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File: 753 KB, 2501x3732, Osho_HD_056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14137669 No.14137669 [Reply] [Original]

For three thousand years in the West, ten thousand years in the East, philosophers have been struggling to find the truth, and not a single philosopher has been able to find it.

“The way of philosophy does not go with truth at all. It is just rational gymnastics. So one philosopher can argue against another philosopher, and they go on arguing for centuries, but they have not come to agreement on a single point. Philosophy is the worst wastage of human intelligence that is possible.


What do you guys think?

>> No.14137693

He’s right. This dude was a badass

>> No.14137722

I unironically believe that Osho was an ubermensch

>> No.14137726


Why did he die then

>> No.14137725

*commits bioterrorism and fucks his followers*
nothing personal kid

>> No.14137745

Fuckin nihlocucks always talking about destroying the mind. Philosophy isn't just epistemology, there are very real applications of the ethical derivations of metaphysics to life, because life is the relationship of our means and ends and scrutiny of the nature of means and ends can inform the way you dispense with the former.

Why can't buddhabuggerers leave death for death and live while they're alive? Thought IS life, and the grander the web we weave of it the better we'll have served our disposition.

>> No.14137750

>commits bioterrorism
that was sheela
>and fucks his followers*
its consenusal

>> No.14137759

>Fuckin nihlocucks
I call myself an existentialist. I call you existentialists. But it has nothing to do with those dodos in France. It is not a philosophy but a way of life - not according to any dogma, cult, doctrine, discipline, no! - just living without any idea of how to live. The moment the "how" enters, it opens the door for all the philosophies to come in, all the theologies to come in.

I want you to live like the trees, like the birds, like the clouds. Without man, do you think existence will disappear? Without man, after the third world war, do you think the sun will not rise? And the nights will not rejoice in millions of stars?

My insistence is: live spontaneously without any discipline. Live in freedom and live in totality, because one never knows the next moment. I may not be here, you may not be here. The next moment is meaningless. As far as existence is concerned, it knows only one tense, and that is the present tense. The past is no more, the future is not yet.

Only idiots bother about the past; they are gravediggers. And only idiots are concerned about the future, for the simple reason that they have lost contact with existence now. They are hoping perhaps tomorrow the miracle will happen, perhaps tomorrow the messiah, Jesus Christ, will come down and give you salvation, liberation, paradise

>> No.14137771

Osho , as great as he was, and the wonderful lessons he taught led a very different of life. He always stated about living intensely and never held himself back from the joys and pleasure of life.

During the start of his discourses in the 60s , he was extremely healthy and fit and was often referred as a champion swimmer, even against tide. But as the days progressed and his followers grew, he started taking things to the next level. I have read ,seen and heard a lot from him and consider him a true mystic but his death could have been from a lot of reasons.

If you see his pictures, he aged significantly in the last 15 years of his life, the electricity in his voice was lacking and though his eyes still shone but the fiery gaze was absent. I believe his health had been degrading significantly because of the drugs, lifestyle, a lot of sex.I can't confirm about these but he was really pragmatic and it was indicative. Also the poisoning in the US must have contributed significantly.

All this together resulted in his death. But he lives in all the lives he touched and all the visions of life, truth and everything associated with it.

Long live osho

>> No.14137791

Yep, nihlocuck. Of the slightly rarer "back to nature" variety.

Why separate the constructions of thought and culture from the constructions of nature? Don't they come from the same place?

The choice of nature over culture is reflective of the implicit separation of the two into separate categories; the choice of the former category, in rejecting the products of man's works, is an implicit (or at least inexorable) endorsement of nihilism, because it holds all human endeavor up as worthless.

There is a time and place for such skepticism, and that time has passed and that place is not here.

>> No.14137803

>because it holds all human endeavor up as worthless.

Life is an opportunity to achieve, whether you spend it in collecting pebbles or in attaining to the divine. Life is a completely neutral opportunity. Life does not tell you what to achieve. If you collect pebbles, accumulate worthless things, or waste your life in increasing and inflating your ego, life will not prevent you from doing so. Or you may dedicate your life to attaining the truth, the self and the ultimate depths of life; then too life will not object to your doing so.

Life is merely a neutral opportunity - you may use it the way you like. But many people make arrangements to deceive themselves. They think, "Life is for worldly pleasures." They have created such divisions: "Life is for bhoga, indulgence." But then only death remains for yoga, union, with the divine. But death is not an opportunity. Let this be understood properly. Death is an end of all opportunity.

What is the meaning of death? Its meaning is that now there is no more opportunity left. Life is an opportunity, death is the end of that opportunity. So nothing can be achieved through death, because for achieving anything there should be a span of opportunity.

>> No.14137837

Yeah, all nihilism. The bitter nihilism of the man oppressed by external circumstance, resentful of any authority, even that of his needs.

Freedom looks swell to the oppressed--probably why this guy was so popular in the 20th century, as generation came off the capitalist trip and wanted to free themselves from the tyranny of other people's expectations.

But we've smashed that stuff, and now it's time to rebuild. Or maybe it's not. I suppose not everybody has cut loose yet. I guess I might just build a sandcastle for myself, and dedicate it to posterity.

>> No.14137881

How is he a nihilist????

>> No.14137975

>I call myself an existentialist

>> No.14138027

Science has explained more in a few hundred years than philosophy has after millennia, philosophy is pointless beyond mental masturbation.

>> No.14138140

Ok boomer

>> No.14138174

Damn you guys are gullible.
jay dyer did a good deconstruction of Osho and similar retard cults.


