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File: 19 KB, 620x330, Chad Psychologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14145417 No.14145417 [Reply] [Original]

Stop reading Nietzsche.

>> No.14145425 [DELETED] 

Pinkerfag is 100x worse. Pure humanistic faux-optimistic materialism with some atheist flavour.

>> No.14145442
File: 125 KB, 793x776, Taleb_mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14145443

the real question here we always wanted to ask ourselves: is assman leibnizian?

>> No.14145748
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>> No.14146315

shut the fuck up ass.

>> No.14146328


>> No.14146370
File: 103 KB, 1071x387, SmartSelect_20191110-160201_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking imbecile, leave!

>> No.14146502
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Has he completed the system of Albanian Glowpositivism?

>> No.14146516

>Arab vs Jew
I think we already know who'd win that fight

>> No.14146529
File: 229 KB, 1040x658, SmartSelect_20191107-214702_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Phoenician.

>> No.14146555
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An Arab

>> No.14146578
File: 23 KB, 149x200, 1573381925967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb happens to be healthy (he works out and is skeptical of big pharma), he happens to handsome, he happens to be strong (he works out), he is good at learning and is very rational, he is fearless (he likes uncertainty after all), he will forgive your mistakes as long as you're not an imbecile, Taleb is a libertarian and fights for freedom, Taleb is well versed in philosophy, Taleb is Greek Orthodox, Taleb is a scientist, Taleb speaks multiple IE languages.

>> No.14146606


What do you guys have against Pinker ?

>> No.14146612
File: 594 KB, 785x820, 1445989294272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taleb is Greek
No he is an Arab

>> No.14146623

Just jealous incels.

>> No.14146634
File: 4 KB, 452x523, Le-Happy-Merchant-Question-Mark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew, Taleb is Lebanese with a bit of Greek admixture.

>> No.14146649

If he doesn't like Nietzsche, I have that against him.

>> No.14146686
File: 337 KB, 600x316, Reality-As-It-Is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. I think there are a ton of anti-rationalists on this site. I think they just don't like to face facts.

>> No.14146690

look at him

>> No.14146696

He was BTFO by Taleb

>> No.14146723

I hope the Arab

>> No.14146730


>> No.14146750
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>> No.14146767

Well, it all adds up now.

>> No.14146834


>> No.14147116

i dont know how any of these shitlords who have pics online w epstein arent immediately shunned from public life

>> No.14147130


>> No.14147415

You really don't know?

>> No.14147435

Can Pinker not conceive of how anhedonic and alienated the average person is, despite the fact that material living standards have improved in much of the world? "Pessimism bias" is often the result of a kind of protective skepticism which is necessary for individual identity. Just because there's less violence in the world doesn't mean it's improving at every level.

>> No.14147461

i mean i know just expressing disbelief
what do you know

>> No.14147465
File: 60 KB, 605x403, Chad Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question: Which author (living or dead) do you think is most overrated?

>Pinker: Friedrich Nietzsche. It’s easy to see why his sociopathic ravings would have inspired so many repugnant movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism, the Ayn Randian fringe of libertarianism, and the American alt-Right and neo-Nazi movements today. Less easy to see is why he continues to be a darling of the academic humanities. True, he was a punchy stylist, and, as his apologists note, he extolled the individual superman rather than a master race. But as Bertrand Russell pointed out in A History of Western Philosophy, the intellectual content is slim: it “might be stated more simply and honestly in the one sentence: ‘I wish I had lived in the Athens of Pericles or the Florence of the Medici’.”

Damn, Nietzsche BTFO!

>> No.14147478

Pinker is obviously right in that for a rich jew there hasn't been a better time to be alive than today.

>> No.14147501

This strikes me as a horribly cursory reading of Nietzsche. Then again, there aren't many "good" readings of him, either, so his guess is as good as anyone's.

>> No.14147557
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Pic related.

