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/lit/ - Literature

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14134776 No.14134776 [Reply] [Original]

I am posting this just in case anyone else needs some motivation to leave this hellish place.

This is a so-called literature board, but the very title is an oxymoron.

Spending time on here has destroyed my ability to focus on poetry and philosophy and anything deep, and has stolen away all the time which I used to spend reading. Worst of all, /lit/ lures me back to using the internet and technology, so that some days I find myself sitting in a chair staring at 4chan for literal hours, until my eyes are bleary and my back hurts; and at the end of the day I have learned nothing at all.

Yesterday was the last straw, I was browsing /lit/, /fit/ and /mu/ in a brainless stupor for about six hours—I woke up at eleven and stayed on the computer until the sun set. Then I went back, and I tried to do something I used to find fun and meaningful, namely, read some good philosophy. I tried to read "Naming and Neccessity" by Kripke, and I could barely get through five pages without my thought wandering to something or another completely unrelated.

My attention span is shot from this stupid site, and I know from experience that it won't be back to normal for a few months (and will only be fixed if I fast from 4chan).

So I am making up my mind to leave /lit/. I counsel anyone else who actually likes reading to do the same. Get out of the city before it is destroyed.

>> No.14134787

See you tomorrow.

>> No.14134791

Good-fucking-bye, faggot.
You were given the tools. If you can't use them, that's your fault.

>> No.14134802
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Good luck.

>> No.14134811

>implying you weren't a huge fucking brainlet with a low attention span from the very beginning.
OP is a literal faggot.

>> No.14134817
File: 109 KB, 1600x900, 1572448473146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he can leave
>he thinks he is in control

>> No.14134823

Ask not what 4chan can do for you, but what you can do 4chan

>> No.14134857

dont go hard on yourself. you did what you wanted to do. now you want to leave it and focus. simple.

>> No.14134862

That's not /lit/ fault if you waste time or you can't concentrate, it's yours. It's like saying "it's the knife fault if I cut myself".

>> No.14134876

but if one were exceptionally clumsy they would wish to stay away from knifes, no?

>> No.14134906

Thank you for the reminder, anon. I will make this my very last post here. I have quit this place for long periods before, but I always come back to substitute the lack of community in my life with that of anonymous strangers. But no more. I'll leave for good now, and won't look back. Goodbye all. Be well in your lives.

>> No.14134930

Use Cold Turkey to block yourself from here

>> No.14135125

We're here forever. At least you're not on /b/.

>> No.14135147

I would leave this place in a heartbeat if I had a better avenue for human interaction. Isolation would be nice, but it's also very hard.

>> No.14135171

Eh this place isnt have bad if you ONLY use it for book recommendations. Ive read some great novels i never would have becauase reccomendations

>> No.14135188

You only need to read like an hour or two a day, unless you spend literally all your free time on 4chan it's just an excuse

>> No.14135214
File: 18 KB, 271x398, Chrysippus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive. Spending 6 hours on 4chan is simply a symptom of your inability to moderate your desires. Leaving might help for now but what you need is a mental change or you'll just find yourself wasting your time in some other way in the future.

>> No.14135239

>tfw I can't help but view lit as my family
I've been here for 7 years

>> No.14135245
File: 219 KB, 899x455, of_sorts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a so-called literature board, but the very title is an oxymoron.
I think for something to be an oxymoron, the contradiction must be evident in the name itself - that is to say, "literature board" would have to be contraditory (as in, e.g., "delighted sorrow"). You can't reflect on what you know of the literature board outside of its name an thus conclude it's an oxymoron.

I feel you when you say you wasted lots of hours and feel like you lost attention span, but I think that's the endorphine triggering process in general - not /lit/. I.e. this would also be the case if you were an producing insta thot having to come back to instagram every 20 minutes.

I like Kripke, but it's a turnoff that he's a literal high functioning autist who can't say a straight sentence.

For an entry into mathematical logic, I recommend those lecture notes

I'm fond of modal logics, in particular since it's semantics also work for non-classical logics, e.g. minimal logic. Although admittedly I'm more mathematically inclined than e.g. Kripkes more "literary" work like naming and necessity. It's a good read tho.

>> No.14135336

based book

>> No.14135347

I agree with you, Kripke is very autistic. But props to him for pretty much inventing modern modal logic.