>> No.14138189

>For three thousand years in the West, ten thousand years in the East
There's no such thing as eastern phylosophy except political phylosophy.

>> No.14138241


>> No.14138300

>terrence mckenna
schizo psychedelic junkie

>> No.14138315

Name one baitfag.

>> No.14138317

Hi jay

>> No.14138319


>> No.14138371

He was a badass. So badass he btfo Gandhi when he was 9 years old


>> No.14138422

He was pretty badass for making girls and boys for sitting next to each other when it's not allowed in india.

When I became a teacher in the university, the first thing I did—because as I entered the class I saw the girls sitting in this corner, four, five rows just empty in front of me, and the boys sitting in the other corner—I said, "Who am I going to teach—these tables and chairs? And what kind of nonsense is this? Who told you to sit like this? Just get mixed and be in front of me."
They hesitated. They had never heard a teacher tell them to get mixed. I said, "You get mixed immediately; otherwise I am going to report to the vice chancellor that something absolutely unnatural, unpsychological, is happening."
Slowly, hesitantly…. I said, "Don't hesitate! Just move and get mixed. And every day in my class you cannot sit separately. And I don't mind if you try to touch the girl or the girl tries to pull your shirt; whatever is natural is accepted by me. So I don't want you to sit there frozen, shrunken. That is not going to happen in my class. Enjoy being together. I know you have been throwing slips, stones, letters. There is no need. Just sit by her side, give the letter to the girl, or whatever you want to do—because in fact you are all sexually mature; you should do something. And you are just studying philosophy! You are absolutely insane. Is this the time to study philosophy? This is the time to go out and make love. Philosophy is for the old age when you cannot do anything else—you can study philosophy then."


>> No.14138427

sit next to each other*

>> No.14138742

Neuroscience will end philosophy.


>> No.14138766

Neuroscience will end psychology and philosophy

>> No.14138933

Charlatans and demagogues will always tell you that they know the truth
And philosophy is your best self-defense

>> No.14138935

>'All I know is that I know nothing'
>struggling to find the truth

>> No.14138936

Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.

>> No.14138950

go back

>> No.14138958
File: 653 KB, 2720x1811, Osho_HD_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE EXPERIENCE OF TRUTH is neither a thought nor a feeling. It is a vibrating and a throbbing of all the vital components of your entire being. It is not in you; you are in it. It is your whole being, not just an experience that is happening to you. It is in you yourself, but it is larger than you because the whole of existence is included in it as well.

YOU ASK ME FOR A DEFINITION OF TRUTH? There is no definition of truth. How can one's self define one's self? Pilate asked Christ, "What is truth?" and Christ simply looked at him and remained silent. Truth has no words, no sounds. Truth is an experience of the extreme depths of the self. It is total identification with what is.

TRUTH IS NOT THE OPPOSITE OF UNTRUTH. The opposite of untruth is still untruth. All extremes are untruths. Truth is the mean between extremes. In other words, truth transcends all extremes.

THERE IS A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE between the experience of truth and an interpretation of truth. When you try to interpret truth you stand outside; when you experience truth you are completely inside it, in total communion with it. This is why it is impossible for those who have had the experience of truth to define it. If a man can give you some explanation of truth it is a sign he has never experienced it. People ask me what truth is. But what can I say? I have to remain silent.

Q. WHAT IS TRUTH? Is it a creed, a cult, an organization, a scripture, a word?


A creed is dead and truth is life itself.

Truth is not a cult. There is no path leading to truth. How can a path that is known lead to the unknown?

Truth is not an organized religion either. Truth is an experience that transcends time. It is extremely individualistic, totally personal. How can it be confined in the limited circle of time?

Truth is not a a word, not a sound. Sounds are born and die out, but truth exists forever.

Q. Then what is it?

You will never find truth in the language of who, what, where, when or why. Truth simply exists, and what is just is. Truth cannot be thought about or pondered over but it can be lived. All thought and deliberation are obstacles to being in truth.

In the cadence of music, in the fullness of love, in the beauty of nature the individual virtually disappears - and what exists then is truth.

The individual himself is untruth; the non-individual is truth. The "I" is untruth; God is truth.

Truth cannot be taught through any word. Understand well that any truth that can be taught through words is not truth at all. Truth can be known but it cannot be uttered. To know truth you have to become wordless, silent empty. How can something that is known in emptiness be put into words?

>> No.14139027
File: 86 KB, 850x400, quote-you-call-yourself-free-i-want-to-hear-your-ruling-thought-and-not-that-you-have-escaped-friedrich-nietzsche-123-10-86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically what did he mean by this? I'm only a pitiful brainlet peasant humbly seeking your wisdom, anon

>I want to hear your ruling thought and not that you have escaped a yoke
Does that mean that he doesn't give a shit about the fact that you've *phisically* attained freedom? Does that mean he wants to know what you actually want to do with it?
>Are you such a one as was permitted to escape a yoke?
The fuck does this even mean?
>There are some who threw away their ultimate worth when they threw away their servitude
Does that mean that according to him freedom is overrated if you don't know what to do with it?

>> No.14139090

Did you get freedom for freedoms sake or to perform great works?
If you had lived your life for Christ, you can call yourself free by escaping this servitude. However, this freedom is meaningless if you do not replace it but another higher calling.

N is talking about mental and moral freedom, not literally being in chains.

A 4chan example would be NEETs escaping wage slaving, but becoming hardcore porn addicts, depressed and suicidal doing nith. They would have lived greater, better lives under the yoke of capitalism. (Per Nietzsche)

>> No.14139093

say you want osho's wisdom, not mine

>> No.14139356

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