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/lit/ - Literature

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14127507 No.14127507 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

What's with all these literally whos?

>> No.14127517

You're just not familiar bc you do t read contemporary beyond litcore

>> No.14127519

I don't, but the laureates were previously very well known figures even to those who didn't read at all.

>> No.14127553

other than Faulker and Sinclair Lewis, those other writers are just 20th century lit bait.
Steinbeck's fame came from people interpreting Grapes as a commy story and because of a succesful film. Russel is an antiwar farg so he wins automoatically, otherwise he is a dead philosopher no one takes seriously. Camus' philosophy sucks dick. Ponty and Heidegger were better existentialists. T.S. Eliot is great poet, but he is also a heavy handed brainlet that arguably gave poetry a really bad look, and because of his top 1% erudite audience writing, he made literature way too elite. Churchill, whatever. Good speechmaker, good leader. It's easy to rise to the top of history during a big ass war you didn't want. "Often great man not of their own accord when war is supreme" - Thucydides. Hemingway, great writer, boring ideas that are just watered down Freud and war PTSD bait.

>> No.14127609

>I dont
Then why should I trust your historical opinions when you can’t even get ahold of something with living critical consensus? This board is no better than clickbait Buzzfeed bitches when it comes to literary opinions, I swear to god.

>> No.14127630

>not know based Le Clezio

shame, /lit/ ought to love him

>> No.14127640

You don't know who Bob Dylan is? For shame.

>> No.14127648

for what its worth, I've met several people who have never heard of Dylan, or any of his music. and not just zoomers mind you

>> No.14127652

Yeah what the fuck.

What is some good contemporary lit though? The most recent I've read (besides theory) is Yu Hua's "Brothers" from 2005.

>> No.14127662

for what its worth, they probably of head of dylan's music (in passing), not realizing its dylan

>hey have you heard Wagner?
>who's Wagner?
>plays ride of the valkyrie
>oh, that's Wagner? i had no clue!

>> No.14127676
File: 11 KB, 220x296, 220px-John_galsworthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed out greats like Galsworthy, and who forget the immortal Henryk Sienkiewicz and Selma Lagerlöf

>> No.14127678

Politics. Nobel Prize means absolutely nothing.

>> No.14127683

So ... have you read his history books? Because they are fantastic.

>> No.14127694

Sure, on an ipod commercial or two.

>> No.14127696
File: 59 KB, 750x471, 1570725907958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're people who don't know Wagner by name?

>> No.14127698

My roommate never heard any of his songs and when I played some of the most noteworthy ones (all along the watchtower, subterranean, mr tambourine etc.) didn't recognize any of them. Mind you he only listens to top 40 and Disney approved music

>> No.14127702

Why are you living with and blowing such a pleb?

>> No.14127721

>only listens to top 40 and Disney approved music
thats unfortunate, but whatever floats his boat i guess

>> No.14127726

It's temporary and barely talk to him anyway.

He wishes I would blow him, but too fat and hairy

>> No.14127742

Yes. People heard snippets of Ride of the Valkyries all the time from movie trailers, but have never bothered to find out. They probably think it's some stock orchestral music.

>> No.14127751

>when does the singing begin?

>> No.14127761

Elfriede Jelinek is fantastic and you're exposing yourself as someone who simply doesn't read anything besides Houellebecq and Dazai. If reading is too difficult for you, you can always watch the movie The Piano Teacher which was based off her novel.

>> No.14127763

The thing is that you can criticise the figures on the life because they were in fact actual figures, people with real ideas that maybe were flawed/elitist/proletariat. But the people on the right side of the pic barely constitute humans, they are puppets who are only celebrated by critics desperately trying to stay relevant in the age of artificial journalism.

>> No.14127830

The early Nobel prizes are full of literal whos. If not, please tell me about all those irrelevant Scandi idealisk writers

>> No.14127846

Why do we even care about this Nobel Prize shit anyway? It seems like a forced meme now that I think about it.

>> No.14127860

>Churchil one one
How I know he has some historical works but a novel prize seems why to much.

>> No.14127877

>Russel is an antiwar farg so he wins automoatically, otherwise he is a dead philosopher no one takes seriously.
I hope it’s a bait.

>> No.14127908

It's like the Oscars; the shittiest award event is the most famous.

>> No.14127927

Russel was a fucking hack, the Nobel price didn't get any worse, photography just got better.

>> No.14127943

>You missed out greats like Galsworthy
Nobody gives a shit about a mediocre anglo nobody like Galsworthy.

>> No.14128094

See the Hugo awards for a glimpse of the future. Before long, it'll be all colored trannies.

>> No.14128120

colour photography

>> No.14128136
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>> No.14128252

The presence of Bertrand Russel automatically makes the now side better in OP.

