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14134265 No.14134265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the /pol/tard crowd here hates based Jewish writers in the canon? Is it because these writers are way superior to them or is it pure hatred?

>> No.14134310

It's because they haven't read them and are mostly trolling.

>> No.14134324

All the kvetching! It's terrible!

>> No.14134351

how do I get zion pilled?

>> No.14134397

Who is in the canon? Kafka? Some of the writers of the Bible? Do they even count?

>> No.14134435

Jews and the Bible have eastern origins so no, they don't count.

>> No.14134461

the irony when the christian bible is by and large the stories and teachings of a dead jew

4chan would be more palatable if they just hated everyone equally
>There is no racial bigotry here.
>I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops, or greasers.
>Here you are all equally worthless.

>> No.14134472

Actually, the Bible is a compilation of stories jews stole from other cultures they parasitized.

>> No.14134503

Kafka, Proust, Broch, Salinger, Zweig.

>> No.14134511

The Bible is the cornerstone of Western literature.

>> No.14134563

I'm not from a Christian background but I had heard the phrase "all is vanity" and it had stuck in my mind, so I decided to give Ecclesiastes a try. It was too painful! I gave up half way through. I could feel my blood boiling as I was reading.
>Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
>What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?
What did the Jews mean by this?

>> No.14134604
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not completely wrong. they just cant flesh it out intellectually yet but they see the strain of je ne sais quoi. daily reminder to deabrahamize and separate ontological metaphysics from aesthetic entertainment.

>> No.14134693

Because they have Germanic blood, and the Jews they hate actually have Germanic blood too, and Germanics have a strange instinct for dividing themselves against each other and hating themselves. A German will pick a fight with his reflection in a mirror; he is simultaneously proud, and self-hating, but only by pretending his reflection is the enemy and not himself. See: the fragmentation of Europe by Germanics, the fragmentation of the German Holy Roman Empire, the religious fragmentation of Christianity into Protestant sects instigated by them, the invasion of Germanics by other Germanics (everything from the Viking era, down to Napoleon and Hitler trying to conquer other Europeans), the division of Germanics against Germanics in the days of colonial independence, and so forth. Remember: Germanics are partial ancestors of Spaniards, French, English, Italians, Croatians, etc, and Germanics were the ruling class in the Baltics, Russia, Hungary, etc, so when infighting happens among these people, you are seeing infighting due to Germanic blood. Every European Jew is also Germanic, be it because they're literally from Germany (Ashkenazi Jews) or from Visigothic-descended Spain (Sephardic Jews).

>> No.14134704

Saul Bellow is excellent, but I just can't get along with Philip Roth. His books are so heavily steeped in New York-Jewishishness, a world I just have no interest in. Then again, when he tries to write outside that world (e.g. When She Was Good) the books turn out really weak, so I can see why he'd stick to it.

>> No.14134707

Except all the characters are jewish and the setting is the middle east. It's not ours, it was imposed on us.

>> No.14134724

The Western canon is also about works that influenced the canon.

>> No.14134743

Let me guess, you heavily fetishize European paganism

>> No.14134755

No denying it, but that's not what I said.

Get with it, Christcuck. Stop worshipping your enemy.

>> No.14134767

>Stop worshipping your enemy.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.14134789

There's no returning to true paganism at this point (true Christianity is also dead, for the record)

>> No.14134795


Not the other Anon, but I mostly find the verbal art of the Bible quite poor. But when it's mighty, it is mighty indeed:

