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14135271 No.14135271 [Reply] [Original]

Were there any philosophers who predicted what 21st century women would be like

>> No.14135281

Yes, the Buddha.

>> No.14135291

reminder that w*men like these will burn in hell

>> No.14135300

women just follow what men tell them to do. This is just a result of women internalizing liberal bs.

>> No.14135304

What did he say?

>> No.14135330


>> No.14135338

I'm not well-versed in Buddhism but I found this:
>During this degenerate third age, it is believed that people will be unable to attain enlightenment through the word of Sakyamuni Buddha, and society will become morally corrupt. In Buddhist thought, during the Age of Dharma Decline the teachings of the Buddha will still be correct, but people will no longer be capable of following them.

>> No.14135360
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Are women inherently evil?

>> No.14135403
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Only this based man, with maybe Schopenhauer.

>> No.14135496

This. The descriptions of the kali Yuga fit (((current year))) perfectly.

>> No.14135513

Wittgenstein has produced some excellent work since then imho

>> No.14135531

GOEBBELS DID. https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb55.htm

He BTFO the Jewish influence of the Weimar Republic with that one speech.
Him and Adolf were truly prophets.

>> No.14135556
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>women when they get raped and impregnated during wars in poor countries
keep the baby and raise it

>women in developed countries during peace time
abort every baby they get

>> No.14135581

Reminder that the degeneracy of modern women is a result of capitalism and liberal democracy

>> No.14135587

No :3

>> No.14135624

this is my opinion as well, unfortunately it makes just about everyone hate me as it attacks both the big political totems of "capitalism good!" and "none-'wokeness' bad!".

>> No.14135678

Christcuck cope. It's been 2000 years you dumb niggers, and shit only gets worse.

>> No.14135734
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Julius Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World (1934)
>After exposing the decadence of modern woman, we must not forget that man is mostly responsible for such a decadence. Just like the plebeian masses would have never been able to make their way into all the domains of social life and of civilisation if real kings and real aristocrats would have been in power, likewise in a society run by real men, woman would never have yearned for or even been capable of taking the path she is following today. The periods in which women have reached autonomy and preeminence almost always have coincided with epochs marked by manifest decadence in ancient civilizations. Thus, the best and most authentic reaction against feminism and against every other female aberration should not be aimed at women as such, but at men instead. It should not be expected of women that they return to what they really are and thus reestablish the necessary inner and outer conditions for a reintegration of a superior race, when men themselves retain only the semblance of true virility."

>> No.14135776

We need a third position.

>> No.14135786

>what 21st century women would be like
How's that? That they post these kinds of things on public forums, rather than discussing them amongst themselves? Or are you so naive that you actually believe widespread abortions are new?

>> No.14135790

That's fascism, and it's equally as retarded.

We need a fourth position.

>> No.14135843
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>> No.14135853

Whats retarded about fascism, exactly? Just the fact that military luck favoured the "Allies"? (what an alliance! Communists and Capitalists combining together to destroy the entirety of Europe and the British Empire...all to get rid of that anti-semite Hitler).

You know who has been behind every major Western war since the Second Boer War right?

>> No.14135861

>Not fifth position

>> No.14135873

>military luck

>> No.14135876

it's not anti-capitalist

>> No.14135881
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btw it's from /r/childfree

different thread

>> No.14135903

It's fundamentally anti-capitalist.

>> No.14135905
File: 44 KB, 500x334, 1572884909357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can an adult human being write this and not feel completely embarassed and disgusted with themselves

>> No.14135912
File: 111 KB, 900x695, f5f82c36cb700077384d09cd4d15f764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting my high school gf to get an abortion was one of the worst things I've ever done. Not a day goes by where I don't think about it. What an atrocity to mankind to be freely able to perform abortions at will (barring medical reasons/coercion/incest.) It reflects the utter apathy and revulsion towards good temperance, modesty, and responsibility in sex.

>> No.14135919

>What's retarded about fascism, exactly?
Economy of war, barely separated from capitalism.

>Military luck favored the allies
How's that?

>Destroy the entirety of Europe
Interesting assertion.

>And the British Empire

>You know who has been behind every major Western war since the Second Boer War right?

>> No.14135927

So women are literally NPCs?

>> No.14135928

What is she doing now

>> No.14135933

You sacrificed your own offspring to Moloch. Think about that anon

>> No.14135939

Holy fuck. There have been serial killers less self-centered than these cunts

>> No.14135943
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How much do you want to bet that both of these skanks are fat and ugly as shit

>> No.14135946

Moloch is a title, stupid anglo.

>> No.14135947

God will forgive you, anon.

