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14128923 No.14128923 [Reply] [Original]

Is being tired subjective?

>> No.14128927


>> No.14128928

No, get some sleep

>> No.14128929

Depends, mentally tired yea. You could probably still put effort in things but it won't be all your effort.

>> No.14128934

How can I sleep. When I've never awoken

>> No.14128962
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Is mental and physical tiredness I'll try pumping myself with b12 if it doesn't work im gonna do a flip

>> No.14128968

why do you get so angry at a drawing of a green frog

>> No.14128976

See, for me I'm mentally tired. Sleeping 11-14 hours a day then I read/study for 2 hours and do coursework/study for 4. All I do is sleep and infatuate myself with a girl that'll never be mine. I'm subject myself to these imaginary limitations because i'm a beta cuck incel who will get nothing done in life. But I have written some short stories here and there that I'm proud of. Anyways good luck op

>> No.14128990

>Sleeping 11-14 hours a day
Oversleeping is a thing and if you're actually sleeping that much it's definitely making you groggy and you're probably seriously depressed. Consider throwing your blinds open at a set time every morning, and upping your coffee intake, and exercising more

>> No.14128993

Go sit under a tree until you wake up, then get some sleep.

>> No.14129010

It's all so tiresome bros. After a difficult childhood, very very painful adolescence, and satisfying but not quite easy university years, it feels like I'm always tired, even if nothing particular annoyed or saddened me on for some time. I don't want to say that I'm depressed, because this state is nothing like my late teenagehood, when I had suicidal thoughts couple times a month for three years straight, but I'm beginning to believe that almost nobody I know feels this exhausted in everyday life. Is this, too, depression? Is such state common for neurotic, literary people? Is there a way to fix this?

>> No.14129469

Do you exercise at all? Regular exercise can increase wakefulness and help you have more energy in general

>> No.14129482

Cut down on sleep and spend the time cooking healthy and going to the gym.

>> No.14129502

Another low-quality, off-topic thread that the mods will ignore. Meanwhile they are silencing every thread that calls for something to be done about the quality control of this board. Might as well use this thread as the designated meta thread. Or perhaps they will finally delete this thread now that it's our meta thread.

>> No.14129531

Modern men are worthless holy fuck

>> No.14129538

Diet, excersise, better sleep OR stimulant abuse

>> No.14129540

>difficult childhood, very very painful adolescence
These are not excuses to continue your sadness. I had a difficult childhood too and was easily the most dissociated and fatigued person in the entire city for much of my life. Now I am more alert than all the normies, get half as much sleep as them, and outperform all of them.
Exercise was always unpleasant for me personally. I had tried daily and every-other-day cardio for lengthy periods and just didn't enjoy it. Recently I began walking for probably hours daily. Nowhere or no length of time specifically, I just walk around in circles in my kitchen. Eating more unprocessed plant food had the biggest impact on my mental health.

>> No.14129548

I've been attending free gym during uni years regularly (attending it on the regular was the requirement), then after it ended I've also bought a five month pass, but I wasn't there more often than once a week. I didn't feel any different during either period to be honest. There was a couple weeks long window when I was working 9 to 5, writing a lot, attending gym and dating a decent girl, and it was probably the least bleak era of my life, but I still felt anxious and nervous 95% of the time.

I know that it's not an excuse, really. Just put it there as context to my current state, which is mood-wise pretty much a follow-up to the very, very bleak years.

>> No.14129574

>Now I am more alert than all the normies, get half as much sleep as them, and outperform all of them.
Did you take the SWEAT pledge?

>> No.14129629

How big is your "city", how exactly do you "outperform" all the people in it, and why do you use the word "normie" in 2019?

>> No.14129677

No. Never heard of it but I agree with a lot of the stuff on there. I don't know if you're patronizing me or not, I know how much the faggots here hate working. You can self-pity and criticize everyone doing better than you and probably commit suicide alone, while I at least get to die beside my modest wife.
I didn't say I outperform my entire city. It wouldn't even be possible to equate one career to another. I am definitely a top performer among my peers. I get high praises from pretty much everybody.

>> No.14129701
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>Never heard of it but I agree with a lot of the stuff on there.

>> No.14129709


>> No.14129715

This accent is disgusting. Are you jamaican?

>> No.14129743

dum dum

>> No.14129757

>doesn't have a counterargument
>still manages to muster up a superiority complex
Olympic gymnast

>> No.14129765

i don't entirely disagree with you anon, it's just that your writing is very disjointed at times. you also tend to use lots of enigmatic terms and say very little with it. what's your career? why exactly did you choose to become a wagie? how are you sure that you won't kill yourself?

>> No.14129772

based vocaroo poster on the loose again

>> No.14129833
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>calling me a nigger accent with a nigger accent
Pretty meta
>you think anyone give a fuck?
>you think this is literature philosophy or humanity
Imagine unironically caring about literature humanities or philosophy yikes, kys kike

>> No.14130134

Not all vocaroo posters are based. To be frank, most of them are trash.

>> No.14130213

how many are there and which are based

>> No.14130224

objects cannot be tired, only subjects.

>> No.14130607

its relativity, not one thought can be compared to another without overarching knowledge of the distortion that is manifested through higher dimensions

>> No.14130618

Yes. I am guessing you don't actually know what the word subjective means.

>> No.14130619

no, your body gets fatigued and needs rest/sleep/food/water. it's only subjective when you feel tired because you're depressed and want to try and avoid reality

>> No.14130693

This thread was moved to >>>/b/813546886