2 Who is this who darkens counsel
in words without knowledge?
3 Gird your loins like a man,
that I may ask, and you can inform me.
4 Where were you when I founded earth?
Tell, if you know understanding.
5 Who fixed its measures, do you know,
or who stretched a line upon it?
6 In what were its sockets sunk,
or who laid its cornerstone,
7 when the morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
8 Who hedged the sea with double doors,
when it gushed forth from the womb,
9 when I made cloud its clothing,
and thick mist its swaddling bands?
10 I made breakers upon it My limit,
and set a bolt with double doors.
11 And I said, “Thus far come, no farther,
here halt the surge of your waves.”
12 Have you ever commanded the morning,
appointed the dawn to its place,
13 to seize the earth’s corner,
that the wicked be shaken from it?
14 It turns like sealing clay,
takes color like a garment,
15 and their light is withdrawn from the wicked,
and the upraised arm is broken.
16 Have you come into the springs of the sea,
in the bottommost deep walked about?
17 Have the gates of death been laid bare to you,
and the gates of death’s shadow have you seen?
18 Did you take in the breadth of the earth?
Tell, if you know it all.
19 Where is the way that light dwells,
and darkness, where is its place,
20 that you might take it to its home
and understand the paths to its house?
21 You know, for you were born then,
and the number of your days is great!
22 Have you come into the storehouse of snow,
the storehouse of hail have you seen,
23 which I keep for a time of strife,
for a day of battle and war?
24 By what way does the west wind2 fan out,
the east wind whip over the earth?
25 Who split a channel for the torrent,
and a way for the thunderstorm,
26 to rain on a land without man,
wilderness bare of humankind,
27 to sate the desolate dunes
and make the grass sprout there?
28 Does the rain have a father,
or who begot the drops of dew?
29 From whose belly did the ice come forth,
to the frost of the heavens who gave birth?
30 Water congeals like stone,
and the face of the deep locks hard.
31 Can you tie the bands of the Pleiades,
or loose Orion’s reins?
32 Can you bring constellations out in their season,
lead the Great Bear and her cubs?
33 Do you know the laws of the heavens,
can you fix their rule on earth?
34 Can you lift your voice to the cloud,
that the water-spate cover you?
35 Can you send lightning-bolts on their way,
and they will say to you, “Here we are!”
36 Who placed in the hidden parts wisdom,
or who gave the mind understanding?
37 Who counted the skies in wisdom,
and the jars of the heavens who tilted,
38 when the dust melts to a mass,
and the clods cling fast together?

>> No.14134812

Obviously. But I never said anything about paganism. That dichotomy requirement is a fiction in the Christcuck's mind.

>> No.14134879

Meh, compared to music and science the Jewish writers aren't even top 10 material.

t. half Jew

>> No.14134887


>> No.14134895

what the fuck does that even mean? are you the half jew from every other jew thread?

>> No.14134923

Jews are always in the top 10 when it comes to ruining stuff and never in the top 10 when it comes to positive achievements.

>> No.14134926

>what the fuck does that even mean?
It's very unlikely the authors are superior to "theirs". So a pretty unlikely reason for the /pol/tards hatred. Besides when did brainlets ever need an actual reason? Their ideology works on loops of idiotic assumptions.
>are you the half jew from every other jew thread?
I hope not. Haven't posted in like a year. Did the half Jew population increased that much? What is being done about that problem?

>> No.14134935

Case in point.

>> No.14134958

>It's very unlikely the authors are superior to "theirs".
I said them, not theirs, though. What I meant by that is that many people here who want to become writes and see minorities in the canon and they go full /pol/tard.
>. Did the half Jew population increased that much? What is being done about that problem?
I don't know but there's always a half Jew guy in these threads who always mentions that he's half Jew.

>> No.14134987

>see minorities in the canon
What we see are jews putting them in our canon and importing them into our countries en masse because they are hostile toward us. That's the issue, bud.

>> No.14135005

Dumas, Pushkin, One Hundred and One Nights, etc.They've in the canon long before recent immigration.

>> No.14135014

>What I meant by that is that many people here who want to become writes and see minorities in the canon and they go full /pol/tard.
I mean, people like that probably exist and the lack of introspection to compare themselves with the canon writers would be helpful on their path right; but they are minority among "ze Jew's is why I don't have a gf" crowd, as are writers, and as are people who even read ten percent of the canon. Doubt being butthurt about the quality difference is much of a factor.
>but there's always a half Jew guy in these threads
Well, no idea about him (them) but I usually mention shit like that when something about me puts me on the side which normally would agree with the message. Some sort of "don't start smoking, it's bad, kids. - t. smoker".