>> No.14135951

I don't know it was like 6 years ago. Shes not doing anything remarkable as we're still connected through Facebook.
I was extremely base then and I still am now. The only thing is I'm improving and learning as much as possible to enlighten and rear my children correctly one day

>> No.14135952

You and your gf are going to burn in hell, faggot.

>> No.14135964

this whole thing reads like a massive cope. my reading into the psychology of this groups is, that it's something fairly difficult to talk about in real life so they build this giant support network. the subject matter being taboo, their expressions are reserved for this anonymous online support group. they cope with their situation by creating insulting images of "an enemy" and creating their own lingo ("a parasite").

y'know, not unlike incel forums.

>> No.14135965

Then so it shall be, it hardly matters in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.14135969

Thanks anon.
My repentance is not enough. I only strive to be righteous for the remainder of my life in at least I die knowing I tried my best

>> No.14135980

thats a pretty great tattoo desu

>> No.14135981
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>> No.14135987
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And yet, you write like one.

>> No.14135992

Rush b, I'll go cat

>> No.14135997

These sluts had everything handed to them in life and still they choose to sacrifice their own children to Satan.
Incels are lonely men that society rejected and rightly feel bitter.

>> No.14136037
File: 202 KB, 1227x1539, 6b0bbce492a4708d350cfec5de985f30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a pure Germanic Aryan, not some filthy *ngloid.

>> No.14136060
File: 50 KB, 640x622, M2tSqAO5VE8aoQX1PKpiOHZw-tCzzwiVN3Mlqk0CZQc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y'know, not unlike incel forums.
Online groups of deeply unhappy people who latch onto a weird lifestyle and echo chamber it to such a degree that they become self-parody. Trannies too.

>> No.14136064
File: 907 KB, 2048x1460, abortion-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just so you dumbfucks know, christianity is responsible for this.

this is nothing more than the neurosis that christian "morals" creates within any thinking individual. christianity is so drastically against life and so obviously an inversion of reality that any person or civilization that attempts to adhere to it will inevitably develop pathologies.

what we;re witnessing is a civilization coming out the other side of christian influence, finally breaking itself free from the patriarchal, anti-life delusions that ensured 2 millennia of oppression to every minority group whether that be a specific race or gender.

sure, the sentiments might be overly violent, but that is only in proportion to the hideous norms that such attitudes are having to overthrow. you realize abortions were no big deal pre-christianity, right? in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt it was a common, everyday occurrence.

thankfully we're finally getting back to that position, but it'll be a pretty emotional process. and the last thing we need are incel trad-cath larpers on the internet telling these people they're going to burn in hell for what they're doing.

>> No.14136088

Nice anglo-cope.

>> No.14136125


>> No.14136134
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, aahf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people often say that underage sex is the last stop at the slope but they have not looked deep enough and seen what I've seen.
One imagines an ever-expanding industrial machine after techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order completely. This machine is one purely made for the purpose of abortion. Within this horror factory embryos are grown only to become fetuses before they are completely deterritorialized biologically for the purpose of expenditure totality as adults who are only machinic pigs watch, they watch with a smile as they project their energy onto innocent death before consuming the remains. Silent cries vibrate for no ears to catch as the machinic pigs begin to cry and scream in horror reflecting on what they have become before the machine destroys another and the pigs cheer, they cheer at the sight of innocent and beautiful potentiality exploding.
This is what we are heading towards if things don't change. This is what I saw.

>> No.14136175

Having a baseline understanding of your political opposite doesn't make you a prophet.

>> No.14136194

shut up you jew dyke.

>> No.14136202

liberalism is literally just christianity minus the redemption of sin, and having discarded all sacraments for abortion and sodomy. The same sort of slave morality underlies both ideologies.

>> No.14136205

It was normal to cast babies with deformities into the wilderness to die before Christianity too. As obsessed as we all are now with emphasizing the value of all life (human and otherwise) I think it's strange that people are so utterly horrified by people who are against abortion

>> No.14136215

we all know it isn't about babies, it's about patriarchy wanting to control women's bodies.

>> No.14136228

>sure, the sentiments might be overly violent, but
Imagine defending this shit, if hell wasn't real then it would certainly be necessary to invent it
Yeah, problem is it isn't just her body at that point

>> No.14136239
File: 122 KB, 640x1136, 1528985624362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening to this world

>> No.14136259

Why do only women talk like this? Although I don’t doubt that men would get abortions in similar or greater proportions were it men that became pregnant, the whole language to talk about it would be different.

>> No.14136279

The other day I was thinking that the "angelic" ways we think as femenine were literally written about and described by men, and now that women are free we can see their true colours.

>> No.14136281

It's likely a troll

>> No.14136292
File: 250 KB, 680x638, 827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something that bothers me is why the left support so much their own ranks to genocide their offspring and not have babies.

do they think that conservatives will do the same and religious people will do the same?

