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14127427 No.14127427 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more defining work of literature in the modern age than the SWEAT pledge?

>> No.14127491

Shit like this is why "ok boomer" became a meme.

>> No.14127499

Ok Boomer

>> No.14127506
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>> No.14127576

Boomers put the work in while you whine on an anime imageboard.

>> No.14127596

Work is not inherently unenjoyable or non-meaningful.

Many times it can give you skills and assets that simply sitting around alone in your room would never give you. :3

>> No.14127611


>> No.14127612


>> No.14127616

point 6 is hard to argue against

>> No.14127634

Isn't this guy an actor? Why is he blathering about "showing up early, staying late" and "working his butt off"?

>> No.14127643

It's the easiest one to argue against, because its absolute language "only." Taxation goes toward many things, including parks, keeping the lights on in civic buildings, and keeping the roads in good repair. It has just been completely refuted.

>> No.14127659

Don't care.
>keeping the lights on in civic buildings,
Don't care.
>keeping the roads in good repair
Don't care.

>> No.14127663

that's not refuting, that's being a gay pedant

>> No.14127674

God forbid the roads aren't repaired. How would wagies get to work? That's your problem not mine.

>> No.14127679

ok boomer

>> No.14127737

Inherently? No
Usually, in the 21st century? When the average westerner is a superfluous, replacable cog, entirely alienated from the results of his work, subject more to HR nonsense and managerial fuck-fuck games than any honest labor? Yes
>Get a better job!
I personally have one I enjoy, but the fact that most people's lives are thrown away on such awful mind-numbing shit saddens me

>> No.14127759

Surely, you leave the your parents' house for something.

>> No.14127767

It's the most defining masterpiece of hypocrisy.

>> No.14128010

when wagies fail, you fail too, parasites die with their host

>> No.14128017

>Implying I care if I live or die

>> No.14128026

Based neet

>> No.14128430

>You think you can have a conversation with me? Impossible! I don't give a shit about anything at all!
Thank you neet, very cool

>> No.14128455
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You got that right you wagie faggot. Go back to work, I've got bills to pay.

>> No.14128490

I just don't understand why a work day has to be so long. Work days over 4h should be banned.

>> No.14128552

I work in retail and I'm emotionally unstable and can't handle it. Help.

>> No.14128782

Suck dick till at the top.

>> No.14128805
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Point 5 has extreme Ontological gravity.

>> No.14128812

>Implying people are born exactly equal and anyone struggling just made bad choices
This is why everyone hates the boomers

>> No.14128844
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What happened that made boomers this way?

>> No.14128855

My mom unironically told me I cannot quit. I worry each time I work that I said something wrong or my attitude wasn't great and it was broadcast and someone will complain. Again. I get frustrated and I try my best to mask it instead of shutting down but it's really hard. Had a customer yesterday that was difficult when I was on my break and then after (I'm the only one in the store) and it was just really agitating. Nothing I was doing was working and we don't go over what to do when things go wrong so I'm trying to call people and ask what to do, I'm trying to get the computer to work to do it, I'm trying whatever I can think of. Still wouldn't work. He ended up leaving after I told him that if he came back tomorrow the manager would be there and he'd be able to take care of it. He left pretty irritated but I didn't know what to do. I can't work on my break. I'm supposed to close the store. Half the time I work on my break. It's hard. I'm going to have a meltdown.

>> No.14128871

Lmao how are Americans so spineless? Do you really demean yourself like this for your own little share of the mega-hive? I'd rather live on the street than suck jew dick and memorize sales floor pitches

>> No.14128883

I'm just trying to do my job and not get bitched at because of my attitude again.

>> No.14128885

I occasionally see this guy show up in the news, but only ever see this pledge of his mentioned on 4chan. I'm pretty sure he realized how retarded it was after nobody wanted to sign it, and abandoned it for other forms of boomer whining.