>> No.14135029

And who has advocated for and promoted them?

>> No.14135064

Proof your delusions please

>> No.14135092

People have been obsessed with Arabian Nights since time immemorial. There's no Jewish conspiracy here, /pol/tard.

>> No.14135099

You need proof that jews attack whites by promoting and insulating their power with nonwhites? Did you stumble onto the internet yesterday, kid?

>> No.14135114

Arabian Nights was authored by Indo-Europeans who lived in the ME. It's more a part of our culture than that of any semitic / arab culture.

>> No.14135183


>> No.14135244

The great literature of the West was primarily authored by European gentiles.
>based Jewish writers in the canon
Name one.

>> No.14135247


>> No.14135253

Culture and race are different things.

>> No.14135257

Still not Western.

>> No.14135262

I know all the shitty /pol/ infographics, just not a single one with any real verifiable evidence to their retarded reductionist claims

>> No.14135265

No, they aren't. Culture is an extension of race. Everything is. Different selection pressures and evolutionary environments shaped peoples differently, and their different cultures are reflections of their distinct natures.

>> No.14135269

If done by white/European peoples, it qualifies as western.

>> No.14135274

Maybe you're just dumb, dude. There's no lack of evidence for these things.

>> No.14135282

spotted the ameritard

>> No.14135286

Not really. Read Spengler.

>> No.14135299

That was true once, but not anymore thanks to globalization.

>> No.14135322

It will forever be true. Every culture is a reflection of the people in charge of the cultural institutions, and since western cultural institutions are currently run by an internationalist clan of jews, the culture reflects their globalist ambitions, vapidness, and destructive nature.

>> No.14135344

He's not wrong though. Hyperconsumerism does support assimilative culture. While globalisation is not complete, hereditary cultures have been waning for the past few centuries.

>> No.14135369

I'm not arguing against that; I'm saying that phenomena is a reflection of the nature of the jews in power, which includes the cultural and biological extermination of their racial competitors.

>> No.14135392

People have been taking shit from other cultures since fuck knows when. It has nothing to do with Jews. Europeans took paper from the Chinese, for example. And the same applies to literary influence.

>> No.14135411

To claim that the foreign tribe of jews running western cultural institutions have nothing to do with the destruction of western culture is nonsensical. You are living in fairyland if you believe such an alien race would have any interest in protecting it. They are not a part of it, they do not view it as their own.

>> No.14135422

I didn't say that Jews weren't currently destroying the West, though. Learn to read and interpret things.

>> No.14135435

You said it had nothing to do with them.

>> No.14135456

I replied to a post saying that only Jews were responsible for the phenomenon of globalization. This monolithic fantasy whiteland you dream of has literally never existed. People took ideas, culture, traditions, etc. from elsewhere since time immemorial.

>> No.14135458
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>tfw Yiddish is a dying language

>> No.14135472

>Name one.

>> No.14135503

Cultures can invent things and inventions can influence culture, but inventions are not culture. The same goes for literary influences.

>> No.14135504

You're quite the strawman. I never said any of that, so it seems you're arguing with yourself here. Jews are indeed running our institutions and are absolutely the main force driving globalization, which reflects the jewish internationalist nature, benefits their collective interests, and allows them to blend in among a deracinated, heterogeneous populace that is incapable of collectivizing against them.

>> No.14135511

Literature is culture, though.

>> No.14135519
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>> No.14135532

The majority of Europe’s population is gentiles, that’s why

>> No.14135538

Gentiles? More like genitals since they're fucking dicks and cunts lmao

>> No.14135570

It's a flawed line of argument. Chinese literature is still Chinese literature even if it influences Western literature. It doesn't become Western literature itself.

>> No.14135577

>It doesn't become Western literature itself.
Tao te Ching and The Analects are part of the western canon.

>> No.14135588

Except nobody is saying it does, but the Western canon is fundamentally about works that were written in a Western language and non-Western language works that influenced the former. I think you fail to understand how this works.

>> No.14135591

Can you actually argue your point?

