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14155949 No.14155949 [Reply] [Original]

He was right all along

>> No.14155959

Can this board not conjure up a post other than the same fucking Marxpost?

>> No.14155966

Do you guys think in 500 years Marxists will still be saying 'one day the stateless classless society will come' or will they have given up

>> No.14155969

Not an argument

>> No.14155975

So when exactly does capitalism produce the conditions for it's own destruction?

>> No.14155981
File: 264 KB, 785x1000, 1573509894337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can this board not conjure up a post other than the same fucking Marxpost?

>> No.14155994

they're more interested in the first stage, where they establish a brutal tyranny to kill everyone they don't like and re-educate the population in the ways of marxism. this is the state of affairs that according to their gay jewish prophet will then magically wither away and usher in true communism for no apparent reason

>> No.14156039
File: 50 KB, 822x960, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would describe myself as a radical marxist

>> No.14156056
File: 6 KB, 205x246, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing against Marxposting, male who accepts penis in anus, yet--we know Marx was right. How many fucking times must I see this same fucking Marxpost?

Plus, how many times will I see the same wojak face with gaping basedmouth utilized to mock someone on this board? Does the sum of the digits in your age even add up to 10?

>> No.14156065
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1559168753361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-any time now...

>> No.14156071

>religion is the opiate of the masses
>religion begins to take a step back culturally
>rising rates of opiate addiction and death

Was he actually right about this?

>> No.14156076
File: 55 KB, 612x476, Nazbol Gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was almost right, he just needed more respect for Traditionalism & Nationalism

>> No.14156085

Nazbol are based, but because they remind me communism and national socialism have the exact same goals.

>> No.14156092

>exact same goals
national socialism is eugenic
communism is dysgenic

>> No.14156098

Totally, what do you think of the commodification of society? All human interaction being reduced to economic equations? Because if that's true then how come some people have so much more than others? Doesn't that mean that they are cheating people they interact with or something? Yeah, cuz like drug dealers, they take your money and give you drugs, then you use the drugs and the drugs are all gone, but the money still exists, the value of the drugs is in the high it gives you, the value of the money is in what it can buy you, but you can only get so high before you die of an OD, whereas you can literally have an infinite amount of money and be in no danger, oh wow, mind blown.

>> No.14156102
File: 93 KB, 1080x1064, GANG GANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf, National "Socialists" are just capitalists using socialist propaganda (with the exception of people like Otto Strasser)

whereas Nazbols actually believe in the public ownership of the means of production, and ususlly reject the idea of an ethnostate.
Im an unironic Nazbol but im more of a Traditionalist in the way Jean-Jacques Rousseau was

>> No.14157399

lmao no please go back to r*ddit