>> No.14128255

is he actually better than Modiano?
Modiano just can't write

>> No.14128280
File: 295 KB, 643x1050, 24306C21-7439-40AD-9409-941F1BE1F0BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This capitalist phase in history is culturally bankrupt, scatterbrained. Some good work is done, but this prize is just a silly award show.
No one feels like making anything quality.... fucking Churchill

>> No.14128312

>society values literature more
>literary icons are public figures and you know them even if you’re a brainlet
>society values Avengers movies, YA shit, and cooming
>literary icons cease to be public figures and are therefore obscure to the general reader
Not to mention that the left hand of image has way more Western Europeans and Americans than the right hand does. Some of the major works on the right hand haven’t been translated into English at all. Etc.

>> No.14128327

>fucking Churchill
This, Hitler would have defeated capitalism.

>> No.14128330

Le Clezio is terrible.
He writes the equivalent of road movies with a would be anthropological twist tainted by feelgood bullshit morality. He's the higher grade of train station literature. Probably gets raving reviews on goodreads, I don't have the courage to read that.

>> No.14128639

The Round and Other Stories, Desert and The Interrogation don't have the "feel good" bullshit you're talking about

>> No.14128901

Came here to more or less post this. Jelinek and Hanke are both well deserving of the prize.

>> No.14129316

>Capitalism is kill, this time for real!
You will read everything but the most basic book about economics.

The same politics that left Borges without a Nobel. It has no credibility.

>> No.14129522

Nobel Prize in things like peace and literature are now 100% politically motivated adornments.

>> No.14130356

stop clinging to failed a alternative-modernity
facism even lower than communism

>> No.14130371

This is an English-language website.

>> No.14130383

sorry my dude I just had a stroke
what I meant to say was:
stop clinging to alternative-modernities
fascism is even lower than communism

>> No.14130399

>stop clinging to alternative-modernities
National socialism was a means to an end rather than something for the sake of itself.

>fascism is even lower than communism
Categorically false.

>> No.14130469

national socialism was the failed project which tried to appease the lower classes, promising to end all struggles, by putting the burden of the cause of conflict on the Jew and other minorities which didn't have the power to resist stigmatization and only partial destruction. Basically exteriorizing fault and error on to others not able to resist it. What if natsocs actually looked into their own project and improved on it? (never seen that, never even saw a nazi acknowledge faults) At least stalinism and maoism ran better and longer than natsoc.

>> No.14130823
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 444444444444444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ideology based on the idea that "those who want to live let them fight and those who don't want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live" is meant to end all struggles
>stealing from you enemies is bad
>the longevity of a regime is singularly the result of ideology and not impacted by its geopolitical circumstance
>a regime of terror with no logic is better than one with logic because the former happened to take hold in the most defensible nation in the world

>> No.14132232

Hamsun and Laxness are great though.

>> No.14132363

>It's easy to rise to the top of history during a big ass war you didn't want
But he did want it, and he loved it.

>> No.14132484

>Russel is an antiwar farg so he wins automoatically, otherwise he is a dead philosopher no one takes seriously
>no one takes seriously
I wish it was so, but I'd say it's the complete opposite of that.

>> No.14133036

Russel seems to trigger a lot of people these days. The phrase logical positivism is enough to anger a lot of liberal arts snowflakes. Totally based guy.

>> No.14133233

Handke is based, kill the muslimades.
Serb war now

>> No.14133417

Bottom left is Transtrommer, fucking idiot.

>> No.14133430

literally whos? I think you mean literary whos

>> No.14133443

The Unconsoled is an amazing novel

>> No.14134221

>The phrase logical positivism is enough to anger a lot of liberal arts snowflakes
Why do you think this?

>> No.14134468

>hey guys I know who one of them is, am I smart?
Fucking idiot. I already know who all of them are.

>> No.14134491

Most nobel winners back then too were literally who non-anglos you've probably never heard of.

>> No.14134750

>shitting on Doris Lessing
Fucking plebs, read The Golden Notebook before embarassing yourselves.

>> No.14134907

Damn, Tokarczuk is. so insufferable and boring. Le Clezio and few others are okay however. Who knows what a few more decades will mean for all those names anyway.

>> No.14134918


You've clearly never read Terra Amata

>> No.14135242

Ishiguro is based and Eliot was a hack.
Also let us not forget about the winners of 1974.

>> No.14135284

What language are their books read in?

>> No.14135444

for what did Russell won a nobel? That 2000 pages of formal logic?

>> No.14135480

i don't like them colored folk

>> No.14135486

Gray people are obviously more important

>> No.14135515

his infamous history of philosophy where he calls Plato and Rousseau the fathers of totalitarianism and Hegel the first Nazi

its probably the most popular book in its field

>> No.14135959

>war you didn't want
Anon, I...

>> No.14136168

>Hegel the first Nazi
Lmao what

>> No.14136181

>stalinism has no logic
yet it ran some 50 years and managed to get people to space
>morally unsound acts are justified as long as they’re directed at the group chosen as enemies
so jews are justified in turning whites into cattle?
>invoking natural causes when the foundations of your ideology are btfo
pls post IQ charts and >>>/pol/

>> No.14136198

No, capitalism is at this stage now. We *hope* this is its demise
>Basic economics
Like Sowell? I’m not going into accounting or the stock market. You ever read some sociology?