>> No.14135596

>and non-Western language works that influenced the former
does this mean the art of war is western

>> No.14135599

>the Western canon is fundamentally about works that were written in a Western language
No, it's about works that were written by western, white, European peoples.

>> No.14135603

No, but it's part of the canon.
Then why is America included?

>> No.14135604

He's talking about racial cultures though. I think you fail to understand how this works.

>> No.14135614


>> No.14135616

>white peoples
jesus christ shut the fuck up burger

>> No.14135623

what books arent part of the western canon

>> No.14135627

Sorry, culture means another thing in my mother tongue. Anglos are fucked in the head as far as I'm concerned and traumatized about muh race.

>> No.14135630

The Analects had a profound impact on Western thinkers, and just off the top of my head influenced the Transcendental movement by means of Emerson and Thoreau, and of course had a place in the modernist movement through Ezra Pound.
The Tao Te Ching has long since been in the western literary consciousness, going back to Leibniz.
Other non-western books I would consider part of the western canon are the Bhagavad Gita and the works of Rumi, for similar reasons.

>> No.14135634

Books that don't fit the description found here: >>14135588

>> No.14135652
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Who are you calling Anglo?

>> No.14135654

I clearly meant Anglophone, not Anglo-Saxon.

>> No.14135671

>Other non-western books I would consider part of the western canon are...
What authority do a bunch of anonymous users on a taiwanese breadmaking forum have over the western canon?

>> No.14135674

You are vastly overstating the influence of those. Major works from India are also cultural manifestations of the Indo-Europeans who colonized the subcontinent, so they can be classified as western since they are products of Aryan peoples.

>> No.14135684

Western comes from West. India is Eastern and therefore, not part of the West.

>> No.14135687

"Western" is a cultural classification not a racial one

>> No.14135697

is a filipino living in germany western?

>> No.14135705

A filipino is a human being not a cultural work

>> No.14135708

Western peoples migrated into the region and brought their culture.

Western is a racial classification.

>> No.14135709


>> No.14135717

>Western is a racial classification.
It isn't though. The name implies West, which is geographical at best, but cultural in reality.

>> No.14135720

Listen mate, please don't associate us with those mutts.

>> No.14135723

>Western is a racial classification.
[citation needed]

>> No.14135742

Try all you want, but you will not succeed at universalizing western culture by allowing nonwhites to be a part of it. It will always be a synonym for the cultural products of European-derived peoples and not any random shitskin some kike tries to pigeonhole into it.

>> No.14135752

Russians are Caucasian yet they don't think of themselves as Western. Americans have literal nigger blood in them yet they call themselves Western. It IS a cultural term.

>> No.14135755

>It is because I want it to be to fit my worldview
Calm down before you hurt yourself

>> No.14135759

the western canon belongs to us argentines and mexicans and iranians

>> No.14135778

Slavs are part of the Indo-European racial family responsible for the production of western culture. American = white as well. There is zero nigger admixture.

European peoples live in various places around the world, which is why there is no question about a man like Borges being part of the western canon.

The required racial component is inherent.

>> No.14135784

>There is zero nigger admixture.
Burger cope lmao you lot are part eggplant.

>> No.14135788

>The required racial component is inherent.
what about mixed people like Americans or Euros like Dumas?

>> No.14135791

>Slavs are part of the Indo-European racial family responsible for the production of western culture.
They don't view themselves as Western. They don't even use the same alphabet.

>> No.14135794

>Western peoples migrated into the region and brought their culture.
They're a mixed-race people with a non-European culture, what the fuck are you talking about?
>Western is a racial classification.
Except it's not. A moment ago you were trying to argue that culture is an extention of race and now you're just trying to bend definitions to suit you. Western is a cultural term, that's what everyone (except you) means when they say Western.

>The required racial component is inherent.
According to who? You're okay with mixed-race Indians but not with mixed-Jews and mixed-Americans? Is there any consistency to your logic?

>> No.14135811


What the fuck is this Anon talking about?