>> No.14129057

Yeah and then the NEET kills himself in his thirties when he realises he's squandered his life on a 4chan meme.

>> No.14129196

nice try kike

>> No.14129212
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any books about american work culture?

>> No.14129221

They were raised in times of great prosperity in the years after the second world war, when America viewed itself as the savior of earth and decades of economic dominance meant they could effortlessly succeed. A boomer with a high school diploma could very easily get a nice office job capable of supporting him, his wife, and multiple kids in a comfortable suburban home.
They assumed this would last forever and when it didn't, had no idea why. The ideas that America can A) act immorally on the world stage to the point that other countries have legitimate grievances and our own citizens can be disgusted and B) stumble into an economy bad enough that even hard-working people struggle to support themselves let alone families are literally unthinkable to the average boomer. They implicitly trust authority and the status quo and are instinctively hostile to anything threatening either.

>> No.14129224

the slave pledge

>> No.14129233

Start with John Dos Passos' USA Trilogy and end with The Pale King

>> No.14129235

Society was a mistake

>> No.14129286
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>> No.14129317

I take the SWEAT pledge.
On my honor, I hereby affirm the above statements to be an accurate summation of my personal worldview. I promise to live by them.

>> No.14129321


>> No.14129350


>bad jobs dont exist
>i dont follow my passion

selfcucking should be measured on a scale going from 0 to this proud man

>> No.14129380
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I take the SWEAT pledge.

>> No.14129391

>Become actually way ahead of schedule
>Have to pretend to work or get fired
lmao boomers

>> No.14129419

>we are way ahead of schedule
do any employers actually want this? in my experience, employers deliberately hire less people than necessary to keep up with demand. i've had 9 different jobs and in every one, my bosses seemed to get off on giving us more shit than any human could or should handle. they would however, get mad if we did manage to get all the work done once in a blue moon because then we didn't look as busy

>> No.14129420

I'd happily neet it up, but where the fuck are you going to live? Even if you rinse your parents dry, they're going to die one day. What then?

Sometimes I wonder if I could save up a bit and then just live out of the way. I'd be too bored without stuff to do, I'd need supplies of some sort, if not electricity then books, or paper.

I wonder if it'd be possible to set up or sort of NEET ranch. People give all of their life belongings and then live in a neet village.

>> No.14129768

How to be a NEET?

>> No.14129869

>I wonder if it'd be possible to set up or sort of NEET ranch. People give all of their life belongings and then live in a neet village

/k/ keeps flirting with this idea but everyone backs out.

>> No.14130113

The Goal.

>> No.14130130

Never interacted (knowingly) with any neets irl, but I feel like they would be extremely annoying, pedantic faggots.

>> No.14130296
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t. assblasted wagie

>> No.14130362

>dude lol just go outside and get a 9-5 job lol then buy 2 cars a house and raise a family of 5 with the job it's easy man just get a job lol I'm CEO of a company I joined when it was 5 people working in it and my father was the boss and now I'm less qualified than my lowest employees but I'm CEO for a reason because I worked rly hard lol I showed up every day 9-5 except when I didn't have to work lol these lazy millennials wouldn't have to work so much if they worked as much as I did when I was young check out my roelx watch this is all ahrd wworkd fuckgin amillenniasl complaingin all the time I dont' sse why teyh thingk they wordl is so bad I have all this monye just by showing u pto work wtf reallym asd fnada goatgjsdfhs lk fsksdsgdsghkshglsgsdf

>> No.14130396


Because he's funded by the Koch brothers to try convincing the poors that there's honor in serfdom.

>> No.14130481

That's what boomer wants to believe because capitalism™ is the fairest system

>> No.14130494

Some customers get milked by slow workers

>> No.14130496

The fact that NEETs exist is the argument against it.

These aren't people who have their own land and live off it. They're either on welfare (usually disability) or leeching off their family.

>> No.14130509

The more people you hire the more salary costs. Therefore lower profit.