>> No.14135370

Quit the internet as a whole, it reduces your attention span. For a really easy read on this subject, read The Shallows by Nicholas Carr. Good luck, OP. I've been steadily reducing my time on the computer too. One day I will be free.

>> No.14135395

I’ve been here a similar length of time.

In the beginning, I thought this board was so intelligent, new, edgy, and deep because I was barely well-read at all. I simply ignored or didn’t notice the shitty /pol9k/ threads, they didn’t seem as big of an issue in those days. I remember there being more depressed/suicidal blog posting in those days, though.

A few years ago this board noticeably (for me) started really going to shit with /pol9k/ shitposting and blogposting, although some people say it was always bad.

Traditionalist/Eastern religion/mysticism spamming is also relatively recent in the way it’s become a fixture of the board, it existed when I came here but wasn’t as noticeable.

Now that I actually have a modicum of culture I’ve come to increasingly realize this place is retarded. When I first came here, I was impressed by the name-dropping and effortposts to the exclusion of everything else, now I realize these are a drop in the bucket and even the things I used to be impressed by aren’t that impressive. Any undergrad who took some philosophy or literature courses could bullshit in the way I used to be impressed by. This board feels like way too many 14-20 year olds now, too, “normies” in the worst sense of the term. I kinda wanna shoot myself when I see these teens making threads about how “books are a waste of time, why not just get laid?” Not because my “feelings are hurt” or because they “hit a soft spot” but because I actually feel simultaneous pity and contempt at how soulless they are, how soulless so many people are

Thanks for reading about my feelings

>> No.14135416
File: 157 KB, 960x960, A505E363-B68E-4409-A049-23806FAAF30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this EXACT same post on like 3 different boards a few weeks ago and yet here I am. Hope you fare better than me laddy.
T. Spends at least 8 hours a day in this shit heap

>> No.14135421

To make a case, you must list alternatives.

Stepping through an old canon of books isn't the same sort of experience - 4chan also has contemporary cultural dynamics to experience.

>> No.14135426

>Any undergrad who took some philosophy or literature courses could bullshit in the way I used to be impressed by
>This board feels like way too many 14-20 year olds now
I honestly don't think it's possible to get away from this on an anonymous Cambodian clay painting enthusiast BBS. Admittedly the quality does seem to currently be a little low compared to a couple of years ago, but that is true for 4chan in general.

>> No.14135449

Everyone says that /pol/ needs to be deleted, but the real board that needs to be gotten rid of is /r9k/. There have always been pathetic, miserable little shits on this site, but giving them a very specific place to congregate was a terrible idea. It's like finding out you have mold and immediately making a place in your house extremely warm and damp. /r9k/ needs to be wiped out, the robots can go back to /b/ if they want to whine about their life.

>> No.14135464

Why doesn't this argument apply for /pol/. If you have a place for memeting warfare, memes will be created and affect others.
If pol was just on /b/, few people would stick around for more than a few weeks.

>> No.14135530

“Contemporary cultural dynamics”, yeah, military-engineered memes and psy-ops are SOOO enlightening and deep, wow! Yes! Pepe the Frog!! He’s changed my life!! Holy shit, I’m going to go write the Paradise Lost of our generation now and the main character will be KEK

I don’t know, man. I’m as repulsed by /pol9k/ posters as much as any sane person is, another part of me knows that their bad reputation contributes to the atmosphere of demonization of men (especially young men) today and is an easy way to cover up serious cultural and political critiques. Wanna talk about or point out anything controversial? Wow, you’re now an “incel”, part of the “alt-right”, even a potential terrorist. All young men are now increasingly being seen as potential rapists and terrorists, especially the ones who point this out. I suspect this is simultaneously because of an actual minority of disturbed young faggot men on the Internet, way too weak to do anything in real life but all too happy to talk about “the day of the rope”, and, on the other hand, due to intelligence agency meddling.

>> No.14135568

there is no escape from this hellhole, we're here forever

>> No.14135580

Good luck.

>> No.14135593

I have the same problem with a short attention span the last few years, anybody here has any good advice?
Inb4 get off YouTube and 4chan

>> No.14135646

See you tomorrow

>> No.14135663

Getting off the internet is best way to increase your attention span. Your brain is plastic and the internet encourages you to jump around, click different things, switch between tabs every few seconds. The habit of focusing on what you're reading is gradually lost as you start to skim everything you read on your screen. Give up the internet a few days a week and gradually increase the time you don't spend on the internet. Turn off your computer, unplug your ethernet cable, and grab a book.

