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14135661 No.14135661 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of comedy writing as an art form?

>> No.14135664

imagine the smell

>> No.14135666
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you can't go much lower

>> No.14135683

>Larry Davis's hair was once even worse than it is now
>worse than even Costanza's

>> No.14135689

God I love Larry. Curb is amazing. Jerry is meh

>> No.14135716

add woody Allen and Epstein and Weinstein and you have the faces of the goyim Hollywood pedophile ring

>> No.14135719

Absolutely. It's all about control, clarity, concision, pacing, rhythm, tension, and release. Often the difference between an author that's really only incidentally funny and an author who is genuinely funny comes down to their control over pacing.

It's damn hard, even if you're decently funny in your everyday life, translating it to paper is difficult. One could honestly learn a decent amount of rhythm from reading Seinfeld's book "Seinlanguage."

>> No.14135735


Based take. Good post anon.

>> No.14135779

What about PG Wodehouse?

>> No.14135810

What about him? He's great. I wasn't trying to say that you could learn about this stuff *only* from Seinfeld, he's just in OP's pic.
You'd no doubt learn even more from Wodehouse, Amis, Roth, Toole, any of the great comic writers, even Beckett, Kafka, Pynchon, whoever. I'm just trying to say that even more popular or "low brow" comedy has a lot of merit. I mean DFW seemed to have learned a lot about writing comedy from the Simpsons. Hell, Woody Allen's screenplays read a lot like Saki.

>> No.14135844

It is the highest form of art.

Gilbert and Sullivan are finer artists than Shakespeare.

>> No.14135847

Comedy is the language of nihilism. And when you really think about it there is nothing funny about the complete annihilation of human values. The forced laugh is a forfeiting of the soul, and the honest laugh is the sound of despair at having forfeited our dignity

>> No.14135856

*slips on banana peel*

>> No.14135858


>> No.14135900


OK Boomer

>> No.14136110

>Gilbert and Sullivan
are they writers?

>> No.14136118

Who else is funny other than wodehouse, /lit/? How about Douglas Adams?

>> No.14136119
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>> No.14136122

Gilbert wrote the drama, Sullivan wrote the music.

>> No.14136141

>But they didn't write comedy

>> No.14136159

I must admit, I laughed

>> No.14136329

Everyone here
+ Wilde, Sedaris, Heller, Twain, Sterne, Waugh, Zadie Smith and Don Delilo are pretty fuckin funny, Flann O'Brien, Twain, David Lodge,

>> No.14136358

did u roast wodeohouse or adams

>> No.14136581
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>Zadie Smith

>> No.14136607

White Teeth is a funny book. I don't see the problem.

>> No.14136645

Of course. Every Cum Town episode is an elaborate philosophic parable (though casual listeners may only pick up on parts, causing them to think it's a comedy podcast with brief philosophic discussion instead of a work of philosophy itself). The "Cool Adam" bit was a particularly compelling extension of Lacan's theory of anxiety and the self.

>> No.14136699

honk honk

>> No.14136733

Goyim means "non jews". You're new at this, huh.

>> No.14136762

Jerry is great. He's not as good of a writer as larry and he can't act but he's a great comedian. And obviously we have Jerry to thank for giving us Larry. I really don't think Larry would have made it without Jerry. He would have been some really great under the radar dude until his death.

>> No.14136787

It probably smells like pungent kosher food in there.

>> No.14136798

It is 120 years past your bedtime Nietzsche.

>> No.14136806

If it smells like a delicatessen then I'm fine.

>> No.14137345

true people seem to loathe jerry these days

>> No.14137355

Yes they’re not real Jews, their fake Jews, your a Jew aren’t you? Huh, these guys aren’t ‘ur people’

>> No.14137714


Godless pseud, a hearty laugh with good friends is one of the highest forms of mirth

>> No.14137823


Larry is a great writer (but an awful stand-up comedian) and both, Seinfeld and Curb... are pretty much the best in TV comedy.

>> No.14138038

Holy fuck you stormniggers get more retarded by the minute.

>Doesn't even know what goy means

>> No.14138044


Master baiter.

>> No.14138152

Hes a good standup