At some point the only people left will be the offspring of conservative and religious people.

>> No.14136308

Yeah my first instinct with these reddit screencaps is usually this, although this one got a lot of upvotes and the comment section another anon posted exhibited the same thing, plus I’ve seen this really contrived glibness on childfree and abortion reddit posts before.

>> No.14136330

leftists are betting on two assumptions 1) that they can import enough PoC to make up for leftist poulation loss 2) that they can brainwash them and make them into secular liberal bugmen, but that always mean you have to import more PoC

>> No.14136346

PoC literally hates degenerate shit and literally are more conservative than whites.

>> No.14136366

>the left
>having longterm strategies beyond virtue signalling
the jews kind of did, but "create Israel" came to fruition a long time ago, "destroy white civilization" is already in full swing and they don't seem to have anything else planned. I guess they just plan to rule over the brown hordes

>> No.14136373

right wing and religious whites are still having babies.

>> No.14136438

>what we;re witnessing is a civilization coming out the other side of christian influence, finally breaking itself free from the patriarchal, anti-life delusions that ensured 2 millennia of oppression to every minority group whether that be a specific race or gender.

lmao at bland liberal humanists not realising their values depend on christianity and will whither away with it. The ideologies of ''Human Rights'' and diversity are just diluted christianity, a christianity that has been forced to make concessions after concession to permissive consumer culture, until only the putrid core remains: unconditional love and acceptance. A faith fit for cattle. The atheists are actually the last christians who spend their days trying to spite the very God whose existence they deny, they are neurotic, morbidly obsessed with Christ, with the joyless transgression of Christian values. Unmoored by the christian conception of Man a new liberal fundamentalist marches blindly towards total dissolution: transhumanism, transgenderism, new age sex cults, VR pornography, hi tech surveillance,capture of the state apparatus by blackmail pedo rings, etc.

>> No.14136451

I see no problem with this. Abortion is like the trash taking out itself.

>> No.14136459

that's why the jews and their white lackeys are pushing propaganda out in full force to promote liberalism and the homosexual lifestyle amongst these communities.

>> No.14136460

The third world has much higher abortion rates than the West.

None of what OP posted (for the nth time) has probably happened.

>> No.14136463


Irrelevant, secularists don't have babies, religious people does.

secularism is a self defeating ideology, at least with demographics.

>> No.14136467

>t. has never actually met any PoC

>> No.14136470

I'm from south america retarded liberal mutt.

>> No.14136476

Then you should know that LatAm shitskins are the most promiscuous and animalistic turds on the globe.

>> No.14136483

not that anon but you have to remember there so much more thinking and ropes to jump when you take in the liberal persona, while the conservative outlook is very by the books and straight forward in its approach. So in saying that high iq are the ones stopping to have children leaving the mostly middling of iq to fester in there own and create a lower iq each generation

Lets face it when looking at history all "intellectuals" jumped on the race topic of the 50's. Because it challenged them and there outlook.

>> No.14136488
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ok retard, this is why there was almost civil war shit when the govements here in spic shitholes tried to implement faggot shit.


secularism literally make people stop having babies.
religion makes people have more babies.

>> No.14136504

kek, you're at a perpetual state of civil war where you kill each other in the streets over nothing anyways, though.

>> No.14136510

compare demographics of whites and spics.

>> No.14136700

I made a girl get one but that was only because she wouldn't fucking listen to me and get on birth control.

Her stupidity caused her life trauma.

>> No.14136707

Do you really want these people having kids?

I mean if you could play god for a moment and decide who gets to have kids, would you entrust a new soul to these fucksticks?

Anyway we're overpopulated as is.

>> No.14136717

>shit only gets worse.
The Bible prophesied this

>> No.14136735

Only crappy countries like India are overpopulated

>> No.14136766

Your cumbrain still giving it to her raw when she was off the pil is to blame, copeboy

>> No.14136781

Overpopulation is a meme

>> No.14136796
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>1.9k upboats
Is this real

>> No.14136800 [DELETED] 
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bros, lets end abortion. who's with me?

>> No.14136842
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>you realize abortions were no big deal pre-christianity, right? in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt it was a common, everyday occurrence.
History runs in cycles nigger. Greece, Rome and Egypt all had their own versions of modernity that we're going through now, when they displayed the same cavalier attitude towards having children that would be a symptom, not a cause, of that civilization's collapse.

>> No.14136921 [DELETED] 
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>civilization has cycles bro!
>i-it's just a coincidencce that the degenerate cycles are the ones when people stray from the Christian God!

>> No.14136954

Seems like women are just bad at controlling their bodies if instant access to abortions is so lauded for

>> No.14137311
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Name a way it has gotten worse than it was 2000 years ago.