>> No.14135670

literally get off youtube and 4chan it worked for my brother

>> No.14135698

You think 4chan is the issue.

It's our culture anon, this is the only place where people are not in denial of how retarded everything is.

>> No.14135707

I don't know, people seem pretty retarded here as well. This place is the other side of the School of Resentment.

>> No.14135713


i cant even read posts anymore my brain too broken

>> No.14135741

the tools we shape end up shaping us.


>> No.14135885

So what you're saying is you don't fuck?

>> No.14135918

idk, i get bored of 4chan after about 2-3 hours. admittedly that's still way too god damned long, but hey. i've also gotten most of my recs from /lit/ and you fags are the only people on the entire internet with an ounce of taste. it is a complete waste of time to post here but i have used it to develop my ideas and learn new things, unironically. 4chan is more educational than university if you use it correctly. used incorrectly you become an imageboard addicted cumbrain.

>> No.14135953

>people defending 4chan
We should be happy for the guy, if anything

>> No.14135966

Being happy for someone else is so gay, especially if you don't even know the person. Like, ok boomer, you just posted cringe.

>> No.14135995
File: 26 KB, 249x249, icantwakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people unironically defending 4chan

>> No.14136190

>Your brain is plastic and the internet encourages you to jump around, click different things, switch between tabs every few seconds. The habit of focusing on what you're reading is gradually lost as you start to skim everything you read on your screen.

That's a very good way of explaining it. Yeah I guess always chasing the new flashy thing is going to make you unable to focus eventually.

Oof, gotta big strong. I guess I will start by limiting my browsing hours to a minimum.

>> No.14136404

Based. Goodbye, anon, and good luck.

>> No.14136480
File: 90 KB, 500x492, d5f506e9d561fdda17534bbd4aeafac811242da1fdc6778f051f09ec0d352750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other sites are available

>> No.14136491

>gives person opioids as a pain killer
>person gets addicted
>proceeds to call person stupid for not using the """tools""" correctly
Truly, your brain on boomer conservatism.

>> No.14136505
File: 41 KB, 173x218, Frussell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back anon. Stay. Talk to me about Kripke and Naming and Necessity. At this point I've read the book like four times. This place becomes hell when all the good anons leave.

>> No.14136525

How the hell do you manage that? Are you NEET?

>> No.14136541

Look around you, it has already become hell.

>> No.14136557

I try make it a little less hell, sometimes good anons show up and real interesting conversations happen. /lit/ hasn't gone 100% to shit yet, it's more like 95%.

>> No.14136569

You're problem is that your a NEET. /lit isn't that bad but you can't expect it to be continuously and infinitely interesting/meaningful. You need to have other interests or simply reduce the amount of time you spend here

>> No.14136647

Nah. Have ~3 hour daily commute so I phonepost on the train. I have a couple hours of free time and all I do is shitpost. Add on some time on the shitter and before bed. It adds up.

>> No.14136757

What do you have to do that's so important that you can't afford to spend time on 4chan?

>> No.14137912

which website is better?

>> No.14137923

>anything deep
Just outed yourself as a brainlet

>> No.14138516

I'm a pillhead NEET yet I can manage to starve off the first few of the day to do either writing or reading & then it's whatever the fuck just exercise some self control do like four good things a day, etc read, eat, write, exercise and then at least you can refer to that at the end of your pathetic day as at least a modicum of effort

>> No.14138576

It's like circles of Hell, imageboard edition

>> No.14138578

Its the internet, not /lit/ itself. Leave /lit/ or 4chan, you will end up being addicted to browsing something else. You need a break from the internet instead.

>> No.14138862

i just don't want to

>> No.14138875

how do I stop browsing this dumpsterfire of a board?
instead of reading actual literature I keep browsing this den of pseuds for hours and after years it seems like my attentions span suffered because of it

I cant read a book without my mind wandering off
should I nuke my router?

>> No.14139149

Variant 1: Leechblock NG or similar addon for firefox
Variant 2: redirecting 4chan in hosts to local ip
Variant 3: develop natural discipline
Variant 4: just turn off internet when you don't really need it

All 4 variants are prone to failure.

>> No.14139667

I will leave today also. Goodbye /lit/!

>> No.14140171

This. But also, good luck mate. You're not wrong that it changes the way your mind works, not in a good way either.