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/lit/ - Literature

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14131388 No.14131388 [Reply] [Original]

Guenon is a mathematician and taught western philosophy for years kek. Open any of his books and he dismantles western philosophy with actual arguments, examples, quotes etc... what more do you want? Oh, you've never read him. Far worse, you started reading philosophy late/ after high school so you feel to need to clinge to 'notorious' philosophers because of your own lack of experience in philosophy. you need intellectual credit; you are a pseud. Contrary to myself, I've been reading the canon since I'm 8 so I can read Kant then Guenon then whomever I wish because I actually read according to my own intellectual inclinations, not for external factors. Too bad you are dumb.

>> No.14131400


I know it's b8 but the only reason you have Guenonposted is because he's the current fashionable meme here; note how Deleuze isn't talked about QUITE so much these past few months. This is the preferred flavor of the season.

>> No.14131406

I'm.gomna read Guénon now

>> No.14131418

>with actual arguments, examples,
Oh. I thought you were going to give a fucking example. But no, this is just another intellectual dick wagging thread.
Stuff your rigor and decades of study. The best philosophy is the useful kind.

>> No.14131420

My problem with Guenon is how he organized his thought, he wrote a million books about a bunch of specific topics instead of a central text elaborating his system. The closest thing I could find was the multiple states of being. So every one of his books is full of him saying he can't explain what he's taking about because he explains it in a different book. Incredibly irritating
>Nous n’avons pas à donner ici un exposé plus ou moins complet de
la doctrine des cycles, bien que celle-ci soit naturellement impliquée
au fond même de la présente étude ; pour rester dans les limites que
nous devons nous imposer, nous nous contenterons pour le moment de
formuler quelques remarques ayant un rapport plus immédiat avec
notre sujet envisagé dans son ensemble, nous réservant de faire appel
par la suite à d’autres considérations relevant de la même doctrine.

bullshit like the above constitutes an intolerably large portion of his books. He also spends a ridiculous amount of space shitting on contemporary intellectuals, like I don't give a shit, just explain your fucking ideas you frog

>> No.14131429

Open a single one of Guénon's books. You'll see western philosophy get dismantled in front of your eyes.

>> No.14131442

Guenon fag has been getting more and more deranged lately, anyone else notice this?

>> No.14131450

he's in the process of converting to Islam

>> No.14131453
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>la même doctrine
lmao, guenon literally professes a meme doctrine.

>> No.14131476


>> No.14131488
File: 129 KB, 1280x960, A17920A5-753A-4704-980E-2FEACF3A6132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even mean?

>> No.14131509

same lol

>> No.14131517

you better watch what you say about Guenonfag, he showed up to the Boston meeting and beat the shit out of some this leftist Deleuzefag, they said he's banned from future meetups

>> No.14131558

This. He's terrifying. Guenonfag is turning into Bane or something. Some sort of brutal traditionalist war-cult leader that is going to sack cities.

>> No.14131569

where can I sign up?

>> No.14131585

You don't. At the meet up he got on top of the bar and started yelling about how no one there is initiated, ripped his shirt off, and started flexing. He also brought to the meet-up a skull shaped cup and drank wine out of it. He pulled the power cable out of the jukebox and then started loudly reciting the start of the Iliad while being completely naked. The bouncers tried to escort him out, but he told them he'd retroactively refute them if they dare touch him.

>> No.14131599

If only this were true, at least he'd be interesting. He is a neo-Vedantist who doesn't even read Guenon all that closely.

>> No.14131607

Whoah, based.

>> No.14131904

anyone here have a Guenon chart?

>> No.14131906

>guenon thought evolution was not true
>people still value anything he says

>> No.14132372

Parmenides and Guenon retroactively refuted Darwinianism.

>> No.14132399

>Guenon is a mathematician
And you are too? How else are you gonna comprehend him?

>> No.14132452
File: 1.31 MB, 1410x2250, D473A5BE-0A7A-473F-913A-D6A515D050A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist Deleuzefag
That’s what he gets for bastardizing Deleuze. Orthodox Deleuzianism for the win. He was a Christian conservative.

>> No.14132720

The OP is a literal schizo tranny I BTFO'd in some thread and he keeps reposting my comment as some form of cope I guess? Yes, the OP is a comment I posted a few days ago. He keeps reposting it as a thread.

Maybe it's time for /lit/ to realize that 'guenonfag' is very insane and that he simultaneously posts anti AND pro guenon comments all day. Quit thinking he's taking any side, he is insane and not the hip kind. The sad and pathetic kind. There was a guenon thread a few months ago were he posted around 30 comments (there were 3 different posters in the thread kek) arguing in favor of guenon. I posted something to further the discussion and he turned into an anti-islam, anti-guenon posting with sheer hatred, spamming that guenon was some saudi agent published to corrupt the mind of the western aryan youth, lol. Don't waste your time.

>> No.14132734
File: 94 KB, 540x510, 1572920909956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's Guénonfag pretending not be Guénonfag. Who knew Guénonfag actually derided himself. You're the ultimate schizo.

>> No.14133928

Since the death of the Historical Movement of the Social in 1989 (last gasp of the hideous “short” XXth century that started in 1914) the only “alternative” to Capitalist Neo-Liberal totalitarianism that seems to have emerged is religious neo-fascism. I understand why someone would want to be a violent fundamentalist bigot—I even sympathize—but just because I feel sorry for lepers doesn’t mean I want to be one.

We have seen the ghost of Rene Guenon, cadaverous & topped with a fez (like Boris Karloff as Ardis Bey in The Mummy) leading a funereal No Wave Industrial-Noise rock band in loud buzzing blackfly-chants for the death of Culture & Cosmos: the elitist fetishism of pathetic nihilists, the Gnostic self-disgust of “post-sexual” intellectoids.

>> No.14133959

>refuting an observable process
Religionfags cope so hard

>> No.14133964

this shit sends me into a state of confused laughter every time i see it. I genuinely can't tell who is fucking with who

>> No.14134199

Does Guenonfag btfo his opponents in argument so bad that they have to resort to schizo antics? He sounds based

>> No.14134303

No. Cope implies their efforts are effective at bridging some deficiency.