As a business owner, getting work done any faster than at the last minute means you're paying for wasted efficiency.

>> No.14130550



>> No.14130563
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>> No.14131088

Well said.

>> No.14131210

>get job
>it's shit
>takes all my time and health
>can't move out because the pay is shit
>can't do shit
>at worst lose poverty status and pay more taxes which means I'm working almost for free
why the fuck would I work in a country like this? so that a boomer can't call me lazy?

>> No.14131224

>all people are created equal
This is quite obviously false.

>> No.14131262

The existence of neets is literally the reason it's hard to argue against. ie. why be the slave instead of the person who gets paid for nothing

>> No.14131484

they are. circumstances make the difference.

>> No.14131512

>a 70iq hunchback is created equal to an olympic athlete with a physics degree
Really makes you think

>> No.14131516

>the SWEAT pledge
>a pledge written by someone who makes millions from his performing arts degree
Seriously, people who view that moron as some "blue collar, hard workin'" champion are the most naive motherfuckers in the world.

>> No.14131546

They both pop from vajaja naked and crying, don't they?

>> No.14131547

Actors do both those things you retard

>> No.14131564

Because it’s much easier to show up early and have passion for your job when you’re getting paid large amounts of money to pretend to do shitty jobs instead of actually having to do shitty jobs to make ends meet.

>> No.14131571
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They are just bit more literal on the "working one' s butt off" part, if you catch my drift.

>> No.14131574

Step 1. Don't be American

>> No.14131575
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>> No.14131593

I respect blue collar people, even though they're naive. Some of them are genuinely kind people that work hard, but they're soooo naive. They think it's ok to get fucked in the ass as long as their porky boss does it with a smile and pays them a meager hourly wage in comparison to how much he gets just for having access to the work and workers.

>but muh investment
>muh machines
Irrelevant. If any of you have worked on construction, you'll know how it goes. An investor hires a large contracting firm. The large firm gives him an "estimate" for the total work based on how much they can suck out of everyone below them just for managing the job, which is not even difficult. Let's take painting for example. Some small painting company shows up. They give a price to the supervisor. The main guy owns the painting service. He has two Mexicans working for him. They get $15/hour each. They finish the job in a day. Let's say they work 10 hours. Assume the job is worth $2,000. Ok, let's assume the guy who owns the painting service makes $1000 today after all expenses. He's made that off of the labor of the beaners and just by having the means to do the work, which aren't really that expensive at all. He charges the supervisor $2,000. The supervisor, wanting to make some shekels, takes a bit from the painting service and tells the painter to bill the company for $3,000. Now the supervisor has made $1,000 for doing essentially NOTHING! He already has a salary, yet he makes more just by leeching off of others. Ok, so now the contracting firm is billed $3,000. They bill the investor double, $6,000. That is routine shit in the construction industry. They have made $3,000 from doing jack shit. They already charge for all their plan drawing, management, engineering, etc. They already have a god damn price for the work they do, and then they siphon shekels as much as possible on top of that. Anything they tack onto services is just additional shekels at no cost to them. It's pure vampirism. This is the state of America in 2019.

>> No.14131600

It's much, much worse than that. There was great prosperity after the War because of the heavy regulation instituted just before (the New Deal) and the heavy public spending during and after. The people who got on top in the postwar era then convinced the Boomers that it was them, and not the government, that created this prosperity, and in fact the New Deal and the postwar spending were strangling the economy. So the Boomers elected politicians that dismantled Paradise because they believed in all that horseshit about bootstraps.
Now that the Boomers have destroyed Paradise, they've suddenly realized that they have to retire, and all the guarantees they relied on during their working years are gone by their own hands, and they're all desperate to keep working or cash out.

>> No.14131613

It's not really "living on the street" in America. It's more like, "hiding on the street because if the cops catch me they will beat me, rape me and while a jail cell is for comfortable than the street in the abstract, cops can beat and rape me in there too."

>> No.14131698

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