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14140955 No.14140955 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explore this phenomenon?

Genuinely curious why religions all over the world told basically the same stories.

>> No.14140959

Uzdavinys' Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth

>> No.14140965
File: 28 KB, 200x300, 1561955063888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Lord. How many times do we have to debunk this?

>> No.14141051

Retarded pic
Based for different reasons

>> No.14141060
File: 211 KB, 780x877, C340267C-04D9-4D3E-A976-B6763933F867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u no fact check?

>> No.14141117

This is gay but Christianity is also gay. What are some good books on Mithras and Mithraism

>> No.14141129

babby's first perennialism. I think /lit/ is the last place in the world with unironic perennialists.

>> No.14141147

My dad is a sort of perennialist. He thinks aliens/gods came to earth and taught mankind how to speak read write farm do math etc and that’s where all the religions developed from. It’s very popular among conspiracy theorist boomers

>> No.14141166

ancient aliens is a classic boomer transformation of their increasingly untenable bourgeois Christianity. It's quite gnostic really

>> No.14141846

The Masks of God series

>> No.14141970


>> No.14141972

Bill Cooper Babylon Mystery Radio, you can listen to the episodes on youtube.

>> No.14142863

Mythology is a language, it explains reality through symbolism, metaphor, etc. the reason there are similarities is because they're describing the same thing, unique aspects are explaining concepts others did not. Most of it is routed in astrology, philosophy, and other proto-sciences of which mythology itself is a part of. This is lost on the layman because he reads literally and is thus used by the priest-class of which are just merchants in funny hats (their respective garb is also full of symbolism and meaning), there are aspects of religious text that is exactly as it is on the surface, usually the various rules for followers to imbue the ignorant with certain baseline virtues. Read up on the anthropology of religion, comparative religion, start reading everything chronologically after having read the Trivium and Quadrivium along with The Secret Teachings of All Ages (just so you can get how to read between the lines, ignore the author's constant sucking off of contemporary secret societies like Freemasons, Rosicrucians, etc.) and other esoteric encyclopedias, encyclopedias of symbols and myth, and encyclopedias of astrology. This will allow you to make your own connections, I'm still at the beginning with just a handful of religions under my belt, regardless this is one of the most interesting intellectual journeys I've been on.

>> No.14142922

"my religion explains everything about every other religion!"
-every religion ever

>> No.14143275

>Genuinely curious why religions all over the world told basically the same stories.
This is explored in some depth in The Evolution of God by Robert Wright.

>> No.14143320

Try Iranian Leviathan by Jorjani

>> No.14143329

Who was that one Hindu God that actually did walk on water? I think Coomaraswamy mentions him somewhere but I can't remember who it is for the life of me

>> No.14143339

Campbell "the hero with a thousand faces"
Turner " Beyond geography"

Also look up axial thought

>> No.14143348

Pretty sure it was Vishnu as Narayana

>> No.14143366

>tfw christfags post this with irony instead of defending the accusations within

>> No.14143370

More importantly, are there any books on the modern idea that something must be "original" in order to be valuable?

>> No.14143402

really interested in this as well! we were making a list of comparative deities across mythologies, but there ended up being way too many to reference them all. that being said, any progress someone else has made would help a lot! :)

>> No.14143420

I second this request

>> No.14143425

What the fuck. OP' "phenomenon" isn't even real. It's a factually invalid example of archetypes.

>> No.14143466

Masonic bullshit is what you are looking for.

>> No.14143501

Watch Ancient Aliens

>> No.14143512

this desu, although I don't know which Jung work to recommend first

>> No.14143696

You're right, thanks