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/lit/ - Literature

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14143303 No.14143303 [Reply] [Original]

To be a writer you have to be vain.

You have to be in love with the sound of your own voice, you have to believe with all your heart that you're incredibly interesting and what you have to say is of critical value. What other type of man would put his wholly self serving thoughts out into the world? A truly wise man wouldn't care to spread a message. A truly wise man would come to his own conclusions, and have faith that equally wise men would come to their own conclusions and all the rest were beyond hope anyway, so why bother trying to teach the unteachable? Every man who ever put his name to a manuscript was a man so full of self importance the only people who could stand to listen to him for more than 10 minutes were the strangers who bought his books.

If you aspire to be a writer and fail, then rejoice because at worst you're an empty headed fool who was destined for failure anyway and at best you're wise enough to subconsciously recognise the pathetic enterprise for what it is and in both cases you confirm that you haven't got your head shoved up your own arse.

>> No.14143304

stupid anime nigger, every heard of kafka or slyvia plath?

>> No.14143311

Yes, because they were vain enough to put pen to paper

>> No.14143312
File: 18 KB, 336x188, 1553905332256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually to be a good writer, you need to cater who love entertainment, which means women, so the topic which sells good is people who have sex and get bored. Since bourgeois have lots of spare time to kill and lots of sex and actually know how to write, they talk about sex and boredom the most and sluts love them for this.

>> No.14143619

>t. 19 year old """""commie""""" in his first year of university who thinks "raising awareness" is helping the revolution

>> No.14143648

reddit is elsewhere

>> No.14143653

>the vain man writes a statement characterizing all other writers as vain and idiotic in order to feed his own massive ego
It's a satirical masterpiece, bravo anon

>> No.14143655

4chan is Reddit now.

In the past 3 years traffic has grown 500%. Larping teenagers outnumber oldfags 10 to 1. This site has been dead for a long time.

>> No.14143658

Thank you

>> No.14143685
File: 87 KB, 735x490, 1561968308086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing a bad writer. A successful writer, or any other artist, needs to show a remarkable understanding of what's good.
And you just can't do that in a vacuum. It is therefore very easy to spot those who will become successful out of a group of students in a writing/art/etc. class. They seek critique, they want to know what others think of their work, and they improve. It's not about blindly following people's tastes, it's about maturing your own - nobody is born a genius, people grow over time. Any personal flaws will also show up in your work, consciously or not.

>> No.14143788

>They seek critique, they want to know what others think of their work, and they improve
None of the writers I like ever asked for critique in their lives. They had a vision and they didn't want anyone to interfere with it.

Writers who ask for critique's all the time are failures.

>> No.14143793

this is the kind of stuff a person thinks who never even attempts to be creative. they think ‘A Person Is Either Born To Do It, Or Not’

but to be good at anything just means you do it so much, it becomes like drinking water. Maybe the water has sand in it from time to time, but it’s never a fucking protein shake

>> No.14143796
File: 127 KB, 1058x595, 1554433197420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but to be good at anything just means you do it so much, it becomes like drinking water.

>> No.14143801

heh, sure thing buddy

>> No.14143809

Chris chan is literally retarded though

>> No.14143811

You're a failure, you don't have any right to write anything if you need to have your hand held all the way through

>> No.14143813

People are predisposed to being better at certain things.

If you're a bad singer, you'll never be a great one, no matter how hard you try. Same goes for everything else in life.

>> No.14143821

Bait, but I do think about this sometimes.
My highest aspiration is to write a mediocre webcomic, or perhaps just web fiction. I'm morally opposed to taking money for doing so, but it dawns on me that I'm still taking people's time from them. The chain of my reasoning is too boring to get into, but essentially: Every moment spent reading any of my mediocre work is a moment somebody isn't dedicating to a more valuable activity. Any action I take to boost 'engagement' with my work is an arguably malicious one.

>> No.14143836

Things you disagree with are not bait you fucking child

>> No.14143839

I think I'll rather listen to the advice of Horace who influenced 80% of canonical writers and who praised honest critics, rather than some rando on 4chan who probably didn't even publish a book (sure as fuck not at a respectable publisher).

Without criticism and knowledge of theory, but by sticking blindly only to your most autistic ideas, this is what you end up with.
The guy who draws these is metaphorically speaking a spaz who almost chokes whenever he drinks water.

>> No.14143854

lol, fair points, but what about an outsider artist like Henry Darger? if you are an autist trying to sound like Mariah Carey, you are gonna suck

>> No.14143891

Didn't say i disagreed, you fucking child.

>> No.14143909

>To be a writer you have to be vain.
>You have to be in love with the sound of your own voice,
I don't think narcism and vanity entail eachother, even if we suppose a writer needs to be one or the other.

>you have to believe with all your heart that you're incredibly interesting and what you have to say is of critical value.
Would you rather writers were people who think everything they say is stupid and pointless, and then publish anyways? What are you getting at?

>A truly wise man wouldn't care to spread a message
Then duct tape your mouth shut and watch how even the most basic components of your life collapse. Even monks wave hello to eachother.

>Every man who ever put his name to a manuscript was a man so full of self importance the only people who could stand to listen to him for more than 10 minutes were the strangers who bought his books.
No? Do you think everyone who's published a manuscript was unlistened to for their entire life up until writing? Beyond that I don't even see how this is a burn. Suppose we're talking about an author most people here don't even like, like Rowling. "Haha the only people who listen to you are the millions of people who read through five or so books of your writing." Great burn, anon.

>> No.14144472

No poet or orator has ever existed who believed there was any better than himself. - Cicero