Krishnamurti's, and you will find they are simply paraphrasing. He is repeating, imitating, he knows nothing.

I can expose ug krishnamurti.

>> No.14160749


>> No.14160754

Their criticisms of each other are both correct

>> No.14160794

tha may me feel so guud insigh love lift pray eat live :0 :-))))

>> No.14160892

who are you?

>> No.14160941


>> No.14160949

are u sure. age?

>> No.14162008

I saw a film about this dude's cult in Poona. There's a part where about two dozen hippies are naked and punching and screaming at each other. At one point a female hippy is tackled to the floor by a dude and he begins clumsily fucking her. I don't know if they knew each other beforehand.

>> No.14162032
File: 7 KB, 228x300, Portrait-Sigmund-Freud-1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like primal therapy, its better than going to a jew for him to listen to your problems which he never cared about in the first place.

>> No.14162077

it's more like you should discover your real life purpose that is withing you and you just need to explore yourself and not be like "wow elon musk is such an ubermensch and i want to become like him some day so i leave my past experiences and desires and go do what he does"

>> No.14162173

That would be fine if that was the purpose, just people fucking their rage out, but the pretense of peace and love is what's so sickening about it.

>> No.14162355

are you an osho follower brother

>> No.14162375


Says the guy who ended up owning 93 Rolls Royce.

>> No.14162379

Are you jealous of his richness??

>> No.14162404

>sounds like primal therapy

i hear its really popular in sweden

>> No.14162437

nigger fuck off this thread

>> No.14162473

If this retard knew anything about the reality. You can place flower in a jar of water and let it root, then transplanted back into the earth.

Love is the power to bend the reality to your will.

>> No.14162541

The problem I have with OSHO is that he doesn't show the whole story. If I were in his position I would have known by now that I wasn't going to make it and probably would have made some kind of amicable agreement with me. I'm a real estate agent and I'm not afraid to tell people how to do business. I would have made some kind of arrangement with him. It doesn't really work this way. You have to keep fighting it.

So, I'm asking for something. I want people to pay attention. I want people to see that we are actually trying to do things for the common good. This is the way I would do it. This is the way I would make it work. We have to change the system. I want to change the system. I want to put the power back