>> No.14147562

inb4 an extremist neo-Nietzschean beats pinker to death to fulfill the will to power and btfo liberalism once and for all

>> No.14147569

pinker has never had a thought in his life

>> No.14147575
File: 4 KB, 271x186, Ubermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience. As you recommend, I will achieve heroic glory by exterminating some chattering dwarves. Starting with YOU, Shorty. And I might do a few things to that Nazi sister of yours, too. Unless, that is, you can think of a REASON why I should not.


>> No.14147587

pinker is the incarnation of the last man though

>> No.14147591

Imagine what a fag world it would be if your options were Pinker and Nietzsche

>> No.14147594

Literally famous for being more cowardly than Northern Europe and putting self preservation above everything

>> No.14147640

How has Taleb responded?

>> No.14147655

*teleports behind u*

>> No.14147810

Lol. Nitchy btfo. I have definitely read his works and he says right there in Zarsthustra: superman kills everyone. What I want is a world where everyone kis each other. This is how I imagine the world that is free from my particular set of morals: totally without any.

>> No.14147828
File: 1.03 MB, 1277x800, 1572546945513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche is responsible for literally every single rebellion against the liberal upper class
Holy shit. Boys get reading.

>> No.14147892

>the intellectual content is slim
lol. Nietzsche's collection of scrapnotes complied by his retard sister contains more "intellectual content" than both Russell's and Pinker's bibiliogrophy combined.

>> No.14147927


>> No.14148025

Nietzsche fan or not, you have to admit that if someone walked up to that kraut and said that to his face he would die on the spot.

>> No.14148044

Holy fuck taleb is a complete retard that hates science

He's a religion fundie that denies IQ and genetics

>> No.14148050

No he wasn't.
Taleb doesn't even accept IQ.
He's fucking retarded.

Pinker is based.
They're jealous of him

>> No.14148053

No. You’re just stupid and ignorant of the vast scholarship and ubiquity of reading. Try looking up the Journal of Nietzsche Studies if you strive to be more than a reactionary shitposter.

>> No.14148054

Living standards are stagnating in the west due to central banking and government intervention.

They're going to increase in the next 50 years though.
>t. asspained leftist

>> No.14148055

found the jew
>Behold, the Last Man

>> No.14148058

stop using this made up useless word

>> No.14148063
File: 498 KB, 531x534, injured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb is absolutely fucking retarded on every level.



>> No.14148068

Imagine not accepting IQ statistics and calling OTHERS jews.

>> No.14148074

whine more faggot

>> No.14148079

I bet you unironically use the term "reactionary" "neoliberal" and "trickle down economics" in everyday life and pretend you're not a massive pseud lmao

>> No.14148123
File: 39 KB, 680x621, 1573270401905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lauded financial analyst
>thinks IQ research is a conspiracy

just goes to show that the people who supposedly understand our financial system don't know shit, especially if le ebil right wingers are involved. one of the most well respected economists in america today, krugman, said we'd be in a massive financial recession as soon as trump took office. utterly, eternally wrong

>> No.14148135

Okay. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.14148181
File: 72 KB, 721x499, Keynesians-Failing-since-1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the most well respected economists in america today, krugman
krugman is such a joke
fuck the nyt

>> No.14148188

saw one of this guy's ads at the gym. Who is he?

>> No.14148955

>Nietzsche's a do-do head 'cause I think he said bad things and made people hurt each other
>I can advocate violence, though

The sheer level of arrogance from these forgettable "public intellectuals" astounds me.

>> No.14149210

That History of Philosophy has done so much damage.

>> No.14149219

Cringe. Also the guy in the left doesn't even look that bad

>> No.14149221

He is a pseud who is loved by fellow pseuds. Perhaps even worse than the likes of the pseud sam harris and jordan peterson

>> No.14149226

Hopefully arab

>> No.14149389

>be anon whose life is completely miserable shithole
>blames society for his misery

>> No.14149395

you people read too much into his ramblings
he had some really good insight but he's not the mastermind you take him to be
just because a text is hard to read does not necessarily mean its deep

>> No.14149515

>hates science
Really? I didn’t know he was so based, guess I’ll read him after all

>> No.14150744
File: 31 KB, 460x276, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does pinker have so many photos of him with weird shit? Like what's the point?