>> No.14135816

Bellow, heller, Roth

>> No.14135820

>Homer is the cornerstone of Western literature

>> No.14135821

He's a based schizoposter let him be

>> No.14135832

American = unmixed white. It never meant anything else.

They view themselves as more western than eastern or anything else. Russia is widely viewed as part of the west because they are a part of the white race.

>culture is an extention of race
It is.

And there should be no mixed race anything allowed. It's not us. But with the case of India the culture existed before they mixed out and can be used as a lesson on how your culture gets destroyed when you race mix.

>> No.14135835
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>Western is a racial classification

>> No.14135836

But Jews are actually better at literature than any other of the high arts. The only good Jewish person in music imo is Mendelssohn. Leonard Cohen is also kind of cool if your into more modern stuff.

>> No.14135849

>They view themselves as more western than eastern or anything else.
Nah, Putin is always talking about the West as if it were a different thing and in many ways it is.

>> No.14135860

>American = unmixed white. It never meant anything else.
It just means someone from the USA. Skin color is irrelevant and lots of them have some % of negro blood. Only a retarded burger would claim all Europeans are the same mass of shit lmao stick to /pol/.

>> No.14135879

Expert on Europe and Russia from the comfort of your dusty basement in Neverleftmyflyovershithole, USA. Lmao fucking retard.

>> No.14135898 [DELETED] 

>American = unmixed white. It never meant anything else.
When the Europeans arrived to the Western hemisphere, they called "America" what is now South America, in honout to Amerigo Vespucci. Then they called "America" the entirety of the Americas (both North and South America). And the Anglos came and call their country "The United States of Amerca", meaning belonging to that European-named landmass, not an aposition like many believe, but then modern Burgers started to talk colloquially and call themselves "Americans". So, you're wrong. America has meant and still means many things.

>> No.14135911

Why do you keep repeating baseless statements expecting it will make them come true?

>> No.14135932

>American = unmixed white. It never meant anything else.
When the Europeans arrived to the Western hemisphere, they called "America" what is now South America, in honour to Amerigo Vespucci. Then they called "America" the entirety of the Americas (both North and South America). And then the Anglos came in and called their country "The United States of Amerca", meaning "the first united nation belonging to the European-named landmass known as America", not an aposition like many believe, but then modern Burgers started to talk colloquially and called themselves "Americans". So, you're wrong. America has meant and still means many things.

>> No.14135970

99% of whites have 0% negro admixture. This has been studied, you are lying.

You sound like a schizophrenic. American was a white-only distinction until recently.

>> No.14135994


>> No.14136015

>You sound like a schizophrenic. American was a white-only distinction until recently.
Are Burgers going to fight history now just to prove how edgy they are? Good luck with that, mate.

>> No.14136020

It still is. You can't delete influence.

>> No.14136022

Your grandma fucked a negro, Jason. Stop trying to tell Euros you're white. It doesn't mean anything to them.

>> No.14136138

Huh? My grandmas hated negros so that's highly unlikely.

>> No.14136243

>4chan would be more palatable if they just hated everyone equally
this honestly
I love 4chan's unmoderated speech but it has more potential than constantly bashing the same people on every thread and board, be it jews, muslims, or niggers

>> No.14136249

Love and hate are one step away.

>> No.14136272

You've posted this thread multiple times, you jew. Nobody here cares enough to not read an author just because their jewish, if they are saying it, it's ironic. Why do Jews always want to make everything about themselves?

>> No.14136336

for the (You)s you stupid lardmonkey

>> No.14136442

>It's schizo when it's about Germans but it's truth when it's about Jews
Really now

>> No.14136468

It's an understandable response of frustration to the invasion & subversion of white nations.

>> No.14136658

It's based schizo when it's about Germs and it's cringe schizo when it's about Jews

>> No.14137185

Nabokov, Borges, and many others.

>> No.14138015

it is not inherent in the genetics. I don't hate Anne Frank

>> No.14138021

Yeah you do

>> No.14138062

Proust was half Jewish, ancestrally speaking. Raised around French Catholicism.

>> No.14138479

/pol/tards hate everything except the dream of a society that never really existed