>> No.14150750
File: 27 KB, 480x360, BigBrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, who decided to photograph him holding a brain and why?

>> No.14150801

I'd like to see that lip-wristed kike try and kill anyone. I doubt he even has the physical strength to rape a woman as he claims he could.

>> No.14150828

Cool photos to appear in magazines.

>> No.14150841

stop reading pinker

>> No.14150842

he's thinking about how nice it would be to have one of those

>> No.14150862

why are all jews the same? listening to pinker just gives you that eerie "he's one of them.." feeling. like even if you don't know he's jewish, you get that feeling that this guy is insincere, has a creepy ass voice, would smile while diddling some kids, etc. he just has THAT vibe

>> No.14150863
File: 37 KB, 442x330, Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taleb shows no signs of having read Better Angels with the slightest attention to its content. Instead he has merged it in his mind with claims by various fools and knaves whom he believes he has bettered in the past. The confusion begins with his remarkable claim that the thesis in Better Angels is “identical” to Ben Bernanke’s theory of a moderation in the stock market. Identical! This alone should warn readers that for all of Taleb’s prescience about the financial crisis, accurate attribution and careful analysis of other people’s ideas are not his strong suits.

Even Taleb....

>> No.14150871

don't worry, nobody has

>> No.14151669

I read him in my linguistics 101 bird course.

>> No.14152462

IQ is genuinely retarded though.

>> No.14152579

>IQ is genuinely retarded though.
No, you're genuinely retarded. IQ is the best metric we have of general intelligence and its correlation with future life successes is indicative of its validity. Feel free to keep believing whatever idiot confirms our bias, though, as I'm sure you will.

>> No.14152617

This, didn't Russell even regret writing it and only did so because he needed the money or something?

>> No.14152663

psychology is a joke boys

>> No.14152689

>nignogs have low IQ
>retards have low IQ
>smart people have high IQ
I think IQ works pretty well

>> No.14152691

>The Three Shlomos

>> No.14152730

Nice strawman, dipshit. The ubermensch will be unhappy in any society which isn't rooted in master morality. Furthermore, the ubermensch is self-sufficient; the polar opposite of the sort you are describing.

>> No.14152992

Why do leftists deny science?
Leftism is a religious cult.

>> No.14152999

Coping pseuds

>> No.14154022

explain please

>> No.14154073

>They're going to increase in the next 50 years though.
For some

>> No.14154136
File: 9 KB, 278x181, 1548172331198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine writing this and thinking that it was good

>> No.14154242
File: 19 KB, 279x312, 1556588157004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creator of own values
>the evolution of man, heralding a new world beyond the old moralities of antiquity
>wants to live in a state of antiquated morality

It's like you fags never actually read a Nietzsche book in your lives

>> No.14154664

>this famous person met this billionaire at a dinner


>> No.14154807

I don't like Pinker because he is a pedo apologist and an academic hack, but he is right about Nietzsche.

>> No.14155053

I'll just leave this here https://youtu.be/PyZ_KMs79HU

>> No.14155672

I wish we had flags on lit.

>> No.14155945

>For some
for most

>> No.14155984

>The confusion begins with his remarkable claim that the thesis in Better Angels is “identical” to Ben Bernanke’s theory of a moderation in the stock market. Identical!
I agree, it's crazy to think that was the message. The real thesis was "um, genocide is actually nice, my superior skull shape says I'm right."

>> No.14156012

It's all so tiresome. Just once, it would be nice for /pol/ to be wrong

>> No.14156825

well, he's right. nietzsche was ultimately just a le wrong generation fag and so are his dickriders

>> No.14156843

It's easy to understand the Pinker vs Taleb fight when you consider their origins.

Steven Pinker is an American Jew, he is a member of the most powerful and prosperous ethnic group in the history of mankind. Is it any wonder he is an optimist? Taleb is a Lebanese Orthodox Christian who grew up during a civil war in his country that saw his ingroup losing power and prestige and increasingly disappearing. Is it any wonder he is more of a pessimist?

>> No.14157474


>> No.14157506


there i just summarized pinker's whole career